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Jan 27, 2025

HB Blues Brothers DIN (。◕‿‿◕。)

THE BLUES BROTHERS by John Landis & Dan Aykroyd FADE IN: WALKING THROUGH THE PRISON Jake is escorted by two Guards down a jail hall. PRISONER Hey!! IN THE PAROLE OFFICE GUARD ONE Well, this is it. He opens the door and all three of them enter the room. GUARD TWO What wing? GUARD ONE Maximum wing, block 9. GUARD TWO Standard release? GUARD ONE Parole, 3 out of 5, good behaviour. GUARD TWO Gimme a minute... He gets Jake's belongings. GUARD TWO One Timex digital watch, broken. One unused prophylactic. One soiled. Outside view of Elwood pulling up to the jail entrance. GUARD TWO One black suit jacket. One pair of black suit pants. One hat, black. One pair of sunglasses. Twenty three dollars and seven cents. Sign here. Jake signs an "X" on the form. Opening Credits start rolling. SONG: "She Caught the Katy" (background music) JAKE AND ELWOOD IN THE CAR JAKE What's this? ELWOOD What? JAKE This car. This stupid car. Where's the Cadillac? The Caddy? Where's the Caddy? ELWOOD The what? JAKE The Cadillac we used to have. The Blues Mobile! ELWOOD I traded it. JAKE You traded the Blues Mobile for this? ELWOOD No. For a microphone. JAKE A microphone? Okay I can see that. Well, what the hell is this? ELWOOD This was a bargain. I picked it up at the Mount Prospect City Police auction last spring. It's an old Mount Prospect Police Car. They were practically giving them away. JAKE Well, thank you pal, the day I get out of prison, my own brother picks me up in a police car. Fog horn and warning bell sounds. ELWOOD You don't like it? JAKE No, I don't like it. Elwood drives over a raising draw bridge. JAKE Cars got a lot of pick up. ELWOOD It's got a cop motor, a four hundred and forty cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks, it was a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. Whaddya say? Is it the new Blues Mobile or what? JAKE Fix the cigarette lighter. OUTSIDE THE ORPHANAGE JAKE What are we doing here? ELWOOD You promised you'd visit the penguin the day you got out. JAKE Yeah? So, I lied to her. ELWOOD You can't lie to a nun. We gotta go in and visit the penguin. JAKE No fucking way! INSIDE THE ORPHANAGE Jake and Elwood go in and climb the stairs until they reach a door. Just before Elwood knocks on the door, a voice is heard from inside. NUN Who is it? ELWOOD Jake and Elwood. NUN Come in. They go in. The door shuts behind them. NUN Hello boys, nice to see you. Please, have a seat. Jack and Elwood sit on seats at back of room. NUN No no boys. Come over here in front of me. I want to see your faces. They shuffle up a bit closer. NUN The county took a tax assessment of this property last month. They want five thousand dollars. ELWOOD Doesn't the church have to pay that? NUN They would if they were interested in keeping the place, but they aren't. The Arch Bishop wants to sell this building outright to the board of Education. ELWOOD What's gonna happen to you? NUN I'll be sent to the missions. JAKE Forget it, five grand; no problem, we'll have it for you in the morning. Let's go Elwood. NUN NO NO! I will not take your filthy stolen money. JAKE Well then, I guess you're really up shit creek. The nun hits Jake on the hand with a ruler. NUN I beg your pardon what did you say? JAKE I offered to help you. You refused to take our money, then I said "I guess you're really up shit creek" She hit's him again. ELWOOD Christ Jake take it easy, man NUN Elwood! She starts hitting them both as the language deteriorates. ELWOOD Ah you fat penguin! The ruler breaks and the Nun reaches for a sword. Jake and Elwood go tumbling down the stairs. NUN You are such a disappointing pair. I prayed so hard for you. It saddens and hurts me that the two young men whom I raised to believe in the ten commandments have returned to me as two thieves, with filthy mouths and bad attitudes. Get out! And don't come back until you've redeemed yourselves. She disappears back into her office and the door mysteriously closes. CURTIS Boys, you gotta learn not to talk to nuns that way. Jake! Elwood! JAKE & ELWOOD Curtis! CURTIS Hey, buy you boys a drink? CURTIS'S KITCHEN CURTIS Boys, things are bad. They're gonna sell this place to the board of education and I'll be out on the street. That money's gotta be in the Cook County Assessors office within 11 days. JAKE They wouldn't turn you out would they? CURTIS Shit. What's one more old nigger to the board of education? ELWOOD Curtis, you and the penguin are the the only family we got. And you're the only one that was ever good to us. Singing Elmore James tunes and blowing the harp for us down here. CURTIS Well, the sister was right. You boys could use a little churching up. Slide on down to the Triple Rock and catch Reverend Cleophis. You boys listen to what he's got to say. JAKE Curtis, I don't wanna listen to no jive ass preacher talking to me about heaven and hell. CURTIS Jake, you get wise! You get to church! AT THE TRIPLE ROCK CHURCH MC And now, this weeks sermon is from our beloved the Reverend Cleophis James. REVEREND JAMES And now people. And now people. When I woke up this morning, I heard a disturbing sound. I said, when I woke up this morning I heard a disturbing sound. What I heard was the jingle-jangle of a thousand lost souls. And I'm talking about the souls of all the men and women, departed from this life. Wait a minute, the Lord says the souls of us here on earth is, secret of divine life, they'll not find. Because it's too late... Too late yeah, too late for them to ever see again, the light they once chose not to follow, don't be lost when the time comes. For the day of the Lord cometh, out of deep in the night. Amen. Amen. SONG: "The Old Landmark" (congregation singing and dancing). ELWOOD Jake, you alright? Ray of sunlight shines through the church onto Jake. JAKE The band... (louder) The band... REVEREND JAMES Do you see the light? JAKE (louder) The band! REVEREND JAMES Do you see the light? ELWOOD What light? REVEREND JAMES Have you seen the light? JAKE Yes, Yes! Jesus H. god damned bastard Christ, I have seen the light! Jake starts dancing with the others. JAKE The band Elwood. The band! ELWOOD The band?... The band. The band? The band! REVEREND JAMES Praise God. ELWOOD And God bless the United States of America. JAKE AND ELWOOD, IN THEIR CAR SONG: "Soothe me" (In the background.) JAKE We'll put the band back together, do a few gigs, we get some bread. Bang! Five thousand bucks. ELWOOD Yeah, well, getting the band back together might not be that easy. JAKE What're you talking about? ELWOOD They split, they all took straight jobs. JAKE Yeah so you know where they are. You said you were gonna keep in touch with them ELWOOD I got a coupla leads, a few phone numbers, but I mean, how many of them visited or even wrote you huh? JAKE They're not the kinda guys who write letters. You were outside, I was inside, you were s'posed to keep in touch with the band. I kept asking you if we were gonna play again. ELWOOD Well, what was I gonna do? Take away you're only hope? Take away the very thing that kept you going in there? I took the liberty of bullshitting you, okay? JAKE You lied to me. ELWOOD It wasn't lies, it was just bullshit. Jake and Elwood are in the car, and go through a yellow traffic light. Police lights flash in the rear view mirror. ELWOOD Shit! JAKE What? ELWOOD Rollers. JAKE No? ELWOOD Yeah. JAKE Shit. Elwood pulls over as directed and an officer approaches the car. ELWOOD What? What did I do? OFFICER DANIEL You failed to stop at a red signal. ELWOOD The light was yellow sir. OFFICER DANIEL May I see your license please? He takes the license back to the squad car. JAKE Goddamnit! ELWOOD Man I haven't been pulled over in six months. I bet those cops have got SCMODS. JAKE SCMODS? ELWOOD State, County, Municipal, Offender, Data, System. The two officers return to Jake and Elwood's car. OFFICER DANIEL Elwood, we show your license currently under suspension. Step out of the car please. Elwood starts the car and drives off. The officers run back to their car and follow. JAKE First you trade the Caddilac for a microphone, then you lie to me about the band, now you're gonna put me right back in the joint. ELWOOD They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God. JAKE Elwood! OFFICER MOUNT (into CB) We are in high speed pursuit northbound on Cortlen Avenue. Black and white 1974 Dodge sedan with Illinios plates. Request assistance. Elwood turns into a parking lot. Officers pursue. ELWOOD It would be alright if we could just get back on the expressway. JAKE This don't look like no expressway to me! ELWOOD Don't yell at me. JAKE What the hell do you want me to do motorhead? ELWOOD Well, try not to be so negative all the time. Why don't you offer some constructive criticism? JAKE You got us into this parking lot pal, so you get us out. ELWOOD You want outta this parking lot? Okay. INSIDE SHOPPING MALL, "TOYS R US'' SHOP LADY Will there be anything else? CUSTOMER Yes, do you have a Miss Piggy? Car speeds through toystore and continues on through the rest of the mall. Two Squad cars follows, the original and a backup. JAKE Hanson Burgers. ELWOOD Yeah. Lots of space in this mall. JAKE Disco dancing hair cuts. ELWOOD Yeah. Baby clothes. JAKE This place has got everything. ELWOOD New Oldsmobiles are in early this year. ELWOOD Pier One Imports. BACKUP OFFICERS Oh Shit! Backup squad car lands on it's roof and stops. BACKUP OFFICER They broke my watch! First squad car crashes too. Jake and Elwood escape through a shop window to outside. OFFICER MOUNT I'm gonna catch that sucker, if it's the last thing I ever do! SONG: "Peter Gunn Theme" OUTSIDE ELWOODS PLACE ELWOOD Nice place, huh? Mystery Women blows up the front doors with a rocket launcher. Jake and Elwood recover and go inside. ELWOOD Hey Sam... Hey Lloyd, anybody call for me on the phone? LLOYD No, no calls. Some guy left this card. Cop. Said he'd be back. ELWOOD This here's my brother Jake. He just got outta the joint. He's gonna be staying with me for a few weeks. LLOYD Oh OK... OLD MAN Did you get me my cheese whiz, Boy? Elwood tosses a can of Cheeze Whiz to the old man. ELWOODS ROOM ELWOOD Well, it ain't much, but it's home. JAKE How often does the train go by? ELWOOD So often you won't even notice it. JAKE How you gonna get the band back together, Mr Hot-Roder? The cops got your name, you address. ELWOOD No, they don't got my address. I falsified my renewal. Put down 1060 West Addison. JAKE 1060 West Addison? That's Wrigley Field. ELWOOD I gotta hit the sack. Notices Jake asleep in his bed. ELWOOD Hey you sleaze, my bed! Elwood sleeps in a chair. THE NEXT MORNING MERCER This, gentlemen, is the elegant abode of one Elwood Blues. OFFICER MOUNT Thanks for your help Mr Mercer. MERCER You know, I kinda liked the Wrigley Field bit. OFFICER MOUNT Yeah, real cute. They enter the building and go to Elwoods door. MERCER Stand back. As Mr. Mercer kicks the door in, the Mystery Woman flicks the switch on her remote control, and the whole building blows up. Jake and Elwood get up and brush themselves off. ELWOOD It's almost nine o'clock. We gotta go to work. MRS. TORANTINO'S HOUSE JAKE Mrs. Toronto? MRS. TORANTINO Torantino. JAKE Ma'am, do you have a Thomas Malone or Louis Marini living here? MRS. TORANTINO Not any more they moved out a long time ago. I don't take in borders, not for a long time. ELWOOD May we come in ma'am? MRS. TORANTINO Please. They enter. JAKE Did they leave a forwarding address? A phone number? MRS. TORANTINO No. ELWOOD Did they live quietly? What were there personal habits? MRS. TORANTINO They were good boys, but they made a lot of racket at night. Are you the police? ELWOOD No ma'am. We're musicians. They return to the car and prepare to leave. Mrs Torantino chases them. MRS. TORANTINO Mr. Man! Mr. Man! Mr. Man! JAKE Yes, ma'am? MRS. TORANTINO They left this card, maybe it help you? THE HOLIDAY INN – THE ARMADA ROOM Murph and the Magic Tones are playing to an almost empty room. MURPH Thank you. Your marvellous. Your marvellous. Thank you. I'm Murph and these are the Magic Tones. Steve "The colonel" Cropper, Donald Duck Dunn, Willie "Too Big" Hall and Tom "Bones" Malone. We'll be back with the Magic Tones for the Armada Room's two hour disco swing party after this short break. Til then, don't you go changing. They all meet Jake and Elwood at one of the tables. WILLIE So Jake, you're out, you're free, you're rehabilitated, what's next what's happening, whatcha gonna do? You got the money you owe us motherfucker? ELWOOD Look let's just get something straight here. The reason he got locked in the slammer in the first place was for sticking up a gas station to cover you guys. DONALD You're kidding! ELWOOD He pulled that job to pay for the bands room service tab from that Chiwanous gig in Pols city. STEVE He did? JAKE That's right, so I don't wanna hear anymore of this small change shit. ELWOOD We're putting the band back together. JAKE You were the backbone. The nerve centre of a great rhythm and blues band. You can, make that live, breath and jump again. Murph and the Magic tones? Look at you in those candy ass monkey suits. And I thought I had it bad in Joliet. WILLIE At least we got a change in clothes sucker, you're wearing the same shit you had on three years ago. DONALD Jake ain't lying though. We had a band powerful enough to turn goat piss into gasoline. TOM But we'll never get that fab sound again, not without some more horns. We'll never get Mr. Fabulous. JAKE Where is he? MURPH Forget it. Mr Fabulous is the top Matre 'd at the Chez Paul. He's pulling down six bills a week. STEVE Yeah and Matt Murphy up and got himself married. ELWOOD Where is Matt guitar Murphy? TOM He opened a soul food restaurant with his old lady on Maxwell Street, and he took Blue Lou with him. WILLIE You'll never get Matt and Mr Fabulous outta them high paying gigs. JAKE Oh yeah? Well me and the Lord. We got an understanding. ELWOOD We're on a mission from God. CHEZ PAUL RESTAURANT MR. FABULOUS (into phone) Mainly French cuisine. No sir, Mayor Daly no longer dines here. He's dead sir. Private dining rooms are available. He sees Jake walk in with Elwood. MR. FABULOUS Oh no! I thought it was supposed to be five years. Didn't you get five years? Back into the phone. MR. FABULOUS Ah no sir, not you. And your name sir? Ritsolo for eight at 11:30. Thank you. JAKE Mr. Fabulous, how marvellous it is to see you. You're looking younger than ever. MR. FABULOUS Wait, you guys can't come in here. JAKE Nonsense my dear fellow, my brother and I have come to dine to celebrate my early release from the service of the state. MR. FABULOUS Wait, let's talk outside. Let's have a cup of coffee outside. JAKE Why heavens no! We seek a full meal and all the compliments of the house. Come Elwood let us adjourn ourselves to the nearest table and overlook this establishments board of fare. They enter the dining room as the phone rings. MR. FABULOUS (into phone) Good evening, Chez Paul. Now talking to Jake and Elwood. MR. FABULOUS Wait! Hey! (into phone) Ah, sir, would you mind calling back in about five minutes please? Jake and Elwood seat themselves at a table. At reception two customers have missed out on their table. MR. FABULOUS (to the couple who missed out on the table) I'm sure we'll have a table for you in just a few minutes. Jake and Elwood are ignored until Jake whistles very loudly. MR. FABULOUS (to customers) Excuse me, won't you? JAKE Give us a bottle of your finest champagne, five shrimp cocktails, and some bread for my brother. WAITER We have a Don Perignon '71 at $120. JAKE That'll be fine pal. MR. FABULOUS Come on, seriously you guys, the food here is really expensive. The soup is fucking ten dollars. Come on let's go outside. I'll buy you a cup of coffee. JAKE We're putting the band back together. MR. FABULOUS Forget it. No way. ELWOOD We're on a mission from god. Jake and Elwood's food arrives. MR. FABULOUS Hold it, Hold it. What's this? CUSTOMER Waiter! Sir! Please, waiter! MR. FABULOUS Yes sir. How are your salads? CUSTOMER The salads are fine. It's just that, we'd.. we'd like to move to another table, away from those two gentlemen. MR. FABULOUS Why? Have they been disturbing you? CUSTOMER No. It's just that.. well frankly, they're offensive. Smelling. I mean they smell bad. MR. FABULOUS Excuse me sir, I'll see if I can locate another table for you. CUSTOMER Thank you. Jake and Elwoods wine arrives. The wine waiter attempts to serve it. WAITER Wrong glass, sir. Jake moves over to the Customers table. JAKE How much for the little girl? The women? How much for the women? CUSTOMER What? JAKE Your women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters. Sell them to me. Sell me your children! CUSTOMER Maitre'd'! Maitre'd! MR. FABULOUS (to Jake) Cut it out. Cut it out. The owners are gonna ask me to call the cops. JAKE You wouldn't do that to me would ya man? ELWOOD He just got outta Jolliet, he's on parole. You can't call the cops on him man. JAKE We're putting the band back together. MR. FABULOUS I said no. Absolutely not. JAKE (to customer) Yo! How much for your wife? (to Mr. Fabulous) We're putting the band back together. We need ya man, we need your horn. MR. FABULOUS I can't, I really can't. ELWOOD We got everybody but Matt guitar Murphy and Blue Lou and we're getting them next. MR. FABULOUS No way. JAKE If you say no, Elwood and I will come here for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week. MR. FABULOUS Okay, okay, I'll play. You got me. Jake and Elwood leaves. Mr. Fabulous sits down at their table. CUSTOMER Sir? Sir. Sir. Sir! Sir? NAZI DEMONSTRATION NAZI LEADER White Men! White women! The swastika is calling you. The Jew is using the black as muscle against you. And you are left there helpless. Well, what are you going to do about it, whitey? Just sit there? Of course not. You, are going to join with us. The members of the American, Socialist, White peoples party. An organisation of decent, law abiding white folk. Just like you. I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler. NAZIS I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler. NAZI LEADER The immortal leader of our race. NAZIS The immortal leader of our race. NAZI LEADER And to the order for which he stands. NAZIS And to the order for which he stands. NAZI LEADER One great cause. NAZIS One great cause. NAZI LEADER Sacred and invincible. NAZIS Sacred and invincible. Jake and Elwood are caught in a traffic jam caused by the Nazis. JAKE (to a patrolling Officer) Hey, what's going on? OFFICER Ah, those bums won there court case so their marching today. JAKE What bums? OFFICER The fucking Nazi party. ELWOOD Illinios Nazis! JAKE I hate Illinios Nazis. NAZI LEADER Heil Hitler! NAZIS Heil Hitler! Elwood drives the car up to the bridge and towards the Nazis. NAZI LEADER Tenhuit! Elwood speeds up. The Nazis are forced to jump into the water below. NAZI LEADER Perpen Fuhrer? PERPEN FUHRER Yes Sir! NAZI LEADER Perpen Fuhrer get that cars licence plate number. We're gonna kill that son of a bitch. SOUL FOOD CAFE Jake and Elwood enter and sit at the counter. ARETHA Help you boys? ELWOOD You got any white bread? ARETHA Yes. ELWOOD I'll have some toasted white bread please. ARETHA You want butter or jam on that toast honey? ELWOOD No ma'am, dry. JAKE You got any fried chicken? ARETHA Best damn chicken in the state. JAKE Bring me four fried chickens and a Coke. ARETHA You want chicken wings or chicken legs? JAKE Four fried chickens and a Coke. ELWOOD And some dry white toast please. ARETHA You all want anything to drink with that? ELWOOD No ma'am. JAKE A Coke. ARETHA Be up in a minute. She goes back to the kitchen. ARETHA We got two honkies out there dressed like Hacedic Diamond merchants. MATT Say what? ARETHA They look like they're from the CIA or something. MATT What they want to eat? ARETHA The tall one wants white bread, toast, dry with nothing on it. MATT Elwood! ARETHA And the other one wants four whole fried chickens and a Coke. MATT And Jake! Shit, the Blues Brothers! Matt goes out into the cafe. MATT Hi Jake. JAKE Matt. How you doing? MATT Hi Elwood. How ya doing? How was Joliet. JAKE Oh it was bad. Thursday night they'd serve a wicked pepper steak. MATT Can't be as bad as the cabbage role at the Terra-Phelevo Penn. ELWOOD Or that oatmeal at the Cook County slammer. MATT Well they're all pretty bad. JAKE Matt, me and Elwood, we're putting the band back together. We need you and Blue Lou. MATT Oh man. Don't talk that way round here. My old lady, she'll kill me. ELWOOD Ma'am you gotta understand that this is a lot bigger than any domestic problems you might be experiencing. ARETHA Matt, what the hell is he talking about? MATT Don't get roused sugar. ARETHA Don't you "Don't get roused sugar" me! Now you not going back on the road no more, and you ain't playing no more two bit sleazy dives. You're living with me now, and you're not gonna go sliding around with you old white hoodlum friends. MATT But babe, this is Jake and Elwood. The Blues Brothers. ARETHA The Blues Brothers! Shit, they still owe you money, fool! JAKE Ma'am, would it make you feel any better if you knew that what we asking Matt here to do was a holy thing? ELWOOD You see, we're on a mission from God. ARETHA Don't you blaspheme in here! Don't you blaspheme in here! Now this is my man and my restaurant and you two are gonna just walk right out that door, without ya dry white toast, without ya four fried chickens and without Matt guitar Murphy. MATT Now listen to me. I love you, but I'm the man and your the woman. And I'll make the decisions concerning my life. ARETHA You better think about what you're saying. You better think about the consequences of your actions. MATT Oh shut up woman! SONG: "Think", sung by Aretha with customers backing and dancing Matt undoes his apron and drops it on the floor as he leaves. MATT Let's boogie. Blue Lou looks at them leaving. ARETHA (to Blue Lou) Well, go ahead dammit. He leaves. ARETHA Shit! CURL UP AND DYE BEAUTY SALON "Mystery Woman" is reading the instruction booklet for the flame thrower she uses later in the movie. RAY'S MUSIC EXCHANGE The band looks around the shop. Elwood finds an electric toaster and pulls a slice of white bread out of his jacket. RAY Pardon me, but we do have a strict policy concerning the handling of the instruments. An employee of Ray's Music Exchange must be present. Now, may I help you? JAKE Ray, it's me. Joliet Jake. I once rented some column speakers from you for my band, The Blues Brothers. MURPH Hey Ray it's me Murph of Murph and the Magic tones. Remember me? I bought three Fender amps. RAY Oh we sell a lot of amplifiers. MURPH Not like these they were beautiful. Upholstered with thick red shag. RAY Oh right, right. I remember now. As a matter of fact I buy 'em all back for $350 a piece. MURPH 350? I paid $800 each not six months ago. RAY Oh well you know depreciation man. JAKE Ray we're here to buy stuff. We need pianos, amps, mikes the works. A boy attempts to steal a guitar in the background - Ray pulls out a pistol and fires into the wall above the boys head. RAY Now go on! Git! It breaks my heart, a boy that young goin' bad. Murph notices an electric piano. MURPH Tell me a little about this electric piano, Ray. RAY Ah you have a good eye my man. That's the best in the city of Chicago. JAKE How much? RAY Two thousand bucks and it's yours. You can take it home with you. As a matter of fact I'll through the black keys in for free. JAKE Two thousand for this chunk o'shit? Come on Ray. MURPH I mean really Ray, it's used, there's no action left in this keyboard. Ray comes out from behind the counter and sits at the piano. RAY Excuse me, I don't think there's anything wrong with the action on this piano. SONG: "Tailfeather", Ray Charles, Blues Brothers dancing. JAKE OK man, we'll take these axes. RAY Naturally, and as usual, I gotta take an I-owe-you. But I Like Smoking Propane THEY PULL INTO A ROADSIDE RESTURAUNT Everyone gets out of the cars JAKE You guys go on inside get yourselves a bite. I've gotta make a phone call. MR. FABULOUS Now Jake, does this phone call concern our first gig? JAKE Have I ever lied to you? Jake and Elwood walk away, towards a pay phone. ELWOOD What are we gonna do man? We got no gig. JAKE How much money you got? ELWOOD I got a quarter. JAKE It's enough for a phone call, come on. Jake and Elwood enter the phone booth, together. JAKE What are you doing Elwood? ELWOOD You said we were gonna make a call. JAKE I said I was gonna make a call. ELWOOD Who you gonna call Jake? JAKE Remember Maurie Sline? ELWOOD Sline? The booking agent? What about him? JAKE Well, he got us some good showcases in the old days. He got us the Morgan Park, he got us the Tic Tock, I got him laid, he owes me. ELWOOD Give it a shot. "Mystery Woman" drives up and attacks phone booth with flame thrower. There's a gas tank next to the booth labeled "No Smoking Propane". The explosion launches the phone booth into the air, with Jake and Elwood in it, and then smashes to the ground. Car drives off. Coins are scattered all over the ground from the phone. ELWOOD Hey Jake, there's gotta be at least seven dollars worth of change here. NAZI HEAD QUARTERS Head Nazi is at desk. 2nd Nazi knocks on door. NAZI LEADER Yeah? 2ND NAZI Sir. NAZI LEADER What'd you find out? 2ND NAZI Okay. I called a friend at the Motor Vehicle department. That licence plate is like a rash all over the computer. The car belongs to a known traffic menace. NAZI LEADER What's his name? 2ND NAZI His name is Elwood Blues. He's got a record a mile long. And, he's a catholic. NAZI LEADER Did you get his address? 2ND NAZI Of course. 1060 West Addison. NAZI LEADER Let's go. They drive out to the address, 1060 West Addison. It turns out to be Wrigley Field, home of the Cubs Baseball Team. NAZI LEADER (to group) Anybody with that kind of record is gonna make a mistake. I want all party members in the tri state district to monitor the city, county and state police on there CB. Mr. Blues is gonna fuck up. And when he does, he'd better pray the police get to him before we do. BOB'S COUNTRY BUNKER The band is driving along a dark, quiet road. MR. FABULOUS Alright man, we've been in this car for three hours now. Where the hell is this place? JAKE I told you it would take a little while to get there. MURPH What's the name of the place? JAKE Ah... the name of the place... Jake sees a neon sign ahead with the name of a bar on it. JAKE Is ah... Bob's Country Bunker. Here we are. ELWOOD Bob's Country Bunker? They arrive. MR. FABULOUS Jake, the sign says "Tonight Only The Good Ole' Boys". JAKE Blues Brothers. It should read "Tonight only the Blues Brothers triumphant return". Must be some kind of mistake. You guys unload the stuff. Elwood, come with me. Jake and Elwood head for the bar. CLAIRE Well now what can I get you boys? Are ya thirsty, ya hungry, or you just driving through? Maybe you'd like a beer or something a little harder? Hey, you know we happen to make the states best pepper steak. JAKE No thank you ma'am. We may be sucking back a few beers a little later on. We'll be here all night. You see, we're the band. CLAIRE You are? Oh, gee, that's nice. (to Bob) Hey Bob!! This is the band! BOB Alright! ELWOOD Er... what kind of music do you usually have here? CLAIRE Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country, and Western. ELWOOD Jake, are you sure this is the place? JAKE Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. This is the place. Bob walks up to them. BOB Hi. You the Good Ole' Boys? JAKE That's us. The rest of the bands out in the parking lot getting our stuff together. BOB Well I'm sure glad to have you boys here. I'm Bob and this here is my place. JAKE Well its a beautiful place Bob. The rest of the band walks in with the gear. BOB I guess you boys wanna get your steel guitars and everything set up on the stage don't ya. Claire get over there and turn those stage lights on and get these boys going up there. The lights go on and Lou notices the stage is screened off with chicken wire. LOU Chicken wire? Later on, a good size crowd has gathered and rednecks are talking and drinking. Elwood has a song list with requests on it. ELWOOD Man, I don't think we know any of the songs on this list. JAKE Oh this list doesn't mean anything, they're just requests. We're a regular set. MURPH Gimme some lovin. 1, 2... JAKE 1, 2, 3, 4. ELWOOD Good evening ladies and gentlemen we're sure glad to be here in Cocomo tonight. We're the Good Ole' Blues Brothers, boys, band from Chicago. I sure hope you like our show. I'm Elwood, this here's my brother Jake. SONG: "Gimme some Lovin" The crowd start yelling at the band and hurling bottles at the stage like crazy. There's a shower of glass smashing against the chicken wire. IN A BACK ROOM BOB That ain't no Hank Williams song. He comes out and switches the stage lights off. MURPH I think you hit the lights! WILLIE Maybe they blew a fuse? LOU I don't think so man. Those lights are off on purpose. ELWOOD Okay. We gotta figure out something these people like and fast. MURPH Hey I got it. Remember the theme from Rawhide? ELWOOD The old favourite. Rowdy Yates. MURPH What key? DONALD A. Blues country key. ELWOOD Rawhide in A. SONG: "Theme from Rawhide" The crowd is passified, the lights come back on. They finish the song. ELWOOD Theme from the TV show Rawhide. Thankyou. JAKE Now we'd like to do a favourite of the horn section. We hope it's one of yours. SONG: "Stand by your man" JAKE Well folks it's time to call it a night. Do what you feel and keep both feet on the wheel. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here. So till next time... SONG: "Theme from Rawhide" JAKE (to the band) Let's get the hell outta here. They start packing up, Bob approaches Jake and Elwood. BOB Shit I'm gonna tell you boys that's some of the best goddamn music we've had in the Country Bunker in a long time. ELWOOD Well uh... sorry we couldn't remember the Wreck of the Old 97. BOB Oh, well, hell you guys can learn it next time well ya come back. JAKE Bob, about our money for tonight. BOB That's right. Uh $200, and you boys drank $300 worth of beer. ELWOOD Uh, well, like, when we first come in the bar lady never charged us for the first round so like we figured you know beer was like complimentary for the band, you know. BOB Uh, hu hu, Uh-Uh. Bob shakes his head. JAKE Well, I'll just go and take up a collection from the boys. BOB Well, I tell ya, I sure would appreciate it. Jake and Elwood head out to the cars. The band are talking about the gig. WILLIE I say this trip is no where man. I say we gotta quit. MURPH What? Quit? Well I wish you guys would make up your mind. Otherwise I've gotta call Mr. Ronzinni at the Holiday in and get our old gig back. STEVE Back at the Armada room? JAKE (approaches the band) Listen. They want us to pay for the beer we drank, so you guys better split. The next gig is gonna be dynamite, huge, you'll see. WILLIE I say we give the Blues Brothers just one more chance. DONALD Why not? If the shit fits, wear it. Getting into he car. DONALD Scoot over goddammit. The band leaves. ELWOOD The boys look a little upset. Hey man, don't worry, we got a coupla days. We'll get the penguins tax money. I mean look, we got an appointment to see Mr. Sline tomorrow. Everything's gonna be alright. Let's skate. An RV pulls into the parking lot. JAKE Goddammit. Jake and Elwood walk towards the RV as the Good Ole Boys are getting out. JAKE Excuse me gentlemen are you the Good Ole Boys? LEADER Yeah, that's right, I'm Tucker McElroy, lead singer, driver of the Winnebago. Listen I'd like to talk to you son but were running very late. Jake holds up a crunched cigarette packet very quickly as though it were an ID bage of some kind. JAKE My name is Jacob Stein, the American Federation of Musicians Union local 200. I've been sent here to see if you gentlemen are carrying your permits. LEADER Our what? JAKE Your Union cards. May I see your cards please? LEADER S'pose we ain't got no union cards and we go in there and start playing anyway. Now what you gonna do about that? You gonna stop us? Stein? You're gonna look pretty funny trying to eat corn on the cob with no fucking teeth. JAKE Listen, let me talk to Bob, the owner, see if we can put your band on contract waivers for tonight. I don't want you to move from this spot. Just let me handle this. ELWOOD We'll uh... we'll talk to Bob. Jake and Elwood slowly retreat as Bob comes out to the parking lot. JAKE Get in the car and start her up. Elwood goes to the car, Jake goes over to Bob. BOB You know you boys owe me a lot over money for that beer you drank tonight goddammit. JAKE Bob, we loved playing here tonight. My brother's writing out an American Express travellers cheque to cover the extensive bar tab. BOB Well, I sure would appreciate it. JAKE I'd better check up, see how he's doing, see I have to sign it too. I usually sit in the car and write it out on the glove compartment lid. Okay? Jake walks towards the car and feels his jacket pockets. JAKE Need a Pencil! Jake gets in the car, Elwood starts it and they drive off. The Good Ole boys rush over to Bob. LEADER Were them guys from the union? BOB Union? What the hell union. Those boys skipped outta here owing me a lot of money for beer. Notices their costumes. BOB What the hell are you guys all dressed up for? LEADER We're the Good Ole Boys! BOB You're the Good Ole Boys! Jake and Elwood are in the blues mobile - Bob and Good Ole Boys in the Winnebago following in the Distance. LEADER Shit. Bob fires a shot through there back windshield. ELWOOD Our lady of blessed acceleration don't fail me now. Behind a billboard two troopers, Daniel and Mount, have set up a road watch. Jake and Elwood drive by. TROOPER DANIEL I don't believe it. It's that shit-box dodge again. TROOPER MOUNT Bastards are ours now. Squad car pulls out with sirens blaring and lights flashing, but crashes into the pursuant Winnebago. The RV does a roll and knocks over a fire hydrant. They all climb out of wreckage. The troopers pull gun on the Good Ole Boys. TROOPER DANIEL Boys, you're in big trouble. SAUNA SCENE Jake, Elwood and Mr. Sline in a sauna. JAKE Maurie, you owe me. We'll play anywhere, anytime for anybody. ELWOOD Put us in the Double Up Lounge or the Morgan Park Theatre, or the Crystal. We always knock them dead in those joints. MAURIE I don't know boys. I just don't know. Times have changed you know what I mean. What are you guys gonna do? The same act? Wearing the same fracuctus suits. You'll scare people away. Don't you guys ever wear blue jeans or jumpsuits like Wayne Cochran or CC riders? JAKE Maurie, you gotta come through for us. We need 5000 bucks fast. MAURIE 5000 bucks? Who do you think you are? The Beatles? Hey, you know the size of hall you gotta work to take in that kinda money, huh? JAKE We'll fill any hall in the country. MAURIE You guys familiar with the Palace Hotel Ballroom? JAKE Never heard of it. MAURIE Nice place up north. Built in the 40's on Lake Wazzapamani. That seats 5000. You guys fill that place, you can make 5000 bucks easy. JAKE Book us for tomorrow night. MAURIE Hold it, hold it. Tomorrow night? What are ya talking about? A gig like that, you gotta prepare the proper exploitation. ELWOOD I know about that stuff, I've been exploited all my life. MAURIE Uh Forget it, there's no way with you guys forget about it. JAKE Say uh, hows Mrs. Sline? I might have some information she'd like to know. MAURIE You blackmailing me Jake? JAKE If you want to put it that way. Maurie we need this gig! ELWOOD We're on a mission from God! JAKE You get us the hall Maurie and I guarantee we'll pack 'em in from miles around. Whaddya say? MAURIE Okay. I'll get ya the Palace Hotel. I'll print up showbills, I'll make the place look real pretty okay? I don't think you guys are gonna gross dollar one, but if you do, I want a taste of the gig, okay? JAKE Okay. Let's go boys. Camera angle goes wide to show the whole band were also in the sauna. They get up and leave. Curtis talks to the kids at the orphanage. CURTIS Listen, you boys heard me talk about Jake and Elwood. Well now they used to live here just like you. And I used to sing to them just like with you. Tonight, Jake and Elwood are going out to sing and play to raise the money to help you children. Your lazy butts are in this too. So get up on that wagon. We're goin' up north to put the word to the streets. Jake and Elwood have attached a giant megaphone to the roof of their car and are driving around town to advertise the gig. ELWOOD Tonight only, the fabulous Blues Brothers. Rhythm and Blues review. The Palace Hotel Ballroom. Route 16. Lake Wazzapamani. The fabulous Blues Brothers show band and review. KIDS Check it out, check it out. Tonight only from Chicago the Blues Brothers rhythm and Blues review. One night only, the fabulous... ELWOOD ... Blues Brothers show band, and review. You, on the motorcycle!...You two girls, tell your friends. JAKE (to Elwood) Free parking. ELWOOD Free parking. 2 dollar cover charge only folks. That's a lot of entertainment. JAKE (to Elwood) For two dollars. ELWOOD For two dollars. LITTLE KID (speaking to Aretha at the Soul Food Café) Will you please put this in the window lady cos it's real important? ELWOOD Tonight only. From Chicago. the fabulous Blues Brothers rhythm and blues review for your dancing pleasure... Lots of pretty women walking along the lake front. ELWOOD ... and it's ladies night tonight at the Palace Hotel Ballroom. In a men's room, written on the wall... TUCKER MCELROY Tonight only the Blues Brothers genuine rhythm and Blues review. Place Hotel Ballroom tonight only. ELWOOD How we doing? JAKE Well so far we've covered Lake, McHenry and part of Page(??) County. ELWOOD Good, let's get to the gig. The car chokes and splutters. JAKE What is it? ELWOOD We're outta gas. JAKE Oh shit. PALACE HOTEL BALLROOM MURPH Oh a classic. What a room. This place is gonna swing tonight. MR. FABULOUS It's a fucking barn. We'll never fill it. CURTIS We've gotta fill this hall tonight. A lot of young children are depending on it. STEVE Young children? Why, whaddya mean? GAS STATION OWNER We're outta gas. ELWOOD Yep, mind if we fill er up? OWNER Nope. I said we're outta gas. Tanker trucks late. Shoulda been here two hours ago. It's always late on Thursdays. ELWOOD Well uh... I'll guess we'll have to wait. OWNER Yeah. A sports car with a blond female driver pulls up to the station. BLONDE (to Elwood) Excuse me sir, yes you, could you fill it up with premium please and check under the hood. Elwood, stuffing his jacket full of five-finger discount fan belts, looks at the blonde and points to himself as if to say "Who me?". BLONDE Yes, you! ELWOOD Sure... you uh want I should uh... wash the dead bugs of the windshield? BLONDE Oh no don't worry. I'm in kind of a hurry. BACK AT THE PALACE HOTEL CURTIS Where in the hell are they? BACK TO THE GAS STATION ELWOOD So uh... maybe you'd like to uh come by and see the show? BLONDE Oh, I'm awfully sorry, but I do have a prior dinner engagement. The tanker pulls in. CUT TO: POLICE STATION Someone hands in a flyer with for the gig. MR. MERCER Thanks Marvin. He reads the poster, talks into the phone. MR. MERCER Debbie, get me troopers Daniel and Mount. CUT TO: PALACE HOTEL BALLROOM Bob and The Good Ole Boys are in the audience carrying baseball bats. BOB I don't see those Blues Brothers. TUCKER We'll wait. Meanwhile, back at the gas station. ELWOOD Okay, you're all set. That'll be... 94 dollars. BLONDE Here's $95. Thank you Elwood. ELWOOD Okay and uh.. that's a dollar change. BLONDE Oh, keep the change. ELWOOD Oh thanks. Uh... so look uh, if you're date don't work out tonight for any reason uh, there's a motel up on the interstate, uh maybe we could say uh meet... around uh midnight? BLONDE I'll think about it Elwood, okay? ELWOOD Yeah. Bye. She drives off. Jake looks at his watch and realises the time. JAKE Son-of-a-bitch. He hits Elwood. JAKE Come on! ELWOOD Owww! BACK IN THE PALACE HOTEL BALLROOM The audience is becoming impatient. WILLIE I always liked to perform for angry mobs. CURTIS Can't quit now. MURPH What can they be doing? Jake and Elwood park the car in a storm drain tunnel near the ballroom. JAKE Oh. My head hurts. That nitrates a mean wine. ELWOOD You'd better get right pal, we've got a show to do. Then we gotta figure out some way to collect the gate money and get it to the Cook county Assessors office, as soon as they open in the morning. BACK AT THE PALACE HOTEL BALLROOM The audience is chanting: AUDIENCE We want the show... We want the show... We want the show.. MR. FABULOUS Gentlemen, I'm leaving. WILLIE Damm. We were so close. CURTIS Hey, you guys know Minnie the Moocher? MURPH I knew a hooker once named Minnie Mizola? CURTIS No, the song Minnie the Moocher. STEVE Yeah. So what? CURTIS Hit it. SONG: "Minnie the Moocher" Throughout the song, Jake and Elwood sneak up to the hotel. They come across the Winnebago. Elwood enters and glues down the accelerator. ELWOOD This is glue. Strong stuff! The song ends. Police officers arrive in the audience. TROOPER DANIEL Okay. Let's take them. MR. MERCER Now wait a minute. We haven't even heard these boys sing. Alright? TROOPER DANIEL Alright. They're not going no place. MR. MERCER Alright. Cover all exits. Let's go. Come on hurry up. Move it. Meanwhile, Jake and Elwood get into the Ballroom through the ladies room amongst lot's of screaming. ELWOOD Excuse us. JAKE Good evening ladies. IN THE AUDIENCE MR. MERCER (to Troopers) Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? (to a nearby Officer) Three orange whips. Jake and Elwood make an Entrance. ON STAGE Curtis spots Jake and Elwood and gets the all clear to start the intro. CURTIS And now ladies and gentlemen, it is the distinct pleasure of the management to present to you, the evening's star attraction. Here they are back after their exclusive three year tour of Europe, Scandinavia and the sub continent. Won't you welcome from Calumet City Illinios, the show band of Joliet Jake and Elwood Blues... The Blues Brothers. Jake and Elwood enter the stage during the brass section of the intro music, and and Jake does a cartwheel and lands besides Elwood right on cue with the last beat of the song... the audience is deathly quiet. JAKE 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4. Bands starts playing "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love". ELWOOD We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight. We would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinios' law enforcement community who have chosen to join us here at the Place Hotel Ballroom at this time. We certainly hope you all enjoy the show and remember people that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there's still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them everybody, everybody. SONG: "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love" JAKE Thank you. That was for Wilson Picket. This is dedicated to the late great magic sound. SONG: "Sweet Home Chicago" THE GREAT ESCAPE Half way through the "Sweet Home Chicago", Jake and Elwood go off back stage. They are met there by a record agent. JAKE It looks like the Mafia is out there. AGENT You guys are great. I've gotta record you. JAKE Bullshit! AGENT Bullshit? I don't bullshit. I'm president of Clarion records the largest recording company on the eastern sea board. JAKE So what? AGENT Here's 10,000 dollars. An advance on your first recording session. He hands over the cash. AGENT Is it a deal? JAKE Yeah, sure it's a deal. ELWOOD Yeah, yeah, sure.. . sure it's a deal. Ah listen all these cops out here, they're sorta waiting for us. We gotta get outta here without nobody seeing us. Do you know a back door outta this place? AGENT Sure. I used to be head bouncer here back in the 70's. There's an electrical service duct right behind your drummers riser. JAKE Listen, do us a favour. Take 1400 dollars and give it to Rays Music Exchange in Calumed city. Give the rest to the band. AGENT You got it. JAKE Thanks. Bye. ELWOOD Bye. AGENT Bye. Jake and Elwood crawl on to the stage and get into the service duct. Jake get's Willies attention. JAKE Me and Elwood are gonna make a break for it. You and the band keep playing. IN THE AUDIENCE TROOPER DANIEL Something's wrong. MR. MERCER Where's Jake? TUCKER (to Good Ole Boys) Where'd those Blues Brothers go? IN THE SEWER ELWOOD I sure hope this thing leads some place. JAKE Elwood. We're gone man. The "Mystery Woman" loosens off a round of machine gun fire. They hit the ground. ELWOOD Who is that girl? WOMAN Well Jake. You like just fine down there, slithering in the mud like vermin. JAKE (to Elwood) No problem. WOMAN You're not gonna get away from me this time. She fires again... still missing them. IN THE BALLROOM Mr. Mercer hears the gunshots. MR. MERCER (to officers) Check that out. Let's go. Come on. BACK IN THE SEWER JAKE (to Woman) It's good to see you sweetheart. WOMAN You contemptible pig. I remained celebate for you. I stood at the back of a cathedral, waiting in celibacy for you, with 300 friends and relatives in attendance. My uncle hired the best Romanian caterer in the state. To obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party my father used up his last favours with Mad Pete Trollo. So for me, for my mother, my grandmother, my father, my uncle and for the common good, I must now kill you and your brother. Jake gets up and slowly walks towards her. JAKE (falling to his knees before her) Oh please don't kill us. Please, please don't kill us. You know I love ya baby, I wouldn't leave ya. It wasn't my fault. WOMEN You miserable slug. You think you can talk you're way out of this? You betrayed me. JAKE No, I didn't. Honest. I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locust's. It wasn't my fault!! I swear to God!! WOMAN Oh Jake, Jake, honey. Jake embraces her in a passionate kiss, then drops her in the mud. JAKE (to Elwood) Let's go. ELWOOD (to the Woman) Take it easy. They run down the passage to the car. She follows in the distance. ELWOOD It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. JAKE Hit it! The Woman runs out of the duct and fires at the moving car. The policemen above hear the shots and also start shooting at the car. THE GREAT CAR CHASE Jake and Elwood are in front in their car. About 50 or so squad cars and the Good Ole Boys Winnebago is following. IN THE WINNEBAGO BOB Shit man! Can't this damm thing go any faster than this? TUCKER Ah, Bob, I think I got a little problem. BOB Goddamn boy! They accelerate past all cars including Jake and Elwoods. TUCKER Shit! ALL Argh!!! The van drives off the highway, through a shed and into the water. TUCKER (to Bob) Don't you say a fucking word. VIEW OF BLONDE WAITING AT MOTEL The sun starts to rise. CUT TO: POLICE STATION – CHICAGO RADIOER All units we have a signal ten seven niner, officers are in pursuit a black and white, 1974 dodge sedan southbound on four-seven. Responds to signal ten seven niner. Occupants of vehicle on Joliet Jake Blues, one Elwood Blues. Consider them extremely dangerous. In Nazi Head Quarters, the head Nazi hears police radio broadcast. NAZI LEADER Perpen-Fuhrer! JAKE AND ELWOOD'S CAR ELWOOD Hey, Jake, Jake, I gotta pull over. HEAD SQUAD CAR TROOPER MOUNT South bound on state highway 47. Elwood drives down an embankment, squad cars follow and all crash. Head Squad car recovers and steers out of control, goes flying up the embankment which acts as a ramp...the police car flies through the air and lands in the side of a truck. MR. MERCER Hi. Wanna hand me the mike? Thanks a lot. (into the mike) Hi, this is car, ah...what number are we? OFFICER MOUNT Five, Five. MR. MERCER (into the mike) Car fifty five. Ah, we're in a truck! BACK AT THE CHICAGO POLICE STATION RADIOER Signal ten seven niner still engaged. Vehicle travelling south bound. Approaching Chicago city limits. Commander advisers will contact Chicago precincts for a local intercept. Maintain pursuit. Hundreds of officers merge on the city. RADIOER Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers has been approved. JAKE AND ELWOOD MAKE IT TO CHICAGO ELWOOD Well this is definitely Lower Wacker drive. If my estimations are correct, we should be very close to the honourable Richard J. Daly plaza. JAKE That's were they got that Picasso. ELWOOD Yep. They drive on, being chased by Chicago squad cars. Elwood swerves to miss a car, the squad cars don't and all crash into one another. OFFICER Son-of-a-bitch. Starts firing, other officers follow suit. Jake and Elwood escape. Two Nazi cars hide in an alley way. Jake and Elwood drive past. NAZI LEADER There they are. The Nazi cars pursues Jake and Elwood. A loud clunk is heard in Jake and Elwood's car. ELWOOD Oh no! JAKE What the fuck was that? ELWOOD The motor. Thrown a rod. JAKE Is that serious? ELWOOD Yep. They drive up a bridge through the smoke coming from their motor. One of the Nazi cars stop at the head of the bridge. NAZI LEADER Faster! At the last minute they see the end of an unfinished bridge. Elwood stops the car and then it backflips over the chasing Nazi car. NAZI Holy shit! The Nazi car continues to accelerate and launches off the bridge. NAZI I've always loved you. They crash into the street making a big hole. Jake and Elwood's car jumps the hole, the pursuing Nazi car falls into it. JAKE (points to a building) There it is. Elwood parks the car just outside the door. They get out and the car falls to bits. Elwood stares at in disbelief. JAKE (hitting Elwood) Come on! RICHARD J. DALEY PLAZA They enter the building, close the doors and pile furniture in front of them. They then run up to an information counter. ELWOOD (to an officer at the information desk) Sir. Where's the Office of the Assessor of Cook County? OFFICER Down the hall, turn right, take the elevator to 1102. ELWOOD Thank you sir. Jake and Elwood race off. Outside thousands of people are trying to get in. Jake and Elwood enter the elevator. A squad of people eventually get into the building and race up to the information desk. SQUAD LEADER Excuse me, did you see two guys come in here, black suits black hats one carrying a briefcase? OFFICER Yeah, I just sent them down there. SQUAD LEADER Thank you. The squad races towards the elevator and then up the stairs. Jake and Elwood make it to the right floor. ELWOOD Hold the door. Jake steps in front of the door. Elwood destroys the elevators controls. ELWOOD Let's go. They make their way towards the officer. Stacking furniture in front of each door. They arrive at the office to a sign "Back in five minutes". They wait until someone in the office approaches them. ASSESSOR May I help you? JAKE This is where they pay the taxes, right? ASSESSOR Right. ELWOOD This money is for the years assessment on the St. Helen of the Blessed Shroud orphanage in Calumed city, Illinios. JAKE 5000 bucks, it's all there pal. The squad approaches the right floor but the door is blocked. OFFICER Stand back... fire! They open fire on the door. ASSESSOR And here is your receipt. The squad catches up with Jake and Elwood and cuff them. JAIL – MESS HALL The whole band is on a stage in the jail. SONG: "Jailhouse Rock" FADE OUT THE END