PAST 2 (NASA) 557 p KP $2.25; SOD HC $11.25
per set CSCL 03B
H1/90 23628
Part 2
A conference held at
Greenbelt, Maryland
October 28-November 1, 1974
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Part 2
The Proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 25,
Co-Sponsored by COSPAR,
and held at Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974
Edited by:
B. Donn, Goddard Svace Flight Center
M, Mumma, Goddard Space Flight Center
W. Jackson, Howard University
M. A'Hearn, University of Maryland
R. Harrington, U.S. Naval Observatory
Scientific and Technical Information Office 1976
Washington, D.C.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Bertram Donn iii
Participants of the IAU Colloquim No. 25 v
Photometry of the Cometary Atmosphere: A Review
V. Vanysek 1
Photoelectric Photometry of Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
Lubos Kohoutek 50
Narrow Band Photometry of Comet Kohoutek
Larry W. Brown 70
Photoelectric Polarimetry of the Tail of
Comet Ikey-Seki (1965 VIII) -
J. L. Weinberg and D. E. Beeson 92
Isophotometry of Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka
C. K. Kumar and Rita J. Southall 121
Polarimetric Observations of Comet Kohoutek"
J. Michalsky, Jr 123
Movie of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) as Observed Near
Minimum Elongation by the HAO Coronagraph
Aboard Skylab
E. Hildner, J. T. Gosling, R. M. MacQueen,
R. H. Munro, A. I. Poland, and C. L. Ross 124
Comet Data Collections
H. L. Giclas 127
Review of Cometary Spectra
G. H. Herbig 136
CONTENTS (Continued)
Spectroscopic Observations of Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
Lubos Kohoutek and Jurgen Rahe 159
High Resolution Scan of Comet Kohoutek in the Vicinity
of 5015A, 5890A, and 6563A
L. J. Lanzerotti, M. F. Bobbins, N. H. Tolk, and
S. H. Neff 182
Spectroscopic Observation of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) - II
Piero Benvenuti 184
Ions in Comets: Comet Kohoutek (1973f) and Comet
Bradfield (1974b)
Peter Wehinger and Susan Wyckoff 199
Pre- and Post-Perihelion Spectroscopic Observations of
Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
S. Wyckoff and P. Wehinger 206
Near-Infrared Spectra of Comets Bennett and Kohoutek
A. E. Potter, T. Morgan, B. Ulrich, and T. Barnes 213
Observations of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) with a Ground-Based
Fabry-Perot Spectrometer
D. Huppler, R. J. Reynolds, F. L. Roesler, F. Scherb
and J. Trauger 214
Spectrophotometry of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) During PrePerihelion
G. S. D. Babu 220
Radio Detections of Cometary Molecular Transitions: A Review
L. E. Snyder 232
CONTENTS (Continued)
Detection of Molecular Microwave Transitions in the 3mm Wavelength
Range in Comet Kohoutek (1973£)
D. Buhl, W. F. Huebner and L. E. Snyder 253
Radio Detection of H2O in Comet Bradfield (1974b)
W. M. Jackson, T. Clark and B. Donn 272
A Search for Molecular Transitions in the 22-26 GHz Band in
Comet Kohoutek 1973f
E. Churchwell, T. Landecker, G. Winnewisser, R. Hills
and J. Rahe • • 281
On the Cometary Hydrogen Coma and Far UV Emission: A Review
H. U. Keller 287
High Resolution LY-a Observations of Comet Kohoutek by Skylab
and Copernicus
J. D. Bohlin, J. F. Drake, E. B. Jenkins, and
H. U. Keller 315
A High-Velocity Component of Atomic Hydrgen in Comet
Bennett (1970 II)
H. U. Keller and Gary E. Thomas 316
Spectrophotometry of Comet Bennett from OAO-2
C. F. Lillie 322
The Gas Production Rate of Comet Bennett
C. F. Lillie and H. U. Keller 323
The Scale Length of OH and CN in Comet Bennett (1970 II)
H. U. Keller and C. F. Lillie 330
CONTENTS (Continued)
Photometric Observations of Recent Comets: A Review
E. P. Ney 334
Comet Kohoutek: Ground and Airborne High Resolution Tilting -
Filter IR Photometry
C. Barbieri, C. B. Cosmovici, S. Dropatz, K. W. Michel,
T. Nishimura, A. Roche, and W. C. Wells 357
Review - Observations of Recent Comets - Ion Tails
John C. Brandt 361
A Kinematographic Study of the Tail of Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
K. Jockers, R. G. Roosen, and D. P. Cruikshank ... . 370
Possible Detection of Colliding Plasmoids in the Tail of Comet
Kohoutek (1973f)
R. G. Roosen and J. C. Brandt 378
Luminosity and Astrometry of Comets: A Review
Elizabeth Roemer 380
Comet Brightness Parameters: Definition, Determination, and
David D. Meisel and Charles S. Morris 410
The Evolution of Comet Orbits: A Review
Edgar Everhart 445
Nongravitational Forces on Comets: A Review
B. G. Marsden 465
CONTENTS (Continued)
Review of Investigations Performed in the U.S.S.R. on Close
Approaches of Comets to Jupiter and the Evolution of
Cometary Orbits
E. I. Kazimirchak-Polonskaya 490
A Continuing Controversy: Has the Cometary Nucleus Been
Resolved ?
Zdenek Sekanina 537
The Nucleus: Panel Discussion
C. R. O'Dell ... .
W. F. Huebner . . .
A. H. Delsemme . .
B. Donn
Fred L. Whipple . . .
On the Origin of Comets
Asoka Mendis and Hannds Alfven,
Comet Formation Induced By the Solar Wind
Fred L. Whipple and Myron Lecar . 660 C?IY\
Comets, Interstellar Clouds, and Star Clusters
B. Donn
Laboratory Studies of Polyatomic Cometary Molecules and Ions
G. Herzberg
CONTENTS (Continued)
Laboratory Observations of the Photochemistry of Parent
Molecules: A Review
William M. Jackson 679
Laser Induced Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Cometary Radicals
W. M. Jackson, R. J. Cody, and M. Sabety-Dzvonik ... 7061p
The Neutral Coma of Comets: A Review
A. H. Delsemme 711
Coma: Panel Discussion
H. U. Keller
D. Malaise
Gas Phase Chemistry in Comets
M. Oppenheimer 753
Neutral Temperature of Cometary Atmospheres
Mikio Shimizu 763 ^g
Far Ultraviolet Excitation Processes in Comets
P. D. Feldman, C. B. Opal, R. R. Meier, and
K. R. Nicolas
Interpretation of Comet Spectra : A Review
C. Arpigny 797 ~D I®
Spectral Classification of Comets
J. Bouska 840 0$'
Polarization of OH Radiation /^
s&\ ' Frederick H. Mies 843 0
Analysis of NH Spectrum
11 M. Krauss 848 3) '
CONTENTS (Continued)
OH Observation of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) at 18 cm Wavelength
F. Biraud, G. Bourgois, J. Crovisier, R. Fillit,
E. Gerard, and T. Kazes ............... 853
Cooling and Recombination Processes in Cometary Plasma
M.K. Wallis and R.S.B. Ong ............ 856
The Wind-Sock Theory of Comet Tails
John C. Brandt and Edward D. Rothe .......... 878^/3
Progress in Our Understanding of Cometary Dust Tails: A. Review
Zdenek Sekanina ...................
History of the Dust Released by Comets
B. J. Jambor ..................... 943X^/6
Particles from Comet Kohoutek Detected by the Micrometeoroid
Experiment on HEOS 2
H. J. Hoffmann, H. Fechtig, E. Grun, and J. Kissel . . . 949
Physical Properties of Interplanetary Grains
D. E. Brownlee, F. Horz, D. A. Tomandl, and
P. W. Hodge ..................... 962
Orbital Error Analysis for Comet Encke, 1980
D. K. Yeomans .................... 983
A Survey of Possible Missions to the Periodic Comets in the
Interval 1974-2010
D. F. Bender ..................... 9960/30 (T~
Expected Scientific Results on Ballistic Spacecraft Missions
to Comet Encke During the 1980 Apparition
Michael J. Mumma .................. 997 22 1 f
CONTENTS (Continued)
Mission Strategy for Cometary Exploration in the 1980T
Robert W. Farquhar 1033
Science Aspects of 1980 Ballistic Missions to Comet Encke, Using
Mariner and Pioneer Spacecraft
L. D. Jaffe, C. Elachi, C. E. Griffin, W. Huntress,
R. L. Newburn, R. H. Parker, F. W. Taylor, and
T. E. Thorpe 1058
Scientific Possibilities of a Solar Electric Powered Rendezvous
with Comet Encke
Ray L. Newburn, Jr., C. Elachi, F. P. Fanale,
C. E. Griffin, L. D. Jaffe, R. H. Parker, F. W. Taylor,
and T. E. Thorpe
N76-2107 6
Zdenek Sekanina
Barnard (1891) appears to have been the first to recognize the significance of
systematic observations of comets at large distances from the sun. His successful
tracing of two 1889 comets to heliocentric distances over 5 and even 6 a. u. caused
him to notice that some of the short-period comets might be within the reach of the
Lick Observatory's 36-inch refractor throughout their entire orbits around the sun.
Although it is clear nowadays that the short-period comets would be a good deal fainter
at comparable distances than the two nearly parabolic comets referred to by Barnard,
his original idea proved basically correct, except for the necessity of using photographic
plates. Periodic Comet Encke was probably detected near aphelion during
Barnard's lifetime, in September 1913 (Barnard 1914a; Marsden and Sekanina 1974).
Undisputed images of the comet just several days off aphelion were obtained in 1972
(Roemer 1972; McCrpsky and Shao 1972).
Barnard's emphasis on the observation of distant comets stemmed primarily from
his apprehension of the importance of precise positional determinations at large heliocentric
distances for orbital studies. This attitude completely prevailed until the
mid-20th century, although interest in the physical processes in comets at large distances
emerged from time to time, usually in connection with a discovery of a
peculiarly behaving comet far from the sun.
A study of the tails of two distant comets by Osterbrock (1958) was a significant
step forward, primarily because it showed that the two comets, Baade 1955 VI and"
Haro-Chavira 1956 I, behaved in the same way and therefore were not cases of yet
other exceptional objects (such as, e.g., P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1; or, a few
years after the two comets, Humason 1962 VIE). Indeed, Roemer (1962), in her
excellent paper reviewing the progress in the study of physical processes in comets
at large heliocentric distances, pointed out that tails of the type displayed by the two
comets observed by Osterbrock are rather common among the distant comets and that
these comets have still other characteristic properties. I have recently interpreted
Osterbrock*s results (Sekanina 1973) to indicate that new comets on the incoming branch
of their orbit show definite signs of a surprisingly high activity at distances up to about
15 a.u. or more, and that substances that vaporize from the comets at the required
rates at such large distances must be equivalent to or more volatile than solid methane.
This information is derived unambiguously from the dynamics of the rather heavy
particles — most probably "dirty" icy grains — that constitute the tails and heads of the
distant comets and that are also responsible for the comets' pure reflection-type
spectra, such as the one observed by Walker (1958) in Comet Baade.
Independent evidence on the significant activity of many — and not only new — comets
at large heliocentric distances comes from large-scale photographs. They show that
a number of comets display definite traces of a coma at distances up to 8 a. u.; the
image of Comet Stearns 1927 IV (which was by no means anew comet) was still diffuse
at a record distance of 11 a.u. (Van Biesbroeck 1933). Furthermore, it is not difficult
to demonstrate that the actual solid nucleus is not observed even on plates on which
the cometary image looks essentially stellar. In the following, we use the photographic
"nuclear" magnitudes by Roemer whenever available, both because they are internally consistent
and because they are generally fainter and therefore, it is believed, closer to the
brightness of the actual nucleus than are the nuclear magnitudes by any other observer.
As an example of the observed variations in the nuclear magnitudes with heliocentric
distance, we have plotted in Fig. 1 the light curves of two new comets of large
perihelion distance observed by Roemer (Jeffers 1956; Roemer 1956; Roemer and
Lloyd 1966). If the cometary images referred to the solid nucleus, their brightness
should, of course, be inversely proportional to the square of the heliocentric distance.
Meanwhile, however, at distances r from the sun ranging from 4.6 to 6.1 a. u., Comet
Humason 1959 X — described by Roemer as essentially stellar, nearly stellar, or
sharply condensed on most plates — basically followed a r law. Comet Haro-Chavira
1956 I also fitted a r law after perihelion (at distances of 5. 6 to 7. 8 a. u.), while the
preperihelion observations showed the comet to be substantially brighter and suggested
that it may have actually started fading intrinsically even before reaching perihelion.
-2 The r law is also totally incompatible with Roemer's postperihelion nuclear magni-
tudes for Comets Baade 1955 VI (r law between 3. 9 and 7. 8 a.u.), Wirtanen 1957 VI
(r for the primary nucleus between 4.6 and 7. 3 a.u. and r for the secondary
nucleus from 4. 6 to 6. 9 a. u.), and Gehrels 1971 I (r between 5.4 and 7.1 a. u.).
The first of these three comets was new, the second was most probably new, and the
third was positively not new (Marsden and Sekanina 1973).
In a rather surprising contrast to Roemer's nuclear magnitudes, Van Biesbroeck's
(1930a, 1933) considerably brighter estimates of the "total" magnitude of the above-
_2 mentioned Comet Stearns did follow a r law except in the immediate neighborhood of
K 15
£C 16
17 -
3 12
0 13
'_ 14
2 15
S 16
I960 1961
i r T 1 r n r ' 1—*~r—i—1 1 1 r
1959 X
1956 I
r-2 ^-S^
1955.0 1956.0 1957.0 1958.0
Fig. 1. "Nuclear" magnitudes by Roemer of Comets 1959 X and 1956 I, reduced to
a unit geocentric distance, versus time. Observations before 1956 were made with the
36-inch Crossley refractor of the Lick Observatory, and those after 1956, with the
40-inch Ritchey-Chre'tien reflector of the Flagstaff Station of the U.S. Naval Observatory.
Observations with the 20-inch Carnegie astrograph of the Lick Observatory have
not been used here, in order to avoid a possible instrumental effect. The various
symbols correspond to Roemer's description of the cometary image on plates:
underlined circle — stellar image; solid circles - practically or essentially or nearly
stellar image; shaded circles - practically no coma, sharply or strongly condensed image;
circled dots - well-condensed or condensed image, nuclear condensation; open circles -
other description, usually mentioning the presence of a coma, or no comment on the image.
perihelion (Fig. 2). It appears, therefore, that neither an essentially star-like
appearance nor a r brightness law alone guarantees that the solid nucleus has
actually been resolved.
Recent nuclear magnitude estimates of Comet Kohoutek 1973f by Roemer from
her large-scale plates suggest that even the simultaneous presence of a practically
stellar image and of the inverse-square power law at large heliocentric distances
does not imply the detection of the solid nucleus. Preperihelion photographs of the
comet at distances more than 2 a. u. from the sun (Roemer 1973a, b) show the comet
to be nearly stellar, and Roemer's nuclear magnitudes fit the inverse-square power
law with a precision better than ±0. 2. Yet a postperihelion plate at 2. 5 a. u. from the
sun (Roemer 1974) shows that the nucleus is 3 magnitudes fainter intrinsically than it
was before perihelion (see Table I for details).
The activity of comets at large heliocentric distances and the associated bias in
the reported nuclear magnitudes have a profound effect on the determination of the
sizes and reflectivities of cometary nuclei; this problem will be discussed in Sections
IV and V.
Delsemme (1972) pointed out that the empirical law used by Marsden (1969) for the
nongravitational acceleration in the motion of P/Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
strongly resembles the vaporization curve of water snow, derived from the steadystate
equation at the cometary surface. Since the vaporization flux is obtained from
1927.0 1928.0 1929.0
1930.0 1931.0
Fig. 2. "Total" and "nuclear" magnitudes of Comet 1927 IV, reduced to a unit geocentric
distance, versus time. The observations were made by Van Biesbroeck at the
Yerkes Observatory: open circles — total visual magnitudes with the 40-inch refractor;
circled dots — total photographic magnitudes with the 24-inch reflector; solid circles —
nuclear magnitudes, all visual except for the preperihelion one, which is photographic.
The observed nucleus was seldom described as star-like in appearance, and the comet's
image was still diffuse in 1931.
H0•t OS i —o[^m
ni CO0>Int>JOO
^ ^ •^ ro co r-
H 0
rQ *
rt ..,
-4- 2d>
p-»- (Ho4
-4_ P^
1O> 0a) 0CO "oUo) T3J• 1-1
bf Cl n
1.4a$nt 0) i— <
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» § ™ s* C "- o o O CO
> ^
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oCO ^
rt o
5 o «Z
O ^-t 5 §•
ft <
§ S
1 = = ll«
rtoc.3Op2J a
. 1o
gS rt % E c o o o a ^_ P ° S. a ^j O o rt *" tf x »j ^ •— *^ *M "« s 2 ~ •*cC_2 _oe^r•^CMoeai-or^~Ho. LoI
i)oc3> 7
rt "
: 3K C —oo4 CO
Tj !MfO1 coT^ ~ Jp _o c; c a o c o CO -S
3 rj o r- o co o r~ O CO CO T "^ "^ — 1 1.0 01 pj oc
— o 2 — ZI 5 a T =- 0 a — 1 ! o e; -O c; C5 O OJ CN •£ ^
V3 <
La>, LCOyCOtr3
rt^oao5ol 'Cu5•aaooDc
•*-* Ll — ^0•o3
»§ocuen £
rjoc>ioccnt =0CU •ao3c
> xo1 •Koa
the equation numerically, and since no analytical form is available, we suggested the
following empirical formula to fit the variations in the normalized vaporization rate
with heliocentric distance r (Marsden et al. 1973):
g(r) =
/r\ m
I4 . /r \
= a r~)
~ V
rO/ VrO/
where m, n, k, and rQ are parameters of the vaporization curve and a is the normalizing
Although the above expression was originally intended to fit a particular vaporization
curve, a study of a large number of vaporization curves for a rapidly rotating
nucleus (constant vaporization flux over the nuclear surface) later revealed remarkable
properties of formula (1) :
A. The exponents m, n, and k are practically independent of the absorptivity
K of the cometary nucleus for solar radiation, its emissivity e for reradiation, and
the latent heat of vaporization L.
B. The scaling distance rQ (in a.u.) is the following simple function of K, e, and
where L is in kcal mole (L,, ~ is taken equal to 11.4 kcal mole ).
The above results should be complemented by three additional remarks:
C. Formula (1) also applies to the average vaporization rate from a nonrotating
nucleus (with no evaporation from the dark side) if rQ from equation (2) is multiplied by
a factor of 2 ' , and to the vaporization rate from the subsolar point of the nonrotating
nucleus if rQ is multiplied by a factor of 2.
D. A very important relation has now been found to exist between the fraction of
the solar energy absorbed by the nucleus that is spent for snow vaporization (E ) and
the fraction that is reradiated back to space (E ,). Analysis of a large number of
vaporization curves indicates that the ratio E ,/E is a virtually exclusive function
of the rate of variation in the vaporization flux with heliocentric distance, thus depending
only on the ratio r/r,,. Inspection of these vaporization curves indicates that the
logarithmic gradient w of the vaporization flux Z,
dan r) »
is related to E ./E - by
(3v )
w-2) ' (4)
for w < 4, and by r+s ' **
= 0. 522 (w - 2)[1 + 0. 105 (w - 2)] (5)
for w^< 8. This remarkable relationship is actually a logical extension of the physical
interpretation of the scaling distance rQ submitted by Marsden et al. (1973).
E. The logarithmic gradient w calculated from the empirical formula (1) converges
to m +• nk when r » r^, whereas the steady-state equation indicates that for r » r_,
gradient w ~ r ' and therefore diverges. Thus it is preferable to replace g(r) at
distances substantially exceeding rft
h(r) = {3 exp (-br1/2) , ' (6)
in which a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Q is the solar constant, R is the universal
gas constant, and i equals 4 for the rapidly rotating nucleus and 2 for a nonrotating
nucleus. If formula (6) is used in relative terms and in conjunction with formula (1),
the normalizing factor (3 can serve to adjust h(r) so that it matches g(r) at a particular
distance r1 > r», for which
h(r) then replaces g(r) at r > r , and
exp (br ) . (9)
If formula (6) is used in absolute terms, p is determined by the vapor pressure of the
vaporizing substance.
An ingenious method has recently been proposed by Delsemme and Rud (1973) to
separate the cross -sectional area S of a cometary nucleus from its Bond albedo A
for solar radiation. The vaporization cross section (1 - A )S has been determined
from the production rate of water at relatively small heliocentric distances on the
assumption that water snow, the dominant component of cometary snows, controls
the vaporization process at the nuclear surface. The vaporization cross section '
therefore also depends on the latent heat of vaporization of H0O and on the intensity of
£t '
the impinging solar energy. In their approach, however, it does not depend on the
emissivity of the cometary nucleus for reradiation, because Delsemme and Rud have
assumed that the radiative term of the steady-state equation can be neglected at the
heliocentric distances under consideration (<, 0. 8 a. u. ). The photometric cross section
A S has been established from Roemer's nuclear magnitudes (reduced to unit heliocenS
trie and geocentric distances) and from a carefully discussed relation among the Bond
albedo, the geometric albedo, and the phase law of the nucleus. Delsemme and Rud
have thus obtained two equations, which can readily be solved for A and S:
Taking into account the systematic bias in the nuclear magnitudes of comets
(Section II) and the generally not negligible contribution from E , (Section HI), we
can now modify Delsemme and Rud's formulas (10) as follows:
\ vap/
= c9X10-°-4Am
where R = (S/rr) ' is the effective radius of the solid cometary nucleus, K = 1 - A
(by definition), and Am > 0 is the bias or contamination factor (in magnitudes) giving
the difference between the actual magnitude of the nucleus and the nuclear magnitude
by Roemer. We note that the E ,/E term produces an increase in both the nuclear
. rad' vap ^
radius R and the absorptivity K (and, hence, a decrease in A ), whereas the Am factor
implies an increase in K but a decrease in R. We also remark that equation (11) contains
four unknowns. K (or A ), R (or S), E ,/E (or, if a rotation model is spec- » \ s/> \ /) rad vap
ified, the emissivity e, or the Bond albedo A . for reradiation), and Am.
From a careful analysis of OAO-2 spectrometric and photometric observations of
Comet Bennett, Keller and Lillie (1974) have recently concluded that the production
rates of hydroxyl and atomic hydrogen are indeed consistent with the assumption that
water controls the gas output at heliocentric distances ~1 a. u. They have also derived
a production rate of water vapor from the nucleus of Comet Bennett of (2. 9 ± 1.2) X 10
_ i
molecules s at 1 a.u. and a variation in the production rate proportional to an inverse
2.3 ± 0.3 power of heliocentric distance between 0.77 and 1.26 a. u.
The new production rate compares very favorably with Delsemme and Rud's (1973)
29 ~1
value of 4.4 X 10 molecules s at 0.8 a. u. from the sun, which was based on several
investigations of hydrogen production only. At the same heliocentric distance, Keller
29 —2 3 29
and Lillie's determination gives 4. 8X 10 with the r * law and 4. 5 X 10 with the
_2 _2 3+0 3
r law used by Delsemme and Rud. The r ' . ". law implies that E ,/E = 0.17
ract vap
[see eq. (4)] with a lower limit of 0. 0 and an upper limit of 0. 35. Equations (11) now
contain three unknowns and can be solved for K and R with the bias factor as a parameter.
We have retained c0, determined by Delsemme and Rud with the Lambert phase
2 2 law, and used Keller and Lillie's results to derive the average value of ir/tR = 19. 3 km ,
2 29
as well as its limits, 9. 7 km (for E ,/E = 0 and HO production of 1. 7 X 10
— 1 9 molecules s at 1 a.u.) and 31. 5 km" (E ,/E = 0.35 and H0O production of
rad vap ^
4.1 X 10 ). The dependence of the solution of equations (11) on Am is exhibited in
Fig. 3. The two corrections to /
om I I I
3 — P P P b 00 en -fcp
KJ b
Fig. 3. Comet Bennett 1970 n. Nuclear radius (top) and surface absorptivity
and Bond albedo for solar radiation (bottom) versus the contamination effect in the
nuclear magnitude Am (i.e., the difference between the magnitude of the actual
nucleus and the observed nuclear magnitude). The dashed curves give the upper and
lower limits. The results by Delsemme and Rud (1973) and by Sekanina and Miller '
(1973) are shown for comparison.
The high albedo A , deduced by Delsemme and Rud, appears to be incompatible
with Whipple's (1950) "dirty-snowball" model of the cometary nucleus in general and
with the high contents of dust observed in Comet Bennett in particular. It came as a
surprise even to the authors themselves. And Keller and Lillie (1974) comment that
their results would be more consistent with a lower albedo and that Delsemme and
Rud may have underestimated the effect of dust.
While this controversy may lead to other interpretations in the future, once
production rates of water are known for a greater number of comets, the present discussion
of equations (11) indicates that in the case of Comet Bennett, we can bring A
from over 0.6 down to 0.1 or 0.2 if we accept that the brightness of the actual solid
nucleus is some 2 to 3 magnitudes below the level measured by Roemer's nuclear
magnitudes. At the same time, allowance for this effect also cuts the nuclear radius
from nearly 4 km down to less than 3 km and thus brings it into considerably better
agreement with the Sekanina-Miller determination. We note that this determination
implies an HO production rate, which, according to Keller and Lillie, is in excellent &
agreement with the OAO observations.
The possibility of a 2- to 3-magnitude bias in Roemer's nuclear magnitudes cannot,
in general, be excluded in light of the results of Section II. To be more specific, we
list in Table n the nuclear magnitudes of Comet Bennett. The last three entries, used
by Delsemme and Rud to calculate A S, are indeed very consistent with the inverse
square law of light reflection. So is, however — at least when the Lambert phase law
is applied — the first entry, which is affected by a significant contribution from the
coma. This appears to remind us of Van Biesbroeck's observational series of Comet
Stearns (Fig. 2).
C/3 WCD>"SoCl •
r-CD a0C§| O0tSQ'S.
a s F"H ^^ u o
H ~
•4» «> d6> (J0
- rt O (N M
E: ID O\ -a — . 3 ~ 4_» T_H 'S r- OB CT\ CO — 6 cCD
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~ C
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co ci « m§ S Sj 11P •« R ca
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Q <
0 c
oi not clear photom resolution from c^r—eg•*rHrH
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go• r- J
aCcentral condcnsn «embedded in con ^f •— t rOH
( 0-H* egoegO-H•ege
?•g> ^
3 C O •"* S £ •c0
S rl
0 ci & rC >» " ^^ Lj § 1 w^ -4J -C cS (0 rH eg -H -H eg
l r-
r- i
—i e
•—I *-i oo o • • —i eg -H -H eg oo eg —t ** eg eg co r- o eg eg
. ^ > ^ U 3 -
3 OT
rTci i— <
^-j >w> cS •a s ci O t^rH
f— *
l a0O
l o
wverse- 0a) r
•+•* CO
(1ooC) 0Ur^ p
•*-> 1.2O1rH
HOw§T3M) «OTJo
The Lambert phase law is probably a more realistic approximation than is the
moon's phase law even for a dust-rich surface of an icy-conglomerate nucleus. Nevertheless,
we point out that because the moon's law would imply a lower c in equations
(11), its effect would be identical with that of an additional Am correction: Compared
to the figures resulting from the Lambert law, the nuclear size would go down, whereas
absorptivity K would go up (and, hence, A down).
All the above considerations are independent of the adopted model of nuclear
rotation. The emissivity of the nucleus for reradiation could be calculated only if
the nuclear spin were known. For two adopted models, the rapidly rotating nucleus and
the nonrotating nucleus, the emissivity e is plotted versus Am in Fig. 4. It turns out that
« is almost completely indeterminate, mainly because E , is very poorly known.
(Note that E , = 0 is equivalent to e = 0.)
Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka 1969 EX, also studied by Delsemme and Rud, has not
been included here. The production rate of water for this comet has been assessed
from the number density of OH, which itself is only an order-of-magnitude estimate
(Code 1971). We therefore feel that (1 - A )S is not known sufficiently well to justify
the type of study explored in the case of Comet Bennett. It seems, however, that the
_o 9+0 9 law of variation in H0O production with heliocentric distance, r * , may be
reasonably well established for Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka from the relative OH densities
(Delsemme 1973). Then the ratio E ,/E near 0. 9 a.u. from the suri comes out to
rad vap
be as high as 0. 54 ± 0.12, which restricts the absorptivity for solar radiation to
K^ 0.6 for a rapidly rotating nucleus (A ^> 0. 4) and to K^< 0. 3 for a nonrotating nucleus
(A > 0.7). It also implies that emissivity e must be near unity (A =* 0).
s **** r
1.0 -
0.5 -
0.0 —
0.5 ^
0'" |f" 2' ,m" 3,m'
Fig. 4. Comet Bennett 1970 n. The surface emissivity and Bond albedo for
reradiation from the nucleus versus the contamination effect in the nuclear magnitude
Am, on the assumption of a nonrotating nucleus (top) and a rapidly rotating nucleus
(bottom). The probable upper and lower limits (dashed curves) indicate that the
emissivity is, in either case, virtually entirely indeterminate.
Table m lists the nuclear magnitudes of Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka reported by
Roemer. When the Lambert phase law is applied, the observations suggest that the
brightness of the nuclear condensation varies more slowly with heliocentric distance
than required by the law of reflection. The last two entries, used by Delsemme and
Rud to compute A S, are 0. 6 brighter than the first entry, which corresponds to
1.1 a. u. from the sun.
Uncritical identification of the actual brightness of a solid cometary nucleus with
nuclear magnitude can cause a severe misinterpretation of the evolution of shortperiod
KresaTc (1973) recently proposed a classification for nuclei of short-period comets,
relying heavily on two basic models I recently formulated (Sekanina 1969, 1971, 1972a).
The two, a core-mantle model and a coreless one, were postulated in order to interpret
physically the systematic long-term variations in the magnitude of the nongravitational
effects, which were established for a number of short-period comets by-Marsden
and his collaborators (for an updated table of nongravitational parameters, see Marsden
et al. 1973).
KresaTc found evidence that the nuclei of periodic comets captured by Jupiter from
orbits well beyond 3 a.u. fade appreciably during a few revolutions after capture; he
concluded that the fading is due to a decrease in the nuclear albedo and is associated
l_1c^l CO
C/ •cJZoCO5 D0.
5 -
u o
Q ^
rt i H |660
*4_ H) <0su -="" 3="" c="" j="" s0="" t3="" x="">
P >g
C <
I « . w .• * Hi QCDCQoa
° c
•r"Bi -+
* ^
? " 5 ot> 0 45
5 -o <
3 3-| "^3o CDCQ £ms
rt "b
L fi w ^ d
0 3 ^ 0 3 CO rt
o S rt S ° "^ tj *4H CDQts
condensed CO
, §
< ^
T ^ ^
t^ 1
5 3 C
Q ^
2 C
« co
o c
o c
•—I -
0 O
co co" — < ~H O G5 CM -H
l 0 . B
C^ (
O ^ i !
rt 1—11 oSCDaO5 inversc-s 4 XAJCQ —O'OCQ 10O
^f-l •
bf CD0oOgl
with the rapid removal of a thin envelope of high-reflectivity icy grains covering the
massive core of dark meteoric material.
We point out that this hypothesis strongly contradicts the dynamical evidence
based on a study of the nongravitational effects. P/Brooks 2, the most outstanding
case in Kresak's Fig. 5 (showing a fading parameter), leads the population of shortperiod
comets sorted by the magnitude of the nongravitational effects (see Table I of
Marsden et al. 1973). Its mass loss inferred from the dynamical results comes out
so very large that only the direct surface evaporation of the comet's snows — the most
effective mechanism of gas production — gives theoretical mass-loss rates at least
moderately consistent with the well-established observational data. A nucleus with
the icy mantle just removed, such as Kreslk suggested for P/Brooks 2 and similar
comets, cannot supply the required production of gas, because a substantial portion
of the solar radiation absorbed by the nucleus should be spent on heating the surfaceinsulating
layer of meteoric material before any evaporation could commence. And
even then, the production of gas, which would have to proceed by diffusion through the
porous matrix, would barely be able to exert any detectable nongravitational effect at
distances near or beyond 2 a. u.
The above reasoning also applies to P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2, which Kresalc
does not classify as a recent incomer on account of Belyaev's (1967) orbital calculations
suggesting that this comet was around before 1735. Marsden (1966, 1973a)
does not, however, find any substantial changes in the comet's motion for at least
2 1/2 centuries before its capture in 1926. It appears, therefore, that no definite
conclusion can be reached about the comet's orbital history by running its motion so
long into the past.
The contradiction between the photometric and the dynamical lines of evidence,
which makes KresSk's interpretation totally unacceptable, can be readily removed when
the brightness data he gathered on short-period comets at large heliocentric distances
are not referred to the solid nucleus. This possibility is strengthened by a rather
striking resemblance between the observed fading of the recently captured shortperiod
comets and that of the new comets. However, since a "new" short-period
comet of the P/Brooks 2 type must have moved in orbits with perihelia between 3 and
6 a. u. for a rather extensive period of time in the past, it should have lost virtually
all the highly volatile substances (e. g., carbon monoxide or methane) from its outer
layer a long time ago. However, such a comet may have retained some supplies of
moderately or subnormally volatile materials (with latent heat of vaporization in
excess of, say, 6000 to 8000 cal mole but below water snow's 11000 cal mole" ),
which thus were "enriching" the surface mixture dominated presumably by water snow.
After the comet's capture by Jupiter into an orbit of smaller perihelion distance
(q < 3 a. u.), appreciable amounts of the "enriching" components should start evaporating
from the nucleus along with, for the first time, water snow. Stimulated by the evaporating
gases, a rather bright icy-grain halo should develop at larger heliocentric distances
during the first revolutions in the new, short-period orbit. The halo must
rapidly subside at smaller distances from the sun, since the vaporization lifetime of
icy grains there drops drastically (Delsemme and Miller 1971; Sekanina 1973).
In the particular case of P/Brooks 2, the observed effect may have been enhanced
by the comet's splitting shortly before its discovery, whereby extensive areas of the
nuclear interior, potentially rich in highly volatile substances, might have added
dramatically to the total momentum of the escaping gas and thus to the extent and
brightness of the halo.
Since high vaporization rates point to large nongravitational forces, and since the
progressive depletion of the more volatile components of the snow mixture implies, in
addition to the gradual subsidence in the brightness and extension of the halo, a progressive
decrease in the nongravitational effects in the motion of such a "new" shortperiod
comet during the revolutions just after the capture, the presented interpretation
explains, at least qualitatively, the dynamical behavior of such a comet, along with its
photometric behavior.
The vaporization curve (vaporization flux versus heliocentric distance) of the
"enriched" mixture should differ from that of water snow (unless the latter controls
the mixture, as in the case of solid hydrates). Since the variation in the nongravitational
forces in the motions of P/Brooks 2 and P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 has been
found essentially consistent with the vaporization law of water snow (Marsden et al.
1973), yet another interpretation may exist. The alternative is based on the premise
that dirty snow should evaporate more rapidly than pure snow of the same chemical
composition, simply because the impurities of dark meteoric material would lower the
effective surface reflectivity and thus increase the absorbing power of the nucleus for
solar radiation (Marsden et al. 1973). If most fine dust is essentially confined to a
narrow outer layer of the nucleus, the surface reflectivity should increase when the
layer is removed by evaporation, and the vaporization flux should drop accordingly.
Note that this mechanism implies a less conspicuous halo at large distances from the
sun than did the enriched-mixture model, which could account for the absence of the
initial peak in the extreme distance of P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 inKresalc's Fig. 5.
In conjunction with the high observed level of the nongravitational effects, this mechanism
also implies a distinctly smaller size of the cometary nucleus. In any case,
• 1963
© 1970
0° 10° 20°
Fig. 5. Phase effect in the absolute brightness of P/Arend-Rigaux. Magnitude ;
estimates of the stellar image of the comet were made by Roemer and reduced here
to unit heliocentric and geocentric distances by using the standard inverse-square power
law. In 1958, the observations were made after perihelion, and in 1963 and 1970,
before perihelion. The solid line is the least-squares fit 15^50 + O^OSSn. The
bracketed observation, inconsistent with the fit (and not included in the solution), is
the 1970 recovery observation.
however, either version fits the observed behavior of the new incomers to the shortperiod
comets considerably better than does the interpretation based on albedo variations.
The nuclear sizes derived by Kres£k (1973) and listed in his Table II must be
considered totally incorrect, because of his misinterpretation of the nuclear magnitudes
and also since, judging from his figures, he mistakenly used the Bond albedo instead
of the geometric albedo in his photometric formula for the nuclear radius (the intended
kind of albedo is not specified in the paper).
Marsden (1968, 1969) called attention to two short-period comets whose motions
appear to be completely free from nongravitational effects: P/Arend-Rigaux and
P/Neujmin 1. He pointed out that the two are usually entirely stellar in appearance
and that they are strong candidates for a type of objects that are presumably in transi
ition from comet to asteroid.
P/Arend-Rigaux was systematically observed by Roemer at its three most recent
apparitions (Roemer 1965; Roemer and Lloyd 1966; Marsden 1971). The comet was
virtually always perfectly stellar. Its brightness is known to follow closely the
inverse-square power law and to show a well-pronounced asteroidal-type phase effect
(Marsden 1973a). My least-squares solution, based on 17 observations by Roemer
in the range of phase angles from 6° to 27° (Fig. 5), gives a value of 15m
50 ± Om
for the opposition photographic magnitude of the comet, reduced to 1 a. u. from the
sun and 1 a.u. from the earth. The phase term can be written in the form BIT, where
n is the phase angle in degrees and B = +0. 035 ± 0. 006. The mean residual is
±0. 18, and the phase curve is symmetrical with respect to perihelion. Only the 1970
recovery observation fails to fit the phase law, being 0. 8 too faint. Understandably,
no opposition effect can be detected in Fig. 5; in the light curves of most
asteroids, the opposition effect does not show up at phase angles exceeding 58
when high-sensitive photoelectric techniques are used.
We conclude that considerable evidence supports the view that the nucleus of
P/Arend-Rigaux has actually been detected, which indicates that the nuclei of defunct or
almost defunct comets can be photographically resolved. The above photometric data
suggest that the nucleus of P/Arend-Rigaux is about 2 km in radius if its geometric
albedo is assumed to be near 0.1.
P/Neujmin 1 was not observed by Roemer. However, during its discovery
apparition in 1913, the comet was observed extensively and a search in the literature
has revealed fine sets of visual-magnitude estimates obtained by three of the most
experienced observers of that time (Barnard 1915; Graff 1914; Van Biesbroeck 1914).
In September 1913, the comet was consistent!}' reported to display very slight traces
of a coma and/or a tail "attached" to a stellar nucleus (see, e.g., Barnard 1914b);
later, the comet was perfectly stellar (Barnard 1915). However, occasional fluctuations
in the brightness of the nucleus were noticed in September and October
(Banachiewicz 1914; Graff 1914). The brightness estimates of the nucleus reduced
with the inverse-square power law show a rather large scatter in September. In its
"quiescent" phase, the brightness of the comet's nucleus follows the inverse-square
power law closely and shows phase variations similar to those experienced by
P/Arend-Rigaux (Fig. 6).
In 1931, P/Neujmin 1 was perfectly stellar, and a series of photographic magnitudes
by Van Biesbroeck (1933) suggests a phase effect virtually identical with the one
established from the 1913 observations. In 1948 and 1966, the comet was poorly
observed. Van Biesbroeck (1950) secured a few plates at Yerkes and McDonald on which
the comet's image was not quite stellar. The magnitude derived from the 1948 Yerkes
plates, made with the same telescope as in 1931, is perfectly consistent with the
1931 phase curve, whereas the magnitudes from 1948 McDonald plates and from
two of Pereyra's (1966) plates exposed during the comet's next return (stellar images)
are only fairly consistent with the curve. Four more plates were obtained in a 10-day
span at Boyden Observatory in 1966 (Andrews 1966). They show the comet diffuse,
yet generally fainter than the above photographic observations would indicate (three
of them would cluster at II = 9% absolute magnitude 13. 5 in Fig. 6; the fourth is 1
magnitude brighter and would fit the curve within 0. 1).
Least-squares solutions to the linear phase law, A + BII, forced through the sets
of magnitude estimates of Fig. 6, have given, respectively, the following values for
the opposition magnitude A, reduced to unit heliocentric and geocentric distances, and
the phase coefficient B (mag per degree): Ilm
42 ± Om
l2, +0.032 ± 0. 006 (Barnard's
visual magnitudes in 1913); Ilm
84 ± Om
12, +0.027 ± 0.008 (Van Biesbroeck, visual,
1913); 12m
16 ± Om
14, +0.055 ±0.019 (Graff, visual, 1913; B very uncertain because
of a small range in R);
and 12m
52 ± Om
18, +0.034 ± 0.013 (Van Biesbroeck, photographic,
1931). The mean residuals ranged from ±0. 11 to ±0. 18. While the
410-OB 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fig. 6. Phase effect in the absolute (cf. caption to Fig. 5) brightness of
P/Neujmin 1. Visual-magnitude estimates of the comet in its "quiescent" phase in
1913 come from Barnard (solid circles), Van Biesbroeck (open circles), and Graff
(circled dots). Photographic magnitudes plotted were obtained by Van Biesbroeck with
the 24-inch reflector of the Yerkes Observatory in 1931 (solid triangles), and with the
,82-inch reflector of the McDonald Observatory (open square) and the 24-inch (solid
square) in 1948, and by Pereyra with the 60-inch reflector at Bosque Alegre,
Argentina, in 1966 (open triangle). The straight lines are the least-squares fits of
the linear phase law forced through the sets of data. The 1913 and 1931 observations
were made after perihelion, and the 1948 and 1966 ones, before perihelion.
discrepancies in the zero point among the three observers in 1913 apparently reflect
the differences in their photometric scales, the discrepancy between the 1913 (visual)
and the later (photographic) observations must, by and large, be due to the color index
of the comet.
Analyzing Barnard's and his own 1913 magnitude estimates of P/Neujmin 1,
Van Biesbroeck (1930b) did not consider the phase effect and concluded that the bright-
ness of the comet varied in proportion to r . However, his 1931 photographic magnitudes
show practically no dependence on heliocentric distance when the phase effect
is neglected (Fig. 7). This is so because in 1913 the comet, while receding from the
sun, was moving away from opposition over most of the period of observation, whereas
in 1931 it was moving toward opposition. Thus, the phase effect accelerated the
comet's fading-in 1913 but offset it in 1931. This peculiar coincidence of circumstances
demonstrates the intricacy encountered when an attempt is made to interpret a comet's
light curve.
I suggested (Sekanina 1969, 1972a) that the long-term decrease in the magnitude
of the nongravitational effects in the motion of P/Encke can be interpreted as an indication
of the comet's progressive deactivation but not of its disintegration, and I predicted
that the comet should eventually become asteroidal in appearance. Thus,
P/Encke is perhaps currently evolving through a phase that might have been experienced
in the past by P/Arend-Rigaux and P/Neujmin 1.
5 13
LJ 14
A At
i I i i i i i l l l I I l I i
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 7. Phase effect in the magnitudes of P/Neujmin 1 misinterpreted as a
variation with heliocentric distance. Observations are the same as those in Fig. 6.
Note the fictitious strong (~r~ ) brightness dependence in 1913 (comet receded
from the sun and from opposition), as opposed to the equally fictitious brightness
independent of heliocentric distance in 1931 (comet receded from the sun but approached
opposition). The solid and dashed lines, respectively, are Van Biesbroeck's (1930b)
formal fits (ignoring the phase effect) to Barnard's and his own 1913 magnitude estimates.
The deactivation hypothesis is strongly supported by the very low production rate
of atomic hydrogen, established for P/Encke by Bertaux et al. (1973) from the OGO-5
observations of the comet's Lyman-alpha emission. Indeed, Delsemme and Rud (1973)
concluded that the observed production rate rules out a possibility that water snow could
cover the whole surface of the nucleus (or even its significant fraction) and at the same
time control the production rate of hydrogen. However, Delsemme and Rud's conclusion
depends on Roemer's nuclear magnitude of P/Encke near its aphelion in 1972.
We have collected and plotted in Fig. 8 all Roemer's 1957-1974 observations of the
comet (Roemer 1965; Roemer and Lloyd 1966; Marsden 1971,1972a, 1973b, I974a,b).
Although some indication for a phase effect might be present, Fig. 8 does not allow
any straightforward conclusion on the character of the phase law or on the brightness
of the actual solid nucleus. However, unlike P/Arend-Rigaux, P/Encke seems to be
generally fainter after perihelion. On the other hand, it was unusually bright when
photographed near the 1972 aphelion.
It is most doubtful that a major part of the scatter in the nuclear brightness of the
comet is due to changes in the reflectivity of the nuclear surface. The amplitude of
the scatter, about 3 magnitudes, would imply variations in the geometrical albedo of
16:1. Very dark surfaces of the Martian satellites have a geometric albedo of about
0.05 (Masursky et al. 1972). On the other hand, Veverka (1973) concluded that the
most probable geometric albedo of a smooth snow-covered object is 0.45 ± 0.1, but
he added that large-scale surface roughness would tend to increase it somewhat.
Indeed, the (visual) geometric albedo of Europa, the most richly water-frost-covered
Galilean satellite (Pilcher et al. 1972), is now believed to be 0.68 (Jones and Morrison
1974). The two values, 0.05 and 0. 68, are likely to approximate well the two limits
- 0 ©
|6(_63(3.l) •60(2.1) 60,2.5,
63(3.1) »63(3.0) *60(2.5)
• 60(1.9)
• 73(2.9)
1 T
• 70(1.9) 64(l.7)"*m6)
0 57(1.6)
""--- 74(2.2)
1 1 1 r—
J L I L _L j L
0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60°
70° SO- 100°
Fig. 8. Roemer's photographic "nuclear" magnitudes of P/Encke, reduced to unit
heliocentric and geocentric distances by the inverse-square power law, versus phase
angle n. The size of the circles describes the comet's appearance: The largest ones
refer to stellar images, and the smallest, to diffuse images. Solid circles — preperihelion
observations; open circles — postperihelion; circled dots — near-aphelion. All
postperihelion images were reported by Roemer to be weak. Each entry in the figure
is further defined by the year of observation and the heliocentric distance in a. u. (in
parentheses). For reference, the phase law established for P/Arend-Rigaux
(B = 0^035 per degree) is plotted to fit the faintest brightness estimate.
for the geometric albedo of small bodies in the solar system. Their ratio gives a
magnitude difference of 2. 8, matching almost exactly the magnitude amplitude of
P/Encke. Naturally, it is most unlikely that the reflectivity of a single object, such
as the nucleus of P/Encke, would periodically (once in 3. 3 years) vary from one
known extreme limit to the other. Consequently, the variations in the size and optical
thickness of the icy-grain halo surrounding the nucleus must contribute significantly
to the observed scatter.
If, on the other hand, we assume for the moment that the scatter is entirely due
to the icy-grain halo, the whole surface of P/Encke should be covered by a snow
mixture. Because of the very small nongravitational effects observed (Marsden and
Sekanina 1974), such a snow mixture should be dominated and controlled by its least
volatile component, i.e., presumably, water snow. In order that an unrealistically
high Bond albedo (>0. 9) be avoided, the comet's vaporization and photometric cross
sections should be of the same order of magnitude. With water snow controlling the
production rate of hydrogen, the photometric cross section should be about 0.1 km
and the comet's radius therefore about 250 m. The corresponding brightness of the
nucleus would range between magnitude 18 and 19 (at 1 a.u.). Furthermore, this
assumption leads to a relative mass loss of the comet of as much as about 10% per
revolution, slightly increasing with time (and to the associated nongravitational effects
also increasing somewhat with time). Such a high value of mass loss is difficult to
reconcile with the small observed nongravitational effects, unless evaporation from
the comet's surface is allowed to be almost perfectly isotropic [the anisotropy factor
defined by Sekanina (1969) would barely reach 10 ]. Since the nongravitational effects
have been found to decrease with time ever since the 1820s (Marsden and Sekanina
1974), rather than to increase as required by the above assumption, we have to accept
further that they are due to a process other than progressive deactivation; systematic
motions of the rotation axis of the nucleus (Marsden 1972b; Sekanina 1972b) have so
far been the only alternative explanations suggested. But any appreciable effect of
this kind requires a fair degree of anisotropy in the vaporization process — which is
contrary to the above statement. The well-known asymmetric shape of the comet's
head also implies some degree of anisotropy.
We do not find it possible to invalidate the Delsemme-Rud conclusion as to the
extent of water-snow cover on P/Encke, even when the unknown radiative term in the
vaporization-radiation equilibrium, neglected by Delsemme and Rud, is roughly
accounted for.
It appears that a combined effect of the icy-grain halo and reflectivity changes of
the comet's surface — the latter associated with the variable extent of the snow cover —
is the most acceptable solution to the problem of scatter in the nuclear magnitudes of
P/Encke. A particular result of my unpublished calculations of heat- and mass-transfer
phenomena in a disperse medium might be of interest in this context. The disperse
medium was assumed to be a spherical body composed of a porous matrix of meteoric
material with water snow uniformly embedded in it, filling 40% of the whole volume.
The object was allowed to move around the sun in the orbit of P/Encke, and temperature
'and snow-concentration distributions within the object were then calculated as functions
of time, starting from the equilibrium conditions at aphelion. The variations in the snow
concentration at the surface and at two depths, exhibited in Fig. 9, show completely
different patterns. Whereas the subsurface supply of snow decreases very smoothly
200 400 600 800
1000 1200
Fig. 9. Calculated mass transfer in a spherical body, moving in the orbit of
P/Encke and composed of a porous matrix of meteoric material with water snow initially
uniformly embedded: concentration of snow at the surface and at depths of 5 and 7 m
as a function of the location in orbit (or of time from aphelion).
throughout the orbit, the surface concentration drops at an almost constant rate as the
object approaches the sun until a distance of about 1 a.u. is reached. At that point,
the rate of depletion of the surface reservoir starts increasing enormously; the depletion
is virtually completed before perihelion. After perihelion, the surface remains
practically snow-free until the object has receded to roughly 3 a.u. from the sun.
Then, triggered both by temperature inversion (the surface is cooler than the underlying
layers, thus facilitating re condensation of transferred vapor) and by a steep gradient
in the concentration distribution of snow with depth, the replenishment mechanism
restores the initial surface reservoir of snow even before aphelion.
As to the appearance of the object, it would be intrinsically bright near aphelion
and on the incoming branch of the orbit because of the high reflectivity of the snowcovered
surface and the presence of a small surrounding icy halo. At smaller distances
(<,! a. u.), the decreasing reflectivity of the surface, associated with a progressively
diminishing extent of snow cover, is compensated by the increasing activity, so that
the object would still look bright but more diffuse. When the surface supply of snow
has been essentially depleted (around and after perihelion), the reflectivity will drop
sharply (owing to the dark matrix exposed), the activity will cease, and the object will
be at its faintest. With the gradual recovery of the snow supply on the surface, the
brightness would increase again as the object approaches aphelion. We note that this
rough qualitative description of the object's presumed photometric behavior bears a
very definite resemblance to the observed appearance of the central condensation of
P/Encke, as inferred from the brightness data of Fig. 8.
The described cycle in the object's evolution during one revolution around the sun
is restricted only to its surface. The drop, in Fig. 9, in the snow supply beneath the
surface by the time the revolution has been completed demonstrates the progressive
overall deactivation process, which ultimately leads to the transition of an active comet
into an asteroid (Section VII). While P/Encke is, of course, still a live comet, we
feel that the available evidence is sufficient to conclude that this comet will inevitably
approach the brink of the transition phase in the near future.
There is plenty of evidence that nearly parabolic comets are generally active at
large heliocentric distances, where water-vapor pressure is negligibly low. The
activity - particularly in the comets arriving from the Oort cloud — is conspicuously
asymmetrical relative to perihelion. The substantial fading of nearly parabolic comets
after their first passage near the sun, noticed by Oort (1950) from the distribution of
"original" semimajor axes of cometary orbits and analyzed more quantitatively by
Whipple (1962), is apparently an accumulated effect of the same process that causes
the perihelion asymmetry. On an a priori assumption that the influx of new comets is
a continuous process, Marsden and Sekanina (1973) have interpreted the fading of
distant comets as being due to a rapid depletion of the most volatile substances during
the first approach of the comets to the sun.
An important feature of the cometary activity at large heliocentric distances
appears to be the formation of a rather dense cloud of presumably large icy grains
that circulate in disarray and at very low velocities (lower than the velocity of
escape from the comet?) in a circumnuclear space barely more than a few nuclear
diameters across. To a terrestrial observer, such a cloud of particles may look
essentially stellar, particularly if the space density inside the cloud drops rapidly in
the radial direction.
This qualitative interpretation is basically consistent with the observational
evidence and suggests that the photometric images of comets far from the sun are
contaminated by ejecta much more extensively than has generally been accepted.
Thus, the nuclear magnitudes of comets, even at great distances from the sun and
when derived from photographs taken with large instruments, give only ah upper
limit to the size of the solid nucleus. Until Delsemme and Rud (1973) came up with
their method of comparing the vaporization cross section of the nucleus with its
photometric cross section, no way existed to estimate numerically the contamination
effect (i.e., the difference between the magnitude of the solid nucleus and the observed
nuclear magnitude), because the surface reflectivity could not be separated from its
geometric cross section (Roemer 1966).
The discussion of the Delsemme-Rud method, modified to incorporate the contamination
effect as well as the contribution of the radiative term in the vaporizationradiation
equilibrium, suggests that in the case of Comet Bennett 1970 n, the nucleus
was probably 2 or perhaps even 3 magnitudes fainter than Roemer's nuclear magnitudes.
When this effect is taken into account, the Bond albedo of the nucleus of this very dusty
comet drops from a suspiciously high value of 0.6 to 0.7 down to a very comforting
0.1 to 0.2, and the size of the nuclear radius decreases from 3.8 to 2.6 or 2.8 km,
thus becoming perfectly consistent with an independent determination (Sekanina and
Miller 1973).
The formation of a dense cloud of icy grains around the nucleus of Comet Kohoutek
1973f was most probably responsible for the comet's excessive brightness at large
heliocentric distances on the preperihelion branch of the orbit, which in turn resulted in
the exaggerated brightness predictions for the near-perihelion period. Although the
preperihelion nuclear brightness of the comet varied essentially according to the
inverse-square power law, and in spite of the comet's nearly stellar appearance, the
nuclear brightness after perihelion dropped intrinsically by 3 magnitudes, which
implies a physically unacceptable reduction factor of 4 in the nuclear diameter or 16
in the geometric albedo. A moderate geometric albedo of 0.4 would give a nuclear
radius of 10 km before perihelion, but only 2. 5 km after perihelion. The available
data on the production rate of hydrogen (Carruthers et al. 1974; Opal et al. 1974;
Traub and Carleton 1974) and hydroxyl (Blamont and Festou 1974; Feldman et al. 1974)
are, unfortunately, not easy to interpret, because of an apparently strong perihelion
asymmetry and doubts as to whether water was indeed the parent molecule of the two
species. Very tentatively, a nuclear radius of some 1 to 3 km can perhaps be inferred.
Uncritical identification of the nuclear magnitudes with the actual brightness of a
cometary nucleus can cause a severe misinterpretation of the evolution of the shortperiod
comets. We find it impossible to accept KresaTs's (1973) explanation of the
rapid fading in the nuclear magnitude of a recently captured short-period comet (of the
P/Brooks 2 type) as being due to a decrease in the reflectivity of its nucleus. Instead,
attributing the nuclear magnitude to a circumnuclear icy halo, gradually subsiding in
brightness during the first revolutions after capture, is clearly preferable, because
this interpretation is compatible with the parallel dynamical evidence on the large but
rather dramatically decreasing nongravitational effects in the motion.
While the nuclear magnitudes appear to refer generally to a circumnuclear cloud
of grains rather than to the nucleus itself, there is little doubt that Roemer's nuclear
magnitudes of P/Arend-Rigaux do indeed refer to the solid nucleus of the comet. They
satisfy the inverse-square power law, are symmetrical relative to perihelion, and
display an asteroidal-type phase effect; furthermore, the comet's appearance is
nearly always perfectly stellar, and its motion is free from nongravitational effects.
Except for occasional minor flareups, P/Neujmin 1 is the only other comet that
also satisfies the above conditions. The two comets appear to be in a transition phase
from comet to minor planet (Marsden 1968,1969).
The rather peculiar behavior of P/Encke is believed to suggest that the extent of
the snow cover on the surface of the nucleus varies with the comet's position in orbit.
Most of the surface — if not the whole — appears to be snow covered around aphelion
and along much of the incoming branch of the orbit, whereas the surface might essentially
be rid of snow near perihelion and along a significant portion of the outgoing branch of
the orbit. This process is considered to be indicative of the comet's advanced phase of
Recent calculations on the motions of the short-period comets and the results
discussed in Sections VI to Vm have clear implications for the classification of
cometary nuclei. First, we are now positive that the magnitude of the observed nongravitational
effects (and the transverse component, in particular) does not vary
straightforwardly in proportion to the relative rate of the loss of mass from the nucleus.
Second, an appreciable fraction of the mass lost by a short-period comet during the
first several revolutions after capture by Jupiter from a more distant orbit is apparently
due to more volatile species than is the mass lost by "old" short-period comets.
And third, we now have a very satisfactory correlation between the dynamical and the
photometric characteristics of short-period comets at various phases of evolution.
We feel that the evidence for our classifying cometary nuclei into two basic types,
described by the core-mantle and coreless (free-ice) models, respectively (Sekanina
1969,1971,1972a), has been strengthened by the recent progress. At the same time,
the new results allow us to revise the plot, for the two models, of the mass-lossrelated
nongravitational effect in a comet's motion as a function of time (Fig. 1 of
Sekanina 1971). The important change in the revised version (Fig. 10) is the addition
of phase I, the early postcapture period, distinguished by a rather steep decrease in
the nongravitational activity, as discussed in Section VI. The rest of the presumed
evolution has been left virtually unchanged. Phase n, equivalent to phase E in
Sekanina (1971), refers to the gradual evaporation of a thick icy envelope surrounding
the meteoric matrix in the core of the nucleus. Whereas the coreless model continues
to proceed in phase n until complete disintegration by evaporation, the core-mantle
model starts a deactivation track (phase in) and ends up with complete depletion of the
snow reservoir (phases V and VI). The precise character of evolution in the advanced
phases, including the absolute rate of reduction of the nongravitational activity, might
depend significantly on perihelion distance.
Obviously, the variations in the nongravitational effects in phases I and IV look
very much alike, although they refer to two physically different mechanisms. Our
present understanding of the nongravitational forces in short-period comets suggests
Fig. 10. Theoretical long-term variations in the magnitude of the mass-lossrelated
nongravitational effects on the motions of short-period comets with coreless
and core-mantle nuclei.
the following probable locations in Fig. 10 of some of the well-studied comets:
Phase I: P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2, P/Brooks 2 (advanced?); Phase H: P/Borrelly,
P/Tuttle; Phase II (advanced): P/Giacobini-Zinner?; Phase IV: P/Encke; and
Phase V: P/Neujmin 1, P/Arend-Rigaux (advanced?).
In spite of all the progress in the physics of comets in recent years, the cometary
nucleus still remains very much a mystery. Furthermore, there is little chance that
observations from ground-based or even earth-orbiting stations could substantially
improve our knowledge of the cometary nucleus. And so, we cannot escape the conclusion
that deep-space missions to comets are by far our best hope for the future.
This study could never have been undertaken without the availability of systematic
brightness data accumulated through tireless efforts of several observers, primarily
Dr. E. Roemer and the late Dr. G. Van Biesbroeck. Dr. B. G. Marsden has contributed
informative discussions. This work was supported by grant NSG 7082 from
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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J. C. Brandt: How do you regenerate the surface without regenerating the
intermediate layers of the snow?
Z. Sekanina: The proposed mechanism regenerates snow supplies not only
at the surface but also beneath it (though not necessarily in proportion) by transporting
vapor via diffusion from deeper layers. This process is stimulated
primarily by a decrease in the concentration of snow near the surface resulting
from intense surface evaporation around perihelion, and facilitated by the presumably
porous structure of the cometary solid material. Furthermore, as the
comet approaches aphelion, the surface cools off more rapidly than subsurface
layers, thus giving rise to a rather substantial temperature inversion which, in .
turn, assists the mass transport to the surface and increases the rate of recondensation
of water vapor on the surface. On a long-term scale, this mechanism
leads to a complete depletion of snow reservoir in the nucleus, thus turning an
active comet into a defunct object.
Now, besides, you can show that at large heliocentric distances before
the aphelion point is reached, you would have an inversion of temperature. The
surface is cooler than the interior, because the heating of the surface for in
earlier times before aphelion propogates in a form of heat rate inside and, because
the comet in the meantime gets farther away from the sun, there is less
energy coming to surface. You can actually, numerically show that at several
meters under the surface there is a higher temperature.
In other words, when surface is cooler and there is a transport of vapor
to the surface, there is a good chance of condensation on the surface because
of the lower temperature.
H. Keller: I have a question concerning the observations of the nucleus at
the larger heliocentric distances.
I wonder whether there is a possibility for some systematic effect due to the
fact that the geocentric distances, is also increasing when the heliocentric distance
is increasing on the comet, an effect which maybe would be similar to the f-ratio
effect of instruments. This may be a question for Dr. Roemer, and I would —
E. Roemer; Specifically with respect to P/Encke, some part of the systematic
difference between the absolute "nuclear" magnitude derived from preperihelion
observation as against that derived from postperihelion observations
could easily derive from observational circumstances. Because of the orientation
of the inclined orbit, P/Encke goes south very fast after perihelion passage and
as a consequence is not observable for the Northern Hemisphere for a number of
months, and even then, at very low altitude. Although I normally correct the
"nuclear" magnitude estimates for extinction in blue light of 0.3 mag/air mass,
that correction likely is inadquate for observation made at very large air mass.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
More generally, I prefer to use those "nuclear" magnitudes that refer to
a reasonably sharply separated nuclear condensation on an individual basis to
form an idea of the limits on the radius of the nucleus defined photometrically.
Although the available evidence seems to confirm that use of a I/A2
is appropriate in deriving a "reduced" magnitude, error could arise in use of
the "absolute" magnitude for calculation of the radius of the nucleus. The reason
is that the unresolved contamination of the "nuclear" magnitude by light
from the inner coma will generally be greater when the comet is closer to the
sun. A dependence of the brightness on a higher inverse power of the heliocentric
distance than the second would be the consequence. It would then become
unclear how closely the absolute "nuclear" magnitude might be related to the
absolute magnitude that referred only to light reflected from a monolithic nucleus.
Opik suggested some years ago that the geocentric distance dependence of
the brightness is better represented by I/A than by I/A2
. Meisel (1970 Astron J.
75, 252), as well as a graduate student of mine, Charles Snell, (MS thesis, U
Arizona, 1971) have failed to find support for this proposal.
E. Ney: I'd like to make a remark about comet Bradfield.
Between April 7 and 9, to call your attention to it—I mentioned it yesterday
in my talk, but I don't think people paid much attention—in two days, this
comet changed very abruptly, by three magnitudes at long-wave infrared wave
lengths. It just went out; it went down three magnitudes.
In a big diaphragm, Mintler found that it dropped two magnitudes in the
visible in a 4-minute diaphragm.
Now, I'm not an experienced comet observer, but I looked at quite a lot
of them this year; and I saw at the time the dust went away on Comet Bradfield
it certainly changed its appearance. There was a thin coma, but there was a
definite stellar image in the center.
I'd like to call your attention to that case, where the dust disappeared. It
may be a case to measure a nucleus right.
C. R. O'Dell
My approach to the nature and origin of the nucleus is strongly
influenced by the quantitative data on amounts of dust and gas being.
released near perihelion. Calibrated spectra and photoelectric
photometry (Gebel 1970, O'Dell 1971, Stokes 1972) have shown that
the morphological division of Oort and Schmidt into dust-rich and
dust-poor seems to be correct. More accurately, I can say that we
have observed a wide variation in the ratio of scattered light continuum
to molecular emission. This may or may not reflect a large variation
of the dust to gas ratio in the nucleus. In fact, the apparently dustiest
comets may have smallest dust to gas ratio at the nucleus! This is
because the process of accelerating the particles out from the nucleus
by means of viscous gas flow depends sensitively on the amount of
gas leaving .(Finson and Probstein 1968). The comet with weak
scattered light is probably one that is unable to lift the particles from
the nucleus, leaving a residual surface of particles. Since small
particles can be lifted more easily, the remaining surface would
selectively become one of large particles, forming an insulating layer
of low albedo with internal degas if ication occuring at an even slow
rate. This in turn would diminish the particle loss rate, with a
rapid convergence to a particle cover and nucleus. This model
would explain the variation from continuum strong to continuum
poor in the Oort-Schmidt new and old comets, in addition to the
intrinsically low luminosity and photometric radius of old comet
In a young strong continuum comet, if one assumes that a cosmic
abundance of gases applies and proceeds from observations of reasonably
well understood molecules such as Cs (O'Dell 1973), one can calculate
that the total mass of particles and gas leaving the coma is nearly
unity. Since the gas escapes much more easily than the dust, this
means that particulate matter probably dominates the nuclear composition,
even in the initial state as a comet enters the inner solar
system. In the old comets, the preferential loss of gas would leave
an even greater particle dominance. For this reason, I believe that
we must look on the nucleus as a gasey dustball rather than as a
dusty snowball.
Of course, what we are discussing is the particles that succeed
in leaving the nucleus, for only they are observable. Under appropriate
conditions, one can eject particles nearly a millimeter in size
(Gary and O'Dell 1974, Sekamna 1974); but, most of the ejected mass
is in the small particles. We do not directly measure these small
particles' parameters, but only the combination pd/Qrp, where p is
the particle density; d the diameter and Qrp the radiation pressure
scattering efficiency. This value cuts-off at pd/Qrp~ 5x10"5
(O'Dell 1974),
which may indicate a true minimum size but is more likely due to the
result of Qrp becoming small for particles much smaller than the
wavelength of sunlight.
Starting from the position that comet nuclei must be very dusty,
I have examined the three types of models that can be constructed by
particles. These are listed in Table 1:
Table 1
Models of Comet Nuclei
Very Loose
Gravitational Binding
Not Bound
Very Strong
Lyttleton (1953)
Richter (1954)
Whipple (1950
Each model has its advocate and the models differ primarily in the
amount of gravitational binding that is assumed. The Lyttleton (1953)
model of a comet being a host of particles, not gravitationally bound
to one another, but sharing ? common orbit has been most successfully
criticized by Whipple (1963), who argues convincingly that this model
does not apply to observed comets. The second model involves a
swarm of particles gravitationally bound together, and bears many
resemblances to a globular cluster. The strongest arguments against
this model are theoretical. Both Shatzman (1952) and O'Dell (1973)
have calculated the effects of perturbations on and collisions within
the swarm of hypothesized particles. It is shown that those clouds
of particles that are sufficiently dense to survive solar tidal torques
have physical collision rates so high as to cause them to collapse
down to solid bodies during infall from large heliocentric distances.
This means that the three models can also be referred to as the inconsistent,
the impossible, and the unavoidable. The unavoidable
model that I envision is not the classical Whipple nucleus of dominant
ices near the surface, but one composed mostly of very small particles,
together with large particles built up of them, and initially a comparable
amount of frozen gases. Such a model is quite consistent with
the low tensile strength of the nucleus as inferred from the phenomenon
of splitting, the low density and fragility of comet related meteors and
the evolutionary change of the coma that characterizes long and
short period comets.
It is interesting to consider the possible origin of such a solid
nucleus, composed of many small particles (O'Dell 1973). Due to
the volatile nature of the trapped gases, I argue for formation at
large heliocentric distances, which raises the possibility that the
frozen gases are not from the original pre-solar nebula but may be
a frost acquired by the small particles prior to collapse into a
gravitationally bound system. The one known source of small particles
in the present solar system is in the zodiacal light cloud. Through
the effects of radiation pressure (Harwit 1963), selectively the small
particle component can be forced into highly eccentric orbits, with
aphelion distances in the hypothesized Oort Cloud. Since the zodiacal
cloud must continuously be replenished, this means that there must be
a continuous flow of particles to very large heliocentric distances.
If this is the source of particles eventually forming comet nuclei,
it requires trapping into these outer orbits and forces to initiate
collapse into single, gravitionally bound clouds, neither of which
are now understood.
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Kohoutek (1973f).I. A Working Model." Icarus, 23, 502.
Stokes, G. M. (1972). "The Scattered Light Continuum of Comet
Bennett 1969i." Astrophys. J., jj^, 829.
Whipple, F. L. (1950). "A Comet Model. I. The Acceleration of
Comet Encke." Astrophys. J., 111, 375.
Whipple, F.L. (1963). "Moon, Meteorites and Comets."
(B.M.Middlehurst and G.P. Kuiper, eds.). Univ. of Chicago
Press, Chicago.
M. Dubin: On the Schatzman arguments of compacting, does Schatzman
take into account either or both, the charge on the bodies as they approach the
Sun, either comparable to gravity or the angle momentum of the ensemble as
they approach the sun?
C. R. O'Dell; Neither.
M. Dubin: In other words, there are two contra-forces that may make the
impossible less impossible, more likely to happen?
C. R. O'Dell; No. The time scale is so strong in the sense of saying
they must compact that the force, the angular momentum, would have to be very
high or the electrostatic repulsion by the neutral particles would have to be
quite high.
Actually, I've done the calculations too, you know, the language barrier
strikes again. You do a calculation and then you find out that it's been done but
published in French, and you finally face up and you make the translation you
did the same thing.
Most of the compaction occurs at such large distances that charges on
particles should be small. The angular momentum effect still would remain,
J. C. Brandt; Is there an inconsistency with your picture by presupposing
the dust to make comets whereas Whipple's model says that comets make
dust, for example the zodiacal light?
F. L. Whipple: I don't think we're inconsistent on that.
B. Dorm: The compaction was early in the history, and this is now. Fred
has them releasing dust now.
C. R. O'Dell: They didn't hear the question in the back.
F. L. Whipple: The question was whether comets make dust or dust makes
comets, and I think the point is that in the zodiacal light you meant that the
comets now break up into dust, didn't you? I hope.
C.-R. O'Dell; That certainly fit by the calculation. On the other hand,
I'm not convinced that by the numbers that you've proven the zodiacal light
particles all come on as debris from comets.
J. C. Brandt; Where does it come from, then?
DISCUSSION (Continued)
C. R. O'Dell; I don't know. All I know is it exists.
G. We the rill; As I understand from the things McCrosky has told me, the
large Taurids, Perseids, and Leoniels seen by the Praire network have finite
strength and densities of about 2. While they ablate more readily than the Lost
City chondrite their densities indicate considerable compaction.
F. L. Whippier It's still a moot question, how dense they are whether
it's four-tenths or two?
G. Wetherill; The conclusion that there is evidence for their being very
weak, dusty aggregates, I don't understand.
F. L. Whipple: They're extremely fragile. That is proven by the way
they break up. They break up much faster than they should.
G. Wetherill; There are things that break up more easily as well.
D. J. Malaise; Monte Carlo computations by Dr. Everhart shed in my
mind some doubts about the Oort's model for the origin of comets; that is we
are observing the tail of a continuous diffusion of a huge number of comets
formed at the origin of the solar system in the inner part of the primitive nebula.
The process you just described is a nice way to solve the problem because
it is based on things which we know that exist (the dust in the vicinity of the sun)
and on process we know that are working (radiation pressure). This gives us a
cloud of dust in the position of Oort's original cloud of comets. The question
now is how do you build comets from this dust cloud. Did you put any figure on
the expected density and in homogeneity ? Anyhow I don't think this question
should stop you developing further this model by simply assuming that comets
are formed in the cloud. After all we see stars forming in interstellar clouds
without knowing exactly how to explain the beginning of the contraction process.
C. R. O'Dell: This key issue is what produces the cloud of these particles.
It demands somehow you could form such a cloud, either through interaction
with the interstellar gas remember, these conditions are interstellar rather
than solar system or by perturbations of other objects, such as large objects
gravitationally perturbed or passing stars. However, in any event it does take
the formation of an initial cloud, and the collapse time of that cloud one can
DISCUSSION (Continued)
A cloud sufficiently dense to survive tidal distortion does have sufficiently
short freefall time to collapse within the in-fall time into inner solar system.
So what's needed is an intitial formation into a cloud.
D. J. Malaise; This makes me very happy, because it solved the biggest
problem I had inOort's Theory, that is, you had to bring them out and then to
bring them in.
F. L. Whipple: That's what worried us all these years.
D. J. Malaise; Because when it is collapsed the radiation force is much
less, of course. And, as far as the cloud formation goes, we don't have to worry
about this because clouds are formed, anyhow.
W. F. Huebner
Almost all information about the physics of the nucleus is based
on deductions from observations of the coma and tails. It is well
to keep in mind the hierarchy of events on which these deductions are
1. The material properties of the constituents of the nucleus
and the detailed physical and chemical structure of the nucleus form
the basis for the behavior of coma and tails.
2. Interaction of solar radiation with the surface of the
nucleus determines the overall temporal development of the coma.
3. The subsequent interaction of solar radiation and solar wind
with the coma determine the gross features of the tails.
A. Short term fluctuations primarily in the solar wind (and
associated magnetic field) cause disturbances of comparable duration
observable mostly in the tail but also in the coma.
In a large number of cases (particularly if the coma is involved)
it is difficult to isolate the cause of the disturbances, i.e., whether
the observed effect is due to a fluctuation in the solar wind or due
to an inhomogenity in the structure of the nucleus. The further removed
an observed effect is in the hierarchy of events, the more difficult
it is to relate it to the nucleus. Our concepts about the nucleus
should therefore be based primarily on those observations which can
be linked to the nucleus in the most direct manner.
With this in mind let us follow an "average, new" comet on its
way around the sun and note how the observed phenomena reflect on the
properties of the nucleus. At a heliocentric distance comparable to
the orbit of Jupiter the comet is a diffuse object. The diffuseness
can be explained by the evaporation of highly volatile material, for
example a frosty deposit accumulated during the long time that the
comet spent in Oort's cloud. Embedded in this material may be grains
of dust or water ice. The thickness of the shell must be small compared
to the size of the nucleus but thick enough to drag dust or icy grains
into the coma. In most cases there is no observable ion tail or spectrum;
this indicates that the volatile material most likely is not composed
primarily of CO. Spin of the nucleus reduces gravitational attraction
and therefore aids in the development of a diffuse coma.
As the comet approaches the orbit of Mars the coma develops more
fully, dust and particularly ice-covered grains are dragged into the
coma and the spectroscopic radicals become observable. The surface
of the nucleus begins to warm up and the more volatile components mixed
with the less volatile frozen gases (e.g., H_0) must be preferentially
vaporized. Between Mars and Earth solar wind and solar radiation ionize
part of the molecular coma. Through interaction with the solar wind
the ions are transported to form an ion tail. The solar radiation also
interacts with the grains in the coma and by the process of radiation
pressure they form a dust tail. Dissociation of molecules and radicals
in the coma gives rise to the observable ultraviolet coma which consists
primarily of hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals. The thin layer of depleted
volatiles on the surface of the nucleus schematically indicated in Fig. 1-A
by cross hatching will now begin to vaporize more actively. As the heat
slowly penetrates into the nucleus additional volatile material dispersed
in the less volatile frozen gases will be brought to the surface and
vaporize. Any pockets of volatiles which were on the surface have of
course been depleted (Fig. 1-B) . As the comet moves to still smaller
heliocentric distances, say to about one half astronomical unit, the
frozen gases (primarily water ice and some-mixed-in more volatile
compounds) continue to be vaporized from the surface of the nucleus.
This vaporization occurs rather uniformly. The data collected by Ulich
and Conklin (1974) on methylcyanide shows no significant Doppler shifts.
Methylcyanide is a relatively volatile compound with a latent heat of
vaporization of L « 8 kcal/mol (in relation to water with L *» 13 kcal/mol)
Heat is transported relatively slowly for some small distance into the
nucleus. As the comet moves further on its orbit around the sun this
heat vaporizes pockets of more volatile gases trapped under the surface.
These pockets of volatiles are now engulfed in a bath of somewhat warmer
(say, ~150°K) less volatile components of the frozen nucleus. At this
temperature the volatiles can build up a pressure which is several orders
of magnitude higher than the vapor pressure of the surrounding, less
volatile frozen gases. If these pockets are not too deep under the
surface (~1 m) then the gases will be released rather explosively from
the fluffy structure of the nucleus. For an adiabatic explosion the
front of the escape velocity wave (Lelevier, 1965) is
2c ,~ •.
£/& Dust
'//// Water and some volatiles
£&£ Water only
O Volatiles
**-**• Coarse debris
Fig. 1-A. A portion of a cross section near the surface of the
heterogeneous model of a comet nucleus. At some heliocentric distance
r > 1 A.U. the outgassing of the volatile components begins.
The temperature profile on the left indicates a rise of the equilibrium
temperature at the nuclear surface.
Fig. 1-B. At r ~ 1 A.U. volatiles have been depleted from the surface,
heat begins to penetrate.
where c is the speed of sound which is approximately the thermal velocity
of the gas. If the gas causing the outburst consists of polyatomic
molecules then its polytropic index is y = 1«1 to 1.3. For an average
value of Y = 1«2 the front of the escape velocity is therefore approximately
ten times the speed of sound or approximately ten times the thermal velocity
of the gas. This is in agreement with the observed Doppler shifts
of HCN and CH CN as observed by Buhl, et al. (1974). If the surface is
uneven then the outbursts can occur in almost any direction from the
sunward hemisphere of the nucleus (Fig. 1-C). After the pressure in a
pocket has been relieved the vent may close again until the pressure has
built up to its critical value and another, puff of volatile gas is issued,
similar to the action of a water droplet emersed in nearly boiling oil
in a frying pan. Under these conditions the surface of the nucleus may
approach Shul'man's spotty model of the nucleus. The rather limited
observations available at this time indicate that for larger pockets
the escape of gas occurs for a few hours but less than 24 hours. From
the column density of radio observations and the measured Doppler shifts
one obtains for the size of the larger pockets a diameter of the order
of a few times 10 m.
The peak of the temperature distribution continues to travel into
the nucleus even after perihelion. Therefore outbursts can still be
detected even after the comet is receding from the sun (Fig. 1-D). Interpretation
of the radio observations (particularly of HCN) indicate
that the structure of the nucleus is inhomogeneous on a scale of about
10 m. As the comet recedes further from the sun the temperature distribution
in the nucleus flattens out and outbursts become more rare
r < .5AU
r < .5AU
£££ Dust
'/^/ Water and some volatiles
>&$£ Water oply
CD Volatiles
«•**•«• Coarse debris
Fig. 1-C. At r < 0.5 A.U. heat has penetrated to pockets of volatiles
and causes them to erupt in jets.
Fig. 1-D. After perihelion, but still at small heliocentric distances
(r < 0.5 A.U.) the temperature profile broadens and heat still
penetrates somewhat deeper, but the temperature begins to decrease at
the surface. A few more pockets of volatiles explode. Coarse-grained
dust (indicated by a black surface contour) accumulates. At still later
times only the frozen gases remaining on the surface receive sufficient
heat from incident radiation to vaporize. This causes the observed
dimming of the comet when its brightness is compared to that at the
same heliocentric distance before perihelion.
and finally cease. Vaporization then occurs entirely from the surface
which has been virtually depleted of volatile gases. This explains
the general dimming of the comet after perihelion when its brightness
is compared to that before perihelion at the same heliocentric distance.
I have given a possible interpretation of recently acquired data
as it reflects upon the structure of the.nucleus. Let us briefly look
at the chemical abundances. With the exception of water for which there
now exists considerable indirect as well as some direct evidence (Jackson,
et al., 1974) all of the identified mother molecules have very strong
molecular transitions in the radio range. Of the five molecules most
likely to be found in a comet because of their strong transition
probabilities HCN, CH CH, CH NC, H CO, and HNCO (see Huebner, 1971) the
first two have been detected. HCN appears to be abundant to a few
percent in comet Kohoutek. The abundance of methylcyanide cannot be
ascertained because it appears not to be in equilibrium. The point to
keep in mind is that there may be other molecules, perhaps even more
abundant than HCN, but it is more difficult to detect them because of
their weak line transitions. A few unidentified lines in the radio range
have been reported, but.these lines seem to correspond to a^different
class of transitions. Typically, a mother molecule exhibits a line width
of 100 to a few 100 kHz. The unidentified lines are however much
broader: of the order of 1 MHz. A possible explanation is that these
transitions correspond to molecules or radicals which have undergone
an exothermic reaction or an exothermic dissociation. It is also very
likely that they are light molecules.
As indicated above much new data is becoming available: New
molecules give information about the chemistry of the nucleus, Doppler
shifts give us information about the structure of the nucleus, infrared
observations tell us about the composition of the grains, observations
of light reflected in the coma and the antitail give us information about
the dynamics of grains close to the nuclear surface, and about the latent
heats of the propelling gases. Spectroscopy has of course for many years
given some indication about the general constituents to be expected in
the frozen nucleus. The question now really is: do we interpret the
data correctly? Do we have enough physical and chemical information to
interpret the data? I believe that the basic data needed in comet physics
is not always of the common variety. I therefore propose that serious
thought be given to the establishment of a laboratory for comet physics
and that an effort be made to organize the data which already is available.
Of particular need, I believe, are data on physical chemistry. For example,
data on vaporization; data on mixtures; data on chemical reaction
rates; and data on grain scattering, to mention a few specific areas.
Much work is already being done, for example, at Leningrad Kaimakov and
Sharkov work on physical chemistry. Here at NASA Bonn and Stief work
on photochemistry. In Canada Prof. Herzberg does outstanding work on
laboratory spectroscopy. At Toledo Delsemme works on clathrates. At
NBS Lovas and Johnson work on radio line transitions. In Munich Michel
has carried out some basic work on grains and infrared spectroscopy.
And in Italy Cosmovichi works with molecular beams. Undoubtedly, there
are many other laboratories at work on physics and chemistry relevant
to comet problems (which usually are also of interest to interstellar
problems). But it will be necessary to stimulate some work currently
in progress to make it relevant to the physics and chemistry of comets;
and in other cases it will be necessary to analyze the results for their
relevance to comet research.
Buhl, D., W. F. Huebner, and L. E. Snyder, 1974, "Detection of Molecular
Microwave Transitions in the 3 mm Wavelength Range in Comet Kohoutek
(1973£)." Proceedings of this conference.
Huebner, W. F., 1971, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. J3, 500.
Jackson, W. M., T. Clark, and B. Donn, 1974, "Radio Observations of
HJD in Comet Bradfield," Proceedings of this conference.
Lelevier, R., 1965, "Lecture Notes on Hydrodynamics and Shockwaves,"
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory report UCRL-4333 Rev. 1.
Ulich, B. L., and E. K. Conklin, 1974, Nature 248, 121.
Z. Sekanina; There is one thing I'd like to ask both Dr. Huebner and
Dr. Delsemme with respect to the expression for the escape velocity.
I understood from the papers of Dr. Delsemme that the escape velocity
is basically only that of the thermal velocity, whereas you suggested you get
essentially one order of magnitude larger velocity than is the thermal velocity.
W. F. Huebner; I don't think that's any conflict. When you get evaporation
from the surface, you indeed get evaporation from thermal velocity. What is
happening here is an explosion of the pockets of high pressure of volatile material
which has a vapor pressure of the order of 100 to 1,000 times higher than that of
the surrounding water.
B. Donn; I have one question about the amount of material. What the
pocket implies is only a small amount of material goes out in the jet. But if
we look at your slides, these displaced components of HCN seem to me to have
comparable intensity as the perhaps normal one, which suggested that a lot of
material is going out in these jets and therefore a lot of material is going out
with high velocity. Can you put this into a consistent picture ?
W. F. Huebner; I didn't show the spectrum for the CH3CN, but in CH3CN
you do not see a quiescent state. I therefore interpret the spectrum to mean
that the zero Doppler shifts are also outbursts, but in a direction perpendicular
to the line of sight. And they all are about the same order of magnitude, and
therefore they all correspond to exploding pockets.
B. Donn; But in that case, what's bothering Sekanina is that you have a
high velocity of ejection of the material, not the nearly thermal one that we use.
And this, it seems to me, presents lots of problems with all these models of the
coma, if the gas is coming off with these high velocities.
W. F. Huebner; I think the fluctuations that we see are the high velocity
components, and those explode in pockets. The material which was lying on the
surface has already disappeared by this time. We are observing at heliocentric
distances which are smaller than 0.5AU, something like 0.3 to 0.4.
H. Keller: I think in this connection in the first 1000 to 10,000km we
should have a lot of collisions of the exploding gas. I wonder whether you can
keep up this beam direction or would this effect make things more isotropic so
that you wouldn't see such high velocity components, at least not this high
DISCUSSION (Continued)
velocity coming out of the pockets, because the density is pretty high in the
vicinity of these explosions.
W. F. Huebner; The spectra is already a few hundred kilohertz wide, and
theoretically it's best to assume that by broadening it would only be about 90
kilohertz wide. I think we see some broadening effects on that.
M. Dubin; I would like to be on record as I think the water molecule is a
parent molecule.
(Podashnick & Scheuerman) published in Nature recently, an interesting
aspect of the phase of water, amorphous water at 140 K changes phase.
The change in phase is such as to be endothermic and to be expansive the
density changes. The effect, then, is to transfer the phase change to some
depth and to spall the ice.
Now, I think this has a clear connection with the Podashnick-Scheuerman
type of description you've given.
W. F. Huebner; If you take the paper of Delsemme, I think the one difficulty
in the paper is that it assumes the density for the amorphous water as a
density of 2.3 grams/cm3
, which is rather high, and with the difficulty of
understanding how it's got to be that high.
A. H. Delsemmet I just want to comment about this high density of amorphous
ice. We had found high density. It has never been confirmed. I believe
this high density was spurious. I still am unable to explain why we have found
it, although we have observed amorphous water, of course.
So let's put it this way. I believe that the density of amorphous water is
rather high, but certainly not as high as we have found. It looks to me, when I
haven't looked at my results for a few weeks it looks impossible. When I go
back to the dates, of course, I'm again convinced by myself, but that's another
Voice: Then you should tell the key point, I think.
A. H. Delsemme: No, I think—what I would like to discuss now is the
chemical nature of the nucleus.
Of course, this implies the discussion of the interface of the nucleus with
the coma because that's our only source of information about the nucleus. That's
the vaporization that is happening at the coma level.
A. H. Delsemme
What I would like to discuss here is the chemical nature of the nucleus.
This implies the consideration of the vaporization of the nucleus into the
coma because the coma is our only source of information on the nucleus. The
nature of the parent molecules vaporizing from the nucleus has been for a long
time the missing link for our understanding of the molecular processes. A major
development has been brought about by the first identification of three neutral
parent molecules HCN and CH CN identified in Comet Kohoutek, H20 in Comet
Bradfield, confirmed by H 7O
in Kohoutek.
The atomic resonance lines of carbon and oxygen will also play a fundamental
role in our understanding of the cometary phenomena, because we will be able to
make a balanced budget of all the atoms to explain the molecular abundances.
Incomplete as they are, the major feature that seems to emerge from these
new results is the large depletion of hydrogen of the volatile fraction, at least as
compared with a mixture of cosmic abundances. In particular, the H/O ratio points
to an oxidation-reduction equilibrium, very much like that of carbonaceous chondrites.
For the first time we have rather good data on the total production rate of
hydrogen, with rather good data on the oxygen forbidden line, which gives the lower
limit to the total oxygen produced in a comet; finally, we have assessments on the
production rates derived from the resonance lines of carbon and of oxygen.
The H/O and C/O ratios will certainly be revised in the future, and measured
more accurately on bright comets. Let's assume that the present values are meaningful.
They suggest a major departure from the early model of the nucleus. Instead
of molecules like CH4 and NH3 containing large amounts of hydrogen, they
suggest molecules with less hydrogen, like ethylenic, acetylenic or aromatic compounds,
and hydrazine instead of ammonia. The fact that nobody has yet been able
to detect CH4 or NH3 may not be very significant, but it goes in the same direction.
The probable presence with water, of much CO and CO (suggested by C/O and
by the ions CO+
and CO+
2) is also difficult to explain without a serious depletion in
hydrogen. Of course, I do not really believe that thermodynamic equilibrium is
likely to be reached. It is a trend that can be modified by different factors influencing
the reaction kinetics, as exemplified by the Fischer-Tropsch (FTT) reactions
proposed by Anders.
These FTT reactions were proposed in order to explain the hydrocarbons
observed in carbonaceous chondrites. It may be significant that this same type of
reaction would explain the parent molecules of C9 and C3, as being higher acetylenes.
If the cometary stuff was made in deep space where triple molecular collisions
are notoriously absent and where the radiation field is a diluted mixture
of two Planckian distributions, roughly, at one hundred and ten thousand degrees,
it is clear that the thermodynamic equilibrium has no meaning and that the depletion
of hydrogen may simply translate the fact that hydrogen cannot easily stick,
for eons, on interstellar grains. However, if Herbig's ideas have any sense,
comets as well as interstellar molecules could have been formed in the primeval
solar nebula and other primeval stellar nebulae, and the clues we have just found
about the present redox potential of the cometary nuclei may simply mean that
comets were made in the confines of the solar nebula, not with a solar mixture,
like Jupiter and Saturn, but with a solar mixture already much depleted of its
hydrogen and its helium, like Uranus and Neptune.
B. Donn
My remarks will present some views of the behavior of the nucleus
and problems with their explanation.
One thing we definitely know about comets is that there has to be
a permanent structure which revolves around the sun in the comets
orbit. Permanent means carrying over from apparition to apparition
during the lifetime of the comet. I adopt some form of the "icy
nucleus" model as proposed by Whipple. This structure reasonably
fits most of the known cometary features although no completely
consistent model accounting for all known phenomena in a satisfactory
manner has yet been described. The icy nucleus does not appear to
have any major flaws. It has a real advantageous feature in that
detailed models can be constructed and their behavior more or less
accurately predicted, e.g. (Donn 1963; Delsemme and Miller, 1971; Sekanina
1972, 1973; Huebner, 1975).
The attempts to analyze various models in greater detail emphasize
one of the great needs in cometary research, namely, more laboratory
studies of simulated icy nucleus material. Only very limited work
has been published in this area (Delsemme and Wenger, 1970, and Kajmakov,
et al. 1972a,b).
Another important area of research concerns physical observations;
luminosity, spectra and colors of comets over large intervals of
heliocentric distance extending beyond 2 A0U. Only occasional observations
of this type are available. Several papers and much of
the discussion at this colloquium have shown the need for such data.
The main points I wish to discuss here are rather closely related
to the last item, observations at large distances, and show in more
detail why such observations are so important.
For a long time it has been my belief that the presence and
behavior of the €3(4050) bands are important clues to nuclear and
probably coma processes. Co is one of the first molecular emissions
to become detectable as a comet approaches the sun. This is well
shown in Plates I and II of the Atlas of Cometary Spectra (Swings and
Haser, 1957). The high relative intensity of C., at large heliocentric
distances is brought out in the Atlas. In every instance of spectra
taken beyond 1.5 A.U. the C% emission is the second most prominent after
CN(0,0). Qualitative evidence is given by Hogg (1929) (Ct^ has been
identified as C ) based on all spectra taken prior to 1929. This
was true for Halley's Comet in 1909 (Bobrovnikov;1931) and also for
Comet Encke (Swings, 1948 ; Swings and Haser, 1957)„
The behavior of Co is essentially the same in comets making their
first approach to the Sun and'in very old Comets. The general
similarity of the behavior of all molecular emissions among all
categories of comets, as far as it is now known, is a strong argument
for similar processes occurring throughout the life of a comet after
its initial close perihelion passage.
Although several sources for C^ have been proposed, none are
generally acceptable at the present time. The formation of C-j either
requires (i) photodissociation of a complex organic molecule containing a
three carbon chain, methylacetylene Hg C - C C - H is the only laboratory
source yielding 63 in an apparently primary photochemical process
(Stief, 1972 ),(ii) formation by collision (iii) release of 63 radicals
from the nucleus. There are difficulties with making any of these
mechanisms consistent with the reduced activity and lower coma densities
at large distances and the absence or relatively lower intensities of
all other cometary emissions as r increases. Only the scattered solar
continuum shows the same general intensity behavior. In fact, at
distances greater than 3 A.U., with the exception of Comet Humason,
1962 VIII, only a solar continuum has been detected.
Spectroscopic observations of the behavior of cometary emissions
at 3 A.U. and beyond using image intensifiers or large aperture
interference spectrometers are essential. There is great danger in
developing a theoretical explanation or model on insufficient data.
Although many of the details of comet activity at large distances
are uncertain, there is no doubt of the common occurrence of such
activity beyond 5 A«U. as Sekanina has shown. The first problem is to
account for it in a way consistent with other cometary features.
A second problem is closely related to the point just raised.
Not only dp comets show significant ejection of material beyond 3 A.U. ,
but there are several indications that this ejection rate decreases
after and even during its first approach to the sun. There are direct
observations such as for the recent apparition of Comet Kohoutek 1973,
which showed a luminosity drop of perhaps 1 1/2 to 2 magnitudes
(Jacchia, 1974) after perihelion. A very suggestive evidence
for rapid fading is the sharp peak in the I/a distribution for I/a <
50 x 10"6
(0ort, 1951, Whipple, 1962}.
Comets in an Oort cloud have existed in interstellar space for
the lifetime of the solar system, about 4 x 10 years. During this
time they have been exposed to all the radiation found there. The
possible chemical effect of an intense early solar wind was pointed
out by Donn (1968). More recently Shul'man (1972) has called
attention to the chemical effects of cosmic rays over the lifetime
of a comet in producing similar results. The results of a more detailed
analysis of this phenomena is given here.
For the region of the Oort cloud the extrapolated cosmic ray flux
near the Earth may be represented by
*v o
= k(E ) particles/nr-s-ster-MeV/nucleon (1)
where E is the total energy = Ej-n + m c2 (938 MeV) Y is very near
2.5 and k = 2.5 x 108 (Goldstein et al. , 1970; Gleason and Urch
1972). Intensities of cosmic rays below about 100 MeV are not
determined by these measurements because such particles are degraded
from higher energy cosmic rays. It is reasonable to extrapolate over
some interval and it is assumed here that the distribution law in
Equation 1 is valid to 10 MeV. As the proton flux is a factor of ten
higher than the alpha particle flux, only protons are considered in
the following analysis.
Radiation incident on the comet surface penetrates to a distance
R(E) where E is the particle kinetic energy. Energy is lost along the
path primarily by ionization (Dalgarno, 1962) which produces electrons
of several tens of electron volt energy. These in turn dissociate
molecules, producing chemical effects. Range and energy loss as a
function of energy up to 5000 MeV for protons in water are given in
Table III of Barkas and Bergen (1964). From that table the energy
deposited in successive layers of thickness 20 gm/cm was obtained
for protons in water. Proton ranges in a wide variety of materials
from quartz to propane lie within 20% of the range in water. Energy
calculations for a water-ice nucleus will apply closely for the uncertain
actual composition of the nulceus. Above 1400 MeV an average loss of
43 MeV per layer was used.
From the energy loss vs energy data a matrix Z!£j,n was determined.
This represents the energy deposited in a layer ADj between mass load
limits 20 (j-1) and 20j. gm/cm for a particle of initial energy En
with range 20n g/cm . The total energy deposition for normal incidence
cosmic rays was found by suitably combining this matrix with the
energy distribution of equation 1. The results for an isotropic
cosmic ray flux was obtained by integrating the above slant range
distribution over a hemisphere. Figure 1 shows the relative energy
deposition as a function of depth for protons. As the nucleus density
is about 1 g/cnP and probably nearly constant in the outer portion,
the abscissa also represents depth in meters.
In addition to cosmic rays protons the comet nucleus in the Oort
cloud will be irradiated by cosmic ray electrons, gamma rays and
ultraviolet photons. Ultraviolet photons will only interact with a
very thin surface layers but will subject that region to an intense
irradiation. The electron flux is one tenth of the protron flux
(Goldstein et al, 1970). Although the energy loss of electrons is
similar to that of protons with 2000 times greater energy, the large
scattering of electrons will cause the electron energy deposition
to also have a high gradient. The gamma ray photon flux is about a
factor of ten less than the extrapolated proton flux at 10 MeV and
has a steeper slope (Peterson et al, 1974). For 10 MeV photons, 90%
of the energy is absorbed within 1.5 m. The net effect of all energetic
radiation is to make the curve of Figure 1 even steeper.
In order to determined the effect of the radiation during the
comets stay in the Oort cloud, we need the absolute energy deposition.
The unit of the ordinate corresponds to 240 MeV/cm sec. There is
little experimental data to cover the irradiation of a cosmic mixture.
Oro (1963) irradiated a condensed mixture of methane,ammonia and water
with 5 MeV electrons. An irradiation of 6x10"'-" MeV/gm over a two hour
period converted 67» of the carbon to other species including 470 to
non-volatile products. Berger (1961) exposed a condensed methaneammonia-water
mixture to 12 MeV protons and obtained a yield of 1.4
molecules formed per 100 ev. This presumably refers to energy incident
rather than absorbed and an equivalence of about 100 molecule formed
per 100 ev absorbed may not be unreasonable.
The energy absorbed per 20 cm layer of the nucleus in the Oort
cloud can be obtained by setting unit ordinate in Figure 1 at 2.4 x
10 MeV/cm . A comparison of this dosage with the experimental
yields indicates that approximately complete conversion of the first
few layers of an icy nucleus will occur during its time in the cloud.
Only some percent of the nucleus below a few meters will be affected.
The irradiation will tend to polymerize the simple, volatile original
ices. The results would be a less volatile outer zone compared to the
inner protected region.
This conclusion is in contradiction with the apparent greater
activity of new comets corning from the Oort cloud. Hence, the importance
of studying the spectra, especially of new comets at large distances.
Figure 1.
2345678 9
Depth (100 gm/cm^)
IO II 12
Relative energy deposition as a function of depth.
The dashed line is based on an extropolation.
Barkas, W.H. and Bergen, M.J., 1964, NBS SP 6421o
Berger, R. 1961, P.N.A.S. 47., 1434.
Bobrovnikov, N.T. 1931, Lirk Obs. Bull JL7_, 309.
Dalgarno, A. 1962, In Atomic and Molecular Processes, ed. D.R. Bates
(N.Y. Academic) p. 623„
Delsemme, A. H. and Miller, D. C. 1971, Planet. Space Sci. 19, 1229.
Delsemme, A. M. and Wenger, P. 1970, Planetary Space Sci. 18, 717.
Donn, B. 1963, Icarus 2_, 396.
Bonn, B. 1968, Introduction to Space Science, ed. W. N. Hess and
G. N. Mead (Gordon and Breach, N. Y. ) p 501
Gleason, L.J. and Urch, ,1., 1971, Ast. and Space Sci. 11, 288.
Goldstein, M.L. , Ramaty, R., Fisk, L.A., 1970, Phys. Rev. Let. 24, 1193.
Hogg, F.S. 1929, J.R.A.S. Can. _23, 55.
Huebner, W.F., 1975, Their Proceedings
Jacchia, L.J., 1974, Sky and Telescope 47, 216.
Kajmakov, E.A. and Sharkov, vCl., 1972a, In I.A.U. Symposium 45,
The Motion Evolution of Orbits and Origin of Comets, ed. G.A.
Chebotarev, E. I. Kazimirchak-Polonskaya and B. G. Marsden
(Dordrecht: Reidel) p. 308 i
Kajmakov, E.A. , Sharkov, V.I. and Zhuralev, S.S. 1972b, In I.A.U.
Symposium 45, The Motion, Evolution of Orbits and Origin of
Comets, ed. G.A. Chebotarev, E.I. Kazimirchak-Polonskaga and
B.C. Marsden (Dordrecht, Reidel) p. 316.
Oort, J.M. 1951, B.A.N. 11, 91.
Oro, Jo 1963, Nature 197, 971.
Peterson, L.E., Trombka, J.I., Metzger, A.E., Arnold, J.R. ,
Matteson, J.I. , and Reedy, R.C. , 1974 in NASA SP 339 ed.
F.W. Streaker and J.I. Trombka (Washington, NASA) p. 41.
Sekanina, Z. 1972, In AGU Symposium No. 45, The Motion, Evolution
of Orbits and Origin-of Comets, ed. G.A. Chebotareo, E.I.
Kazimirchak-Polonskaya and B.C. Marsden p. 301.
Shul'man, L.M. , 1972, In IAU Symposium No; 45, The Motion,
Evolution of Orbits and Origin of Comets, ed. G.A. Chebatarev,
E.I. Kazimirchak-Polonskaya and E.G. Marsden (Dordrecht; Reidel)
p. 265.
Stief, LoJ. 1972, Nature 237, 29.
Swings, P. 1948, Ann. d'Astrophys, 11, 124.
Swings, P. and Haser, L. 1957, Atlas of Representative Cometary
Spectra Liege.
Whipple, F.L. 1962, In the Moon, Meteorites and Comets, ed0 B.M.
Middlehurst and G.Po Kuiper (Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press)
p. 639.
A. H. Delsemme: The volatile material diffuse has ample time to
diffuse away from the center into the upper layers of the model you have just
D. J. Malaise: I thought that the general behavior of comets is that
they are more active before perhilion than after?
F. L. Whipple: That's part of Donn's paradox.
D. A. Mendis; I'd like to make one comment, and that's about the charging
of the grains. The grains are charged by electrostatic charging in a stream.
The charging does not necessarily disrupt the stream. One has to take into account
the effect of the polarization image charge which can cause the grains to
stick. The same point has to do with the more general comment on the classifications
of nuclear models on loose to very loose to compact. It might also be
classified as a time sequence: very young, middle-aged, and older.
G. H. Herbig; This doesn't have implications for cosmic ray irradiation,
but one way of dating material, of cosmic composition, as you know, is determining
a lithium to the calcium ratio in the material. This dates stars. The
question is whether the material that's in comets has an older or new lithium to
calcium ratio.
In the passage of Ikeya-Seki near the Sun in 1965, there was a major attempt
to find out what the lithium-calcium ratio was when this Comet was very
near the Sun. And, as you know, the resonance lines of potassium, calcium,
sodium, nickel, copper, and iron came up in the spectrum of the coma when it
was near the Sun. But lithium never appeared.
Now, this isn't as simple a thing as it is in stellar atmosphere; the fact
that lithium didn't come up may be that it was bound chemically in some very
tight fashion.
All I was going to say is that if you are interested in answers to questions
of this sort, there's another kind of chemistry that ought to be talked about.
That is the chemistry of the volatile compounds these metallic elements. If
lithium is locked up preferentially, that may account for the observations. But
it's a rather puzzling thing.
If things like copper appeared in the coma, why can't we see the lithium
lines in resonance emission at that time?
DISCUSSION (Continued)
W. Jackson: It would seem, that lithium would have more volatile compounds
than any of the other things that we see. If I remember correctly, I
think that lithium compounds tend to be more volatile than the others.
Fred L. Whipple
In discussing the nucleus of comets and the role of comets in the evolution
of the solar system I summarize the observation only in Table 1, the observed
composition. Note that gas-phase chemistry obscures the nature of the
active atoms, molecules and radicals in the nucleus.
I wish to stress the fact, so obvious from this symposium, that the
comprehensive observational attack on Comet Kohoutek (1973f) has led to an
enormous step forward in deciphering the comet enigma.
We may confidently assume the following basic facts and deductions about
the character of cometary nuclei.
A. Comets are members of the solar system. No evidence exists for
orbits of interstellar origin (Marsden and Sekanina, 1973).
B. Comets have been stored for an unknown length of time in very large
orbits in the Opik-Oort cloud out to solar distances of tens of thousands of
astronomical units (Opik, 1932, Port, 1950). Perhaps 10 comets with a total
mass comparable tc that of the Earth still remain, as Oort suggested, perhaps
many more.
C. The basic cometary entity is a discrete nucleous (rarely, if ever,
double) of kilometer dimensions consisting of ices and clathrates, including
specifically H2O, CHsCN, HCN, CO2 and probably CO. Other parent molecules
of the abundant H, C, N and O atoms mixed in an unknown fashion with a com-
Table 1
Observed Composition of Comets
H, C, C2, C3, CH, CN,
13C, HCN, CH3CN,
NH, NH2, [OI], O, OH, H2O, Na, Ca, Cr, Co,
Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, V,
CH+, CO+
, CO"£, Nj, OH+
, H2O
, and Continuum
from particles including Silicate 10-um band.
parable amount of heavier elements as meteoric solids must occur in comets
because of the observed radicals, molecules and ions, in Table 1.
(Whipple, 1950, 1951. Delsemme and Swings, 1952, Swings, 1965).
D. Cometary meteoroids are fragile and of low density (McCrosky,
1955, 1958. Jacchia, 1955).
E. The comet nuclei as a whole must never have been heated much
above a temperature of about 100 K for a long period of time, otherwise new
comets could not show so much activity at large solar distances (Kohoutek,
1973f, for example). Possible internal heating by radioactivity and temporary
external heating, by supernovae for example, are not excluded.
F. Comets were formed in regions of low temperature, probably much
below 100 K.
G. Comet nuclei are generally rotating, but in no apparent systematic
fashion and with unknown periods in the range from about 3 to a few weeks,
based on non-gravitational motions and the delayed jet action of the icy nucleus.
H. The nuclei, at least of three tidally split comets, show evidence of
A f* O . •
a weak internal compressive strength the order of 10 - 10 dyne cm~ (Opik,
1966) and evidence of little internal cohesive strength.
I. The surface material of active comets must be extremely friable and
porous to permit the ejection by vapor pressure of solids and ices at great solar
distances. The evidence for clathrates by Delsemme and Swings (1952) coupled
with the probable ejection of ice grains at great solar distances (Huebner and
Weigert, 1966) and the behavior of Comet 1963f support this deduction.
The following probable limits of cometary knowledge or negative conclusions
appear valid:
1. Roughly a solar abundance of elements may reasonably be assumed
for the original material from which comets evolved. Note Millman's (1972)
evidence regarding the relative abundances of Na, Mg, Ca and Fe in cometary
meteor spectra and the solar value of the "C/ C ratio measured by Stawikowski
and Greenstein (1964, C. Ikeya, 19631) and Owen (1973, C Tago-Sato-Kosaka,
1969 IX).
2. The material in the region of comet formation (with roughly solar
abundances of elements) could not have cooled slowly in quasi-equilibrium
conditions from high temperatures. The significant abundances of CO,
C2» Co, and now CHgCN and HCN in comets along with the low density and
friability of the cometaiy meteoroids indicate non-equilibrium cooling hi which
the carbon did not combine almost entirely into CH^ and the meteoroids generally
did not have time to aggregate into more coherent high-density solids before they
agglomerated with ices.
3. The existence of an original plane of formation of comets beyond
some 3000 to 5000 a. u. appears to be unknowable. The perturbations by passing
stars would have so disturbed the orbits that the lack of evidence for a common
plane in the motions of new comets tells: nothing about the place or plane of
origin (Oort, 1950) (note exception in 4 below).
4. That the comets formed concurrently with the solar system some
4.6 x 109
years ago is an assumption based on the lack of a tenable theory for
more recent or current formation. The lack of evidence for a common plane
of motion implies an origin remote in time or, if recent, no common plane of
5. The highly variable ratio of dust to gas observed from comet to comet
proves a large variation in particle-size-distribution but has not yet been shown
to measure a true variation in the dust/gas mass ratio. P/Encke, for example,
shows a low dust/gas ratio in its spectrum but has contributed enormously to the
interplanetary meteoroid population.
The above evidence points conclusively to the origin of comets by the
growth and agglomeration of small particles from gas (and dust?) at very low
temperatures. But where? If concurrently with the origin of the solar system
(and necessarily associated with it gravitationally) two locations in space are,
a priori, possible:
*The reader is referred to V. S. Safronov's comprehensive book "Evolution
of the Protoplanetary Cloud and Formation of the Earth and Planets"
(Tzdatel ' stvo "Nauka, Moscow, 1969; translated into English by the Isael Program
for Scientific Translation and published by NASA, 1972) for a modern
development of the Kant-LaPlace concept including the important contributions by
O. J. Schmidt, and a general historical background of this general concept.
For less general special treatments see Kuiper (1951), Urey (1952), Levin
(1958), Cameron (1962), Whipple (1964), Alfven and Arrhenius (1970 a,b),
Nobel Symposium 21 (1972) and Opik (1973). For concepts of comet or solar
system origin deviating from the "classical," see Sourek (1946), Lyttleton
(1948), Whipple (1948 a,b), Trulsen (1972), O'Dell (1973) and especially
Cameron and other contributors to the Symposium at Nice "On the Origin of the
Solar System" (1972, Edition du Central National de la Recherche Scientifique
15, Quai Anatole France, Paris).
I. In the other regions of the forming planetary system beyond protoSaturn
(Kuiper, 1951; Whipple, 1951), or
n. In interstellar clouds gratitationally associated with the forming solar
system but at proto-solar distances out to a moderate fraction of a parsec, that
is to say, in orbits like those in the Opik-Oort cloud of present day comets
(Whipple, 1951; McCrea, 1960; Cameron, 1962).
There can be little doubt that comets were the building blocks for the
great outer planets, Uranus and Neptune. The mean densities of these planets
(Ramsey, 1967) are consistent with their origin largely from the accretion of
comets, assumed to consist of the compounds possible, excluding H2, in a
solar mix of elements. This process of building Uranus and Neptune is precisely
analogous to building the terrestrial planets from planetesimals. Temperature
was the controlling factor, being too high within the orbit of protoJupiter
for water to freeze. For this reason Oort's (1950) suggestion that the
comets formed within the Jupiter region appears unlikely because asteroids
clearly formed there. Similarly, Opik's requirement for solid H2 in the protoJupiter
region appears untenable. Nevertheless, Oort's idea that comets were
thrown out from the inner regions of the solar system by planetary perturbations
is highly significant.
Thus the possible origin of the presently observed comets in the UranusNeptune
region rests solely on the premise that the major planets (or proto-
planets) could indeed throw the comets into stable orbits with aphelia out to
some 50,000 a. u. or more. The low efficiency of the process is only restrictive
in the sense that too much angular momentum may be required of the outer planets
to accomplish the feat successfully. Approximately an earth mass of comets in
large orbits appears to be required as an end product but a hundred earth masses
may originally have been involved. Opik (1965, 1973) is doubtful about the process
unless the comets formed near Jupiter; Everhart (1973) finds it highly unlikely
while Levin (1972) provides the angular momentum from proto-Uranus
and proto-Neptune by forming these planets at very great solar distances (up
to 200 a.u.) from a very large nebular mass and drawing them into their present
orbits by the ejection of comets (mostly to infinity).
Everhart's doubts may possibly be removed if the space density of
comets originally fell off rapidly with solar distance and that the supply at great
distances (Marsden and Sekanina, 1973) has been replenished by those in smaller
orbits, more stable against stellar perturbations. Indeed Opik (1932) showed
that stellar perturbations will systematically increase perihelion distances to
remove the comets from the region of perturbation by the outer planets. The
number of comets thrown into the inner solar system during the immediate postnebula
period could have been significant and may account for major crater formation
on the Moon (see Hartmann, 1972) and volatiles on the terrestrial planets
(Lewis, 1974).
Alternative II, of forming the comets directly in the orbits of the OpikOort
Cloud is highly attractive except for the difficulty of agglomerating kilometer
sized bodies in the low-density fragmented interstellar clouds. Such a possibility
must be demonstrated before one can accept the tempting solution to the problem.
Opik (1973) finds the process quite impossible.
Let us now look to the comets themselves to see whether their structure
can help us distinguish between the two possible regions of origin. Most conspicuous
are the numerous carbon radicals, molecules and ions, not in lowtemperature
equilibrium with excess hydrogen. The gas, if once hot, could not
have cooled slowly. Note, too, the friability and low density (0. 5 to < 0. 01
gm/cm ) for meteoric "solids." Sekanina (this volume) finds evidence that for
Comet Kohoutek the larger grains tend to shrink appreciably in a period of a
few days. We must conclude that the ices, earthy material and clathrates were
all accumulated simultaneously at very low temperatures.
More specifically, the ices, clathrates and "solids" collected together
intimately in such a fashion that earthy molecules were somewhat bonded together
in order to provide some degree of physical strength after the ices sublimated.
Note that any sintering process to make the earthy grains coherent
physically would remove the highly volatile substances necessary to provide the
activity of Comet Kohoutek and other comets at great solar distances where the
vapor pressure of K^O is negligible. Thus the process of grain growth must have
involved the "whisker" type of growth, commonly observed in laboratory crystals.
We can confidently visualize a comet as a complex lacy structure of "whiskers"
and "snowflakes" that grew atom-by-atom and molecule-by-molecule while highly
volatile molecules were trapped as clathrates.
The temperature could have been sufficiently low for such cometary
growth anywhere in space beyond perhaps 30 to 50 a. u. from the center of the
proto-solar-system. Levin's (1972) concept of comet growth up to 200 a. u. is
entirely consistent with such growth, as is alternative n, fragmented interstellar
clouds at far greater distances. Safronof and Levin's requirement of excessive
material (perhaps 30 - 100 times the present-day mass of Uranus and Neptune)
to provide a reasonably rapid growth rate for Uranus and Neptune confirms
Opik's vehement denial that fragmented interstellar clouds may be capable of
producing comets. Careful analysis of grain growth rates under imaginative
sets of assumptions as to the nature and stability of such clouds is clearly
needed. Note that a comet does not appear to be an aggregate of interstellar
grains if, indeed, these grains are solids covered with icy mantles. Such
grains might mot cohere when exposed to solar radiation sublimating the ices
and thus not provide the much larger meteoroids or the large dust particles in
Comet Kohoutek.
A t the present, then we have no criterion to identify the unique region
in space where comets formed, if indeed, they all formed in the same general
region. We need more precise knowledge concerning the identity and abundances
of the more volatile parent molecules. Did CH4, CO, Ar or Ne, for example,
actually freeze out in comets? As Lewis (1972) shows, the mass percentages
of such volatiles can be used as thermometers. Even the dimensions of comet
nuclei are uncertain, while we have no knowledge whatsoever of their detailed
structure. Are they layered? Do they contain "pockets" of ices or "pockets"
of dust ? How fast do they rotate ? What produces comet bursts in luminosity ?
What causes llnewfl comets to split?
Furthermore, we do not know whether comets generally or indeed any
comets contain cores of asteroidal nature. It is tempting to identify many of the
Apollo or Earth-orbit crossing asteroids, as "burned outt1 comets. Proof of a
truly asteroidal core for an old comet would require a further knowledge of the
chemistry and structure of the core to ascertain whether meteoric material
collected first or whether radioactive heating drove out the volatiles. Such
knowledge would, of course, be invaluable in ascertaining the physical and
chemical circumstances of the origin. No definitive answer is likely without
such data. Anders, however, presents strong evidence that even the most
primitive carbonaceous chondrites (Type 1) are not of cometary origin (1974
private communication).
It is clear that far more ground-based and space-based research on
comets is necessary. Comet Kohoutek has shown that a massive attack on one
comet can produce extraordinary results. There are too many comets to per- . . . -. . - - . -- - .. . _
mit an over-all observational attack on each one. Nevertheless we need to
accumulate data on all observable comets. A reasonable program is to institute
massive observing programs from time to time for especially selected
comets while accumulating basic data for all comets.
Only space missions to comets can give us the "quantum jump" in
knowledge necessary to solve the most fundamental problems of comets.
Equally we need to study a few asteroids at their surfaces to understand their
nature and to identify the sources of meteorites. Because meteorites have
given us extraordinary insight regarding early conditions in the developing
solar system, we can expect asteroid space missions to answer some basic
direct questions, while "calibrating" our laboratory data on meteorites. Furthermore,
the extraordinary successes in exploring the Moon and Mars have
given us only limited data concerning the early phases of solar system formation
because these bodies have been severely altered since they were originally
Space missions to comets and to asteroids are the essential next steps
towards understanding how the solar system came into being. Such missions
are entirely feasible in the present state of our space technology. *
*The following references are related to space missions to comets and
Report of the Comet and Asteroid Mission Study Panel, NASA TM X-64677,
Alfven, H. and Arrhenius, G.1
1970. Mission to an Asteroid. Science, 167,
Hist, Reah, "Cometary Probes", Space Science Reviews, 10 (1969),
The 1973 Report and Recommendations of the NASA Science Advisory Committee
on Comets and Asteroids, NASA TM-X-71917, 1973.
Physical Studies of Minor Planets (NASA SP267) ed. T. Gehrels, NASA, 1971.
Proceedings of the Cometary Science Working Group, ed. D. L. Roberts,
IIT Research Institute, 1971.
Comets, Scientific Data and Missions, ed. E. Roemer and G. P. Kuiper,
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Univ. of Arizona, 1972. '
Nobel Symposium No» 21, From Plasma to Planet, ed. Aina Elvius, Almquist
andWiksell, Stockholm, 1972.
On the Origin of the Solar System, ed. Hubert Reeves, Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1972.
Comets and Asteroids, Strategy for Exploration, NASA TMX-64677, 1972.
Alfven, H. and Arrhenius, G., 1970a, Ap. & Sp. Sci., 8, 338-421.
Alfven, H. and Arrhenius, G., 1970b, Ap. & Sp. Sci., 9, 3-33.
Cameron, A. G. W., 1962, Icarus, 1, 13-69.
Delsemme, A. H. and Swings, P., 1952, Ann. d'Astrophys., 15, 1-6.
Everhart, E., 1973, A. J., 73, 329-337.
Hartmann, W. K., 1972, Ap. & Sp. Sci., 17, 48-64.
Heuhner, W. and Weigert, A., 1966, Z. f. Astrophys., 64, 185-201.
Jacchia, L. G., 1955, Ap. J., 121, 521-527.
Kuiper, G. P., 1951, Astrophysics, ed. J. A. Hynek, McGraw-Hill Co.,
N. Y., London, Ch. 8.
JLevin, B., 1958, L'Origine de la Terre et des Planets, Moscow.
Levin, B., 1972, "On the Origin of the Solar System," a symposium at Nice,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.
Lewis, J. S., 1972, Icarus, 16, 240-
Lyttleton, R. A., 1948, Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 108, 465.
Marsden, B. G. and Sekanina, Z., 1973, A. J., 78, 1118-1124.
McCrea, W. H., 1960, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A256, 245-266.
McCrosky, R. E., 1955, A. J., 60, 170.
McCrosky, R. E., 1958, A. J., 63, 97-106.
Millman, P. M., 1972, Nobel Symposium 21, From Plasma to Planet, ed.
A. Elvius, 156-166, Almquist and Wiksell, Stockholm.
O'Dell, C. R., 1973, Icarus, 19, 137-146.
Oort, J. H., 1950, Bull. Astr. Inst. Neth., 11, 91-110.
Opik, E., 1932, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., 67, 169-183.
Opik, E. J., 1966, Irish Ast. J., 7, 141-161.
Opik, E. J., 1965, Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege, Ser. 5, 12, 523-574.
Opik, E. J., 1973, Ap. & Sp. Sci., 21, 307-398.
Owen, T., 1973, Ap. J., 184, 33-43.
Ramsey, W. H., 1967, Planetary and Space Sci., 15, 1609-1633.
Sourek, J., 1946, Mem. and Ob s. of Czech. Ast. Soc. Prague, No. 7.
Stawikowski, A. and Greenstein, J. L., 1964, Ap. J., 140, 1280.
Swings, P., 1965, Quart. J. Roy. Ast. Soc., 6, 28-69.
Trulsen. J., 1972, Nobel Symposium 21, From Plasma to Planet, ed. A.
Elvius, 179-192, Almquist and Wiksell, Stockholm.
Urey, H. C., 1952, The Planets, Their Origin and Development, 245pp.
Yale Univ. Press, New Haven.
Whipple, F. L., 1950, Ap. J., 111, 375.
Whipple, F. L., 1951, Ap. J., 113, 464-474.
Whipple, F. L., 1948a, b, a. Sci. Amer., 178, 34-45; b. Harv. Obs. Mon.,
No. 7, 109-142.
Whipple, F. L., 1964, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 52, 565-594.
B. Dorm: I think that these volatile materials were collected not atom by
atom but by condensation into your whiskers and snowflakes, which then accumulate,
volatile or non-volatile, until you get a comet.
F. L. Whipple; So you go with the whiskers and snowflakes ?
B. Donn: Yes.
F. L. Whipple: You then accumulate them rather than to collect them
all ? The point is that the solids have to be intimately associated with the volatiles
to make the thing break up. You can't have very big solid pieces by themselves.
You have to mix them together in some fashion like that. I think the
point is rather technical. We'd have to define our terms rather carefully, I
believe, to see where we agree to disagree; and I don't think if we voted we'd
know for sure what we were voting on.
A. H. Delsemme; I have one question. When you speak about the solar
abundance, do you accept my depletion of hydrogen?
F. L. Whipple; Oh, yes, of course. I'm talking about condensables and
condensable materials; therefore, you've lost volatiles. But you started, I
presume—you could start with something like that. I think that's a reasonable
assumption. I certainly would defend that one very strongly.
M. Dubin; The isotope ratio of oxygen in Allende does not fit that?
F. L. Whipple; I didn't know there were any disagreements in isotope
ratios. Oh, you mean that's a meteorite?
B. Donn: Yes.
F. L. Whipple: Well, we're not talking about meteorites we're talking
about comets.
Where were they formed? It seems that we're pretty well limited to those
two regions and interstellar clouds that were probably gravitationally associated
DISCUSSION (Continued)
with the solar system. It's hard to see how we can capture them unless they
were originally there.
I presume capture is a possibility, but these two suggestions I made in
1950 or '51 and I still would like to know the answer. Last slide.
This is a plug. Only space missions to comets and asteroids can give us
this quantum jump knowledge that will lead to the solution of the most fundamental
problems of the solar system. Enough of that.
Well, we have three minutes for discussion if we are going to give
Dr. Mendus time for his presentation. Who wants to argue about something?
M. Dubin; What is the shape of the nucleus if you assume that all comets
have an angular momentum and they condense way out in space ? Would the
shape be disk-like, donut-like, or spherical; and why?
F. L. Whippier I think the answer is that whenever you accumulate things
you've got an irregular body that's something like a sphere. What else can you
get? There's a little angular momentum that might flatten it a bit, so maybe it's
an oblate spheroid or nearly sphered with some irregularities on it. I don't
H. Keller; What is the importance now of clathrates as compared to ices ?
We seem to have both. Is it important to make a difference between ices and
A. H. Delsemme: It's not really important. After all, I have emphasized
that we shouldn't attach too much importance to this label "clathrates," because,
after all, we have shown recently—I have shown with Miller—that the clathrates
are, after all, limits of the absorption of gases in water ices or water snows.
Therefore, if you are willing to speak about absorption, that's okay.
F. L. Whipple: I want to thank the participants for their patience in rushing
through this. I want to make two last comments.
I think Dr. Huebner's suggestion of more laboratory work is extremely
important, and I hope that none of you will forget about it. And I hope that NASA
particularly will remember it.
N76-2107 7
Asoka Mendis and Hannes Alfven
1. Introduction
The cosmogony of the planetary and satellite systems consists
of understanding the physio-chemical processes leading to their
formation and also trying to decide at what time and over what period
their formation took place. The cosmogony of the comets require
answers to not only these two questions but also as to where, in re^
lation to the solar system, the observed and inferred distributions of
comets were formed.
One also recognizes that unlike in the case of the larger bodies
the time scales of dynamical and physical evolution of some of these
bodies are very much smaller than the age- of the solar system. This
leads directly to the question of the maintenance of their observed
abundances and consequently to the genetic inter-relationships between
the various classes of comets and also to those between comets and other
bodies in the solar system. It also provokes the question whether the
formation of the comets was completed long ago together with the rest of
the solar system or whether the process of formation may be still continuing
even though on a much diminished scale.
Attempts at answering each of these questions has produced a
number of interesting ideas, but despite considerable effort by a number
of authors it must be admitted that all of these questions still remain
largely unresolved, although the continuing work on the dynamical
evolution of cometary orbits nave put important new constraints on the
evolutionary path of these bodies.
So far various theories have proposed solar origins, protoplanetary
origins, planetary origins and interstellar origins. They have
also proposed completed past origins as well as continuing origins.
Comprehensive reviews of these ideas are available elsewhere '
Here we will restrict ourselves to offering a few comments pertinent to
some of these problems.
2. Observed and Inferred Distributions
Up to the pressnt time about 100 individual short period
(P < 200 yrs) and over five times as many long period comets
have been discovered, and the present rate of discovery averages
about 4 long period and 1 short period comet per year
The differences in the orbital characteristics between these
two classes are well known. The short period comets which spend
almost all their time within the confines of the planetary system
have mostly low inclination ( i < 25 ) orbits. Only five of them are
known to be retrograde. Also about 2/3 of them have aphelia close
to Jupiter's orbit and are likely to be strongly influenced by that
planet. The long period comets on the other hand show a uniform
distribution in inclination with about equal numbers having prograde
and retrograde orbits. They are also for the most part moving in
almost parabolic elliptic orbits with periods in excess of 10 yrs.
Based on a statistical analyses of 22 long period comets whose
original barycentric orbits had been accurately calculated, Oort
showed that the bulk of them seemed to come from a region between
4 5 about 3 X 10 A. U. and 10 A. U. with a median value of about
5 X 10 A. U. He also noted that average planetary perturbation in
/1\ \ - 4 '""•* • < A( — J > j which amounted to about ±5x1 0 A. U. was
more than an order of magnitude larger than the observed dispersion
in I/a near the maximum. He was thus led to conclude that the
observed long period comets were "new" in the sense that they were
being observed at their first passage through the inner regions of the
solar system (q < 2 A. U. ). Based on the frequency of discovery of
new comets, their average period and an assumed distribution of the
transverse velocity at aphelion Oort further deduced that the number
/ 4 <
of "intrinsically observable" comets in this reservoir (3x1 0 ~
Q < 10 A. U. ) must be in excess of about 10 . Although Oort's
conclusions have been strongly criticized by Lyttleton, a more recent
detailed analysis by Marsden and Sekanina seems to confirm them,
despite the very small numbers on which the statistics are based.
They have shown that for comets having perihelion distance more than
3 A. U. and which are thus likely to be free of non-gravitational forces
if their volatile component is largely water ice as is now generally
believed , the distribution of original barycentric orbits show a
remarkable concentration corresponding to an aphelion distance around
5x1 0 A. U. Of course if these "new" comets are charged with a
component much more volatile than water or the clathrate then
this result too could be largely fortuitous.
Besides these distributions one has to grant the possible existence
of others. Indeed a comet having aphelion < 2 X 10 A. U. and
perihelion well outside the planetary system will be dynamically stable
against both stellar and planetary perturbations, during the lifetime
of the solar system. It may also be barely possible to have some
comets stably trapped in certain perculiar orbits in the outer regions
of the planetary system over the cosmognic time scale . Furthermore
it is known that there is a continuous ejection of long period comets
from the solar system at the present time and the process may have
proceeded on a grander scale during the formation stages of the solar
system. Consequently interstellar space may be continously being
populated by.comets from our own solar system as well as others
like our own. We shall, however, concern ourselves here mainly with
the observed distributions.
3. The Origin of Long Period Comets
Believing that it was difficult to form comets in situ at such large
4 (6)
distances (r ~ 5 X 10 A. U. ) Oort suggested that they originate
within the inner solar system. They were ejected out by planetary
perturbations and while some would have immediately escaped the solar
system in hyperbolic orbits those on elliptic orbits whose aphelia
Q, > 10 A. U. were subsequently removed by stellar perturbations
9 4
over a time scale of 5 X 10 yrs, whereas those with Q < 2 X 10 A. U.
are hardly affected at all. These two values of Q define the limits of
the so-called Oort's cometary reservoir. Oort further showed that
while stellar perturbations will completely isotropize the velocity
distribution near aphelion of comets in this region, the continual reshuffling
of the velocity distribution will continuously inject some long
period comets into orbits bringing them to the vicinity of the sun to
explain the observed isotropic distribution. Although Oort originally
made the highly unlikely supposition that these comets, together with
the minor planets resulted from the break up of a planet inside Jupiter's
orbit, several other authors have subsequently suggested that these
comets originate in the outer regions of the planetary system in a more
., (12), (13)
reasonable way
The difficulty with this scheme is already apparent from Everhart's
calculations for the diffusion of the I/a values of hypothetical comets
started within the solar system (despite their incompleteness, particularly
the neglect of stellar perturbations). If we, however, accept Everhart's
linear law for a number of orbits vs I/a and scale it for the fact that
1 1 4 5
there are, say, 10 comets in the region 2 x 10 AU - 10 AU, this
seems to require an embarrassingly large number of comets within the
solar system at some time (> 10 ).
Recently Alfve'n and Arrhenius have developed a detailed hydromagnetic,
planetesimal theory for the formation of planetary systems
around a central star as well as the formation of satellite systems around
a central planet. The basic steps in the process are the following: initially
gas infalling towards a spinning, magnetized central body is ionized and
brought into partial corotation. Grains condensing out of this plasma fall
on neutralization towards the equatorial plane and are collected there at
various descrete distances from the central body due to mutual inelastic
collisions to form streams of almost co-orbital particles called "jet streams".
These grains then further accrete within these streams due to mutual inelastic
collisions growing into larger and larger planetesimals which ultimately
grow into planets and satellites, the final stages of the accretion process
being gravitational.
The central problem here is the time evolution of these jet streams
which have been studied recently both numerically and analytically
with the authors drawing basically similar conclusions. In order to make
the problem tractable a number of simplifying assumptions have been
made in both cases. In particular, the effects of fragmentation and accretion
have been neglected as are gravitational perturbations and electromagnetic
effects such as the Poynting-Robertson effect. Within these
limitations, however, one finds in a general way that, if collisions are
sufficiently inelastic, a radial focussing or clustering would occur such
that the thickness of the stream is reduced.
(18) More recently Ip and Mendis have studied the time evolution
of such streams using simple mathematical models which also take into
account the effects of fragmentation and accretion. Accretion here
meaning not merely the coagulation effect of stream particles sticking to
each other during inelastic collisions but also the continuous sweeping up
of matter intersecting the streams. The treatment is in terms of the average
kinetic and physical parameters of the particles and considers for
simplicity a pure accretion case and a special fragmentation case wherein
despite the competing effect of accretion, fragmentation continues to keep
the average grain radius constant. The results of the computation are
shown in the following figures. Figure 1 depicts the pure accretion
model. Here A is the initial value of the ratio of the accretion time
Figure 1: The variations of the normalized internal velocity,
the number density and the grain radius with time,
for different values of Ao, in the pure accretion
scale to the internal collision time scale, and time is measured in units of
the initial accretion time scale. For A =1 we have a gradual dispersion
of the matter stream due to the thermalization effect of the accretion of the
external matter. In the case of A = 100 there is a rapid focussing
of the stream because the evolution of the stream is dominated by the
inelastic collision process among the stream particles. An intermediate
behavior is observed when A - 10, the matter stream has an initial
expansion phase until T ~ 1. At this stage the thermalization effect is
balanced by the internal energy dissipation by inelastic collisions, and
contraction begins. It seems therefore that, in the case of a pure accretion
model for interplanetary matter streams, focussing will always occur if
A > 10.
o -"
Figure 1 also shows that for A • <_ 10="" 2.="" 2="" 3="" 646="" a="" about="" accretion="" almost="" an="" and="" are="" average="" b="" before="" begins="" by="" case="" catastropic="" coagulation="" collapse="" contraction="" culminating="" decrease.="" density="" depicts="" due="" efficiency="" faster="" figure="" focussing="" following="" fragmentation="" gradual="" grain="" however="" in="" increase="" increases="" initial="" instantaneously="" is="" just="" l="" m="" magnitude="" model.="" much="" o="" occurs="" of="" one="" orders="" particle="" period="" phase="" process="" pure="" radius="" rapid="" reduced="" similar="" stream.="" stream="" t.-="" t="" the="" therefore="" thickness="" those="" three="" to="" two="" v.="" variations="" while="" within="">
In the evolution of any proto- planetary matter stream while there
would be a gradual increase in the average grain size as shown by the
pure accretion model, this growth would be hindered to some extent by
the competing effects of fragmentation. Consequently the real. situation
would be intermediate to those suggested by the two models we have
discussed. The general conclusion then is that any proto-planetary matter
stream in which accretion and fragmentation are taking place a strong
focussing would occur over a period of a few accretion time scales.
While planets and satellites will be formed in this way close to
the equitorial plane of the central body, dust particles associated with the
gas and having a sufficiently small charge to mass ratio not to be significantly
effected by the magnetic field will fall in streams towards the sun.
If we consider a spherical cluster of such dust of cometary mass (as 10 g)
initially at a large heliocentric distance r from the sun falling in towards
it in a highly elongated elliptic orbit, then if r is the heliocentric disB
tance sufficiently before perihelion such that a linear approximation may
be made to the portion of the orbit between A and B, it is seen that the
cluster will be drawn out into a thin pencil shaped stream near B whose
rB\ 2
length ~ %/ - D . and whose cross-sectional diameter is I - ID
Consequently the density will be increased by a factor - I If
we take r « 5x1 0 AU and r w 5 AU, and the distributed dust
-20 -3
density at A ss 2 x 10 gm cm (corresponding to a neutral gas density
K 10 cm ), p w 10 p ~ 2 x 10 gm cm . Since the internal
13 .A.
r p
collision time scale at B is given by t ss —° "• , taking r ~ 10 p, ,
p « 0. 5 gm cm , v « 10 cm sec , we get t « 2 X 10 sees
« 1 mo. Consequently a fast focussing into consolidated body of
cometary size is possible during a single perihelion passage. While the
isotropy of the observed distribution of long period comets is a natural
consequence of this formation process, the emerging view of a comet as a
lossely consolidated grainy matrix is consistent with such a formation. It
also anticipates the observed compositional similarities between interstellar
dust and comets.
It should be noticed that the mechanism we are proposing is essentially
different from Lyttleton's gravitational lensing . It is also asserted that
these dust streams are unstable against the effects of internal inelastic
collisions and would quickly agglomerate into one or more larger bodies.
4. The Origin of Short Period Comets
The idea that short period comets derive from long period ones that
pass near one of the massive outer planets (especially Jupiter) and lose
energy is nearly two centuries old being generally attributed to Laplace.
This classical capture hypothesis has since been considered by several
authors and worked out in detail by Newton whose calculations have
been extended and refined more recently by Everhart . Both authors
reached the conclusion that single close encounters of long period (or more
precisely parabolic) comets belonging to the observed random distribution,
with planets (particularly Jupiter) cannot solve the problem of the origin
of short period comets. While the capture probability remains finite although
very small, the calculated post-capture distribution of these short period
comets following a single close encounter with Jupiter does not in any way
correspond to the observed distribution and nowhere is this discrepancy
more marked than in their distribution with regard to period and inclination.
In fact, these calculations perdict that about a quarter of the short period
comets with perihelion <_ -20="" -72="" -="" -nov.="" -was="" .="" 0.="" 0="" 1.="" 10="" 10j.="" 1118.="" 117="" 11="" 11_="" 120="" 12="" 139="" 145.="" 15="" 17="" 183="" 1846.="" 1852="" 1862="" 1866="" 1891.="" 1950="" 1951="" 1953="" 1963="" 1968="" 1970="" 1971="" 1973="" 1974.="" 1974="" 1="" 20.="" 2000="" 219="" 21="" 225.="" 249="" 25="" 25th="" 29="" 2="" 2j="" 2nd="" 3.="" 316.="" 323.="" 327="" 329.="" 33.="" 338="" 357.="" 3="" 3a.u.="" 3z9.="" 4-5="" 4.="" 410.="" 4="" 50="" 536.="" 55th="" 5="" 63="" 650="" 651="" 652="" 653="" 654="" 655="" 656="" 657="" 658="" 6="" 78="" 7="" 7j="" 7jl="" 89.="" 8="" 90="" 91.="" 9="" 9x1="" _24="" _9.="" a.="" a="" about="" above="" abundance="" ac="" acad.="" account="" accounting="" accreting="" accretion="" achieve="" achieved="" adopted="" after="" against="" age="" agglomeration="" ago.="" agree="" alfve="" alfven="" all="" allowed="" along="" already="" also="" although="" an="" analysis="" and="" ann.="" annual="" any="" apollo-type="" apparition="" appreciable="" approach="" approached="" approaches="" approximately="" april="" aq="" are="" argues="" arrhenius="" artificially="" as="" associated="" association="" associations="" assume="" assumed="" assuming="" assumptions="" astron.="" astrophys.="" astrophysics="" at="" attempted="" au="" author="" b.="" b.c.="" based="" basic="" basis="" baxter="" be="" because="" been="" before="" being="" believed="" besides="" between="" beyond="" birth="" bodies="" both="" break="" bright="" brightest="" bull.="" but="" by="" calculated="" calculations="" camb.="" cambridge="" can="" cannot="" capture-region="" capture="" captures="" carlo="" case="" causes="" centuries="" circumstantial="" circumvent="" claculations="" claim="" classes="" clathrates.="" close="" closely="" cloud="" cm="" co-orbital="" coefficients="" collected="" colloquium:="" combined="" comet="" cometary="" cometmeteor="" comets.="" comets="" comparable="" complete="" complex="" component="" compression="" computation="" concentration="" concerns="" concluded="" concludes="" conclusions="" condensation="" conditions="" configuration="" confines="" connection="" consecutive="" consequent="" consequently="" considerable="" considerations="" considered="" considering="" considers="" consisting="" consolidated="" contain="" cosmic="" could="" course="" cross-sections.="" crucial="" ct.="" d.="" day="" deduced="" degassing="" delsemme="" density="" deny="" depends="" derive="" derived.="" development="" different="" differential="" difficulty="" diffuse="" diffusion="" diminished="" discrepancy="" disintegration="" dispersed="" dispersing="" dispersion="" dispersive="" dissipation="" distributed="" distribution="" distributions="" disussed="" doses="" draconids="" draw="" due="" dumpiness="" during="" dust="" dynamical="" e.="" earlier.="" earlier="" early="" earth="" easily="" eccentric="" ed.="" ee="" effect="" effective="" effects="" efficiencies="" efficient="" ejecta="" elasticity="" electromagnetic="" elucidating="" emple-tuttle="" empletuttle="" energy="" entering="" equally="" erosion--i.="" eruptions="" eruptive="" especially="" essentially="" etc.="" even="" eventual="" everhart="" every="" evidence="" evolution="" example="" except="" excited="" excluded.="" existing="" exists.="" expansion="" explain="" explained="" eye="" eyes="" f.="" fact="" factor="" fading="" far="" faster="" favorably="" field="" fields="" figures="" final="" first="" focussing="" following="" for="" forces="" form="" formal="" formation="" formed="" forming="" found="" fraction="" frequent="" from="" further="" furthermore="" g.="" g="" gas.="" gas="" gcfc="" gehrels="" generally="" genetic="" given="" good="" grains="" gravitational="" gravity="" greater="" greenbelt="" group="" h.="" h="" had="" hand="" harvard="" has="" have="" having="" he="" hesitate="" high="" highly="" how="" however="" hynek="" hypothesis="" hypothetical="" i="" iacobini-zinner="" iau="" idea="" idealized="" identified="" identifying="" iela="" if="" ii="" iii="" important="" in="" inclination="" including="" increase="" indeed="" indicate="" inherent="" initial="" injection="" input="" inst.="" interaction="" interesting="" interference="" intermediate="" interplanetary="" intersect="" into="" intriguing="" introduction="" investigation.="" ip="" irradiated="" irreversible.="" is="" it.="" it="" its="" iv="" j.="" j="" jet="" joss="" jupiter-saturn="" jupiter.="" jupiter="" kepler="" km.="" km="" known="" kuiper="" l.="" l.he="" l="" laboratory="" lagrangean="" large="" larger.="" larger="" leads="" least="" led="" leonids="" level="" light="" likely="" longitudinal="" loss="" low="" lower="" lunar="" lyttleton="" made="" magnitude="" maintaining="" major="" marginal="" marsden="" maryland="" mass.="" matter="" maximum="" may="" mcgraw-hill="" mcnclis="" meeting="" mem.="" mend="" mendis="" merely="" merit="" meteor="" methuen="" million="" minor="" mitigate="" mnras="" model="" modest="" modulation="" monte="" moon="" more="" moved="" moving="" much="" must="" n.="" n="" naked="" nat.="" naturally="" nature="" ncke="" ndromedids="" necessarily="" need="" needs="" neth.="" never="" new="" newton="" next="" no="" nodes="" non-gravitational="" none="" not="" noticed="" now="" nuclei.="" nuclei="" number="" numerical="" o="" object="" objects="" observation="" observations="" observe="" observed.="" observed="" obtained="" occasions="" occurrence="" occurring="" october="" of="" og="" old="" on="" one="" only="" oort="" opposite="" or="" orbit.="" orbit="" orbital="" orbits="" orders="" origin="" other="" our="" over="" p.="" p="" paint="" paper="" papers="" parabolic="" parameters="" partial="" particles="" particular="" particularly="" parts="" per="" perhaps="" perihelia="" period="" permanent="" perseids="" perturbation="" perturbations.="" perturbations="" phase="" physical="" place.="" planet.="" planetary="" planetesimal="" planets="" point="" points="" population="" positioned="" possibility="" possible.="" possible="" possibly="" post-capture="" poynting-robertson="" praticles="" precession="" preliminary="" present="" press.="" press="" problem="" process="" produced="" producing="" products="" prograde="" properties="" proposed="" protective="" provide="" providing="" purely="" q="" quantity="" questionable="" r.="" r="" radiation="" random="" rate="" rather="" reaching="" read="" realized="" recent="" recently="" reciprocal="" recorded="" reduced="" ref.="" ref="" references="" regard="" regarding="" region.="" region="" regions="" regults="" relationship="" relics="" remains="" require="" required="" requirements="" respect="" result="" results.="" retained="" retnetion="" retrograde="" return="" returns.="" rev.="" rev="" reviving="" revolution="" richter="" s="" same="" satellites.="" scale="" scales="" scattering="" sci.="" science="" section="" see="" seem="" seems="" seen="" sekanina="" separated="" series="" several="" short-period="" short="" should="" shown="" shows="" shrinkage="" significance="" significant="" similarity="" simple="" simulating="" since="" sink="" situated="" situation="" sizes.="" sizes="" small="" smaller="" so-called="" so.="" so="" solar="" some="" somewhat="" source="" sp-267="" space="" span="" spread="" stage="" state="" statistical="" stellar="" sticking="" still="" stream="" streams.="" streams="" stressed="" stron="" strong="" strongly="" studies="" study="" subsequent="" subsequently="" succeeded="" successively="" such="" sufficient="" suggested="" suggestive.="" sun-jupiter="" sun="" supported="" supposedly="" surface="" surfaces="" surprising="" surveryor="" survival="" swarm="" system.="" system="" t.="" tails="" take="" taurids="" temporary="" ten="" than="" that="" the="" their="" them="" theory="" there="" these="" theso="" they="" thicknesses="" this="" thompson="" though="" through="" time.="" time="" times="" to="" too="" topic:="" total="" towards="" traveling="" trigger="" trulsen="" twelve="" two="" type="" typical="" typically="" u.="" u="" ultimately="" unambigiously="" uncertainties="" uncertainty="" undertain="" unit="" univ.="" unlike="" unreasonable="" up="" us="" values="" variation="" velocity="" very="" view.="" view="" violent="" viscous="" viz.="" volatile="" volcanic="" vsekhsviatsky="" w-h.="" w.="" was="" washington="" wave.="" waves="" way="" we="" well="" were="" what="" when="" where="" whether="" which="" while="" whipple="" whose="" wift-tuttle="" will="" wind="" with="" within="" witness="" work="" worthwhile="" would="" x="" y.="" years.="" years="" young="" yr="" yrs="" z.="">, 7.
(21) Everhart, E. , 1969, Astron. J. , 74, 735.
(22) Everhart, E. , 1972. Astrophys. Letts. , 1_0_, 131.
(23) Joss, P. C. , 1973, Astron. and Astrophys. 25. 271.
(24) Delsemme, A. H. , 1973, Astron. and Astrophys. . 29. 381.
(25) Vsekhsviatsky, S. K. , 1966, Nature et Origine des Gomezes. Liege,
(26) Trulsen, J. , 1970, Proc. I A U S y m po s ni ny No. 45, Lenningrad, 487.
(27) Mendis, D.A., 1973, Astrophys. and Space Sci., 20, 165.
(28) Bibring, J. P. and Maurette, M., 1972, paper presented at thr
IAU/CERN Colloquium, Nice, France. April 1972.
(29) Lindblad, B. , 1971, Njjbj^ Symposium 21; From Plasma to Planet,
ed. Aina Elvius, 195.
(30) Vsekhsviatsky, S. K. , 1958, Physical Characteristics of Comets,
Moscow (U.S. NASA Tech. Translation F80, 1964)"
(31) Lovell, A. C. B. , 1954, Meteor Astronomy, Oxford Press.
Fred L. Whipple and Myron Lecar
The current evidence concerning the nature of comet nuclei suggests that
comets may be sizeable aggregations of interstellar grains. This is a progress
report on an effort to find circumstances and processes whereby such aggregations
might be formed in the solar system at distances far beyond the protoplanets
during the early stages of solar-system development. Under investigation
are interactions between the early solar "gale" and the surrounding interstellar
gas and dust—the so-called "snowplow effect." Compression of the gas
and resultant motions of the dust coupled with the pressure radiation from the
Sun and nearby new stars may, under certain idealized circumstances, produce
a high enough concentration of dust for gravitational instability to occur in the
dust, thereby producing km-sized coherent bodies. The likelihood or probability
of actual comet formation by such processes remain to be determined.
J. C. Brandt: Dr. Whipple, do you have observational methods for out
flows from solar type stars at rates 106
to 108
times the present solar wind?
F. L. Whipple: Kuhi's studies of the t-Tauri stars suggest 106
or 107
the present solar wind.
Stephen Strom believes it. Strom even likes 106
solar masses per year of
lose for the first 104
or 105
There's a lot of difference of opinion on that. George Herbig here knows as
much about it as anybody in the world, but he isn't saying a word, I notice.
J. C. Brandt: That number just strikes me as high.
F. L. Whipple: 1018
grams/sec would be a lot. That's about 106
gm/sec is 108
times. It strikes me as high, too.
M. Oppenheimer: Interstellar masses have been observed in the circumferential
material about young stellar objects. These objects contain large densities
of H-O, OH, and CO which are species observed or searched for in comets,
and other species, such as CH3OH which may exist in comets. These
species are efficient cooling agents through their molecular-transitions.
The maser regions are transitory phenomena which may rapidly cool and
become thermally unstable through these molecular transitions. The cooled
object less its H molecules is of appropriate mass to become a comet. Thus,
masers are associated with regions where Dr. Whipple says comets are forming.
In fact, comets may actually be old masers which have cooled off and
W. F. Huebner: Regarding Prof. Whipples talk, I would like to point out
that opacities used in the past for calculations of star formation (i.e., in gravitational
collapse of interstellar clouds) are internally inconsistant. They are composits
of certain approximations. For example, some average grain opacity has
been used up to some temperature Tj, between this temperature and some temperature
T2 an average molecular opacity has been used, and beyond T2 and average
atomic opacity has been used. No effort has been made to allow for coexistence
of several phases: there are no molecules below Tj , and no grains
above Tj , nor is the composition of mantles on grains consistent with condensation
of the molecular phase. It is very probable that the molecular opacities are too
low because a number of molecular bands have been ignored. Just below Tj
and just above T2 the opacity may be too low because molecules have been ignored
in these regions. To give more quantitative estimates requires a detailed
analysis. This is one of the problems we are working on.
F. L. Whipple; Just a quick comment on a very important problem.
In producing pseudo-gravity, one is interested in an actual true opacity;
in other words, an absorption and re-radiation at longer wavelengths. Forward
scattering doesn't help you much because if you forward scatter into the cloud,
you don't get the pseudo-gravitation.
The general idea is that about half of the observed extinction is thought
to come from absorption and re-radiation of long wavelengths. The other half
is largely forward scattered and wouldn't affect it much.
So if the fraction is something like a half, I don't worry about it. That's
much closer than the rest of the assumptions. But if it is one percent, then one
would worry.
B. Bonn: I would just like to repeat the comment Whipple made, that
Herbig is staying very quiet through all of this.
B. Donn
It is now a generally accepted concept that comets are a
residue of the early history of the solar system from the time
when the planets were forming. Because of the approximately
0.1$ loss of material from the nucleus during perihelion
passage near 1 A.U., lifetimes of short period comets are
li c
limited to 10 -10^ years. This requires an astronomically
recent source of the comets seen at the present epoch. From
the statistics of the aphelia of parabolic and long period
comets, Oort (1951) proposed the existence of a comet cloud
between 50,000 and 100,000 A.U. which serves as a reservoir
from which presently observed comets have recently been perturbed.
Although there are various difficulties with populating
the cloud (Opik, 1973) and its subsequent evolution (I.A.U.
Symposium 45, 1972; Everhart, 197^) it is the basis for nearly
all current studies on the origin and evolution of comets.
At heliocentric distances of tens of thousands of A.U.
the density of matter in a solar nebula isolated in space was
much too small to allow for the accumulation of cometary size
objects. Until recently, all theories of star formation or
planetary origin have assumed that the Sun formed as an isolated
single star. Cameron (1973)
an analysis of planetary accumulation,
postulated massive fragments breaking off from the outer
limits of the primordial solar nebula and revolving around it.
He proposed these sub-clouds as the regions where comets could
form at distances comparable to Oort's cloud. This theory was based
on his theory of the evolution of a solar mass fragment of a
collapsing interstellar cloud (Cameron, 1973).
This paper develops further the proposal I made (Donn,
1973) that comet formation occurs in fragmenting interstellar
clouds in which star clusters form. Evidence for continual
star formation in the galaxy is now so well established that
it can no longer be questioned. This evidence has been described
in several places, e.g. Spitzer (1968) and is only
concisely reviewed here. (1) The very luminous 0 and B stars
are consuming their nuclear energy at a rate that will permit
them to continue to maintain their present characteristics for
a time of the order of 10 years; (2) a similar result is
obtained for the ages of young clusters from the position in
the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram where the stars show evolution
off the zero age main sequence line; (3) expansion of OB
associations yield dynamical ages of similar duration; (4)
irregular variables with emission lines among spectral classes
G and K, the T Tauri stars, are intimately associated with
heavy obscuration, frequently in conjunction with OB stars.
These objects seem to be stars that have only recently undergone
gravitational contraction to the main sequence (Herbig, 1962).
Observed newly formed stars tend to occur in clusters and
some theoretical analyses have indicated that all star formation
occurs in large groups of a hundred to about one thousand
stars (Roberts, 1957; Ebert, et al. 1969). On the other hand,
Aveni and Hunter (1967) have found four early-type stars that
they could not attribute to known clusters or associations.
They have proposed (Aveni and Hunter, 19&9, 1972) that OB and
T Tauri stars can form in condensations of 100 or less solar
masses. Herbig (1970) believes that stars may form in small
groups, possibly as single objects.
It is very likely that the Sun formed some 6x10^ years ago
as a member of a cluster. During that interval this cluster
has presumably disintegrated. In this regard,^the oldest
galactic clusters (Iben, 1967) are lOxlo" yrs for NGC 188 and
5x10^ yrs for M67• In a developing cluster the conditions for
comet formation are not restricted to within fifty A.U. of the
Sun. Indeed, matter of appreciable density is distributed over
a volume with dimensions of several parsecs. This is shown in
photographs of gas and dust distribution for young clusters and
regions showing good evidence of star formation.
Although theoretical investigations of cloud fragmentation
are still in an early, controversial state, there is general
agreement (Larson, 1973)
on the occurring of fragmentation.
Observationally, clusters do exist and their association with
gas and dust is clear evidence of star formation in clusters
via fragmentation. Theoretical investigations (Salpeter, 1959;
Hartman, 1970) lead to mass functions varying as M where b is
between 1 and 1.5. This relation fits the star distribution
near the Sun down to a few tenths solar mass (Hartmann, 1970).
Beyond that point stellar luminosity functions begin to
decrease although the behavior for small masses is uncertain.
The smallest measured stellar mass is Boss 6l4B, MV = 16.8,
M = 0.0? MQ (van de Kamp, 1971). In the Hyades^the nearest
open cluster, the faintest stars have M = 17 (vonAltena, 1966).
Greenstein, et al. (1970) concluded that the faint end of the
main sequence is bounded at 0.09 MQ. This value shows good
agreement with the theoretical lower limit 0.085 MQ (Hoxie,
1970; Straka, 1971a,b). It appears that a real minimum stellar
mass of about 0.07 MQ exists. This limit is the result of an
instability to produce nuclear.energy and cloud fragments of
such mass may yield massive condensations. The collapse of
these and small fragments does not appear to have been investigated.
It is rather likely that such small masses in a cluster
either intrinsically or because of nearby star formation cannot
collapse to stars. However, such fragments are expected
(Cameron 1973; Larson 1973).. For the smallest mass clouds
they will exceed the stellar mass function and almost certainly
peak at smaller masses.
In the smallest fragments the density may be large enough
and the temperature cold enough that volatile material condenses.
This may occur homogeneously as well as on existing non-volatile
grains. Under these conditions, efficient accumulation of larger solid
objects could occur. In his analysis of the evolution of cloud
fragments from a few solar masses to a fraction thereof,
Cameron's (1973) analysis suggests that accumulation of cometary
nuclei in the range lO^-ao20
gm will be a rapid process.
Within the volume of the cluster will be many regions
where comets may form. Their composition will be that of the interstellar
molecule population in each subcloud. The complex
<, 666
molecular array in Orion is highly concentrated toward the
region of the Beklin-Neugebauer infrared source.
Formaldehyde has a broader distribution and carbon monoxide
is still less concentrated. Water is only detectable in maser
sources but its cloud distribution presumably is intermediate
between carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. The composition of
the nuclei formed depends upon the effectiveness of molecule
formation in the region. This in turn probably depends upon
the availability of energy sources (Bonn and Stief, 1974).
Cometary nuclei may form with variable ratios of three classes
of constituents; CO, HpO: complex organic molecules: dust.
The spectra of new comets actually, fall into these three
classes, i.e. "new" comets in which each type of material predominates
are known: continuum strongest; molecular emissions
dominate or CO dominates.
Some description of the possible evolution of the comet
cloud can be given. Within clusters and associations the
velocity dispersion is less than 3 km/sec (Blaauw, 1964). For
subclouds in the proximity of a particular star, turbulence
theory suggests that relative velocities will tend to be less
than for the cluster as a whole. Consequently, comets forming
within a fraction of a. parsec of a star will have average
relative velocities of perhaps 1 km/sec. The velocity dispersion
within a comet cloud can be expected to be comparable or
In a cluster the average distance between stars is about
0.5 PC. It is to be noted that this distance is significantly
smaller than the 2.2 pc mean distance (van de Kamp, 1971) for
stars presently within 5 PC of the sun. As a result for
comet formation in clusters, the stability and early evolution
of the comet cloud differs from similar features of the standard
Oort cloud. Comets having near zero velocity relative to the
Sun and within about 0.1-0.3 pc or 20-60x10 A.U. would be the
primary members of the cloud. Because of stellar perturbations
within the cluster, resistance effects and non-gravitational
effects caused by radiation or stellar winds within the cluster,
comets with higher velocities or at larger distances might have
become members of the Sun's cloud. Tinsley and Cameron (1974)
have proposed that a large number of interstellar comets could
act as sinks of heavy elements and in this way explain the slow
rate of heavy element buildup in the galaxy. Greenberg (1974)
has also proposed that comets may account for interstellar
deficiencies of heavy elements.
The association of comets with star formation in clusters
seems a natural development. This hypothesis also provides
prospects for explaining the origin and evolution of the Oort
cloud, the composition of comets, and relationships between
cometary and interstellar molecules. It also suggests that
comets allow us to study interstellar matter close to the sun.
According to this hypothesis, a comet probe would be an interstellar
probe as well.
Aveni, A.F..and Hunter, T.H. Jr. 1957, Astron. J. 92_, 1019-
Aveni, A.F. and Hunter, T.H. Jr. 1969, Astron. J. 74, 1022.
Aveni, A, F. and Hunter, T. H. Jr., 1972, Astron. J. _77, 17.
Blaauw, A. 1964, An. Rev. Astr. and Ap. 2_, 215.
Cameron, A.G.W. 1973, Icarus 18, 407.
Donn, B.D. 1973, Bull. A.A.S. 5_, 342.
Bonn, B.D. and Stief, L.J. 1974, Bull. A.A.S. 6, 221.
! ~
Ebert, R., von Hoerner, S., and Temesvary, S. Die Entstehung
von Sterner, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1969.
Everhart, 1974, I.A.U. Coll. 52, The Study of Comets, in press.
Greenberg, J.M. 1974, Ap.J. 189, L8l.
Greenstein, J., Neugebauer, G. and Beklin, E. 1970, Ap.J. 161, 519.
Hartman, 1970, "Evolution Stellaire Avant la Sequence Principle,"
16 Liege Astrophysics Symp., Liege, also Mem. Soc. Roy.
Sci. Liege. 15 Se, 19, 49.
Herbig, G.H. 1962, Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics I, 47.
Herbig , G.H. 1970, "Evolution Stellaire Avant la Sequence Principale,"
16 Liege Astrophysics Symp., Liege, also Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci.
Liege 5th Se, 19, 13-
Hoxie, D.T. 1970, Ap.J. 161, 1083.
IAU Symp. 1972, "The Motion, Evolution of Orbits and Origin of
Comets," ed. by G.A. Chebotarev, E.I., KazimirchakPolonskaya,
E.I., and E.G. Marsden, D. Reidel, Dordrecht,
Iben, I. Jr. 1967, Ap.J. 147, 624.
Larson, R.B. 1973, M.N. 161, 133-
Oort, J.H. 1950, B.A.N. 11, 91.
Opik, E. 1973, Astrophys. and Sp. Sci. 21, 307.
Roberts, M.S. 1957, Pub. A.S.P. 69, 59.
Salpeter, E.E. 1959, Ap.J. 129, 608.
Spitzer, L.J. Jr., Ch. 9 Stars and Stellar Systems, V. 1, ed.
by L.H. Aller and B. Middlehurst, U. Chicago Press, 1968.
Straka, W.C. 1971a, Ap.J. 164, 125; b, Ap.J. 165, 109.
Tinsley, B. and Cameron, A.G.W. 1974, Astrophys. and Sp. Sci.
31, 31.
van Altena, 1966, A.J. 71, 482.
van de Kamp, P. 1971, Ann. Rev. Astr. and Ap. 9, 103.
L. Biermann: The reason for expecting many more cometary nuclei in
interstellar space than in the Oort clouds of stars like our sun is a quite general
one. The total energy per gram of such an object must be negative but only by a
quite small amount. Irrespective of the exact place of first formation, the solar
system or outside of it, but in that dense interstellar cloud in which here and
there a star is being born, the probability of such an object ending up in the
Oort cloud with such initial parameters that it stays there for 109
years is only
of order some percent or less. Since this point was the subject of a contribution
of mine at the 1972 Nice Colloquium on the Origin of the Solar System, I shall
not elaborate it further. In closing I should say only that it is a least conceivable
that a sizeable fraction of the interstellar C, N, and O atoms are tied up
in such objects (not necessarily of 1(H
6 gm or more) a possibility currently
being discussed in connection with the chemistry of interstellar space (M.
Friesberg, 1974).
J. T. Wasson: I think that many of the arguments that you give for believing
that interstellar material will give you high CH3CN or CH — or methyl
acetylene, whatever ratios, are quite correct but I'm also not convinced that
you can't get them by material forming close to the sun.
I think that we don't know, first of all, anything about the temperature
distribution in the early solar system: even though it undoubtedly got fairly hot
in near to the sun, we don't really know how hot it must have gotten out at 30
astronomical units during, say, the collapse phase of the solar nebulae.
Secondly, we don't know that all the matter in the solar system fell in at
once. It may have been a very gradual process of material being captured by
the solar system from the interstellar cloud. One could certainly imagine a
model where half or more of the material that ultimately ended up at ten astronomical
units from the sun or every further out was in fact interstellar material
that had never been hot and had never, therefore, lost the inner stellar signature
that you've been talking about.
B. Donn: It is certainly true. I wouldn't insist that this is necessarily a
unique distinction but we know in the interstellar medium that these complex
compounds have in fact surprisingly high concentration compared, to any CO
and H2.
In the solar nebulae it is true we don't know. Most of the theoretical calculations
have assumed that it is near an equilibrium calculation. It may not be*
And so it may be that when you get these observations, you will not be able to
make a unique determination. But I think it is one possibility.
The isotope ratios may be a little bit better but again, the same sprt of
thing may apply if the material falling into the solar system was again not recycled
to bring about equilibrium.
J. T. Wasson: I think most of these calculations have been done by meteoriticists
who believed they were talking about material that formed at about
2. 8 astronomical units.
M. Oppenheimer; Along the same line, in line with Dr. Whipple's model,
there's a way that comets forming at very large distances can be characterized
by a signature of high temperature formation. It gets very complicated because
that's sort of a region which is neither here nor there.
And also, with respect to the deuterium problem, the thing that determines
the hydrogen to deuterium ratio in those molecules is the energy defect as
far as the exothermicity of reactions like HD + HCN -* H2 + DCN, which are a
few hundred degrees, and you have to be very careful that as the densities become
very high as this matter conglomerates—even if the temperature never gets a
above 100 or 150, the time scales are going to become short enough so that you
may wipe out the original signature, and when the hydrogen is blown out of the
object that becomes a comet, that difference may just totally disappear.
So I think it is something that has to be worked out very carefully.
B. Donn: I agree. What I'm proposing here is not that this is a definite,
unique phenomena but that both the observations and the whole theory of molecular
formation should be looked at from this point of view to see what happens.
And of course to do these observations in comets is certainly intrinsically
significant and would be very worthwhile. If one does find, for example,
distinction among comets for example, different ratios, that could be a useful
G. Herzberg
At present only four polyatomic molecules or ions
have been identified in the spectra of comets and their
tails. They are C3, C02 , NH2, and H20
. The first two
are linear molecules. The C3 radical gives rise to the
well-known 4050 group. It was first obtained in the
laboratory in an interrupted discharge through CH4; was
definitely identified by Douglas as being due to C3J and
was later investigated in considerable detail in
absorption^ in the flash photolysis of CH2N2. The
complicated vibrational structure of this spectrum was
first understood when it was realized that the bending
_. o 4
frequency in the ground state is very low (64 cm ) '
and that in the excited state the interaction of the
vibrational angular momentum with the electronic angular
momentum leads to large splittings (Renner-Teller
The same kind of interaction of vibrational
and electronic angular momentum occurs also in the ground
state of C02 but up to now only a provisional analysis
of this spectrum is available
NH2 and H20 are non-linear molecules. The spectrum
of the first occurs in emission in oxyammonia flames and in
8 Q absorption in the flash photolysis of ammonia
yj , while the
spectrum of the second was first obtained by Lew and
Heiber in emission in a low pressure hot cathode
discharge. The spectra of NH2 and H20 are surprisingly
similar to each other, consisting of progressions of bands
in the red part of the spectrum which are alternately of
the Z and n type,, While in the lower state the molecule
or ion is strongly bent with an angle of 103° and 110°
respectively, in the excited state both are nearly linear,,
Some molecular data on H20 are given in the accompanying
Table 1 supplied by Dr. Lew
The first H20
lines' identified in the spectrum
of Comet Kohoutek were the lines at 61^7.6, 6158.8 and
O n 2 ]_3
6200.1 A observed by Herbig and Benvenuti and Wurm .
They belong to the 8-0 n band of H20 and represent the
transitions with lowest K and N values „ Further spectra
by Wehinger and Wyckoff and Herbig have shown some fifty
further lines belonging to the 5-0, 6-0, ..., 10-0 bands.
The alternation of band structure between even and odd
vibrational quantum numbers of the upper state is clearly
visible in these spectra. It is particularly the presence
of the A bands near the Z bands that makes the band
structure for odd v2 values so different. In Herbig's
spectra the spin doubling in a number of "lines" is well
resolved, leaving no doubt whatever in the identification
of H20 in the tail of the comet„
Table 1
Rotational Constants of H20 (in cm" )
2Bi Ground State (0,0,0 )
A = 29.04 0 DK = 0.04338
B = 12.410 DJK = -0.00392
C =' 8.474 Dj = 0.00087
D2 = -0.000767
2Ai Excited State
_o 5799. 6A Z(0,9,0) B = 8.77±0.01
D = -0.0066
o (n
) (B = 9.50
5494. 7A < } (0,10,0) {
In") IB = 8.4o
1. G. Herzberg, Ap. J» 9_6, 314 (1942).
2. A.E. Douglas, Ap. J. 114, 466 (1951); Can. J. Phys»
31, 319 (1954).
3. L. Gausset, G. Herzberg, A. Lagerqvist and B. Rosen,
Ap. J. 142, 45 (1965).
4. A.J. Merer, Can. J, Phys. 4_5_, 4103 (1967).
5. G. Herzberg, "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. Ill,
Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structure of Polyatomic
Molecules", D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., New York, 1966.
6. S. Mrozowski, Phys. Rev« 6_0, 730 (1941); 62_, 270 (1942);
71, 682, 691 (1947).
7. J.W.C. Johns, Can. J. Phys. 42, 1004 (1964).
8. G. Herzberg and D.A. Ramsay, J. Chem. Phys, 20, 347
9. K. Dressier and D.A. Ramsay, Phil. Trans. 251A, 553
10. H. Lew and I. Heiber, J. Chem. Phys. 5_8_, 1246 (1973).
11. H. Lew, to be published.
12. G.H. Herbig, I.A.U. Circular 2596 (1973)..
13. P. Benvenuti and K. Wurm, Astron. & Astrophys. 31? 121
14. G. Herzberg and H. Lew, Astron. & Astrophys. 31, 123 (1974).
15. P.A. Wehinger, S. Wyckoff, G.H. Herbig, G. Herzberg and
H. Lew, Ap. J. 190, L43 (1974).
A. H. Delsemme; Well, I think that Dr. Herzberg has again demonstrated
how fundamental his contribution has been to the understanding of the molecular
spectra. We know it already.
Now, to be fair for the next talk, I think we can have a 3 to 5 minute discussion,
no more. Yes?
M. Oppenheimer: First of all, are you in disagreement with what
Wehinger has just said ?
G. Herzberg: I am in, disagreement with his point that the excitation is
by photoionization. I believe that it is due to resonance fluorescence. I've had
several discussions with Dr. Wehinger about this point, and I think we are perhaps
I think one of the difficulties that perhaps he didn't quite appreciate, is
that in the calculation of the intensities of these bands one has to use FranckCondon
factors that correspond to H2O-plus only and not the Franck-Condon
factors that are observed in the photoelectron spectrum of H2O. When you start
from the ground state say, H 2O, and go to the excited state of H^O-plus, you get
certain Franck-Condon factors. And they are definitely slightly different from
those of H2O-plus. The H2O-plus ones are not so readily available, and this may
be the reason for the discrepancy that Dr. Wehinger found between observed intensities
and those calculated on the fluorescence mechanism.
M. Oppenheimer; Which is faster, the ionization of H2O, or the excitation
of H2O-plus?
G. Herzberg: I would say that the excitation would be faster, but I'm
only guessing. There are certainly people here in this group who would know
that better than I do.
M. Oppenheimer; If the ionization is faster, and since H2O was created
by sublimation on the surface, then you should only see H2O-plus created by
direct ionization and never by resonance fluorescence.
G. Herzberg; Yes, but the trouble then is the H2O
in the tail, far in
the tail, cannot come from H2O in the tail. It's hard to assume that neutral
H2O is concentrated in the tail.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
Well, it could also be excited by photoionization the first time. What I'm
saying is that in order even to account for the low temperature, it has to emit
infrared radiation in order to keep the temperature down. And that requires that
there is a transition to the ground state, then going up again, and so on.
Let me give another example. You know that No^s present in the comet
tail, and I would predict that in N2+
you would find that the rational temperature,
is high, for the same reason that the apparent temperature in Cg in the coma is
hot, because it can't radiate infrared radiation.
N76-2107 9
William M. Jackson
Many years ago K. Wunn (1) suggested that the photodissociation of
stable molecules such as H20, HCN, CH4, NH3, etc., could account for the
observed cometary radicals. This postulate can be represented schematically
by the following photochemical reaction,
RlR2 + hv > R2 + RI
In this particular reaction R]^2 represents the parent molecule, R^ the
cometary radical and R£ may or may not be a stable molecule. The original
postulate of Wurm has been largely confirmed by the satellite observations
of the overwhelming abundances of cometary H and OH (2), the spectroscopic
identification of H20+ (3) and the radio detection of C^CN (4), HCN (5),
and H20 (6) in comets. .All of the cometary radicals cannot be explained
by CH3CN, HCN, and ^0 which suggest the presence of other parent molecules.
An important clue to the identity of other parent molecules is the observations
of complex molecules in the interstellar mediums (7). Present theories
on the origin of comets (8) suggest that the interstellar molecules are also
likely candidates for parent molecules in comets. This review on the
status of the photochemistry of parent molecules in comets will use the
known interstellar molecules as a guide to the identity of parent molecules.
The photochemical investigation of any molecule should attempt to
answer certain basic questions. The qualitative identification of each of
the primary products should be made along with the quantitative measurement
of the yields of each of these primary products. A photochemical
reaction has a threshold energy E£ so that if the energy of the photon
Ej, used to initiate the reaction is greater than Et, the excess energy
E = Eh - Et must be divided among the primary products. The nature of this
energy partitioning, i.e. the division between translational, vibrational,
rotational, and electronic energy, is extremely important in any photochemical
study. All of these questions must then be answered as a function
of the wavelength of the incident photon.
The importance to cometary astrophysics of the qualitative and quantitative
identification of each of the primary products is obvious.
However, the importance of understanding the energy partitioning among the
primary products is not generally appreciated so that a few examples of how
this information affects our interpretation of cometary observations will
be given. The scale lengths of radicals, atoms, and parent molecules are
determined from monochromatic isophotes of the emission of the radicals and
ions. These scale lengths are the product of the velocity (v) and the lifetime,
t, of the particular species. The velocity of neutral cometary
fragment is determined by the energy partitioning among the fragments.
Thus, a knowledge of this energy partitioning is essential if we are to
obtain the maximum information available in the observed isophotes.
Another example of the importance of understanding energy partitioning
is in the interpretation of the relative intensities of radical emission
from comets in the infra-red region. Specifically, Meisel and Berg (9)
has measured the infra-red emissions of the CN and OH radicals in comet
Kohoutek. If an equilibrium model is used to interpret these measurements,
then the calculated production rates for CN would be higher than the OH
production rates. We know from the UV observations, which we understand,
that the situation is just opposite. The net result is that IR radiation
is greater for CN than it should be. A possible way out of this dilemma
is to explain the excess IR radiation upon the photochemical formation of
vibrationally and rotationally excited CN radicals,,
At this point, a few elements of caution should be injected into the
discussion about applying laboratory photochemical data to comets,, First,
there is a large difference between the collision frequency in the
laboratory and the collision frequency in comets. For example, in a typical
photochemical experiment the total pressure is generally greater than 0.1
torr. At these pressures, one obtains collision frequencies of the order
of 10 per sec. In comets the collision frequency at the nucleus when
the comet is 1 AU away from the sun is of the order of 10^ to 10^ collisions
per sec. which is three orders of magnitude less than the laboratory values.
The net result is that there is a much lower probability in comets for the
collisional stabilization of any excited molecules produced in the primary
Another process that one could expect to be more probable in comets
than in the laboratory is the phenomena of two stage photolysis. Consider
the following sequence of events,
R-^2 + h v i —^R^ + R2
R! 4- h v 2 *~R3 + R4
In the first reaction the molecule RiR2 is photolyzed to produce the radical
R^o Suppose the lifetime for process 1 at 1 AU is 10^ sec., and that R^
absorbs in the near u,v. region of the spectra so that its lifetime is 10^
sec,, then if R3 is an observable radical or ion its net lifetime will be
10 sec. This type of processes is generally unimportant in the laboratory
because the collision frequency is high enough so that R^ reacts before
it can undergo secondary photolysis,
Photochemical Lifetimes and the Fractional Probability for Dissociation
The total photochemical lifetime (t-p) may be defined in terms of the
absorption coefficient O\ , the quantum yield , and the intensity
of the incident light I by the following relationship (10),
The average intensity of solar radiation at 1 AU for 50 nm intervals
between 100.0 and 400 nm is given in figure 1. This figure illustrates
how sharply the solar radiation decreases below 300-nm. In fact, not
only does the magnitude decrease but below 150 nm, the character shifts
from a continuum to a line spectra. This has the effect that an accurate
measure of the total lifefime in this region can best be obtained by using
a high resolution spectra of the gas along with a high resolution spectra
of the sum. Fortunately, the only really important line between 100.0
and 150.0 nm is the Lyman alpha line at 121.6 nm. This line has been
removed from the rest of the spectra because of its high intensity and
will be considered separately. No attempt will be made to take into
consideration the light below 100 nm because except in special cases for
gases, such as CO and N2, that have high thresholds for dissociation this
region has a negligible effect on the photochemical lifetime.
Knowing the absorption coefficient of the gas and assuming . is
equal to 1 for all wavelengths, the data in figure 1 can be used to calculate
the minimum photodissociation lifetime for parent molecules in comets.
These results are given in table 1. The important point to note is that
most molecules have lifetimes below 2 x 10"^ sec. at 1 AU. This is in
contradiction to the earlier work of Potter and Del Duca (11) where most
of the molecules had much longer lifetimes. In their work only the
i_. i i i i i i i i
0 1000 200O 300O 400O
Figure 1. The Integrated Solar Flux at one Astronomical Unit,
Table 1
AT 1 A.U.
(sec.) 100-150 ran 150-200 run 121.6 ran 200 ran
2.1xlOJ 0.09
1. 2xl05
Source for
Absorption CrossSection
J.A.R. Samson and
J.A. Meyer. Geographical
Rept. #TR-69-7-N
"Absorption CrossSection
of Minor
Constituents in
Planetary Atmospheres
from 105.0-
210.0 ran"
J.A.R. Samson, op cite.
J.A.R. Samson, op cite.
M. Berry, Private
Communication, Univ.
Wise. Chem. Dept.
R.E. Connors, J.L.
Roberts, and Karl
Weiss, J. Chem. Phys.
60, 5011, 1974
R.E. Connors, op cite.
T. Nakayama and K.
Watanabo, J. Chem.
Phys. 40, 558, 1964
T, Nakayama, op cite.
,J.G. Calvert and J.N.
Pitts, Jr. "Photochemistry,"
John Wiley
New York, 1966; J.E.
Mentall, E.P. Gentiew,
M. Krauss and D. Neumann,
J. Chem, Phys.,
55, 5471, 1971
J.G. Calvert, op cite.
E.E. Barnes and W.T.
Simpson, J. Chem.
Phys., 39, 670, 1963
Table 1 (continued)
HNCO 1.3x10" 0.01
CH3OH 2.1x10 0.005
HCONH2 l.SxlO3 0.001
HCOOH 7xl03
CH3NH2 l.SxlO3 0.002
CH3OCH3 8.2x10-
0.56 0.19 0.24 J.W. Rabolais, J.R.
McDonald and S.P.
McGlynn, J. Chem.
Phys., 51, 5103, 1969
H. Okabe, J. Chem.
Phys., 53, 3507, 1970
0.91 0.09 - D.R. Salahub and C.
Sandorf, Chem. Ehys.
Lett., J3, 71, 1971
0.90 0.009 0.09 H. Basch, M.B. Robin
and N.A. Kuebler, J.
Chem. Phys. 49, 5007,
0.81 0.08 0.11 E.E. Barnes, op cite.
0.17 0.02 0.80 E. Tannenbaum, E.M.
Coffin, and A.J.
Harrison, J. Chem.
Phys. 21, 311, 1953
1.00 J.G. Calvert, op cite.
absorption coefficient for the continuum was used in determining the lifetime
and as Herzberg (12) has pointed out this ignores predissociation.
The effect of predissociation has been included in table 1 by including
the absorption of spectral lines.
The partial dissociation fraction (Pf) for a parent molecule can
be defined as _
p X A f tr
where cr\ is the mean absorption co-efficient over the wavelength band
and I is the mean solar flux over the same wavelength interval. This
table shows that for most molecules the important photodissociation region
is between 150 and 200 nm, while the region below 150 nm is relatively
Triatomic Parent Molecules
The most important parent molecule in comets is the triatomic
molecule (H20) water. The photochemistry of H20 is probably better
understood than any other parent molecule. Table 1 shows that the
principle wavelength regions for the photodissociation of H20 are the
first continuum between 150-200 nm and the Lyman alpha line of the sun
at 121.6 nm. Of the two regions the first absorption band is the most
important with 83% of the H20 molecules decomposing in this region.
150.0 - 200.0 nm
The three possible primary processes in this wavelength region are:
(1) H20 + hv-*-H2 + 0 (3P) Et = S.le.v.
(2) —^H + OH (x2
Et =
2 ev-
(3) —^H2 + 0 (1D) Et = 7.1 e.v.
The first primary process which produces H2 and ground state 0 atoms is
spin forbidden and is of negligible importance. The latest available
evidence (13) indicates that the relative quantum yields for the production
of H atoms to the quantum yield for the production of 0 atoms in this
region is greater than 99 to 1. Thus, even the spin allowed processes
is of negligible importance. The solar photon energy is between 5.8 and
8o3 e.v,, in this region so that the products of reaction 2 have to dispose
of 0.6 to 3.1 e.v. of excess energy. The work of Sthul and Welge (14, 15)
shows that the OH radical produced in the vacuum ultraviolet flash photolysis
of HoO is not vibrationally or rotationally excited. All of the excess
energy for reactions (2) and (3) must go into the relative translational
motion of the fragments. Masanet and Vermeil (16) using a chemical method
to determine the amounts of excess translational energy produced in reaction
(2) have confirmed this observation.
121.6 nm
Most of the H20 molecules that are not photodissociated in the first
continuum will be dissociated by Lyman alpha. At this wavelength there
is strong evidence (13) that some of the H20 is photodissociated to yield
H2 amd 0( D) atoms. A new primary process is also observed (17) namely,
(4) H20 + hi/-*-H + OH(A2
This reaction has been known to occur for almost 30 years and the work of
Carrington (17) shows that the quantum yield for the production of the A^S
state of OH is ~ .05 at 121.6 nm. The uncertainty in the absolute measurement
of the intensity are such that as much as 15% of the H20 could dissociate
to form the A state of OH. Steif (13) has shown that 897, of the
H20 dissociates to form OH plus H in the 105.0 - 145.0 nm wavelength
region along with 11% to form H2 and 0(^0). If these results are applicable
at the single wavelength of 121.6 nm, then less than 177, of the total OH
formed at this wavelength is in the A state. Most of the energy in reaction
(4) that must be distributed among the products ends up as rotational energy
in the hydroxyl radical (17) but chemical evidence (16) has been presented
that the H atom produced in the photolysis at 121.6 nm are translationally
hot which suggest that reaction (4) is not important. The authors of this
particular study have also suggested that reaction (3) is pressure dependent
and quote a lifetime for the suggested (C-4J) intermediate state of H20 of
2 x 10 sec. The relative quantum yield measurements of Steif et al.
were done by quenching the (O^-D) to the (O^P) state and subsequent detection
of this state using and 0 atom resonance fluorescence lamp. This method of
necessity requires high pressures and could lead to error in the determination
of the yield of (O^D) if the product is formed by the predissociation of the
^) state of H20.
More than 82% of the HCN will be photodissociated by the Lyman alpha
radiation from the sun. At this wavelength all three of the following
primary processes are energetically possible.
(5) HCN + he —*-CN (B2
2. ) + H
(6) HCN + hi/ -*-CN (A2F1) + H
(7) HCN + hy-^CN (X2
2 ) + H
The first two processes have been observed (18) by Mele and Okabe in the
photolysis of HCN at 123.6 nm. Both the A and the B state of the CN radicals
were produced with a large amount of excess vibrational and rotational
energies. No information exists on the quantum yields for the production
of the X, A, and B states at this wavelength.
Most of the remaining HCN will be photolyzed in the 150 to 200 run
region, M, Berry (19) has recently studied the photolysis of HCN in this
wavelength region where only the A and the X states can be produced. He
used gain measurements of the laser lines that result from the A to X transition
when HCN is photolyzedo With this technique he was able to show
that the production of A state radicals is the principle primary processes,
Most of these radicals were formed in the v1 = o with a few of them in the
1 = 1 level. Most o& the remaining energy will be converted into the
translational motion of the H atom,
This particular molecule has not been observed in the interstellar
medium but is expected to occur since it represents the dimer of the CN
radical. Most of the photodissociation (71%) of C2N2 occurs in the 150
to 200 run region. The remaining amount of this dissociation occurs at L a ,
The photodissociation in the 150 to 200 run region has been extensively
studied by the author (20, 21, 22) and M, Berry (19), The primary
processes that are energetically possible at this wavelength are,
(8) C2N2 + hv— ^CN(x2
£ ) + CN(A2fl )
(9) -
(10) — -2CN(A 2n )
M, Berry states that most of the radicals are formed in the A state,
The author and his co-workers (22) were able to determine how the excess
energy is partitioned among the fragments. Most of the available energy,
827,, goes into the translational motion of the fragments. Of the energy
that remains, 11% goes into vibrational excitation and 6% into rotational
Ammonia has been considered a probable parent molecule for a long
time. Most of the NH3 will be photodissociated in the first absorption
bands. In this wavelength region it is energetically possible to produce
NH2 in the ground (X2
B) state and in the (A ^A^) excited state. The
evidence (23) is that the principle photochemical process occuring for
NHo in this band is,
(11) NH3 + hv — *-NH2 (X
%i) + H(l
even though several others are energetically possible and have been
searched for (25). The quantum yield for photodissociation via reaction
(11)« is one throughout this wavelength region. Nothing is known about the
partitioning of energy in this molecule.
It has been supposed for a long time that acetylene is the source
of Co in comets. No laboratory evidence exists (25) at the present time
to support this contention. The principle wavelength region for photodissociation
of acetylene is the 150-200 nm region where it is estimated
that 83% of the C2H2 decomposes. Most of this decomposition ( 767o) occurs
at the 153 nm peak. The principle photochemical process in this wavelength
region (26) is thought to be the formation,
(12) C2H2 + hi/— *-C2H2*
(13) C2H2* - ^C2H + H
of a long lived excited acetylene molecule, This excited molecule then
either undergoes polymerization reactions or decomposes to yield C2H and
an H atom. This reaction is 5.38 e.v. endothermic (27) and a photon at
153 nm has an energy of 8.10 e.v., which leaves 2.72 e.v. for partitioning
between the C£H and H fragments. This is not enough energy to form electronically
excited C£H so the excess energy has to be in either internal
energy of C2H or translational motion of the H atom. No information exists
at the present time relating to this question.
Earlier it was mentioned that there is no direct evidence for C2 production
from acetylene. This problem is complicated by the known participation
of C2H2* in the photodissociation. There is an observation by Steif
et. al (28) that suggests that C2 might be a primary product, being produced
via reaction 14. This postulate,
(14) C2H2 + hv-*-C2(x5- +) -f H2
is based upon the observation that substantial amounts of molecular hydrogen
appear to be formed at low total pressures. It would be extremely important
to try to observe the. C2 in some direct manner in the gas phase photolysis
of C2H2 since the Swann band is one of the most prominent emissions in
comets. These bands result from the fluorescent pumpting of X^fl u ground
state radicals. The direct production of the triplet ground state of C2
via a molecular processes is only slightly more endothertnic, 6.3 e.v. versus
6.2 e.v., than the production of the singlet state. However, the triplet
processes is spin forbidden. It is possible, however, that the selection
rule might be violated via an intersystem crossing to a highly vibrationally
excited triplet state of C2H2 (30). This state then can decompose to yield
the (X^d ) state of C2. A direct observation of this radical is needed
to clear up this point.
This molecule was one of the first fairly large molecules observed in
the interstellar space (7). It is also one of the molecules that will undergo
appreciable amounts of photodissociation above 200 nm since it does have
a reasonable absorption coefficient in the 250 to 350 nm meter range. As
table 1 shows 99% of the formaldehyde will be decomposed in this wavelength
range. The two primary photochemical processes (30) are,
(16) H2CO + hv -*-H2 + CO
(17) H2CO + hv -*~H + HCO
The relative yields of these two reactions is a function of wavelength
with the quantum yield of the molecular process 16 increasing from 0.2 to
0.8 as the wavelength decreases from 256 to 330 nm. In addition to the
very short photochemical lifetime of ^CO, an extremely interesting observation
is that the molecular processes is only .06 e.v endothermic.
So that from 3.8 to 4.8 e.v. of energy has to be distributed between the
products. A recent theoretical treatment of this problem (31) suggests
that dissociation of the formaldehyde occurs from a highly excited vibrational
level of the singlet ground state. The products of this dissociation should
be both vibrationally and rotationally excited but not electronically
This molecule is fairly unique since substantial decomposition occurs
throughout the solar spectrum. There is a large amount of qualitative data
available on the states of the photochemical products, but no work on the
quantum yields or the internal energy distribution of these products appears
to be available. H. Okabe (32) has summarized most of this work. In the
200 to 230 nm the two principle primary processes are,
(18) HNCO + hi* -*-NH + CO
(19) HNCO + hi/—»-H + NCO (X2U )
Both radical intermediates have been observed (33,34) in the flash photolysis
of this compound. The particular transition of NH that was observed was the
2 ) —^NH (A3
£ ) transition. Reaction 18 would violate the spin
selection rule if NH was produced directly in the X3 £ state. It has
been suggested that the NH in 18 is produced in the A ^A state which is
then quickly quenched to the X £ state. This quenching reaction also
violates the selection rule so this question deserves further study. The
two processes, 18 and 19, are 3.4 and 4.9 e.v. endothermic so between 2.8
and 1.2 e-v. of energy has to be partitioned among the fragments.
In the next absorption region between 150 and 200 nm a new primary
processes occurs in which the NCO fragment is electronically excited to the
A £ state. The threshold for this processes is at 160.5 nm so that this
processes is probably not too important for comets:
(20) HNCO + hv*-»-H + NCO (A2
2 )
The last important absorption region at Lyman alpha (121.6 nm).
Two new primary can now occur. The first of these (21) is the excitation
of the NCO to the (B
2f] ) state. This reaction,
(21) HNCO + hy—»~NCO (B
{] ) + H
has been observed by Okabe (32). The other reaction that is energetically
possible is the production of two triplet molecule via,
(22) HNCO + hy -*-NH(A
32 ) + CO (a
fl )
Reactions of this type may be extremely important if the C0(a3
n ) is
produced in rotational levels where little mixing occurs with allowed
transition. In this manner the lifetime of CO against photoionization
might be substantially lowered since this metastable (a 3 f] ) state can
be photoionized at longer wavelengths.
Methane has not been observed in the interstellar medium but is expected
to be very abundant there and in comets. This expectation is based primarily
upon the fact that this is the most thermodynamically stable
carbon compound in a hydrogen rich atmosphere,, Since methane does not absorb
above about 140 nm, the most important solar wavelength for photodecomposition
is for Lyman Alpha at 121.6 nm. There are two important
primary processes (35) in this region, one of which involves the molecular
detachment of H2, the other is the formation of atomic H. The measured
values of these quantum yields are given below. No information exists on
(23) CH4 + hv -»~CH2 + H2 0042< </> <0 -="" -f="" .52="" 0.48="" 003="" 0="" 10-16cm="" 10="" 117o="" 121="" 150="" 184.9="" 200="" 206="" 25="" 26="" 2="" 30="" 31="" 37="" 4-="" 694="" 695="" 6="" 81="" 8="" a2n="" a="" about="" above="" absorption="" accounts="" acetonitrile="" acid="" almost="" among="" amounts="" an="" and="" apparently="" are="" as="" at="" available="" be="" been="" berry="" but="" by="" c02="" cannot="" case="" ce="" ch3="" ch3cn="" ch4="" ci="" classical="" cn="" co.="" co="" coefficient="" comets.="" compound="" converted="" could="" cross="" decomposed="" degrees="" determined.="" determined="" e.v.="" e.v="" e.vo="" e="" each="" effective="" either="" electronically="" endothermic="" energy="" excited="" exciting="" exothermic="" f="" first="" flash="" fluorescence="" flux="" following="" for="" formamide="" formation="" formic="" forming="" forms="" freedom.="" from="" function="" greater="" ground="" h20="" h2="" h="" has="" have="" hcooh="" hi="" however="" hp-="" hu-="" hv="" if="" important="" in="" indicates="" information="" interesting="" internal="" into="" ionization="" ionize="" ionizing="" is="" it="" its="" known="" large="" lasing="" leads="" lifetime="" light.="" little="" lived="" long="" lower="" m.="" made="" magnitude="" many="" measured="" measurements="" metastable="" molecule="" much="" needed="" nh2cho="" nm="" no="" not="" observed="" occurs="" of="" oh="" okabe="" on="" only="" or="" orders="" organic="" partitioning="" photochemical="" photochemistry.="" photochemistry="" photodissociation="" photoionization="" photolysis="" plus="" point="" postulated:="" primary="" principle="" processes="" production.="" production="" products.="" products="" quantum="" radicals="" reaction="" reactions="" recoil="" region="" relative="" relatively="" reported="" result="" sec.="" section="" short="" shorter="" simplest="" since="" so="" solar="" spectra="" state.="" state="" studied="" studies="" study="" than="" that="" the="" then="" thermoneutral.="" this="" thus="" to="" tu="" two="" v0="" v="" very="" via="" was="" wavelength="" went="" were="" where="" which="" while="" who="" will="" with="" would="" x22="" yield="" yields=""> (206) = 0.35
(33) NH2CHO + hu -*-H + NHCHO «5 (206) =0.2 2
(34) NH2CHO + hu-^NH3 + CO «5 (206) = 0.45
In the wavelength region above 200 nm only 9% of the formamide will be
decomposed. No measurement has been reported for the vacuum ultraviolet
region below 200 nm and neither have any studies been reported on energy
partitioning among the fragments. An energy partitioning study in the
region below 200 nm would be extremely valuable since reaction 34 probably
has a lot of excess energy that must be disposed of.
This molecule is dissociated primarily in the region between 150 and
200 nm. The following primary processes are thought to occur (40) with
the associated quantum yields:
(35) CH3OH + hu -*-CH30 + H tf = 0.75
(36) CH30H + hv -*~CH3 + OH $ = 0.05
(37) CH3OH + hu-«~CH20 + H2 «5 = 0.20
All of these reactions are thought to be a result of this collision induced
predissociation (42) of excited methanol. If this is the case throughout
this region, then the photolysis of CH3OH needs to be studied very carefully
as a function of time between collisions. In comets where the time between
collisions at the surface of the nucleus is of the order of a few tenths of
a millisecond, processes like collision induced predissociation would be rare.
Methylamine is dissociated mostly by light in the 200 to 250 run
region. In this region the principle primary product (43) is the formation
of the methylamine radical and an H atom. There are, however, five minor
primary processes in this region. The limits to their respective quantum
yields (41) are given as follows:
(38) CH3NH2 + hu-*~CH3NH + H «5 = 0.75
CH2NH2 + H «5 = 0.07
CHs + NH2 - 0.05
CH3N + H2 = 0.03
CHNH2 + H2 i = 0.02
CH2NH + H2 i — 0.05
Nothing is known about the photochemistry in the wavelength region below
200 nm nor have any energy partitioning studies been reported.
Acetaldehyde is a homolog of formaldehyde and like formaldehyde, a
molecular processes and a free radical process occurs in the photodissociatfon
process (42) above 200 nm. The molecular process has a quantum yield (43) of
(39) CH3CHO + hu -^CH^. + CO
less than or equal to 0.5 and the free radical process results from the decomposition
of an intermediate state. Like formaldehyde the molecular products
(40) CH3CHO + hv -*~CH3CHO* —*~CH3 + CHO
in reaction 39 have to carry away «, 5 e.v. of excess energy because of the
near thermoneutral character of the reaction. The free radical products
are known (44) to carry away only 0.5 e.v. of rotational energy.
Propyne has not been adequately studied in the 150 to 200 nm region
which is the most important photochemical region from the cometary point of
view. The one study (45) reports only product yield and gives no mechanism.
There has been a rather extensive study (46) at 123.6 nm in which an excited
CoHg* intermediate is postulated. This intermediate then decomposes
to give C3 and l^.
(41) CH3C2H + hu -*~C3H2* + H£
(42) C3H2* «-C3 + H2
In comets since few collisions occur, it has'been suggested by Steif (47)
that propyne might be a good source for C3.
The photochemistry of possible parent molecules of comets has been
reviewed. The survey of the available literature suggests that a great
deal of work remains„ The quantum yield for many of the primary processes
are unknown,, Energy partitioning among the fragments has not been extensively
investigated. This latter question might be extremely
valuable in understanding the presence of cometary ions such as CO.
Finally, a few of the studies have been performed as a function of the
number of collisions that the excited molecules undergo, so that possible
differences that may occur in a cometary environment may be ascertained,,
1. K. Wurm, Die Nature Die Kometen, Mitt. Hamburg Sternwarte, J5, 51 (1934)
2. A. D. Code, T. E. Houck, C. F. Lillie, I.A.U. Circular No. 2201, 1970.
3. P. A. Wehinger, S. Wyckoff, G. H. Herbig, G. Herzberg and H. Lew.,
Ap. J. 190, L43, 1974.
4. B. L. Ulich and E. K. Conklin, Nature, 248, p. 121 1974-
5. W. F. Huebner, L,. E. Snyder, and D. Buhl, Icarus, 23, 580, 1974.
(Special Kohoutek Issue)
60 W. M. Jackson, T. Clark and B. Donn, Proceedings of Int. Astr. Union
Colloquium #25, "The Study of Comets", 1974 to be published.
7. L. Snyder, Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Series One, ed. A. D.
Buckingham (MTP International Review of Science, Vol. 3, ed. D. A.
Ramsay, Butterworths, London, 1972) chap. 6, 193.
8. B. Donn, Proceedings of I.A.U. Colloquium #25, "The Study of Comets,"
N.A.S.A. S.P.
9. D. D. Meisel and R. A. Berg, Icarus, 23. 454, 1974.
10. W. M. Jackson, Molecular Photochemistry, 4, 135, 1972.
11. A. Potter and B. Del Duca, Icarus, 3, 103, 1964.
12. Go Herzberg, Intern. Astron. Union. Trans. 12B, 194, 1966,
13. L. Stief, W. Payne, and B. Klenim, submitted to J. Chem. Phys., 1974.
14. F. Sthul and K. Welge, J. Chem. Phys., 46, 2440, 1967.
15. F, Sthul and K. Welge, J. Chem. Phys., 47, 332, 1967.
16. J. Masanet and C. Vermeil, J. Chem. Phys. Physiochem. Bio., 66, 1249,
17. T. Carrington, J. Chem. Phys^, 41, 2012, 1964.
18. A0 Mele and H. Okabe, J. Chem. Phys. 51, 4798, 1969.
19. G. A. West and M. J. Berry, J. Chem. Phys.. _6_1, 4700, 1974.
20. W. M. Jackson, Ber. der. Busengesel. Fur Phyk Chem, 78, 190, 1974.
21. W. M. Jackson and R. J. Cody, J. Chem. Phys., 61., 4183, 1974.
22. W. M. Jackson, M. Sabiety-Dzvonik, and R. J. Cody, Bult. Am. Phys. Soc.,
CD-6, November, 1974.
23. K. Mantei and E. J. Bair, J. Chem. Phvs., 49, 3248, 1968.
24« J. P. Simons, "Photochemistry and Spectroscopy," Wiley-Interscience,
London, 1971, p. 280,,
25. K. H. Becker, D. Haaks and M. Schurgers, Z. Naturforsch, 26a. 1770, 1971,
26. M. Tsukoda and S. Shida, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 43_, 362, 1970.
27. H. Okabe, Preprint of Paper submitted to J. Chem. Physics.
28. L. J. Stief, V. J. DeCarlo and R. J. Mataloni, J. Chem. Phys.. 42,
p. 3113, 1965.
29. J. P. Simon, op cit, p. 180.
30. B. De Graff and Jack Calvert, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89, 2247, 1967.
31. R. L. Jaffe, D. M. Hayes and K. Morokuma, J. Chem. Phys., 60, 5108, 1974.
32. H. Okabe, J. Chem. Phys., 53_, p. 3507, 1970.
33. R. Holland, D. W. G. Styli, R. W. Nixon, and D. A. Ramsay, Nature, 182,
336, 1958.
34. R. W. Nixon, Can. J. Phys., _37, 1171, 1959.
35. J. P. Simon, Op cit, p. 279.
36. ASTM Annual Book of Standards Part 41. American Society for Testing
and Materials, Philadelphia, Penna., p. 609, 1974.
37. D. E. McElcheran, M. H. J. Wijnen and D,, W. R. Steacie, Can. J. Chem.,
3£, 321, 1958.
38. H. Okabe and V. Dibler, J. Chem. Phys.. .59, 2430, 1973.
39. J. C. Boden and R. A. Back, Trans, of Fard. Soc., 66, 175, 1970.
40. J. Hagege, P. C. Roberge, and C. Vermeil, Trans. Farad. Soc.. 64.
3288, 1968.
41. J. V. Michael and W. A. Noyes, Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85_, 1228, 1963.
42. C. S. Parmenter and W. A. Noyes, Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85, 416, 1963.
43. A. S. Buchanan and J. A. McRae, Trans. Fard. Soc.. 64, 919, 1968.
44. J. Solomon, C. Jonah, P. Chandra and R. Bersoh, J. Chem. Phys., 55,
1908, 1971.
45. A. Galli, P. Harteck and R. R. Reeves, Jr., J. Phys. Chem., 71, 2719,
46. W. A. Payne and L. J. Stief, J. Chem. Phys., 56, 3333, 1972.
47., L. Stief, Nature, 237, 29, 1972.
H. Keller: I looked also at the lifetime of H2O by photodissociation and
my lifetime is definitely higher than 2 x 104
I figured out it would be between 7 and 10 times 104
W. Jackson; We'll have to get together and see. It may be due to the
fact that I used old values of the solar flux.
H. Keller; And I integrated in 25 angstroms intervals.
W. Jackson; I won't argue about the exact value. I was trying to illustrate
the general principle.
W. F. Huebner; I have two quick questions.
First of all was predissociation taken into account?
W. Jackson: Yes.
W. F. Huebner: The second questions is, do you have similar numbers
for ionization lifetimes ?
W. Jackson: No, I don't, but in general the photon flux below a
thousand angstroms drops by several orders of magnitude, and even if they have
the same absorption coefficient the photoionization lifetimes are going to be several
orders of magnitude longer.
M. Dubin; This is an inverse question and not the subject of your talk,
but can you determine the parent molecules from the spectrum of the radicals ?
I mean, this is one of the objectives.
What about the inverse problem? Is it possible to determine on a kinetics
basis what the parent molecule distribution will be, given the solar abundances,
in the atomic form? And is anybody doing any work in this regard to give a
pattern of parents based on the number of elements ? ^
W. Jackson: The difficulty with doing that, you have to know quite a bit
about the origin of comets, which means that you have to know whether you have
equilibrium. Then you would have to know all the kinetic equations for the formation
of the particular species.
At least, I'm not doing it. There may be some other people who are.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
C. Cosmovici: Are'the results you have shown on photodissociation of
parent molecules all experimental ?
W. Jackson: They're all experimental results.
C. Cosmovici: That means you have detected these product molecules?
W. Jackson: That means that in one way or another the photochemists
have decided that that was one of the possible parent molecules.
There are any number of ways of doing that. You can do kinetic spectroscopy,
for example; analyze the products and using suitable isotopic labeling,
you might use mass spectrometry; or you might use laser-induced flourescence.
To get into the many different techniques that photochemists would use
would take me the rest of the week.
C. Cosmovici; No, I just wanted to know if it's possible to detect all
these product molecules experimentally?
W. Jackson: It is possible to detect atoms; it is possible to detect free
radicals by resonance fluorescence spectrum, using a tunable dial laser. We've
shown that with CN. Welge and Braun have shown earlier that you can detect
atoms, using resonance fluorescence method.
Yes, it's possible to detect them all. The most sensitive method is
resonance fluorescence, of course.
C. Cosmovici; Also for complex molecules?
W. Jackson; Well, complex molecules, you would probably have to look
at absorption, or you might have to get cute.
Now, there are cute ways of doing suitable isotopical labeling and look
at the product distribution. You can do high intensity flash photolysis, but you
have to be careful because you get secondary processes that would affect your
results for photodissociation.
You might do something like flash photolysis producing, say, C3H and
then have another flash lamp to photodissociate the C3H and look at the C3 by
resonance fluorescence, using a tunable dye laser.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
C. Cosmovici; Thank you.
The second question was, we spoke about the dissociation of parent
molecules, but we didn't speak about the possibility of gas reaction to form
parent molecules. And I would like to ask if it is possible in a cometary coma
to have chemical reactions in order to get parent molecules ?
W. Jackson: That is a question, I think, Bert Bonn and I addressed
in the Liege symposium, 10 years ago. In fact, we had a table in which we gave
what were the relative probabilities of reaction per collision.
Now, a lot of radical, radical reactions don't go on every collision. It's
possible, but the region where you form most of the radicals and ions—is also
the region where you have the lowest density, so you have to be careful.
I'm not going to say it's impossible. It depends upon the density distribution
and so forth.
L. Stief: Just one comment in case people are concerned about all those
Nature hasn't been very kind to us. There are two ways we normally do
photochemistry. The older way was to look at products, and this was really
good for the big molecules because a variety of fragments would give a variety
of identifiable products.
The so-called simple molecules mess you up, because no matter what
you do you get the same product. You get hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, even
though you have ten different processes occurring. You can help this somewhat
with isotopes, but you're still stuck.
Therefore, you're forced to go to more direct methods. However, you
like to do photochemistry with a single line, and when you do the direct method
you like to have an intense source that you can turn off quickly and make a time
resolve observation.
So both sides have their problems. The products are indirect but at least
are monochromatic. The direct methods are becoming monochromatic. We
tend to work with wide band sources.
W. M. Jackson and R. J. Cody and M. Sabety-Dzvonik*
A relatively new technique called Laser Induced Photoluminescence
Spectroscopy has been applied to laboratory studies of cometary radicals.
This technique can be used to measure properties of radicals, to determine
photodissociation processes in parent molecules, and to investigate
reactions of radicals in specific vibration-rotation levels. Thus far,
the LIPS method has been applied to the CN radical to determine: (1) the
2 + radiative lifetime and quenching constants for the B £ state and (2)
the photodissociative formation of CN from several parent molecules.
This experimental technique combines flash photolysis together
with laser excitation of the product fragments. Figure 1 is a schematic
diagram of the apparatus, and the experimental sequence of events is
summarized,below. The parent molecule is photodissociated:
RCN + hu -> R + CN.
After a variable time delay, the tunable dye laser is fired and
excites those radicals in a specific vibration-rotation level of
the ground electronic state to the B state via the AV = 0 sequence
of the Violet Band system. The reradiated light is then detected.
CN(xV,v",N") + hu(laser) -» CN*(B2
CN*(B,v',N') -» CN(X,vVN") + hu (observed).
NAS/NRC Postdoctoral Associate presently at GSFC.
100 KW
GRATING |8850,
PAR 160
Figure 1. Diagram of Experimental Apparatus
Figure 2 shows two spectra taken for the photodissociation of cyanogen
(C_N_). The spectral resolution is ~0.01 nm and is determined by the
characteristics of the dye laser.
The LIPS method has been used to measure the radiative lifetimes
of the individual rotational levels in the zeroth vibrational level
of the B state of CN. Using photon-counting, the decay of rotational
line intensities was measured after laser excitation. A radiative
lifetime of 65.6 + 1.0 nsec was determined for the unperturbed levels,
and the quenching cross-section of the B state by C_N_ was 41 + 20A.
The energy partitioning between the CN radicals forme°d in the
photodissociation of C.NL was also studied. The spectrum at the top
of Figure 2 is that of CN radicals which are newly formed in the X
state and have suffered no more than a few collisions. The bandheads
of both the 0-0 and the 1-1 bands are clearly visible which
indicates rotational excitation. The lower spectrum was taken after
the radicals had undergone several hundred collisions which are
sufficient to thermalize the rotational levels. Analysis of the
spectral line intensities by the following equation from Herzberg
ln M
yielded "effective" rotational temperatures (T^) for the two lowest
vibrational levels. The newly formed CN had rotational temperatures
for the v"=0 level of ~1500°K and for the v"=l level of ~950°K. The
vibrational band intensity ratio, i.e. the v'bration population
(X. m
xo * I
I ! £2
Ct O4J
ratio, of the v"=0 to 1 levels is 2.3, which corresponds to an
"effective" Boltzmann temperature of 3600 K.
The photodissociation of C-N^ occurs in its first strong absorption
band between 150.0 and 170.0 nm above the cutoff of the sapphire
window. At these photon energies there are two possible mechanisms:
formation of the CN radicals (1) both in the X state or (2) one in
the X and one in the A state. Results of indirect experiments indicate
that the primary photochemical ratio of A to X is ~1, pointing
to process (2) as predominant. When electronic, vibrational, and
rotational excitation is accounted for, there remains ~ 0.67 ev of
energy for translational excitation, i.e. a translational temperature
of 2600 K for equal energy partitioning.
CN radicals formed in the photodissociation of dicyanoacetylene
(NC-C=C-CN) were also found to have vibrational and rotational excitation
and probably translational as well. In comets if photodissociation
is one of the sources of radicals, then similar rotational and translational
excitation of the fragments could heat the cometary atmosphere.
1. W. M. Jackson, J. Chem. Phys. 61., 4177 (1974).
2. G. Herzberg, "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure: Vol. I.
Spectra of Diatomic Molecules", van Nostrand Reinhold Company
(New York, 1950), p. 126.
IN76-2!08 1
A. H. Delsemme
Most records of the first half billion years of the solar system have been
wiped out from the planets and from their satellites by their evolution and
their morphological differentiation. However, two sources of information
seem still to be available on this early period: some meteorites give us
clues on the non-volatile fraction that condensed from the primeval nebula,
whereas the clues on a more volatile fraction, possibly condensed at a colder
temperature, may come from the comets.
In order to study the chemical nature of this more volatile fraction, the
best approach would probably be to send a space probe to a comet: waiting for this
time to come, the study of the neutral coma probably is the next best approach.
The study of the ion tail and of the nature of its source in the vicinity of the
nucleus proposes another fascinating challenge but there, the number of
unknown parameters is larger, because the ions' behavior depends also on
electric and magnetic phenomena.
However, even the study of the neutral coma is not as simple as it
looks, because most of the molecular processes are not yet quantitatively
understood. The spectroscopy of the coma tells the story of that single
step leading to the emission of light, usually a resonance-fluorescence,
in a chain of several unobserved processes that we must reconstruct without
enough clues.
The first step in this chain of processes is the vaporization of the
nucleus, visualized as an icy conglomerate (Whipple 1950). The production
rate of gas and dust is set by the vaporization rate of the nucleus
(Delsemme and Miller 1971a). The brightness law of the comet versus its
heliocentric distance may be used as a crude indicator of the variation of the
production rate of gas and dust; in particular, the heliocentric distance
at which the coma appears, gives clues on the volatility of the snows and
therefore, on their chemical nature; (Delsemme and Swings 1952); the production
rates of the major constituents (like H and OH) confirm the existence
of a vaporization equilibrium (Delsemme 1973a,Keller and Lillie 1975) and
set the size of the nucleus as well as its albedo; (Delsemme and Rud 1973).
As the dust is dragged away by the vaporizing snows, the hydrodynamics
of the gas drag provides a confirmation of the production rate of gas
(Finson and Probstein 1968). Volatile grains like hail grains or snowflakes
are also probably dragged away by the vaporizing gases (Delsemme and Wenger
1970, Delsemme and Miller 1970, 1971a and b).
The gas production rates are suchthat molecular collisions take place
•} n
only in a small region surrounding the nucleus, of the order of 10 to 10 km
at 1 A.U. (Delsemme 1966). The existence of this region has been confirmed
by the pressure-induced changes in the fluorescence equilibrium of CN (Malaise
1970). Outside of this nuclear region, the gases are steadily lost in space
by a collisionless effusion in vacuum, and each individual molecule interacts
only with the flux of solar photons and of the solar wind, which is going
to dissociate or ionize them, depending on their individual cross-sections.
The dissociations take place for wavelengths that are shorter than a
threshold set by the binding energy of the bond to be broken: most of them
are in the ultraviolet. In the same way, most of the ionization energies
correspond to the extreme ultraviolet. The ultraviolet end of the solar
spectrum is now rather well known; it is rather constant in the range where
there is much energy available (from 40QOA to 1400&). At lower wavelengths,
the variability of Lyman a and of the other emission lines introduces some
With due consideration to these variations, the solar flux can be used
to predict the lifetimes of the possible parent molecules against photodissociation
and photo-ionization. However, none of these parent molecules
were known until recently; only their dissociation or ionization products.
(As discussed in detail later on, the situation has suddenly changed with
the discovery of H^O, HCN and CH3CN in comets Kohoutek and Bradfield). But
the early comparison of the predicted and observed lifetimes (Potter and Del
Duca 1964) had not brought about any positive identification. As a matter
of fact, the '"observed" lifetimes never are really observed; they are deduced
by dividing the observed scale length by the assumed mean velocity of the
molecules; this velocity is probably known by and large within a factor of two.
However, the fact that identifications remain difficult in most cases
suggests that we have neglected a possible source of dissociation. The primary
agent that we have neglected so far is the solar wind; but dissociations by
charge-exchange collisions with protons or electrons leading finally to neutral
molecules, are less likely than straightforward ionizations, although some
are possible through a chain of several steps. Many of them are poorly known,
but some have been studied (Cherednichenko 1965). The probably existence of
a shock wave in the flow of the solar wind, ahead of the comet (Alfvln 1957,
Biermann et a I. 1967), changes the energy of those protons and electrons that
are going to reach the vicinity of the nucleus, and may therefore affect their
charge-exchange process with the parent molecules. These phenomena are less
quantitively understood than the flux of solar photons because they are more
complex. Explaining quantitatively the production rates of the ions observed
in the tail meets the same difficulty for the same reasons.
Whatever the dissociation or ionization mechanism, when a radical has
been produced that can be excited by the solar light, we observe its bands
in emission in the cometary spectra. We usually can explain their intensities
by a fluorescence mechanism, by taking into account the accurate flux of
photons available in the solar spectrum at all those wavelengths that are
needed for the excitation, properly corrected for the radial velocity of the
comet. We have even enough high-dispersion spectra to try to explain minute
differences in terms of collisional effects in the vicinity of the nucleus
(Malaise 1970) or radial velocity differences from different parts of the
coma (Greenstein 1958).
The only known exception is the 6300A red line of forbidden oxygen, that
had to be explained by another mechanism, (Biermann and Trefftz 1964) its
excitation stemming from the dissociation of its parent molecules, and not
directly from the solar light.
The decays of the observed radicals can be assessed from their photometric
profiles. We have not yet succeeded in explaining all of them
quantitatively, but at least we believe that we understand them qualitatively,
as being further dissociated or ionized by the solar light and/or by the
solar wind.
The major problem that we were facing, before Comet Kohoutek, was
therefore the identification of the parent molecules, in order to bridge the
gap between the vaporization of the nucleus and the presence of neutral and
ionized radicals in the coma and in the tail.
Circumstantial evidence suggested that water was controlling the
vaporizations (Delsemme 1973b) but no neutral parent molecule had ever been
positively identified. After comets Kohoutek and Bradfield, three of them
have been found, namely ^0 (Jackson, Clark and Donn 1974, in Bradfield),
HCN and CH3CN (Ulich and Conklin (1973"), Snyder, Buhl and Huebner (1974) in
Kohoutek), without mentioning the spectacular identification of the H-0 ion
in comet Kohoutek (Herzberg and Lew 1974).
The list of the atoms or molecules that have now been observed in comets
is given in Table I. There is not much doubt left that H?0 is the parent
molecule which explains the bulk of H and OH, (although minor contributions
to H and OH are still possible from the photodissociation of minor constituents);
whereas the molecular bands of H20 do not show the bulk of water. From the
photo-ionization and photo-ionization thresholds of water, which are 12.62 and
5.114 eV respectively (Herzberg 1966) some 99.9% of H?0 should photodissociate
whereas some 0.1% should photo-ionize into H20 , although ionization by the
solar wind could multiply the share of H,,0 by more than one order of magnitude
(Cherednichenko 1965).
However, the most significant discovery, whose importance has not yet
been properly assessed, is probably the identification of the resonance lines
of carbon and oxygen, in the far ultraviolet spectrum by two Aerobee rockets
(Feldman et aj., 1974; Opal et a]., 1974). The C line at 1657& is approxi-
0 /
mately four times stronger than the 0 line at 1304A. The number of solar
o o
photons available is approximately 10 times as large at 1657A as at 1304A.
Taking transition probabilities and lifetimes into account, Feldman et al.
think that the production rate of carbon could be of the order of 0.24 that
of oxygen. Assuming that all molecules containing carbon and oxygen are
finally dissociated into their elements, we probably detect the total ratio
of C/0 of the volatile fraction lost by vaporization.
o 4-
re o
•> CM
rc rc
CM "Z.
The first results coupled with the production of hydrogen seem to suggest
a H/0 ratio between 2 and 3,and leave little leeway outside a production
rate of CO or COg, possibly of the same order of magnitude as, although
probably somewhat smaller than that of water. As comet Kohoutek's orbital
data suggest that it is likely to be a "new" comet in Oort's sense, these
results should certainly not be extrapolated to older comets, that might
have lost most of their CO or C02 excess during earlier passages through
the solar system. Another factor casts some doubt on these preliminary
results: in order to deduce how many fluorescence cycles take place during
the lifetime of the atoms against ionization, that is, the number of photons
emitted per atom produced, the lifetimes of the C and 0 atoms in the
solar field were needed. No actual measurements were available and therefore,
the lifetimes used are theoretical assessments. The present writer
submits that one of the most important measurements to be done on future
comets is the establishment of the brightness profile of the resonance lines
of C and 0 (and possibly N which has not yet been observed), in order to
check the actual lifetimes of these atoms, against all actual sources of
ionization in the solar field. Waiting for new bright comets to be observed
from space, a reassessment of the ionization lifetimes of C, N and 0, using
the most recent solar data being obtained by the Naval Research Laboratory,
seems to be in order in the near future.
The brightness profiles of the neutral coma, observed in the monochromatic
light of the different radicals or atoms, also remain one of the principal
clues for the understanding of the nuclear region. The importance of the brightness
profiles stems from the fact that in a first approximation, isophotes
of neutral radicals are always circular. Barring rare cataclysmic events,
as mentioned by F. Miller (1957),the observed departures from circularity
seem to be second-order phenomena that are rather well understood. In
particular, a slight distortion coming from the light pressure of the sun is
easy to discount. The single feature then to be explained is the average
brightness profile itself, that is, the law of variation of the monochromatic
brightness with radial distance from the nucleus.
The actual profiles observed, sometimes show humps or distortions that
probably come from violent variations in the instantaneous production rate
of gas in the nucleus. These variations probably come from corresponding
fluctuations in the solar wind or in the ultraviolet flux emitted by the
sun (flares), but they have never been explained quantitatively. The light
curve in global light also reflects this type of variations, usually referred
to as the "activity"of the comet, (whatever that means). However, there
often are long periods where the activity of the comet is at a minimum, and
where the brightness profiles show a smooth and regular curve (as in figure 1).
There is little doubt that the outside drop of the curve, for values
exceeding 10 km, can be interpreted in terms of the exponential decay of
the light emitters into unobservable species(Delsemme and Moreau 1973).
However, the production of the light emitters from unobserved species takes
place in a range of the order of 10 km, and the length of the profile in
this region is not large enough to provide a criterion in order to distinguish
between different models. For instance, based on Wurm's (1943) ideas,
Haser's (1957) model uses an exponential decay for the parent molecules.
Malaise (1966) introduces two decays to take into account the possibility of
a chain of two processes: unobservable grandparent molecules decaying into
unobservable parent molecules. Based on Delsemme's (1968) ideas about a halo
log R ( km )
Figure 1. Example of Brightness Profiles in the monochromatic light of
CN(O-O) observed in the coma of Comet Bennett (1970 II). B is the
brightness in arbitrary units, R is the distance from the nucleus in
kilometers; s and a. label the sunward and anti-sunward profiles, respectively.
The profiles have been shifted vertically from date to date, in order
to avoid their superposition, (from Delsemme and Moreau, 1973).
of ice grains surrounding the nucleus, Delsemme and Miller (1971) develop
a model based on the linear decay of the ice grains by vaporization. None
of these models changes the theoretical profiles of the production zone,
enough to allow a direct observational test. Similarly, a model assuming
random velocity vectors for the radicals, instead of the oversimplified
assumption of a radial velocity vector, in Haser's model, does not change
appreciably the profile of the production zone (Delsemme and Miller 1971b).
Of course, the probable existence of a halo of ice grains, acting as
an extended source, is based on another evidence (Delsemme and Miller 1971b).
Indeed it links the photometric profiles of C~ and of the continuum in
Comet Burnham (1960 II). This halo seems to have also been observed by its
emission at 3.71 cm wavelength, in Comet Kohoutek (Hobbs, et al. 1975).
However, in doubt on the best theoretical profile to be used in order
to fit the observations, it is clear that it does not make any harm to
use Haser's model for obtaining two parameters: an exponential scale
length (near 10 km) describing the simple decay of the observed radicals,
and another exponential scale length (near 10 km) describing by one single
parameter the extension of the probably more complex source function of the
same radicals; this simple parameter sets the size of the zone produced
by the possible existence of the parents, grandparents, halo of ice grains,
and all unknown phenomena of the nuclear region.
The previous discussion justifies the systematic use of Haser's model
in order to describe the brightness profiles in terms of two parameters only:
the exponential scale length of the light emitter (against decay) and an
exponential scale length giving the scale of the source of these light
emitters (possibly from an unobservable parent molecule, but also possibly
scaling the largest of the other phenomena that may influence the size of
the source, like the existence of a halo of ice grains).
However, different observers have either published photometric data
without interpretation, or used different models to interpret their data.
For this reason, the present writer has computed an homogeneous reduction
of all the brightness profiles available in the literature, by systematically
using Haser's model. The details of this reduction will be published elsewhere.
It was based on 12 brightness profiles of CN from 7 different
comets, and on 14 brightness profiles of C? from 8 different comets. The
results (Delsemme 1975) are consistent with the following formula:
log s (CN) = 5.17 ± 0.04 + 2 log r
log s (C2) = 4.82 ±0.06 + 2 log r
log s (CN parent) = 4.12 ± 0.09 + log r
los s (C2 parent) = 3.99 ± 0.20 + log r
where s is the scale length in kilometers and r the heliocentric distance
in astronomical units.
These results deduced from all published data, confirm rather well the
previous findings of Delsemme and Moreau (1973) on Comet Bennett. In particular,
it is clear that the decay of CN as well as that of C~ both depend
on a square law of the distance to the sun, which is consistent with the
usual assumption that the decay of CN and that of C~ are both triggered by
the solar flux.
Delsemme and Moreau had also found that the two scale lengths of the
parents both vary less quickly than the square law, and were consistent
with a proportional dependence on r. This law is inconsistent with a photodissociation
of the parent into either CN or C2, whereas the law is predicted
by the theory of the halo of ice grains.
However, despite the fact that all data available in the literature
rather confirm these findings, it is proper to be very cautious here, because
half>of the data are based on poor resolving powers.
If the seeing disk is large, it may simulate a spurious scale length;
the seeing disk, projected to the comet's distance, would give a "scale length"
in proportion to the geocentric distance A, which for faraway comets would
not be statistically very different from the heliocentric distance r. A
careful discussion rejecting all the poor resolving powers, and keeping the
best space resolutions only, still definitely rejects a square law and
suggests a dependence on distance which is no more than a proportional law,
or possibly even less, for the size of the source of Cy as well as'of CN
(Delsemme 1975).
In urgent need of an estimate for OH, the present writer has recently
used (Delsemme 1973c) an unpublished brightness profile established by Malaise
from a spectrum of Comet Burnham (1960 II) published by Dossin et al. (1964).
The range of the tracing was too short, therefore the inaccuracy was large.
Fortunately, two better determinations of the scale length of OH have been
obtained recently.
Here they are, reduced for 1 A.U. (the scale length s is in kilometers):
log s (OH)= 5.1 ± 0.2 (c. Kohoutek, Blamont & Festou 1974).
log s (OH) = 5.2 ± 0.2 (c. Bennett, Keller & Lillie 1974).
When this average value is used to interpret comet Burnham's profile,
then the best fit is obtained with log s (OH parent) = 5.0 (reduced at 1 A.U.);
this is consistent with the identification of the parent with water. This
has also been verified for comets Bennett (Keller and Lillie, 1975) and
Kohoutek (Blamont et al. 1975).
•A profile of the [01] red line was measured by Moreau (1972) at the
request of the present writer. No deviation of the inverse law of the
distance was detected up to almost 10 km, where the red line intensity
merged into that of the atmospheric night glow. This suggests a scale
length larger than 10 km.
It is unfortunate that no good scale lengths have ever been published
for the other radicals, although some indications on their order of magnitude
for Co and CH can be deduced from Malaise's (1966) photometric profiles
of comets Burnham and Ikeya.
The production law is the law of dependence on heliocentric distance,
of the production rate of a given molecule.
The brightness law, in the monochromatic light of a given molecule,
is the law of dependence on distance of the integrated light emitted by
these molecules within the coma, during their lifetime, that is after their
production and before their dissociation.
Levin (1943) pointed out that the two laws must be the same, because
the solar flux (which excites the fluorescence of the molecules) varies with
7 2
r , whereas the lifetime of the molecules varies with r (r heliocentric
Of course the variation of the lifetime extends the coma for larger
heliocentric distances and the previous statement is therefore true only
if we integrate the total light of the coma from the nucleus to infinity.
What does this mean in practice?
The writer (Delsemme 1973c) has shown that the two laws remain the
same, only if we integrate the light to a distance of at least 7 to 8
times the largest of the two scale lengths of the brightness profile. If
the integration is limited by a diaphragm smaller than this limit, if the
production law is P = P0r~n, then the brightness law is B = B0r~n~
where a is the correction to add up to the exponent of the brightness law
in order to obtain the true exponent n of the production law.
The correction a is given by Delsemme (1973c) as a function of the
diaphragm radius, expressed in scale length units, with the ratio of the
two scale lengths as a second parameter. This correction a varies from
zero (for very large diaphragms) to an upper limit of +3.6 for diaphragms
much smaller than the two scale lengths.
A consequence explaining the poor significance of the cometary light
curves in global light .must be mentioned first. As the reflection of the
solar light by the dust makes all things even more complex, we will have
to consider only the case of the non-dusty comets in order to make our
point. In this case, CN + C2 usually prevails in visible light. However,
it can be seen that the light curve expressed in magnitudes as a function of
the logarithm of the heliocentric distance, usually has a slope larger than
the average production law of CN + ^ ^or tne following reason: only
the center of the coma can be distinguished from the sky, therefore the sky
brightness plays the role of an effective diaphragm. The fainter the comet,
the smaller this effective diaphragm, and the larger the correction a to
the slope of the light curve in order to establish the production law. The
average production law of CN + ^2
cannot therefore be accurately deduced
from the light curve. However, as Q z a z 3.6, upper and lower limits of
the exponent of the instantaneous production law can be deduced. In particular,
it can be established that for large heliocentric distances, the
exponent of the production law is often much larger than 2, because a
cannot grow larger than 3.6, whereas n + a often is » 6.
Standing in contrast, observations of the monochromatic brightness
law, in the light of a given radical, can now be used to establish its
production law, when the diaphgram used for the observations is known.
For instance, Mayer and O'Dell's (1968) observations of Comet Rudnicki
can now be used for this purpose. As they were obtained with a rectangular
slot of 509" x 203", the a for circular diaphragms cannot be used readily,
but the present writer (Delsemme 1975) has established that, although the
apparent brightness laws of CN, C2 and C3 are very different, their exponents
are brought in the same general range, when the three corrections a are
taken into account. This suggests a single production law for the three
molecules, its exponent being n = 3.6 ± 0.2. (The value of this exponent
could be lowered somewhat if the contribution of the continuum has not been
properly taken into account).
A more recent example is given by the monochromatic brightness laws
observed by Code (1970)with the OAO for the hydroxyl and the hydrogen comas.
Here, as(n + a)= 5.9 for both OH and H, Delsemme (1973c) deduced n(OH) =
2.9 ± 0.2 and n(H) z 2.8 ± 0.2. Here the sign ^ suggests that the neglected,
but growing optical depth in Lyman a, when the comet approaches the sun, may
hide a larger and larger fraction of the production rate.
Using the more recent value of the scale length of OH quoted in the
previous section, a revised value n(OH) = 2.0 ± 0.2 is obtained. This new
value removes the apparent excellent agreement of the two production laws
previously given for H and OH, although the accuracy of the results is
unlikely to be good enough for the observations to become inconsistent with
a single production law.
Bertaux et al. (1973) report a production law of H for Comet Bennett
which is consistent with n = 2.5 ± 0.5; whereas Keller (1973) finds
1.0 £ n s 2.2 from the same OGO-5 data. From the OAO-2 observations of the
same comet, Keller and Li Hie (1975) find n = 2.3 for the two production
laws of H and OH. This recent determination seems to merit a much larger
weight than that from the 060-5 data.
Now, Delsemme (1973c) has stressed that if n is definitely larger than
2, then the vaporization temperature of the snows cannot be much lower than
200°K. The reason is that at steady state, the radiative term of the energy
balance equation is not negligible, compared with the vaporization term,
otherwise the vaporization would follow a strict inverse-square law of the
heliocentric distance.
Such a high temperature of vaporization rules out all snows of gases
more volatile than water, and in particular C02, CO, CH^, NH^, etc. Of
course this does not rule out the solid hydrates of gases whose vaporization
temperature is practically that of water. It does not rule out either other
materials less volatile than water, but the production rates of OH and H
seem to confirm that water is indeed the major constituent that controlled
the vaporization, at least in comets Tago-Sato-Kosaka and Bennett.
The accurate value of n can be predicted by the theory, but it still
depends on the ratio of the visible albedo of the nucleus to the infrared
albedo near 15 microns; and it is also a function of the heliocentric
distance. There is however little doubt now that water controls the
vaporization. In particular, Delsemme and Rud (1973) have listed eight
different arguments in support of this fact. More recently the discovery
of ^0 in comet Bradfield and the identification of FUO in comet Kohoutek,
both already mentioned in section III, have much strengthened their argumentation.
If the gas released by the nucleus is indeed a vaporization phenomenon,
then the kinetic theory of gases gives the production rate per unit area
per second, and if the size of the nucleus were known, we could predict
quantitatively the observed production rates (Delsemme and Miller 1971a).
The production rates of different radicals have also been reported in
the past, but most of them are obviously minor constituents, when compared
with H and OH, therefore they can be neglected in the assessment of total
production rates. Production rates have been reported for H or OH for
comets Tago-Sato-Kosaka, Bennett and Encke. Preliminary values are known
for Kohoutek. A list of the early assessments can be found in Delsemme and
Rud (1973). A more recent result is found in Keller and Lillie (1975).
29 These authors obtain for comet Bennett, reduced at 1 A.U.: 3.0 x 10
29 molecules OH per sec, and 5.4 x 10 atoms H per sec. In order to check
numerically the theory of vaporization, the albedos of the nuclear snows
are needed.
Delsemme and Rud (1973) have tried to disentangle the albedo A and
the cross sectional area S of the nucleus, by using two determinations of
AS and (l-A)S for three different comets. AS is given by the reflected
light, from Roemer's assessments of the magnitude of the nucleus at large
heliocentric distances; (1-A) is given by the energy absorbed in order to
vaporize the observed rates of H and OH, assuming they come from water. The
albedos deduced for comets Bennett and Tago-Sato-Kosaka are both very near
0.6 which is a rather high value, although consistent with a moderately
dirty snow. The use of Roemer's magnitudes depends on whether they really
are nuclear magnitudes, as correctly criticized by Sekanina. If a fraction
of the light still coming from the coma has been included into the magnitudes
used, the albedos could be diminished to 0.5 easily, but to 0.4 with great
It appears therefore that the vaporization theory is consistent with
the numerical values obtained for the production rates of H and OH, the
albedos and the cross sectional area of the nucleus, for comets Bennett and
Tago-Sato-Kosaka. Standing in contrast, the numerical values obtained
for the production rate of H in comet Encke is not consistent with a
nucleus totally covered by water snow.
A very significant progress in our understanding of the production of
gases by the cometary nucleus, has been brought about by the observation of
the recent bright comets (Tago-Sato-Kosaka, Bennett, Encke, Kohoutek and
Bradfield); and in particular, by their observations from space and by
radio telescopes.
The hypothesis that water snow controls the vaporization of the nucleus
of the first two comets seems verified from the general order of magnitude
of the size of their nucleus and of their nuclear albedo; the largest
observed production rates are H and OH which both seem to originate from the
photodissociation of h^O, as also confirmed by the scale length of the
invisible parent molecule producing OH. Some of the production laws are
still inconclusive, but all seem to be consistent with water, whereas some
of the results seem to be totally inconsistent with any of the more volatile
gases. However Comet Encke is not uniformly covered by water snow, as it
produces only one tenth of the expected vaporization. Early results on
comet Kohoutek suggest that the conclusions could be slightly different for
some of the "new" comets in Oort's sense. If the far ultraviolet observations
confirm the early assessments of the production rates of C, 0 and H, from
their far-ultraviolet resonance lines, then at least another major constituent
competing with water has not yet been detected. Such a major constituent
is suggested by the ratios C/0 =0.24 and H/0 = 2.5; these ratios are
probably known only within a factor of two. However, we have for the first
time a suggestion of a possible redox ratio that prevailed in the cometary
stuff when it was condensed from the primeval solar nebula.
NSF Grant GP 39259 is gratefully acknowledged.
Alfven, H. 1957, Tellus, 9, 92.
Bertaux, J. L., Blamont, J. E., Festou, M. 1973, Astron. Astrophys. 25,
Blamont, J., Festou, M. 1974, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 278, Serie B, 479.
Biermann, L., Trefftz, E. 1964, Z. Astrophys. 59, 1.
Cherednichenko, V. I. 1965a,b, in "Physics of Comets and Meteors," p.
25, and 31. V. P. Konopleva, edit, translation from Russian pub!.
NASA-TTF-340. '
Code, A. D. 1970, I.A.U. Transact. 14B, 124.
Delsemme, A. H. 1966, Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege, 12_, 77 (also Coll. Internat.
Astrophys. 13, 77 (1965).
Delsemme, A. H. 1968, in ''Extraterrestrial Matter," p. 304 (proceedings
Argone Conference, March 1968), edit. Ch.A. Randall, publ. Northern
Illinois Univ. 1969.
Delsemme, A. H. 1973a, "On the Origin of the Solar System," Nice 1972, p. 305,
edit. H. Reeves; publish. CNRS, Paris.
Delsemme, A. H. 1973b, Space Sci. Rev. 15, 89.
Delsemme, A. H. 1973c, Astrophys. Letters, J4_, 163.
Delsemme, A. H. 1975, (in preparation).
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Delsemme, A. H., Moreau, J. L. 1973, Astrophys. Letters 14, 181.
Delsemme, A. H., Wenger, A. 1970, Planet. Space Sci. 18, 709.
Delsemme, A. H., Miller, D. 1971a and b, Planet. Space Sci. 19, 1229 and
Delsemme, A. H., Rud. D. A. 1973, Astron. Astrophys. 28, 1.
Delsemme, A. H., Swings, P. 1952, Ann. Astrophys. 1J5, 1.
Feldman, P. D., Tanacs, P. Z., Fastie, W. G., Donn, B. 1974, Science 185. 705.
Finson, M. L., Probstein, R. F. 1968, Astrophys. J. 154, 327 and 353.
Greenstein, J. L. 1958, Astrophys. J. 128, 106.
Haser, L. 1957, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, Cl. Sci, 43, 740.
Herzberg, G. 1966, Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure III, p. 585,
publ. Van Nostrand, New York.
Herzberg, G. and Lew, H., 1974, Astron. Astrophys. 3JL 123.
Hobbs, R. W., Maran, S. P., Brandt, J. C., Webster, W. J., Krishna Swami,
K. S. 1975, Astrophys. J. (in press).
Jackson, W. M., Clark, T., Donn, B. 1974, IAU Circular 2674.
Keller, H. U. 1973, Astron. Astrophys. 27, 51.
Keller, H. U., Lillie, C.F. 1975, Astron. Astrophys. (in press).
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Malaise, D. 1966, Nature and Origin of Comets, p. 199, edit. Univ. Liege.
(International Colloquium, Liege 1965).
Malaise, D. J. 1970, Astron. Astrophys., 5, 209.
Mayer, P., O'Dell, C. R. 1968, Astrophys. J. 153. 951.
Moreau, J. L. 1972, "A Study of Photometric Profiles in Comet Bennett," Master's
Thesis, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
Miller, F. D. 1957, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 69, 82.
Opal, C. B., Carruthers, G. R., Prinz, D. K., Meier, R. R. 1974, Science
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' Whipple, F. L. 1950, Astrophysical J. 111. 375.
Wurm, K. 1943, Mitt. Hamburger Sternw. 3, 51.
W. Jackson; I'd like to make a few comments about Professor Delsemme's
The velocity of the daughter may be much greater than the velocity of the
parent so that determination of the lifetime of parent from photometric profiles
may be extremely difficult. For example the energy of the parent, if it is moving
at 1 km/sec, is 0.1 eV and the daughter may carry away a much higher energy
than this. The result is that the velocity vector of the daughter is much greater
than the velocity vector of the parent and more isotropic. The net result is that
the flow of the daughter is now determined by its recoil velocity.
A. H. Delsemme: It doesn't bring any difficulty in fitting the photometric
profile because we don't find the life times. The photometric profile gives two
scale lengths—but later on, when you want to deduce from these lengths the lifetimes,
you may be in trouble. But this does not bring any difficulty in the fitting
of the profiles in order to assess two scale lengths.
W. Jackson; But the point is to get the lifetime. You may run into a quite
a bit of difficulty, and it's likely that in some cases there will be a large amount
of translational energy.
The other thing that you mentioned—I do have the lifetime of HCN. The lifetime
of HCN determined by using Michael Berry's absorption coefficients and my
solar fluxes, would be nine times 104
seconds—almost 105
seconds. The scale
length for CN, which you gave, if I read your slide correctly, was the log of 4.1.
A. H. Delsemme; Your value is between the two values that I have in my
slide, 4.1 for the CN parent and 5. 2 for CN. But because of the symmetry of
the expression one is not really sure which is which.
W. Jackson; Another lifetime that's much lower, if you need a lower parentwould
be the lifetime for C2N2, which is 1.1 times 104
seconds, and that is very
close to what you would like for the parent if the daughter is going to have the
much longer lifetime.
The final thing is you put up acetylene as a possible source of C2. Nobody
has observed C2 from acetylene, but supposing that you can get C2 from the photodissociation
of acetylene, the lifetime of acetylene at one A. U. is about 6 times
seconds, and that would be lower than any of the values that you have for beta.
A. H. Delsemme; I have not really proposed acetylene. I was listing the
different possibilities as an example of our difficulties right now, and I was not,
of course, using other considerations, as the spectroscopic evidence, for singlet
or triplet states.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
B. Bonn; One thing that probably needs to be kept in mind, is that
all of this analysis assumes that single observed species comes from a single
parent molecule. Now when you have an array of parent molecules in a comet
it's very likely that C2 can come from a number of different molecules, and that
means, then, that this interpretation becomes much more involved, but that is
a characteristic of most of our cosmic problems. We don't have the nice, neat,
simple features we have in the laboratory where you can relate things one to one.
M. Shimizu: I hope to present two evidences to endorse the presence of CO
in cometary nuclei from the finding of comet C atom emission in UV region.
1. Dr. Jackson pointed out a difficulty of large dissociation time of CO.
This is certainly important. Please see the paper of Ogawa (J. Mol. Spectr.
45 (1974) 454) on high resolution spectra of CO. He found many diffuse bands
in 980-1030A region whose rotational analysis was completely impossible. CO
could be predissociated at these bands.
2. Another information comes from Venus. Mariner 10 recently observed
strong C emission on Venus. Since the composition of Venus' atmosphere is almost
100% CO2, C might come from the dissociation of CO2. The estimated
value on the basis of such expectation is, however, more than one order of magnitude
smaller than the observed one. Mariner 10 observed a strong OI 1304A
line and the CO 4th positive bands. Consequently C atom appears to be formed
by the dissociation of CO. In this case, too, the situation may be similar to the
L. Biermann: The extent of those regions in the coma in which collisions
are important is sometimes underestimated. With the gas production rates
known now, for a bright comet we have approximately 1024/r2
For a cross-section of 10~15cm2
collisions are therefore important out to ^104
for ion-molecule reactions these cross-sections are still larger (cf. L. Biermann
and G. Diercksin, Origins of Life, 1974) and in consequence so is the extent of
the region over which such reactions and dissociative recombinations play an
important role. This of course effects also the plasma-dynamical process in
the same region (cf. L. Biermann, paper in Asilomar Conference on Solar Wind,
1974, and H. U. Schmidt, review paper given at this Colloquium).
P. D. Feldman; This question of CO, which Jackson brought up on Tuesday
and which Shimizu just addressed, I looked up some calculations that were made
on the disassociation of CO for the Martian atmosphere by McElroy and McConnell.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
They indicate that the branching ratio
CO + hv -»• C + O
CO + hv -* CO+
+ e
Therefore one expects roughly equal production rates of C and CO+
from CO.
In other words, we expect to get a large number of CO+
ions, as well
as a large amount of carbon, and when I get around to presenting the paper later
this morning, I'll show you how this can be tied in with the amount of carbon that
was observed.
D. J. Malaise: In 1965 I made a model in which molecules were expelled
from a source region with finite dimension, and then you had a chain of dissociation
of one parent to the other, and we suppose that this is an observable
one. And then I computed a profile.
This was ejected with a Maxwellian velocity, not with two-velocity component.
And then you show the general result, which is well-known, that you get
a profile with a production zone, an expansion zone with a gradient close to 1,
and then a destruction zone. And whatever mechanism you invoke to produce the
molecule, you always get this picture.
But in this formula, for sure, it is not symmetrical, so I don't know how
Haser could get a symmetrical formula and — well, I'm quite sure it is false,
because you can prove it qualitatively here. If you had a lifetime of the
mother molecule, and the lifetime of the observed radical if you change these
twor's, it is not symmetrical because you have a very short lifetime for the
observed radical. So that what you observe essentially is the curve of the mother
molecule alone.
So you will get this shape with the destruction of the mother, and on top of
this you will be a little lower because of the destruction of the molecule you
observed and — well, this operates all along the curve, but you never get the
characteristic slope here in the center. It seems to me quite clear that this
has to be dissymmetrical £—•-—
A. H. Delsemme: Malaise claims that Haser's formula is not symmetrical
in respect to the two scale lengths. I disagree. Intuition does not help here.
Apart from a factor which depends on the ratio of the scale lengths, and which
only shifts the whole profile vertically when scale lengths are inverted, Haser's
formula is totally symmetrical in respect to the two scale lengths. Malaise's
statement that it is false that Haser's formula is symmetrical, is nonsense.
The integration and its symmetry has been repeatedly checked at different times
DISCUSSION (Continued)
and places by O'Dell, by Arpigny and by myself, and we all agree. The integration
is trivial and Malaise can check for himself. But I know that at the first
time I thought about it, I had the same reaction as you do. I thought it was impossible
to explain it symmetrically. Now I am convinced that his integration
is right.
(Discussion here about the term and interpretation of the expression
for the profiles.)
A. H. Delsemme; Well, we disagree on this point, but it's a technical
D. J. Malaise; I thought this could be settled.
A. H. Delsemme: I hope so.
B. Donn; There's a point that we're not going to be able to settle here, and
it needs to be cleared up.
M. K. Wallis; You commented on Haser's model in saying that when you
analyzed your profiles, they could be fitted fairly well - I think was your quote -
fairly well to Haser's model.
Now, for the inner region there are various reasons we wouldn't be very
confident on this exponential formula for the inner region. Professor Biermann
has mentioned one, ion-molecular interactions and collisions are occurring.
There may be others, like you, or Bill Jackson said, on the dissociation products
of parent molecules having higher velocities, and so on.
So, one wouldn't expect Haser's model to be very good, anyway, in the inner
region - inside 104
km. Can you not say - can we not say anything yet, or can
we not provide another model - or find any important discrepancies - where it
is clear that Haser's model is breaking down?
A. H. Delsemme: The fitting of theoretical curves and of the observational
curves is not satisfactory anymore when we reach the region where the seeing
is involved; the seeing disc, plus the convolution with the resolution of the
photographic plate and the microphotometer entrance port, brings what i will
call a confusion zone of the order of five arc seconds.
Within these five arc seconds the observational slope is flattened; therefore
when the scale lengths are smaller than this confusion zone, not only we cannot
DISCUSSION (Continued)
measure them, but we are not even sure of their existence. The scale lengths
of the parent molecules may be changed or even totally hidden by the spurious
scale length of the confusion zone. In my work with Moreau, we stop the fitting
at this limit of 5 arc sec. We use the scale length of the parent molecule
as a convenient parameter that usually improves very much the fitting of the
curves, say from 5 to 20 arc sec.
H. U. Keller: I think the difficulty is not that we do get different profiles.
The difficulty is Just the principal interpretation of the inner part. Even if you
have a very complicated process acting like a parent molecule, the profile won't
be changed very much. The differences are very small, and I think they are too
small to be detected by ground based observations even by accurate measurements.
The discussion should be how so you reasonably explain the profiles in
the inner part - what is the parent molecule or what are the processes possibly
going on and how many parent molecules do we possibly have ?
I think it is difficult to conclude in one way or the other on the parent molecules
from those profiles which we have, whereas on the daughter molecules,
it's much more certain, because the extension is larger.
In the case where the parent molecule definitely has a shorter lifetime than
the daughter molecule, the total profile, itself, I am sure, won't be changed
very much, even by a hydrodynamical model.
H. U. Keller
I would just like to make a brief summary of some of the major
points in my review two days ago. The most important results from
the cometary UV observations are: (1) We know now that the gas production
rates of a medium bright comet is on the order of 10
molecules s based on hydrogen "Lot observations and interpretations.
(2) The large amounts of OH indicate that water is an abundant
molecule. I do not know of any other probable parent molecule of
OH. The case for water as a parent molecule is strengthened by the
parallel decrease of OH and H in comet Bennett and by arguments given
by Delsemme. (3) Disregarding the observed amounts of OH and 0, one
would not necessarily conclude that the hydrogen is a dissociation
product of water. The uncertainty is due to the deduced outflow
velocities of about 8 km s . I feel this value for the velocity is
pretty mysterious and not yet explained. We have yet to connect this
velocity with the dissociation -- or formation — producing the hydrogen
atoms. The possibility that an appreciable amount of hydrogen does not
stem from water cannot be excluded. (4) The UV observations of comet
Kohoutek seem to indicate that water is not predominate over other
molecules by two orders of magnitudes. The production of carbon atoms
(and, therefore, of parent molecules containing carbon) seems to be
nearly as great as that of water. The uncertainties of the numbers
for the production rates are at least factors of two. I, personally,
think it is too early to draw definite conclusions on the various
abundance ratios. H, 0, OH, and C may well be produced in the same
order of magnitude. But a C deficiency by an order of magnitude (or
even more) is not rules out either.
We need observations of other bright comets to improve and confirm
the results. I am sure we can then settle these questions and come up
with firm conclusions. I do not have to stress the importance and
implications of the abundance ratios for the nature of the cometary
origin and development. (5) We also need Improved models of the coma
taking into account at least some of the complex formation processes
in the inner coma, the excess dissociation energies, and the resulting
velocity distributions.
D. Malaise
Well, I just said that I disagree with nearly all
that was said in the review paper. Now I have to illustrate
this point a little, so I will first write something on the
What we are looking for in the coma, in fact, is data
about the nucleus because this is the only important part in
comets, and the coma is something evanescent. So what we
are trying to identify by observing the coma is essentially
what I would call a "source function" - not a source. This
function represents the intensity of the source in number
of molecules of species M emitted per second in the direction
a, $ and with the velocity v, per steradian and per unit velocity.
It can be written : I(t, a, , v, M)dtdftdv
Then, in order to identify and build up a good model
of this source, we have just observation of a few fragments
that we happen to see in the coma. And we just try to identify
some characteristic of the source by making a model fitting.
That means that we are putting a lot of ourselves, of our
thought, of our dreams, between the observation and the result.
Starting from the nucleus, what we need first is
hydrodynamics, then we need chemistry near the center with all
the physical data which enter into it. And then we need what
I would call physics when we are sufficiently far away from
the center, and have to deal essentially with photo-dissociation
and radiation pressure.
Now, this is an extremely complicated situation, the
models on which conclusions are drawn concerning the source
are utterly simple. Of course, science is not simply materializing
your dreams ; it consists rather in solving contradictions.
And now I would like to illustrate some contradictions between
the accepted picture and the observations. These are, by no
means, exceptional cases; on the contrary, I hardly see any
case that fits the simple image of photo-dissociation processes
to build up the coma.
Fig. 1 is extracted from my early work (Malaise 1966).
It shows the log-log diagrams of the photometric profiles of
comet Burnham. Four radicals were observed on five nights.
The night number and the corresponding heliocentric distance
is indicated at the left of the figure. The plain lines are
the profiles in the direction of the sun and the dashes are
on the tail side. I have to point out here the distance scale :
this comet passed very close to the earth (about .2 a.u.) so
that the resolution was very good : 5OO km for 1, 3 and 5 and
10OO km for 6 and 9. But we observe here only a very limited
part of the inner coma, something between 150O and 7OOC km,
that is well inside the production zone of the radicals.
If we consider the symmetry of the profiles, viz :
the relative intensity of the-sun and the tail sides, we notice
large differences : CH is in general quite symmetric, CN is
symmetric except on the first night; but C~ and C, are very
dissymmetrical and this dissymmetry varies rather fast. On the
fifth night both C2 and C3 are 25% brighter on the sun side,
while the next night both C2
an<^ £3
are about 3O% dimmer on the
sun side. The relative variation of C2 and C3 is markedly
parallel, while there is no correlation with the variations
in the profiles of CN and CH. These large intensity variations
are clearly due to variations in the number of radicals in the~~
line of sight. This cannot of course be explained by a steady
state model. It could be explained by a source whose strength,
ejection velocity, angular distribution and composition (relative
amount of species) varies with time. But of course it is
not clear whether we have to trace back these observed variations
all the way down to the source.
) 4
— I -il
l 3 MO
H 4
M --
W ^
) tl
3 eg 4JO
O -
0 w
•-i C 1 = 16° and on
the loth \i> = 17°. On the 10th the diaphragm had a diameter
of 4000 km ; on the other dates it was twice as large. The
ordinate scale is absolute: for the continuum it gives the inten-
_2 -i -1 -I
sity in ergs cm s A sterad while for the bands the
intensity is integrated over the band.
These are a few examples to illustrate further my
point about the activity of the source : you see that the profiles
are not symmetric and that practically we never observe
3 4 5 34 5
6-4-70 3H42
5 3 4" " • 5
9-4-70 3H42
I. 5
3 4 5
6-4-70 4H07
3 4 34 5
10-4-70 3H52
Figure 2 : Log-log photometric profiles of comet Bennett
Intensity in absolute units. T : tailward side,
S : sunward side.
an expansion zone with a constant slope equal to - 1. In the
model of photodissociation, this is typical for a ratio of
lifetime which is not much smaller than 0.1. That means the
lifetime of the parent and the lifetime of the observed radical
are not more than one order of magnitude different. If
we turn to the continuum, you see that on the tail side, the
profile shows a typical concavity. This shape is given by
no model based on a constant source of dust escaping at
constant velocity : this always gives a kind of expansion
zone which has a constant slope on a certain region, but the
slope never increases. What we observe here, on the tail side
is the formation of an envelope. On the sun side, the continuum
has a steep nearly constant slope (- 3). This high
gradient is also difficult to explain with a simple theory.
If we compare the continuum on the 9th and on the 10th, we
see that the envelope has shrunk on the tail side, but on the
sun side we have now a profile typical of a molecule. This
case is unique in our observations.
We notice also that the intensity of C^ has slightly increased
( 1%) from the 9th at 2h.51 to the 9th at 3h.42 and then
has dropped by2,7% on the 10th at 3h.52. At the same time,
the continuum has first increased by 5% on the 9th and then
has kept the same value on the 10th. Observe also how the
central intensity of NH varies on the 6th between 3h.42 and
4h.O7 (25 min !) thereby changing completely the shape of
the profile : no doubt that if one should try to deduce time
of flight for these two profiles, the resulting values would
have astonishingly different values which would certainly
be related to nothing else other than the activity of the
source. At any rate, we observe a highly variable behavior
among these profiles. We nearly never observe an expansion
zone in the three radicals, and when some part of the diagram
has a constant slope, this slope is not 1 ; it is rather
1.25 or so and it varies from night to night. But any simple
model gives a slope equ •! to 1.00 to the second decimal.
The best one can suppose is that the intensity of the source
varies with time. But if one supposes this (and one is lead
to this assumption when one sees these observed profiles),
all the conclusions about the time of flight and the scale length
are becoming doubtful, because you can change a profile in any
way, and you can simulate any time of flight just by varying
the strength of the source with time.
Fig. 3 illustrates something I found with th.e six channel
photometer. As I told you, I scan the head of the comet with
a small diaphragm by scanning the telescope. Behing the
diaphragm I have a concave grating and six exit slits for the
bands. So the six channels correspond exactly to the same
part of the comet and the displacement of the profiles with
respect to each other are meaningful. The left part of fig. .3
shows the displacements of the center of luminosity of the
bands for the different dates. Remember that the scans of
the 6th were made at an angle of 45° while the others were
made at 16 or 17° of the radius vector. The sun is to the
left of the figure. You see that NH is always relatively displaced
towards the sun ; the splitting of the continuum is
not real ; it shows you the uncertainty in the displacements.
CN and Cj °n the other hand are systematically displaced towards
the tail.
The right part of fig. 3 gives more details about these displacements
for the night of the 10th. Each curve corresponds
to a different radical or to the continuum ; it represents the
central point of the isophotes, so that the higher the point
in ordinate, the brighter the isophote to which it corresponds
and the lower part corresponds to low isophotes, that is to parts
of the comet which are far away from the nucleus. The ordinate
axis has been made to coincide with the position of the center
of luminosity of the continuum. The scale in thousand km is
the distance of the corresponding isophote. along each curve.
6-4-70 3H 17 (TU)
6-4-70 4H8 (TU.)
i)> =45°
9-4-70 2H51(T.U.)
tjj = 16°
9-4-70 3H42 (T.U)
41 = 16°
10-4-70 3H52 (TU.)
ty - 17°
"1C-- i*
NH 4113 6368 C2
5809 CN -2
2 4 6 8 10 12 (1000km)
Figure 3 : a. (left) relative displacements of the center
of luminosity of the radicals with respect
to the continuum for comet Bennett.
b. (right) relative displacements for various
isophotes (distance of isophofee in thousand
km indicated by arrows). Center of luminosity
of the continuum has been taken as reference.
The top of the figure corresponds to the brightest part of the
comet, near the center. One sees that as close as one comes to
the source i.e. 27OO km for the radicals, there are displacements
of the isophotes relative to the reference. For NH, this displacement
is 80O km to the sun and for C» and CN it is 60O km
to the tail. These displacements are constant to a distance
of about 5OOO km (C2), 7000 km (CN) or 10.0OO km (NH). Then the
center of the isophote is slowly pushed back to the tail for the
three radicals. Off hand, only the fourth model of Haser
(Haser 1966) can account for this general behaviour. It consists
of a lambertian source ejecting molecules in the direction
of the sun with a velocity function which is gaussian about
a mean speed v0 ; the molecules are pushed back by the radiation
pressure and are finally destroyed by photodissociation or a
similar process. Note that a maxwellian distribution of velocity
would not fit since in this case the center of the lower isophotes
is never pushed back to the tail. The gaussian case
does not fit very well either since in this case an envelope
is formed in the direction of the sun ; but it is possible that
our profiles do not reach the envelope. In any case, if we
take the initial velocity to be the same for the three radicals,
we can compare the distance by which each radical has been
repelled for the same isophote ; these distances should be
roughly proportional to the acceleration. For the 240OCkm isophotes,
these distances are 1890 km (CN), 2870 km (C2) and
2950 km (NH). These figures do not fit the know values of the
acceleration. At any rate, we have to infer from these observations
and from the Haser model that the source coincides with
the luro.inQsity center of C^ and CN or that it lies on the tail
side of it. In the former case, the source of these two radicals
should be isotrope (and not the source of dust and of NH).
In the latter case, all sources should be lambertian-gaussian.
In this case, it is noticeable that the displacement of the
continuum is larger than that of C~ and CN which means that the &i
acceleration of the dust is much lower than that of the radicals.
The shape of the center of the isophotes for the dust is very
special i.e. the position is constant between 2000 and 500O km,
then it is first displaced towards the sun to a maximum of
145O km for the 10.000 km isophote ; thereafter it is swept
back very rapidly to 11.50O km for the 47.OOO km isophote. It
is easy to see that this is related to the formation of an envelope
on the tailside in the continuum, but no theory, to my
knowledge, can account for this. Note also the large irregularity
in the curve of C2 and CN and the smaller one in NH.
These results are very preliminary and were given
mainly to illustrate my point about the complexity of the source.
I am now going to dwell on building models to try to extract as
much information as possible from these profiles. My biggest
frustration is that since this instrument has been in operation (1967)
I have had in all less than ten hours of observing time on
comets. This is due to the fact that to obtain good profiles,
I need to work at the cassegrain focus of a large telescope
(at least 2 m) and that the big observatories have their observing
program planned six months or one year in advance. Anyhow,
these observations show at the least that we have to be very
careful when we speak about the symmetry of the profiles
particularly when we try to fit the models.
Malaise, D., 1966 XIII Coll. Liege, p. 199
Haser, L., 1966 XIII Coll. Liege, p. 233
F. L. Whipple: I mention the effect of "blanketing" and absorption near the
nucleus only because it has not been mentioned so far in the discussion. Three
results of several are worthy of mention here: (a) reduction in sublimation rate
of the nucleus; (b) spatial effects on ionization and excitation phenomena; (c) opacity
in the line-of-sight of observations. Blanketing and opacity may well account
for some of Malaise's difficulties.
W. Jackson; In a paper published in ICARUS (Vol._8,_p. 270 (1968)), B. Dpnn
and I tried to take into account the effect of optical depth on the center of luminosity
of the observed radical emission. The figures in that paper are theoretical
estimates for radicals and ions. In all cases there will be a displacement
of the center of maximum radical density some 100 to 1000 km toward the sunward
Finally, I wonder if the coupling between C2 and C3 can be explained by the
photodissociation of C3 to yield C2. e.g.
C3 + hv -> C2
or possibly
C3 H + hv -+ C2 + CH
Z. Sekanina; Effects of opacity from the dust particles released following
a massive outburst of gas are apparently responsible for a feature occasionally
observed in tails and generally known as a "shadow of the nucleus. " In some
cases the screening of the nucleus might be so efficient that the vaporization
from the surface virtually ceases for a while— until the surplus of particles in
the atmosphere is dispersed out into space.
Voice; What was the time scale?
Z. Sekanina: That was a very short time scale. I guess it was five hours
or something like that. And you simply have trouble to explain that by any other
mechanism except by stopping the influx of the solar radiation to the surface.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
I think this is a very effective mechanism.
A. H. Delsemme; Yes, I just wanted to mention that I had prepared a lengthy
discussion on the different causes for departures of circularity of the isophotes.
But I had no time to run through it in my short expose. I will submit it for publication
on this occasion. I think that is the best way to handle it, because it was
prepared but I didn't read it. It was too long.
But, of course, I am quite aware of all these difficulties and my discussion
will cover not only the things which have been mentioned, but some other ones
that have not been mentioned to date.
I would like to emphasize that Malaise's observations are very important
because those are the only clues we have on the different positions of the different
isophotes. We have theoretical reasons to believe that it should happen, and I
am going to mention them in these notes.
But it is important to observe them. And I would like to encourage him to
publish these data that were taken four years ago, in that I have already seen
them two years ago in Liege.
M. Oppenheimer
Present theories for the formation of molecular species
observed in comets predict the sublimation of parent molecules
such as H_0, CH., CO-, and NH., from the surface of the
nucleus and their subsequent photodissociation and ionization
to form the observed species (Delsemme 1973). It
can be shown (Oppenheimer 1975) that gas phase chemical
reactions occur between these fragments which have
characteristic timescales which are short compared to the
timescale for significant variation in the solar flux incident
on the comet. Hence, a steady-state approximation may be used
for determining the densities of many species. It can also be
shown (Oppenheimer 1975) that the rate of formation of many
species is faster by gas phase reactions than by photoprocess.
For instance, the formation of OH from H_O by the reaction
+ 0 -* OH+ + OH
-9 3 -1
with an estimated rate coefficient of 1 x 10 cm s
proceeds more rapidly than by the process
H 0+ + hv -»• OH+ + H
4 -3
if the density of atomic oxygen exceeds 10 cm at heliocentric
distance r = 1 AU. Hence, gas phase reactions
rapidly reshuffle parent molecules and their fragments in the
The reaction sequence' leading to the formation of H_0
illustrates the significance of gas phase reactions in
determining the nuclear structure. Molecular hydrogen will
form if the nucleus is composed of almost any hydrogenbearing
compound. If oxygen evolves from the nucleus in any
form and is subsequently ionized, the reaction sequence
+ + H -> OH4
" + H
OH4" + H -* H90
+ H
£ £•
+ e -»• OH +
leads to the formation of the observed cometary species OH,
OH+, and H20
(Delsemme 1973; Wehinger et al. 1974) and
H^O (Jackson et al. 1974) . Therefore, an observation of H_0
and H»0 is not sufficient to indicate the composition of
the nucleus. If n(i) is the density of constituents
and y is the branching ratio between OH and H^O formation
.f r
from H_0 , we find at 0.6 au that
n(H 0+
) 4
HTHIOT- 3 x 104
if gas phase reactions determine the molecular densities,
n(H 0+
if H_0 is sublimated from the nucleus and subsequently
Gas phase reaction sequences can be formulated which
lead to substantial abundances of all molecular species observed
in comets if all the necessary atoms are present in any
molecular form in the nucleus (Oppenheimer 1975). However,
we predict that little or no CH. and NH3 form in the gas
phase compared to radical fragments of these molecules.
Many of the reactions in our scheme are of the ionmolecule
type and proceed at the gas kinetic rate. Others
are of the neutral-neutral type and depend strongly on the
particle temperatures. The rates of the latter reactions
such as
H2 + 0 -*• OH + H
may be greatly enhanced if one of the reactants has excess
kinetic or internal energy resulting from formation by photodissociation
of a molecular parent. The energy of molecular
fragments may also be enhanced if they are produced in strongly
exothermic reactions.
Our conclusion is that the effects of gas phase chemical
reactions must be considered in interpreting cometary spectra
with regard to implications for the structure of the nucleus.
A.H. Delsemme 1973 Space Science Reviews 15, 89.
W.M. Jackson, T. Clark, B. Bonn 1974 I.A.U. Circ. No. 2674.
M. Oppenheimer 1975 Ap. J. 196, 251.
P.A. Wehinger, S. Wycoff, G.H. Herbig, G. Herzberg, and
H. Lew 1974 Ap. J. (Letters) to be published.
A. H. Delsemme: At the 1965 Comet Colloquium in Liege, I showed that
water vaporization leads to a large collisional zone within the inner coma that
I called the "chemical" coma. As an illustration of what could happen in the
chemical coma, I computed a simple-minded model using thermal equilibrium,
and the absorption of the solar light by water as a source of heat. A water,
methane plus ammonia coma model leads then to a surprisingly large amount
of those parent molecules that are needed to explain the spectra. But the model
succeeded in getting rid of the hydrogen excess, by using an unrealistically high
temperature. It is unrealistic because the coma is not optically thick and radiates
backwards to space by rotational transitions. I should have been wiser:
this high temperature could have been avoided by using HCN and COj instead of
CH4 and NH3. However, I have never considered that thermal equilibrium was
the final answer, and I am glad to see that people are now willing to consider
this gas phase chemistry as a proper approach. The individual reactions must
now be considered each individually, and the problem becomes formidable, but
it is worthwhile trying. I want to encourage Dr. Oppenheimer in his difficult
endeavor, by suggesting that he should follow the same way as mine, that is,
getting rid of the unobserved methane and ammonia in his future models, in
favor of the observed H2O, HCN and CH3CN, and possibly CO and CO2 (from
the observed CO+
and CO2
+ ).
E. Gerard: You say that ion-molecule reactions play an important role in
comets (as they seem also in the interstellar medium), so can you give a figure
of the electron density needed near the nucleus?
Do you think that such high ion densities can be found very close to the nucleus?
M. Qppenheimer: If you have sublimation rates of neutrals of 106
to 107
then you do derive ion densities which are the same as the electron density, of
or 104
, which is in good agreement with some observations that were made
years ago, there was an article by Arpigny in 1965 that mentioned that kind of
I haven't seen much since then. But that would be roughly the electron
E. Gerard: But you think it is no problem to create these ions as close to
the nucleus as you are saying? They can be created very fast?
M. Oppenheimer; There is a peak in the density—this was shown by Jackson,
he tells me, some nine years ago. And it is possible to create a very high abundance,
not a relative abundance, but an absolute abundance of ions—at few hundred
kilometers by photoionization. But they are being removed quickly, of course.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
This is without considering chemistry. This is just considering the ionization
rates. When you consider the chemistry, it will bring that peak down, because
the ions moved.
But you can definitely create a substantial abundance of ions at small distances
from tiie nucleus.
G. H. Herbig: I gather from your abstract that you have a predicted model
of the coma, with all your predictions so that we can compare with observations.
M. Oppenheimer; No. There is an article I wrote which will be in Ap. J.
in February, which has a model of the coma, based on a methane nucleus, but
where all the other atoms are present in some unknown form.
But I don't want that taken seriously in terms that I really believe methane
is in the nucleus. I did it to show what would happen if methane were in the
nucleus. You could get everything else anyway.
So, that, I am not ready to predict what the nucleus is really made out of,
because it is too early. You need more production rates. In a few years, when
those production rates are available when we have a whole table of them, we can
make ratios. Then I think from the gas phase chemistry you can say something
more intelligent.
The only things you could say now, for instance, are what other people
have said—that because, for instance, CN, C3, C2 appear early and in great
abundance, that that suggests that some hydrocarbon is in there.
And I am ready to go along with that on the basis of what I can say from the
chemistry. But more than that is hard to say.
G. H. Herbig; Do you expect appreciable numbers of negative ions, C2-,
OH-. Are you concerned about this?
M. Oppenheimer: No, because in the solar radiation field, the photo detachment
rates are very, very fast. I would expect that negative ions form but they
destroy very quickly. First of all, they form slowly, much slower than positive
ions, and they are destroyed much more easily because of detachment in the
solar field.
So that I would expect negative ions not to play a big role.
B. Donn; Your analysis suggests a number of new species for which we
need the spectrum so that we can try to identify and look for them.
So, in case Dr. Herzberg is running out of work to do—.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
W. I. Axford; One cannot talk in terms of a "scale length" for coma ions
such as CO+
simply because ions (and electrons) do not expand in a more-or-less
simple way as do neutrals. In effect the motion of charged particles must be
largely determined by the magnetic field surrounding the comet, and by the dynamical
effects of the solar wind. Accordingly one can expect the distributions
of coma ions to be quite complicated, and certainly not similar to that of neutrals.
The maxima density of ions is determined approximately from the fact that
the maximum coma plasma pressure must be comparable to the solar wind ram
pressure. This requires maximum ion density of 104
- 105
depending on
their temperatures.
M. Oppenheimer: There is no doubt that the ion distribution is not correct,
because it is assumed the ion velocity and the neutral velocities are the same,
which won't be true, especially as you get more and more towards the edge.
But, you had to start somewhere. And what it shows is that the ion scale
lengths, for instance, may not be determined at all. And even the neutral scale
lengths are affected. The OH scale length that was derived from the observations
that were put on earlier was about 105
The OH scale length due to chemical processes is comparable to and actually
shorter than that. There is a big warning here that you can't assume that
the scale lengths that are observed are due to photo processes. Because the
chemical processes change the scale lengths all around.
C. Cosmovici: Does the interaction between neutrals and dust particles near
the nucleus become important for the formation of new molecules like in the interstellar
M. Oppenheimer; The interaction between dust particles and neutrals in a
strong ionizing field is much slower than the interaction between ions and neutrals.
And the dust particles may effect the distribution but at these temperatures,
you don't even expect the neutrals to stick to the dust particles very well. If
things are flying off, then they are not coming back and sticking.
So, in terms of what I know, I don't expect them to be as important.
D. A. Mendis; Regarding the conversion of scale lengths to lifetimes even
in the case of neutrals one has to be careful especially when they are small (i. e.,
km) because of the effect of collisions. For instance if the expansion is
DISCUSSION (Continued)
sonic it means that by the time an emitter goes out a distance D, it has also
random walked a distance D so already a factor of two is involved.
I would also like to state that with all this talk about the importance of collisions
and the gas phase chemistry it is becoming clear that we have to use a
complete multiconstituent hydrodynamic model using a proper energy equation
before we can get to a proper interpretation of the observations. There is no
use trying to fit a Haser model to the exosphere while ignoring the nuclear region—surely
what happens in the exosphere is directly related to what happens
in the collision dominated region, and a proper hydrodynamic model can be applied
to the entire region—including the collisionless region—if properly interpreted.
Also the effect of the attenuation of the incoming exciting radiation in the
coma has to be taken into account in a consistent way.
M. Oppenheimer; In line with that point, there is an important one which
I want to show.
Reactions like this which make destroy parent molecules themselves very
rapidly, are generally ignored, because they have rate constants which aren't
high until you get to a few thousand degrees, at which time they do get to be gas
The trouble with that is that oxygen coming off is photo dissociated, and
may have several volts of energy associated with it. And if CH4, for instance,
were a major constituent of the coma, in the first collision oxygen has, instead of
being thermalized, it reacts. And "whamo," you have a reaction immediately,
which removes one of these what might be a parent molecule.
So even the neutral reactions could be extremely important if we find the
photo dissociation products are really hot.
B. Donn; I would like here to make a contribution of my own on this subject,
which I mentioned earlier, concerning chemistry in these astronomical sources,
and that is: one has to be careful in using laboratory data and applying it here,
because the laboratory data is taken under fairly high densities where collisions
are frequent.
There, we have a Boltzmann distribution of the vibrational and rotational
energy of the participating species in addition to a Maxwellian velocity distribution,
which is not true at the densities in the comet. Densities of 106
to 101 2
will lead to radiation of the vibrational energy and much of the time rotational
energy and you will end up with cold molecules in their ground vibrational states
and frequently ground rotational states also.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
Almost all of these neutral processes, and some of the ionic processes are
very dependent on having vibrationally excited molecules. The reactions take
place in excited states, and therefore, one needs to know what the detailed rate
constants are, not for a Boltzmann distribution of energies, but for reactions
from each of the energy levels, to determine how much the contribution will be
made there. Dr. Oppenheimer just gave an example of nonequilibrium velocities
and some consequences.
Another point is that in discussing neutral chemical processes, at temperatures
of 300 degrees Kelvin or even 500 degrees as Delsemme proposed earlier
for most of these processes, the rates are extremely slow. In the time scale
of the solar system, you would generally not reach equilibrium.
M. Oppenheimer: Thermal equilibrium has nothing to do with this.
D. J. Malaise: When observing the variations of the photometric profiles
with heliocentric distance with high space resolution, several radicals show a
behavior which is at complete variance with any kind of photodissociation
These radicals show a flatter profile when distance to the sun decreases.
In 1966 (Malaise, XHIth Colloquium of Liege, 199; 1966) I interpreted this as an
indication that the production of radicals depended on collisions. At that time,
however, the total density of gas at 104
km from the center was thought to be in
the range of 104
. To solve this contradiction, I looked carefully to find
collisional effect in the rotational structure of CN and to my surprise I found
total densities in the range of 108
for an average comet. The difficulty is
that for small comets (Encke) the total density is 105
or smaller. But the
small comets produce the same radicals as the large ones.
M. Dubin; Two comments: first in regard to Malaise.
It has been shown that there are two classes of dust particles—small particles
and larger particles which sublimate. The distribution of the larger particles
may affect the radial dependence on the distributions of the molecules and
Secondly, Oliveso of Perm. State has been studying the possible role of small
dust particles in the Earth's D and E region in relation to the ion chemistry. He
has found that at the very small dust concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere the
dust reaction is competitive with the ion reaction rates-as the cross section of
surface ion recombination is nearly 100 per cent efficient. For comets, with a
tremendously larger dust to gas ratio than the Earth's D region this type of reaction
must be considered.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
M. Oppenheimer: I am very skeptical about those kinds of assumptions,
though, because I think that especially in the thermosphere, where the temperatures
are a thousand degrees for the neutrals and greater for the ions sometimes,
that they don't stick to grains. It just seems unlikely, especially in the light of
the kind analysis in the interstellar medium that Salpeter did, that these effects
really lead to reactions anywhere near as a efficient as the gas phase.
And I haven't seen that paper, so maybe I should shutup about it.
M. Dub in; D region—
M. Oppenheimer: Oh, the D region. There it may be a different story.
L. Biermann; I would like to congratulate Dr. Oppenheimer on his very
fine work which in many details goes beyond our own work mentioned earlier
(Biermann and G. Diercksan, 1974, loc. cit.). His general conclusions are
essentially identical with those reached there. As to details, the rate of dissociative
recombination of CO+
is known from laboratory work since 1970 and
was applied to cometary chemistry already then (cf. L. Biermann, Report of
IAU Commission 15, 1970). A first value for the electron density in the coma
was derived in 1964 in Dr. Trefftz's and my paper quoted by Dr. Delsemme
this morning, in which the effect of the absorption of the solar ultraviolet was
at least crudely allowed for.
B. Donn; After the reviews by Delsemme and Malaise, the report just presented
by Oppenheimer and the discussion by several participants following these
three papers and others, it is my feeling that the study of the coma is entering
a new level of sophistication. The simple Baser model served for two decades
as a valuable scheme for analyzing coma photometry. It now appears that both
theory and observation indicate that we must be careful in deducing cometary
parameters, e.g., lifetimes and sources from the Haser model. Several refinements
need to be added; velocity distribution of fragments, effects of collision,
chemical reactions, time variations, more complete hydrodynamics analysis
including ions and other processes still to be appreciated. How to do all
this is not clear.
Mikio Shimizu
The spectral analysis of the coma and type I tails of a comet gives
a clue to clarify the composition of the volatiles in its nucleus. The
ultraviolet observation of strong H, O, and OH emissions in comets
1969 g and i by OAO II (Code and Savage, 1972) and the recent
identification of HO in the spectrum of 1973f (Wehinger et al. , 1974)
have suggested that the main constituent of cometary coma is HO.
It was also suggested from the computation of the ionization processes
(Jackson and Donn, 1968) that CO and N_ may be the second most
abundant gases (some ten% by number) in comets. Other gases detected
in the optical (C2 ,CN, C3 . . .) , ultraviolet (NH, CN) and radio (CH,
CHg, CN) regions appears to be minor constituents of cometary
Water has so large a dipole moment (~1.84 Debye) that it is a good
infrared radiator. If this molecule is the main constituent of cometary
comas, we may expect that the cometary atmosphere may be extremely
cooled. This could be the most important factor to determine the
neutral temperature of the cometary gas.
Water can emit infrared radiation through a vibrational
transition at 6.3 microns and a rotational one near 50 microns. In
the vibrational case, the dependence of the emission rate on temperature
will mainly be determined by that of the excitation cross-section from
v = 0 to v = 1 level which obeys SSH theory (Schwartz et al, 1952)
since the de-excitation rate by molecular collisions is smaller than
that of the spontaneous emission (non LTE condition). This rate can
be written
99 , 38.3 2294 9
R= 1.2 x 1(T22
EX P (---- ) N 2
. (1 )
where T and N are the temperature and density of the cometary gas,
In the rotational case, the energy differences between adjacent
levels are much smaller than those between vibrational ones and so the
energy transfer from translational mode to rotational one is much easier.
The molecular distribution is of Boltzmann type (LTE condition) and the
total emission rate is obtained by summing each contribution over all
rotational states. The rotational emission rate of a linear molecule
with a dipole moment/x and a rotational constant B has been computed
by Bates (1951) as
1(V 2_ 4 /kT\ 2
Rd=—3— CM B ^1 N (2)
The rotational constants of water are (in cm""*):
A = 27.79, B = 14.51, C = 9.29 .
Consequently, by taking A = «, and B =yB C, an approximate form of
emission rate is obtained
Rd = 5.5 x 10~19
N (3)
A better expression for the emission rate of water may be obtained by
approximating H9O as a rigid symmetric rotor (B = C = B and A = A).
After some manipulation, the emission rate in this approximation Rf
can be written in the form
Since the correction factor to the linear dipole approximation is only
50%, the improvement by using a (classical) asymmetric rotor approximation
(B^C) is not very important.
It is noteworthy that the OH radical formed by the dissociation
of ^O has also a large dipole moment and that it may also contribute
greatly to the cooling of cometary coma in nearly the same rate as H9O
does, particularly in its outer part. Weaker but still serious contribution
may be expected for other radicals such as CN, NH, etc. , too.
It may be instructive to compare the planetary upper atmospheres
with cometary atmospheres here, since the gas density in the neighbor-
1 o
hood of cometary nucleus is around 10 cc, a density similar to those
at the bases of planetary upper atmospheres (although there is a
difference between them in that atmospheric densities of planets
decrease exponentially outwards, while those of comets vary approximately
as the inverse square of the distance). For instance, the cooling
in the Venus and Martian upper atmospheres is due to CC>2 15 micron
band. The heating at the top of these atmospheres by the absorption
of the solar ultraviolet radiation is approximately in balance with the
(vibrational) cooling and their exospheric temperatures become of the
order of some hundreds degrees. For much detailed discussions, some
effects of dynamics (eddy diffusion on the composition of the upper
atmospheres, thermal conduction from heating level to cooling one etc.)
should be taken into account and the inclusion of such effects explained
observed properties of planetary upper atmospheres by space probes
well (Shimizu, 1973a, 1974). Consequently, if the vibrational cooling
due to H2O 6.3 micron band is the dominant cooling process in the
cometary atmosphere, its neutral gas temperature at 1 AU may also be
around 300 °K. However, as the formulae (1) , (3), and (4) show, the
rotational cooling is much stronger for H2O. If the heating by the
solar ultraviolet radiation is equated to this, the equilibrium temperature
at 1 AU can be of the order of only 10 °K. The transport of heat by
expansion of cometary atmosphere can easily be shown to be of the order
of the vibrational cooling and to have a negligible effect as compared
with the rotational one. If the cometary coma has a 300 °K temperature
it is clear that some other much stronger heating source is necessary
unless H9O is a minor constituent (•»'0.1%) of cometary atmospheres,
which is unlikely from the recent observations. Electron impact may
not be an important source, since a bow shock and other hydromagnetic
structure around a comet may prevent the inflow of such a large electron
energy flux as 10 times the ultraviolet radiation into the coma. Consequently,
a possible mechanism may be a strong infrared coupling between H^O
and dust grain in the coma. It is known that the icy halo model
(Delsemme and Miller, 1971) on the basis of the composition of hydrate
clathrate well explains many observational features including the photodissociation
paradox (Wurm, 1963). Recent infrared observations of
comets suggest that the mean radius of cometary dust grain is around
1 micron and that its number density is about 10 /cc, at least for the
non-volatile part. Even so, the collision time between gas and dust
is much longer than the typical expansion time, •*•! day (although the
collisional times among gases are of the order of 10"1
sec, short
enough to be in equilibrium) . Consequently about 10~^ of the solar
visible radiation, whose energy flux is 10 times larger than that in
the ultraviolet region, once absorbed by the dust grain or at the surface
of nucleus should be transferred to fO molecules in the form of
infrared radiation. Such a strong infrared coupling could naturally
be expected by taking into account that the main part of the dust
grain may be H2O ice, although it is necessary to carry out a tedious
radiation transfer problem to obtain the temperature of HoO gas
One of the advantages if this model is that it can explain the
dependence of the atmospheric temperature on the distance of comet
from the sun, r. Wurm (1963) suggested a relation of T ••« 1/r. The
heating rate is proportional to N/r^ and so, if we equate this to (3),
T should be inversely proportional to r.
The most important conclusion from the above discussion is that
the atmospheric temperature of comets cannot be so high as 1500 °K.
This is also suspected from the analysis of high resolution CN spectrum
(Malaise, 1970). It is concluded from thermochemical calculation
(Delsemme, 1966) that the conversion of CH^ and NH3 to CO and N2
occurs at the dissociation level whose temperature is assumed to be
extremely high by the absorption of the solar ultraviolet radiation.
The expansion of cometary atmosphere is attributed to this heating
(Shul'man, 1972) and a detailed hydrodynamic calculation has been
carried out on this assumption to support the above quasi-thermochemical
equilibrium model (Wallis, 1974). However, all these discussions have
neglected the strong cooling effect of I^O and should be reconsidered.
It is now evident that CO and N2 may be abundant in the cometary
nucleus (Jackson and Bonn, 1968) , possibly in the form of clathrate.
Our proposal in the LAU Symposium No. 52 (Shimizu, 1973b) that the
cometary nuclei are composed of the dirty ice of second kind (mainly
H2O and some ten % of CO and ^) appears to be confirmed. The
similarity of cometary molecules to the interstellar molecules should
more seriously be taken into account in the theory of cometary
formation. Proposals for the origin of comets in interstellar space by
Whipple and Lecar and by Donn at this colloquium give a physical
meaning to the similarity.
It is to be noted that the ejection of various molecules from
stars, both of oxygen rich type (NML Cygnus) and of carbon rich type
(IRC + 10216) , has been found during these years. Furthermore, CO
molecules have been detected in the envelopes of T Tauri stars. This
evidence might be correlated with our suggestion for the interchange
of cometary substances among stars and clouds, although it is far from
conclusive. A large number of interstellar comets trapping the heavy
elements appears to be consistent with interstellar deficiences of
these elements (Greenberg, 1974).
Addendum: Recent finding of carbon atom emission in the atmosphere
of Comet 1973f (Feldman et al. , Science, 185, 705, 1974)
endorses the discussion in this paper and this may be a
conclusive evidence for the dirty ice of second kind in
the nuclei of comets .
Bates, D.R. , Proc. Phys. Soc. London, B 64, 805 (1951)
Clayton, R.N. , Grossman, L. and Mayeda, T.K. , Science 182. 485 (1973)
Code, A.D. , and Savage, B.D. , Science, 177, 213 (1972)
Delsemme, A.H. , Soc. Roy. Sci, Liege, 12, 77 (1966)
Delsemme, A.H. and Miller, D.C., Plan. Space Sci., H,
1229 (1971)
Greenberg, J.M. , ApJ., JJJ9., L81 (1974)
Jackson, W.M. and Bonn, B., Icarus, 8_, 270 (1968)
Malaise, D.J., Astron. Astrop., _5, 209 (1970)
Schwartz, R. N. , Slawsky, Z. I. and Herzfeld, K. , 1952, J. Chem.
Phys. 20, 1591
Shimizu, M. , J. Geophys. Res., 78, 6780 (1973a)
Shimizu, M. , in "Interstellar Dust and Related Topics" ed. by Greenberg
J.M. and Van de Hulst, D. Reidel Publ. Comp. , p405 (1973b)
Shimizu, M., J. Geophys. Res., .in printing (1974)
Shul'man, L.M. , in "Dinamika kometnikh atmosfer-neitralnii gaz",
Chap. 3, Kiev (1972)
Wallis, M.K. , Month. Not. Roy. astro. Soc., 166, 181 (1974)
Wehinger, P. A., Wyckoff, S., Herbig, G.H.,. Herzberg, G.H. , and
Lew, H. , Ap. I., 190, L43 , (1974)
Wurm, K. , in "The Moon, Meteorites, and Comets" ed. by Middlehurst,
B. M., and Kuiper, G.P. , Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 573 (1963)
W. Jackson: If the comets are composed of mostly H,O, CO and N2, what
is the order of magnitude ratio of (CO)/(H2O) and (N2)/(H2O)?
These ratios have to be low if the rate of water evaporation is to control the
gas production rate of comets.
M. Shimizu; The composition of volatiles depends on the accretion process
and themal history of comets. I am not discussing them. I tentatively favor
clathrate theory, but the real values should be determined by observation.
M. K. Wallis: It is not clear to me that at the relevant cometary densities
- lOVcm3
) and energies, the approach to equilibrium would be rapid
enough. Taking H-atoms resulting from photo-dissociation of H2O with 1-2 eV
energy, cooling via rotational excitation with cross-section 10~15cm and 0. 01
eV loss would not dominate elastic collisional transfer of energy from the H-atom
to the H2O. So some energy seems available for increasing the thermal and
outflow energies of the H2O gas. Clearly one has to be careful about drawing
definite conclusions one way or the other.
M. Shimizu: The time constant of the excitation is
T -=
1 = 1 = 102
8 -1 S ^
N o- v 10 10 10
much shorter than the expansion time 105
sec. So the kinetic energy of hydrogen
will be transferred to water, the main constituent, and radiated in the infrared.
That leads to the low atmospheric temperature. N
(The detailed analysis by taking into account non LTE process and various
dynamical effects will be submitted to Astrophysics and Space Science later. )
B. Donn; To try to interpret the radio observations of water in Comet
Bradfield, we have worked with Dr. Krauss of the National Bureau of Standards.
In a preliminary analysis he obtained a kinetic temperature of 10K in the coma
in a similar process to that of Shimizu using cooling by rotational excitation of
water. This is clearly an important process to take into account and a detailed
analysis is necessary to determine coma temperatures and rotational excitation
of molecules.
N76-21Q8 4
P. D. Feldman, C. B. Opal, R. R. Meier and K. R. Nicolas
The recent observations of atomic oxygen and carbon
in the far ultraviolet spectrum of Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
(Feldman et al. 1974; Opal et a_l. 1974) have demonstrated
the existence of these atomic species in the cometary
coma. However, in order to identify the source of their
origin, it is necessary to relate the observed ultraviolet
flux to the atomic production rate. Assuming the only
excitation mechanisms allowed are those produced by
resonance scattering and fluorescence of solar ultraviolet
radiation, the problem reduces to finding the
emission rate factors (g-factors) as a function of the
heliocentric comet velocity. Since the widths of the
solar emission lines are smaller than the maximum heliocentric
Doppler shift, given by
rmax -
(^-) -
06 < ' km
where q is the perihelion distance in A.U., it is
necessary to consider the detailed multiplet structure
of the transition, the solar line shape and the relaxation
of excited fine structure levels.
Analyses of the observed 01 A1304 and CI M657 A
multiplets have been carried out using high resolution
solar spectra obtained from the ATM solar spectrograph
aboard Skylab. In addition, we have examined the
possibility of observing ultraviolet fluorescence from
molecules such as CO (which may be the parent molecule
of atomic carbon) and H^, as well as resonance scattering
either from atomic ions for which there are strong
corresponding solar lines (CII) or from atoms for which
there is an accidentical wavelength coincidence (SI).
The scattering of solar Lya from atomic hydrogen has been
discussed in detail by Keller (1973) and Meier (1974) and
will not be considered here.
Emission Rate Factor
The emission rate factor, which is the probability
that an atom or molecule will resonantly scatter a solar
photon of wavelength A into 4?r sr in unit time, is given
by Barth (1969) as:
2 f(Tr F) photons sec"1 mol"1
where f^ is the absorption oscillator strength and irF^
the solar flux per unit wavelength. For resonance
fluorescence in molecules, the relative transition
probabilities for downward transitions must also be taken
into account. The emission rate per unit volume is then
simply related to the density of the scattering species
n^ by
-1- 3
n. photons sec cm
In the case of cometary emission, the large heliocentric
velocity of a typical comet requires the use
of the solar flux TF^i, where
A* = A(l - |) ,
so that g-, =
Solar Ultraviolet Fluxes
The Naval Research Laboratory solar spectrograph
(S082B) on the Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) of Skylab
photographed the solar spectrum from 970 A - 4000 A*. It
provided the necessary high spectral resolution (0.06 A)
to yield data necessary for the cometarv interpretation.
The spectrograph slit averaged over a 2 by 60 area on
the sun. In order to estimate the solar intensity from
the total disk it was necessary to include the effects
from limb brightening and from the increased contribution
of active regions which introduces a variable intensity
component. Spectra of these phenomena were available
from the large number of observations taken within the
Joint Observing Program.
Densitometry of the Kodak 104 film gave the density
versus position information which was used to determine
the relative intensity versus wavelength of the solar
spectrum."Spectra with 40, 160, and 640 sec exposure
times were used to construct a relative H-D curve for
each wavelength region of interest. The conversion from
density to relative intensity for each of the plates in
the exposure sequences yielded a maximum variation in
relative line shape of about ±15%, the random error being
mostly due to grain clumping. The wavelength determination
was made by using from 5 to 9 standard lines
(Sandlin, 1974) within each wavelength interval. The
estimated absolute error is +0.02 A which translates into
i"10% intensity error at the steepest part of the line
The absolute intensity was determined independently
of the ATM calibration in two ways.* The first method
was to match the continuum intensity level at 1650 A
with a value determined from a 1971 rocket flight
(Brueckner and Nicolas, 1972). This gave an absolute
intensity scale for the CI emission feature at 1656 A.
The rms error is about ±307,,. At shorter wavelengths the
absolute scale was determined by comparing the total
relative line intensities with those of OSO VI (Dupree
et al. 1973). The error for this method is approximately
+TOT5%7 -50%.
The total flux averaged over the solar surface and
its time variation was estimated from spectra of quiet
solar limb scans and of active regions. The intensity
of the emission lines is fairly constant-(neutral) over
the solar disk. The maximum error introduced by assuming
that they have neutral limb brightening is less than ±10%.
The active region enhancement over the quiet region
intensity is approximately a factor of 2 to 3 for CI and
a factor of 10 to 20 for 01 and CII. Since the area of
the disk covered by active regions can be as high as 107o
(De Jager 1961), the total solar flux during the solar
cycle could vary by 3070 for CI and up to a factor of 2
to 3 for 01 or CII. Short term fluctuations (on the
order of two weeks) within a solar cycle could also be
of comparable magnitude.
CI M657 A
The carbon multiplet at 1657 A provides an
excellent example of the dependence of g^ on radial
velocity. Carbon, long known as a major constituent
of cometary molecules and radicals, was not detected in
atomic form until the two recent rocket ultraviolet
observations of Comet Kohoutek. There are six components
of the multiplet, as shown in Fig. 1, resulting from the
fine structure triplet nature of both the excited and
ground state. An additional consideration in the evaluation
of the g-factors in cometary emission is the question
of relative population of ground state fine structure
levels. We assume that they are initially populated
according to a Boltzmann distribution characteristic of
some temperature To of the parent molecule. However,
since the coma becomes non-collisional very close to
the nucleus, radiative transitions J=2^*-J=l and
J=l -*• J=0 will tend to cool the atom in a time of the
The inflight ATM calibration is not yet finished, but
will be completed and published shortly.
- ^ m g
- y
A^ is the Einstein coefficient
for the transition. The effect of cooling is significant
only if the A^j, values are greater than the photoionization
rate J^ which depends on heliocentric distance as r~2.
For the carbon ground state, A^Q = 7.9 x 10-8 Sec"l- and
A?l ~ 2.7 x 10-' sec"I, which are both less than the value
of J4 at 1 A.U. of 4.0 x 10-6 Sec-l (Feldman et al. 1974).
The distance at which the cooling time TC andTonization
lifetime tj_ are equal, rc, is given in Table I for the
most important species. For cases in which 2"c < t^ the
variation of the relative populations in time will be
determined primarily by the effect of optical pumping
produced by the resonance scattering of solar radiation,
which as we have noted will also vary with both r and r.
In most cases of interest, the resonance scattering time,
= §A~ > is less than t;c, so that the optical pumping
effect is not negligible.
To first order we regard the temperature in the
coma as constant and show in Figs. 2 and 3 the variation
of g^ with r and r. All g-factors are calculated for
r = 1 A.U. The values of r corresponding to the observations
of Comet Kohoutek are indicated in F,ig. 3. For
planetary atmospheres the value of g for r = 0 is to be
01 A1304 A
The oxygen triplet in the solar spectrum has
recently been observed with sufficient resolution to
permit the evaluation of the absorption at the line
center due to terrestrial oxygen in the upper atmosphere.
An example of one of the lines (after correction for
atmospheric absorption) is shown in Fig. 4. A Doppler
shift of ±0.17 A corresponding to a velocity of +40 km
sec'*- is sufficient to completely shift the cometary
absorption wavelength completely off of the solar line.
Thus the observed oxygen emission (Feldman et al. 1974;
Opal et a_l_._ 1974) must be due to either resonance
scattering from the solar continuum, which is very weak,
or another mechanism. Fig. 5 illustrates a Bowen
fluorescence mechanism in which the 3$ state is populated
via the
P transition at 1025.77 A which is nearly
degenerate with the solar Ly P line of HI at 1025.72 A.
The g-factors for the entire multiplet for the two
processes are illustrated in Fig. 4. Resonance scattering
from the solar continuum gives a g-factor of 4 x 10-8
sec'l- atom-1, independent of wavelength. For the case of
oxygen, cooling via the fine structure transitions at
Table I
4 x 10-
(sec at 1 A.U.) r_(A.U.)
4.0 x
2.5 x 10-
_ (
CVJ ro
CVOJ I00oI<&o
J 4
l CJ
(U (U 0) U
c t
a) -
) 0
0 ,.33
$ g.
(j.uuojD^oaSg.oi x )
T 3
Fig. 4.
AX(A )
•0.3 -0.2 -O.I 0 O.I 0.2 0.3
XI302.2 A
80 +40 0 -40
r ( km sec" 1
4 ?
2 o
High resolution profile of the solar 01 1302.2 A
line. The 01 g-factor is shown for both
resonance scattering and fluorescence excited
by solar LyP as a function of heliocentric
velocity. The arrows correspond to the
observations of Feldman et al. (1974) and
Opal e£ al. (1974).
Fig. 5. Fluorescence mechanism for excitation of
01 1302 A via solar Lyp radiation.
63M- and 147M- is quite rapid with t < ^>^s. However,
for any reasonable range of equivalent temperatures,
since the individual lines do not overlap, there is
little variation in the total multiplet intensity. For
the Bowen mechanism we assume that all of the atoms
are in the lowest (J=2) level.
While the intensity due to Bowen fluorescence is
more than an order of magnitude smaller than that due
to direct resonance scattering, for comet velocities
^40 km sec'l it is the dominant source of cometary
A1304 emission. Using the Bowen g-factor, the oxygen
production rate derived by Feldman et al. (1974) for
Comet Kohoutek on 5.1 January 1974 was found to satisfy
the requirement QQ = QQU
= i/ QH
= ^HoO expected if
photodissociation of water is the dominant source of
atomic oxygen. At smaller heliocentric velocities the
comet might be expected to be extremely bright at 1304 A
and in fact could provide, near perihelion, a measurement
of the solar 1304 A multiplet profile free of the effects
of terrestrial oxygen absorption since the cometary
absorption width is small compared with the width of
the solar emission profile. The role of photoelectron
excitation has been neglected since it is assumed that
the coma becomes collisionless at radii greater than
& 10^ km in which case the 1304 A image would appear to
be less than 1 minute of arc contrary to the 10 arc min
image reported by Opal et al. (1974).
Because of the steep slope in the solar line shape,
corresponding to Doppler velocities of the order of i"25
km sec'l, an appreciable intensity asymmetry (Greenstein,
1958) can result. To illustrate the effect of a rapidly
varying solar line profile, we have computed atomic
oxygen 1304 A intensities from Comet Kohoutek under somewhat
idealized conditions. For resonance scattering,
one must compute the probability that a photon of a given
frequency and direction (from the sun) will be scattered
at a new frequency in the direction of the observer. The
procedure for doing this is described by Meier (1974).
At each point in the atmosphere this probability function
must be integrated over the solar line, the velocity
distribution of oxygen, and the emitted line profile.
The resulting volume emission rate must then be integrated
along the line of sight to compute the column emission
rate. Assuming a radial outflow density distribution
and a radial maxwell-BoItzmahn velocity distribution
(Keller, 1973; Bertaux et al., 1973), we have computed
the expected Greenstein effect. The idealized observation
for the comet is taken to be at a 90* sun-comet-earth
angle. Velocities of 0 and -22.5 km sec"l relative to
the sun are used. The mean velocity of oxygen atoms is
taken to be 1 and 2 km sec-1 both with a production
rate of 102
° atoms sec"1
and a g-factor appropriate
to 1 A.U. The solar line shape in Fig. 4 was used. The
line-center point of the comet rest frame is at r=0 in
Fig. 4. As discussed above, all atoms are assumed to 0
be in the ground state so that although only the 1302.2 A
line participates in excitation, all three lines will be
present in emission.
The results of this calculation are shown in Fig. 6.
The larger asymmetry found for the 2 km sec'l outflow
velocity is due to the broader cometary absorption
coefficientooverlapping a larger portion of the solar
line. The r = -2245 km sec~l isophotes have both been
normalized to the r = 0 case (a factor of 1.275) for
purposes of comparison in the figure. Thus it is clear
that the degree of asymmetry upsun and downsun can yield
information about the mean velocity of the scattering
gas when the solar line varies significantly over the
absorption line.
CII A1335 A
An anti-solar tail at least 5 x 10 km long and
about 5 x 105 km wide was observed in the 1250-1800 A
band before perihelion at r = .182 A.U. with the electrographic
camera on Skylab 4 (Page, 1974). This feature
should also have been observable by the rocket instruments,
assuming an r-4- power law dependence of brightness
on sun-comet distance, however the rocket images in that
band^of Opal et al. (1974) showed only a circular coma,
attributed mainly to 1304 A oxygen emission, and the
spectrometer of Feldman et al. (1974) observed down-sun
of the comet for over 30 sec without detecting any
emissions from the comet.
The tail observed from Skylab could be attributed
to dust, a neutral species, or an ion. The dust tail
hypothesis can probably be ruled out from geometrical
considerations, but in any case it should have been
observed by the more sensitive rocket instruments. For
a neutral constituent to form the tail, it would have
to be strongly influenced by radiation pressure yet have
a very long lifetime, which is highly improbable at such
a small sun-comet distance. The remaining candidate is
an ion, with C+ as the obvious choice, since it has a
resonance multiplet in the bandpass (1335 A) and the sun
vn= I km sec-'
SUN—* 4
Vcomet " 0
4 x!06
-22.5 km sec
= 2 km sec-'
0 4 x!06
Fig. 6.
'comet = -22.5 kmsec-'
Intensity contours for 01 1304 A computed for
heliocentric velocities of 0 and -22.5 km
sec~l. The outflow velocity of oxygen atoms
is 1 km sec-1 in (a) and 2 km sec'l in (b).
emits the multiplet strongly. The fact that no ion
tail was observed from the rockets after perihelion is
explained by considering the motion of an ion created
in a moving plasma. In the rest frame of a (perfectly
conducting) plasma there is only a magnetic field, so
the ion velocity consists of its original component
parallel to the field plus a circular component due to
its orbit around the field line. In the frame of the
sun, the radial velocity of the ion will then consist
of the sum of the radial velocity of the comet and a
cycloidal component varying between zero and twice the
radial plasma velocity (which can be as much as 10^ km
sec~l outward if the ion is in the solar wind). Thus
before perihelion the ions spend considerable time with
a small radial velocity and can resonantly scatter the
solar line. After perihelion the radial velocity of the
ions can never be less than that of the comet, so at
the time of the rocket observations, when the ions
were always Doppler shifted completely out of the solar
lines, the ionized carbon was unobservable.
CO Fourth Positive System
Fluorescence of CO in the fourth positive system
(A^-fr - X^-S+) can be excited by solar radiation shortward
of 1544 A. The g factors for the strongest bands are
shown in Fig. 7, using oscillator strengths and
branching ratios given by Mumtna et al. (1971) and the
continuum solar flux of Rottman "^private communication;
see Donnelly and Pope 1973). Since excitation is from
the continuum there is no variation in the g-factors
with r. The g-factor for the total fourth positive
emission between 1440 and 1670 A is simply the sum of
all of the values shown in Fig. 7, 1.24 x 10"° photons
sec~l mol~l. The flux at the earth can be written as
where Q is the production rate in molecules sec and
the product gT is independent of heliocentric distance
and may conveniently be evaluated at 1 A.U. In Table II
we give the values of g and r for C, 0 and CO at the
time of the rocket observations of Comet Kohoutek. If
CO were in fact the parent of the observed carbon we
would expect Q~ = Qn ~ 1 Qrro since the CO photodissociation
Z *7 -— — — o
t J 1 ' 1
B O'O ^_^=,
3 o's
Yfr —
n'c U z.
1 1
O CO —
~ ID
S- 0
X w
CD 'o
_J g
> ^ > C
0 uu
_ O «> ^
( . iouu . oas . 01 x) 6 •<- -t-="" 1="" 3="" 787="" j="" r-="" v=""> c d tu
I 'i
S-ot o
oOOCcoi- 0o) CO
• iXOH
co' C
0oa) CO
(McElroy and McConnell 1971) and photoionization
(Siscoe and Mukherjee 1972) rates are nearly equal. The
table also gives the relative signal to be expected in
this case, taking into account the response of a Csl
photocathode, and it is seen that the three constituents
give comparable contributions to the signal. Of course
the primary source of oxygen, the photodissociation of
OH, will give a larger 1304 A signal.
It should be noted that detection of the strongest
CO bands was just beyond the sensitivity of both rocket
instruments, but that an order of magnitude improvement
in either the instrument capability of the brightness
of the comet at the time of observation would have
enabled us to determine whether or not CO is the parent
molecule. The values of Q^ derived from the data of
Feldman et al. (1974) have been revised using the g-factor
discussed above, and are given in Table III. The upper
limit on QCQ is about a factor of 3 higher than would be
expected from the derived Qp.
The (9, 0) fourth positive band at 1301 A is nearly
coincident with the 01 line at 1302.17 A, raising the
possibility of strong fluorescence in the v1
= 9
progression. However, the absorption oscillator strength
is smaller than that for the (1, 0) band by roughly the
same amount that the solar flux in the line is greater
than the continuum at 1510 A so that the absorption gfactors
are of comparable magnitude. The rotational
development of the band extends several A so that the
overlap of the band with the relatively narrow 01 line
is less than 10%, as shown in Fig. 8 for T = 100eK.
The maximum g-factor obtainable for any one band in this
progression is < 1.0 x 10~° which is considerably smaller
than the values given in Fig. 7. A plot of the8g-factor
for the (9, 2) band at 1378 A as a function of r is shown
in Fig. 9.
Ho Lyman Band System
Solar HI LyP can also produce fluorescence in the
v* = 6 progression of the Lyman band system of Ho with
the strongest emission in the (6, 13) band at 1608 A
(Feldman and Fastie 1973). The PI line lies at 1025.935 A
while the wavelength of the LyP line center is at
1025.72 A, sc; that once again the §-factor is a sensitive
function of r. The dependence on r is the same as the
dashed curve in Fig. 4, except that the velocity axis
is shifted so that the peak g-factors occur at values of
CDO" CwMpq
— 1 U
oo" O03 Co0wO
J\ L n
X(A )
Fig. 8. Line strengths in the (9, 0) band of the CO
fourth positive system showing the overlap
with the solar 01 1203 A line.
) C
C0M) i
O i— I COO
C <
^ J
C 4
De Jager, C., 1961, in Vistas in Astronomy, Vol. 4 (Ed.
A. Beer; London, Pergamon Press),p. 143.
Donnelly, R. F., and Pope, J. H., 1973, NOAA Rept. ERL
276-SEL 25.
Dupree, A. K., Huber, M. C. E., Noyes, R. W., Parkinson,
W. H., Reeves, E. M., and Withbroe, G. L., 1973,
Ap. J.. 182, 321.
Feldman, P. oTT^and Fas tie, W. G., 1973, Ap. J. (Letters).
185, L101.
FeldmanT P. D., Takacs, P. Z., Fastie, W. G., and Donn, B.,
1974, Science, 185, 705.
Greenstein, J. L., 1958, Ap. J.. 128, 106.
Keller, H. U., 1973, Astron. Astrophys.. 23, 269.
McElroy, M. B., and McConnell, J. C., 1971^ J. Geophys.
Res. 7J), 6674.
Meier, R. R., 1974, in preparation.
Mumma, M. J., Stone, E. J., and Zipf, E. C., 1971,
J. Chem. Phys., .54, 2627.
Opal, C. B., Carrutheirs, G. R., Prinz, D. K., and Meier,
R. R., 1974, Science. 185., 702.
Page, T., 1974, paper presented at Comet Kohoutek workshop,
Huntsville, Ala., June 1974.
Sandlin, G., 1974, private communication.
Siscoe, G. L., and Mukherjee, N. R., 1972, J. Geophys.
Res., 77, 6042.
Voice: I just want to know if the values for production rates supersede the
ones published in Science.
P. D. Feldman: Yes. They will appear in the proceedings of this conference.
I don't think they are going to change. At least, we are not going to do
any more work on it.
I think what is called for now are some more observations.
f N76-2108 5
C. Arpigny
This report will be devoted to a discussion of the theoretical
interpretation of the spectra of comets and in this discussion we
shall consider successively a number of molecules that have been
studied recently : CN, CH, C2, C^, OH, CH+. The first two of this
list, CN and CH, have been analysed in greatest detail until now,
so that we shall be rather brief on the other molecules. We shall
try to indicate what kind of information can be derived from these
studies concerning the conditions prevailing in cometary atmospheres
and to show which fundamental data are needed in the calculation of
the theoretical spectra.
Before going into the main part of the report, however, I
should like to present a resume of a paper of a general character
which is concerned with the Spectral Classification of Comets and
which is due to Dr. Bouska.
Up to now a few hundred spectra of several tens of comets have
been obtained at different observatories over the world. On the one
hand, there are high-dispersion spectra photographed with slit
spectrographs attached to large telescopes, and on the other, smalldispersion
spectra obtained by means of objective prisms.
It seems therefore useful to introduce a classification of the
spectra of the cometary heads. It is evident that it is impossible
to put into practice a classification similar to that used for
stellar spectra. The classification of cometary spectra could rather
be like the classification of meteoric spectra.
The cometary spectra show mostly two components :
(C) continuum which is the solar spectrum reflected on the dust
particles present in the cometary coma, and
(E) emission bands (CN, C^, C~ and some others) connected with the
intrinsic radiation of molecules in the cometary atmosphere.
The apparent intensity of these components may be weak (1),
normal (2) or strong (3). In some exceptional cases continuum or
emission bands may be absent (0) . Consequently the classification
may be as follows :
Continuum Emission Bands Apparent Intensity
s trong
In most cometary spectra the CN (0,0) band is dominant, in
others the Swan bands of C«; this may be expressed by the following
c - cyanogen bands dominant,
s - Swan bands dominant.
The presence of the sodium doublet D. „ observed in cometary
' > ^
spectra at heliocentric distances r _<_ -="" -i-="" .="" 0="" 1.2="" 1000="" 100="" 10="" 12="" 1971="" 1="" 2="" 798="" 799="" 7="" 800="" 801="" :="" a.u.="" a.u.at="" a.u.may="" a="" about="" absorbed="" absorption-emission="" absorption="" according="" account="" acquainted="" addition="" all="" an="" and="" anyhow="" apologize="" appreciably="" appropriate="" are="" arend-roland="" as="" associated="" assume="" assuming="" assumptions="" at="" atoms="" aute-provence="" available="" away="" b="" band.="" band="" bands="" basic="" be="" bennett="" but="" by="" c00="" c3e2c="" c="" can="" characteristic="" circulars="" classification="" cle2s="" cn.="" cn="" co="" collisional="" combination="" comet="" cometary="" comets.="" comets="" comments="" communication="" complete="" conditions="" connect="" consider="" considered="" considering="" constant="" contained="" contains="" continuum="" contrast="" corresponding="" cotnetary="" course="" cqq="" cross-sections="" cyanogen="" cycles="" denoted="" densities="" depend="" depends="" depopulation="" desirable="" discrete="" discuss="" dispersion.="" dispersion="" dispersions="" distance="" divided="" dominating="" dr="" dt.="" dt="" due="" during="" e="" easy="" either="" electronic="" electrons="" elsewhere="" emission="" emissions="" emphasize="" energies="" energy="" equate="" equation="" equations="" especially="" essential="" essentially="" established="" even="" examines="" example="" examples="" exceptionally="" excitation="" exciting="" factor="" factors="" familiar="" features="" fig.="" figures="" finds="" first="" fluorescence="" following="" for="" found="" from="" given="" going="" ground="" haute-provence="" have="" he="" heavy="" heliocentric="" hence="" higher="" i.e.="" i="" iau="" ideas="" if="" ii="" iii="" ikeya-everhart="" illustrate="" illustrated="" in="" included.="" indeed="" information="" initial="" instance="" intensity="" interpretation="" involving="" ions="" is="" ishould="" it="" iv="" justified="" kinds="" larger.="" later="" level="" levels="" like="" line="" lines="" long="" low="" lower="" m.="" make="" may="" mechanism.="" mechanisms="" metallic="" mm="" molecule="" molecules="" more="" moving="" must="" n-2="" n="" nc00="" near="" neglect="" nevertheless="" normal="" not="" now="" number="" o="" observatory="" observed="" obtain="" of="" on.="" on="" once="" one="" only.="" only="" optical="" or="" orbital="" order="" original="" other="" our="" overall="" p="" part="" particles="" particular="" per="" plausible="" point="" population="" populations="" possible="" presentation="" process="" processes="" proposed="" pure="" quantum="" question="" quick="" r="" radial="" radiation="" radicals="" rapid="" rate="" rates="" rather="" re-emit="" reached.="" reciprocal="" recorded="" region="" relative="" relaxation="" remain="" remark="" representing="" residual="" resonance="" resonancefluorescence="" respect="" respectively.="" respectively="" right="" rotational="" rp="" rpigny="" s="" same="" scheme="" sec.="" sec="" second="" seem="" seems="" set="" several="" shall="" short="" should="" show="" simplify="" situation="" small="" so="" solar="" some="" sp="" specify="" spectra.="" spectra="" spectrogram="" spectroscopy="" spectrum="" spin="" splitting="" sr="" stage="" start="" state="" states="" stationary="" statistical="" steady-state="" steady="" strength="" strong="" strongly="" studies="" subject="" such="" summary="" sun-grazing="" sun.="" sun="" swan="" symboin.="" symbol.="" symbol="" systems.="" takes="" term="" that="" the="" their="" therefore="" these.="" these="" think="" this="" those="" through="" thus="" time="" times="" timescales="" to="" transition.="" transition="" transitions.="" transitions="" two="" typically="" ultraviolet="" under="" underlying="" upon="" used="" useful="" using="" v="+1)" various="" velocity="" very="" violet="" vl.n="" wavelength="" we="" weak="" weaker="" weight="" well="" what="" when="" where="" which="" who="" will="" wind="" with="" worthwhile="" would="" x="" xn=""> N ' =
N-l .-»• N (XN__ (s_)N_2 CQO = transition rate for absorption of the R
(N-2) line; (s )„ = branching ratio for the downward P(N) transition).
Once the system represented by eq. (1) has been solved (in
practice about 30 rotational levels must be included in the lower
electronic state), the populations of the upper levels as well as
the relative intensities of the lines can be readily computed. These
populations and intensities will be governed by two effects :
(i) the first effect is the balance between the two kinds of processes:
a) the fluorescence cycles tend to increase the rotational
energy of the molecules in the electronic ground state (if
we start out with all molecules in the lowest rotational level,
the distribution of molecules will be spread toward higher
levels via RP cycles) ;
b) the pure rotational transitions on the contrary tend to
return molecules back to lower levels;
(ii) besides this competition, the spectral energy distribution in
the exciting solar radiation plays a predominant role.
The fluorescence terms in the steady-state equations all contain
C , while the pure rotation transition terms are proportional to
and the determining factor is the ratio between these, represented
by a quantity
2 2
fl r v r
y being the permanent dipole moment of the molecule, f the f-value
of the electronic transition. The distribution of populations will
go through a maximum which will occur at a smaller rotational energy,
the larger
• I-l
T— I
• •
cy> — •
<4-l -="" .="" 00="" 0="" 10="" 1="" 2="" 2e="" 3="" 4-1="" 4-="" 4="" 5="" 805="" a._="" a.u.="" a="" about="" absorption="" also="" an="" and="" another="" as="" at="" attempt="" b="" band.="" band="" bands.="" bands="" bar="" be="" been="" being="" boundary="" box="" by="" c="" ca="" called="" case="" cases="" cd="" certainly="" cf="" change="" cn="" co="" coefficient="" comets="" computations="" conclusion="" corresponding="" cu="" d="" danks="" define="" defined="" different="" dot="" dufay="" e="" einstein="" electronic="" ell="" emission="" equations="" error="" excitation.="" experimental="" f-values="" f="" figure="" find="" fit="" fitting="" for="" fr="" ft="" fundamental="" fw="" h="" have="" here="" hereafter="" high="" how="" i="" ih="" in="" indeed.="" indicate="" inside="" intensity="" interpret="" is.="" is="" its="" just="" known="" l="" lines="" looking="" made="" most="" mrkos="" must="" myself="" n="" no="" not="" o="" observations="" observed="" of="" older="" one="" or="" os="" other="" our="" overlap="" p="" possible.="" q="" quantity="" r="1" r_.="" radiation="" rate="" ratio="" ratios="" recent="" recently="" red="" region="" relative="" relevant="" respectively.="" rh="" right-hand="" rotational="" s="" see="" sensitivity="" sets="" shifted="" so="" solar="" some="" spontaneous="" states="" steady-state="" structure="" study="" swings="" systems.="" t.="" tago-sato-kosaka="" tha="" that="" the="" there="" thicklined="" thin="" to="" treated="" two="" u="" uncertainty.="" under="" v="" value="" values="" variable.="" varying="" very="" vib="" vibration-rotation="" violet="" w-="" we="" which="" while="" with="" within="" write="" x-n="" xi=""> 10, i.e. A^ > 1 sec , and that FR >_ 15, but new, accurate
measurements of several band intensity ratios in comets would be
mos t we 1 come.
We now return to the rotational structure of the CN comet
spectra. A number of important refinements were brought about by
Malaise (1970) a few years ago, especially with respect to the
model of the coma. As far as the CN molecule itself is concerned,
Malaise considers radiative transitions in the (0, 0) Violet band
and in several Red bands, as well as pure rotation and vibration-
10 30 100
10 30 1
Fig. 4 - The regions of possible fit between the observed and
calculated CN band intensity ratios for two different sets
of relative f-values within the Red and Violet systems
(see text) .
rotation transitions in the ground state. He also takes account of
the spin splitting, as required. Besides these radiative transitions,
Malaise introduces for the first time in such calculations the
effects of some collisional processes which could excite the
rotational levels within the ground electronic state. Such transitions
among rotational levels require much less energy and have larger
cross-sections than the electronic excitations and if the densities
of exciting molecules are high enough, the collisions may compete
with or even dominate the radiative transitions within the ground
state. One immediately realizes the considerable interest of this,
because it gives a hope to estimate total particle densities or the
densities of the main constituents of the cometary gas, as opposed
to the already known densities of the observed radicals, which are
minor constituents. If the collisions are predominant, the lower
rotational levels of CN will be populated according to Boltzmann's
law at the temperature of the colliding particles and the way in
which Malaise takes account of the collisions is as follows. The
population of each lower rotational level is written as a linear
combination of the corresponding Boltzmann population and pure
fluorescence population :
x = axB + (1 - a)xF, (2)
where a gives a measure of the relative importance of the collisional
and radiative mechanisms and is taken from the relation
= = n v a . (3)
T being the time necessary to reach a steady-state under fluorescence
conditions (this is estimated to be a few 100 sec for CN at 1 a.u.
from the sun), T the collision time, n the density of exciting
molecules, v the average relative velocity, and a the cross-section
for collisional excitation. Now this looks reasonable at first sight,
since the expression (2) gives correct asymptotic values at the
extremes of high and low densities. When n is high, the collisions
dominate,the rati.o (3) will be large, hence a will be near unity
and the populations will be Bo 11zmannian, while for low n the ratio
is small, hence a will be near zero and we have essentially pure
fluorescence populations. However, the validity of eq. (2) in the
intermediate situations is highly questionable, as we shall see
later on when we discuss the case the of the CH radical. At any
rate, n and therefore a are functions of position within the comet
and the calculations have to be made and eq. (2) used at a number
of points. An integration is then performed along the line of sight.
For this, of course, model distributions must be appropriately
chosen for n (R) and n (R), R being the distance from the centre
of the comet. The former distribution is adjusted while making the
computations of synthetic spectra, whereas the latter is derived
from the observed radial profile of CN emissions (intensity
distribution in the direction perpendicular to the dispersion).
Furthermore, it can be shown that the cometary gas is optically thin
in the light of CN, so that the integration reduces to a simple
summation. On the other hand, the kinetic temperature of the exciting
molecules (related to v) is considered to be constant throughout the
comet, which is only a rough approximation.
Another important effect comes in also, that is the influence
of the motions of the radicals within the atmosphere of the comet.
Such motions are of course expected, but their existence is actually
inferred in the interpretation of the so-called Greenstein effect,
which consists in differences in the relative intensities of the ;
spectral lines in different regions of the comet, for instance on
the two sides of the nucleus. The model adopted is one of uniform,
isotropic expansion where the radicals move radially away from the
center with velocity v . What counts, of course, is the component
of this v on the direction to the sun and Malaise computes a
projection factor in terms of the phase angle sun-comet-earth,
assuming 'that the sun lies in the plane defined by the slit of the
spectrograph and the line of sight. This assumption is often not
valid, however, and this does introduce in some cases significant
errors in the residual intensities i which enter the steady-state
equations. The heliocentric radial component of v obviously varies
with position along the line of sight and this is another reason
for .making an integration.
Four high-dispersion and four medium-dispersion spectra of
comets obtained at the Haute-Provence Observatory were studied by
Malaise. The comparison between observed and theoretical spectra
shows a rather satisfactory agreement, but there are again a few
lines for which the discrepancy reaches about 20 %. Two quantities
come out of this kind of analysis. One is T, the kinetic temperature
of the colliding molecules and the other is the expression n ai^/i/M,
where n is the total density (or a minimum value for this total
density, if the exciting species is not a predominant constituent)
at some reference distance from the nucleus, say at R = 10 km, while
M is the reduced, mass of CN and the exciting molecule. There are
three comets for which Malaise finds important collisional effects,
namely Seki-Lines (1962 III), Ikeya (1963 I), and P/Encke (1961 'I)
(a , the value of a at R = 10 km, equal to 0.90, 0.90 and 0.55,
respectively). Assuming the gas to be made primarily of H~0 or CO for
instance, and taking a equal to the gas-kinetic cross-section, one
derives (after multiplication of the second member of eq. (9) of
Malaise (1970) by a correcting factor of 1/u, that of eq. (11) by
9 ~ 3 8 ~ 3
2/7r) : n =10 cm for the first two comets, and n =10 cm
o o 33
for P/Encke. The corresponding total production rates are Q = 10
32 -1
and 10 molec. sec , respectively. These are lower limits if the
production of the exciting molecules does not take place entirely in a region
the dimensions of which are small compared to 10 km. The first figure
is some three orders of magnitude larger than Q(H_0) observed in
Comet Bennett (1970II), which belongs to the same general class of
rather bright objects as Seki-Lines and Ikeya, while the second
figure exceeds by about four orders of magnitude the value of Q(H20)
derived for Comet Encke itself at a similar heliocentric distance
during itsperihelion passage of 1970. One may also say that with
the above densities and production rates.the total mass loss L^tt of
each of these comets during one revolution around the sun would be
close to or even greater than its mass^, as shown in Table 1. The
AWs computed here are based upon the Q's quoted above, parabolic
orbits, and various power laws for the variation of Q with heliocentric
distance Q T r , with n = n + n ./r , n and n, being in each case
chosen in such a way that n lies near 2 to 2.5 for r near one a.u. —
cf Keller and Lillie, 1974). On the other hand, them's are evaluated
using the radii derived by Miss Roemer (1965) from "nuclear"
magnitudes (the albedo is taken here equal to O.I, probably on the
low side of the actual value) together with a density of one g.cm
The corresponding values of 100-300 <40 ikeya=""> 20-30 <20 ncke="" p=""> 5-7 < 2
is calculated as follows. It is assumed, for the sake of
simplicity in these order of magnitude estimates, that the rate of
mass loss is the same after perihelion as it was before, so that
A^/= 2 /°° Q dt (t = o at perihelion).
Now, if Q is the value of Q derived from a spectrum taken at r =
rs and if ns = n(rs), we can write
Q = Q (— )ns (~>n (q = perihelion distance),
s q r
2 2 while for a parabolic orbit we have r = q (1+6 ) and T = 3+3$ ,
provided that g = tan (w/2) (w = true anomaly) and we have
substituted T = C~
] t , with C = (2 93) 1 / 2 . (3k) ~ 1 (k = Gaussian
gravitational constant). Finally, we obtain
which is readily evaluated by a numerical integration. Note that
the use of a parabolic orbit is a good approximation even for
Comet Encke because the contribution to the integral gets small
once r becomes large compared to 1 a.u. or £ large compared with
(q~l - 1)1/2 (the perihelion distances of the three comets are
0,03, 0.63, and 0.34 a.u. respectively). Besides, the A^'s are
essentially unchanged if it is assumed that the activity of the
comets stops at some distance rM from the sun, say 3 a.u.^, and
the upper limit of the integral accordingly replaced by BM =
(rji/q ' O !/2.
three or four orders of magnitude larger than the gaa kinetic crosssections,
it is also unlikely that the production rate of ionized
species be much larger than the production rate for the neutrals.
On the other hand, one might think that one way out of the
difficulty would be to say that TF has been wildly underestimated.
In fact, however, this relaxation time was computed for CN excited
by sunlight some ten years ago (Arpigny, 1964) and the result was
of the order of 10 sec at one a.u. from the s~un, which indeed agrees
with the value adopted by Malaise. Besides, it may be pointed out
that if one reduced the densities considerably by artificially
increasing T , for instance, by several orders of magnitude, then he
would be faced with another problem, namely that the collision times
even firther in, say at 10 km from the nucleus, would become large
compared with the radiative lifetimes of the rotational levels, so
that the concept of a Boltzmann distribution of populations would become
Let us now make a remark illustrating another point, related to
the fundamental data required for the computation of the synthetic
spectra. Malaise found in particular for a spectrum of Comet Ikeya
(19631) that the reason why collisions were needed to reproduce the
observed spectrum was that fluorescence alone predicted too small
intensities for the lower rotational lines relative to the higher,
whereas a better agreement could be obtained by introducing "mixed"
populations (eq. 2) and adjusting the "rotational temperature"
properly. However, it can be argued that the relative intensities of
the lower rotational lines could be increased, under pure fluorescent
excitation, by increasing the value of (R , i.e. of the dipole .moment
of CN. Indeed, the experimental value of y is about twice the value
used by Malaise. More should be said about the values of (R and of v
adopted by this author, but such a discussion would be outside the
scope of the present review.
Something should also be said about the wavelengths scales. In
spite of Malaise's very careful and thorcugh discussion of the data
on the X's of the CN Violet lines that were available when he made
his computations, he had to use A's which, we know now from recent
analyses, were in a number of cases in error by up to 15-20 mA
(although many lines had better A's). This is significant because
such displacements in the solar spectrum can produce appreciable
changes in i.A . The new A's are accurate within ~ + 2 mA. Furthermore,
o —
we now have separate wavelengths (AA = 15-30 mA) for the components
of the spin doublets (down to N = 7), which were unresolved
previously. On the other hand, Malaise had to make use of solar
spectra of the center of the disk which were also affected by
wavelength uncertaintie s of the order of 5-10 mA. Recordings of the
solar spectrum, of the integrated light from the disk , with
considerably more accurate wavelengths ('AA l < 2-3 mA) now exist. Use
of the new data should hopefully give a satisfactory interpretation
of the Greenstein effect and thus allow a good determination of the
velocities of the CN radicals in the coma (The velocities given by
Malaise correspond to shifts that are smaller than 10 mA, so that
the wavelengths scales should preferably be known with a rather high
accuracy ! ).
Finally, let us have a look at Figure 5, which shows a very
beautiful spectrum of Comet Bennett (1970II) taken by Preston with
the 100-inch telescope on Mount Wilson. At the reciprocal dispersion
of 4.5 A/mm the P-branch of the CN Violet (0,0) band is completely
resolved. We also see a number of weak lines in between the principal
lines : these belong to the (1,1) band and they should be included
in a refined treatment, especially for example if one wants to make
a search for isotopic lines, which also fall in between the lines of
the main band. Notice a somewhat stronger line just shortward of R(14) :
this is a blend of the P(2) line of the (1,1) band with a perturbed
line. There are a few such perturbed lines in the R and in the P
branch of the (0,0) band and their analysis in very high-dispersion
comet spectra could provide some insight on the formation of CN
radicals in excited states and on the rates of collisional processes.
In conclusion, it is clear that CN in comets deserves further
study. The more detailed analysis of the rotational structure of the
Violet (0,0) band shows a good agreement between computed and observed
0HM) cO
na)a m 01 0) 01 -—I CD 01
Hau0BcuwM0>ca) 42
^OM N0^4J0) i— 1O
^0ug>) 4m1H2
cHna) T#3i — i cad •MHl •VH. • r O\
<1 04jo="" 0="" 0b="" 0td="" 0x="" 13="" 1="" 4-31c01o="" 4-="" 4-o="" 40cn="" 42="" 4="" a3="" al="" c="" cnqj="" cocon="" h2="" h="" hs="" hth="" i="" j="" m="" n="" ncnh="" o="" oac="" oc="" p="" r-="" t="" tj="">-2,
!-4J3l 0) C
03> Td
spectra, but we have seen that the zeroth order approximation already
gave rather good results. This is indeed a rather awkward situation
and in order to interpret the finer details and thus to assess the
actual importance of collisional effects, to derive reliable
information on the densities, temperatures, and velocities within
cometary atmospheres, if is in fact necessary to treat the excitation
mechanism rigorously, to use the most precise fundamental data
available, to improve upon the model of the coma. It would even be
desirable, in my opinion, to have recourse to photoelectric photometry,
to avail ourselves of a higher accuracy in the observations themselves,
just because the margin between the results of the simplified analysis
and those of the more refined treatment is rather narrow.
We now come to the spectrum of the X 4300 band of the CH radical,
Figure 6 shows density tracings of this emission in four comets observed
at the Haute-Provence Observatory (V90, V927, V964) and at the McDonald
Observatory (8384C) . It is seen that the whole band reduces to a few
rotational lines and that the relative intensities of these lines are
rather different in different spectra. The comparison between one
observed spectrum and the corresponding computed spectrum based on a
zeroth order approximation (Arpigny, 1965) showed a fairly good
agreement, with differences of 20 to 30 % in the relative intensities
of one or two lines. However, the value to be adopted for y /f in
that case was about 5 times smaller than the experimental value for
this ratio. I should now like to present some preliminary results
obtained very recently by Miss Klutz and myself and based on a
considerably more elaborate treatment.
We include fluorescence transition in the (0,0) bands of the
2 2 2 2
A A - X n and in the B £ - X II systems of CH and take acount of
the spin-doubling in the various electronic•states, as well as of
the A-doubling in the II state. On the other hand, we adopt the
isothermal model for the coma, with uniform, isotropic expansion
with velocity v . The heliocentric radial component of vo is computed
correctly, taking account of the angle between the sun-comet-earth
plane and the plane defined by the line of sight and the slit of
the spectrograph. The colliding particles that could excite the lower
rotational levels are distributed according to n(R)r R , R being
the distance from the centre of the comet and k <_ -="" -j="" .="" 0="" 1.="" 10.="" 100="" 10="" 1="" 2.="" 20="" 300="" 30="" 3="" 400="" 4="" 5-="" 50="" 600="" 6="" 7="" 800="" 818="" 819="" 820="" 821="" 8="" 9="" :="" _="" a="" about="" above="" abscissae="" addition="" again="" against="" all="" along="" also="" among="" and="" appears="" appropriate="" approximate="" are="" arrow="" as="" at="" bars="" be.="" be="" because="" become="" been="" before="" being="" between="" boltzmann="" bottom="" but="" by="" c="" can="" case="" cases.="" cases="" cg="" ch="" clear="" cm="" colliding="" collision-dominated="" collisional="" collisiondominated="" collisions="" combinations="" comet="" computed="" concnded="" conditions.="" conditions="" consider="" contained="" contrary="" corresponding="" course="" cross-sections="" curve="" curves="" d="" deficiency="" defined="" density="" different="" distinguish="" do="" does="" dominate="" done="" dotted="" each="" effects="" electronic="" elements="" energy="" enough="" equal="" equations="" error="" examine="" example="" excitation="" exciting="" exclusive="" exists="" experimental="" extreme="" f="" faint="" far="" fig.="" figure="" find="" first="" fit.="" fit="" five="" fix="" fluorescence="" foo="" for="" form="" from="" ft="" fundamental="" gas="" get="" given="" go="" ground="" h="" happen="" happens="" have.considered="" have="" here="" higher="" how="" however="" i="" if="" ikeya="" illustrate="" illustrated="" in="" indeed="" indicated="" indicates="" instance.="" instructive="" intensities="" intensity="" intermediate="" interval="" intervals="" introduce="" investigation.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" kinds="" kinetic="" km="" l="" laws="" led="" let="" levels.="" levels="" limits.="" line.="" line="" linear="" lines="" log="" lognr="" low="" lower="" m="" many="" marked="" matrix="" may="" means="" mentioned="" met="" models="" molecules.="" molecules="" move="" must="" mutually="" n="" near="" nearest="" no="" normalized="" not="" number="" nva.="" o="" observations="" observed="" obtained="" occur="" of="" on="" one="" oo="" or="" other="" out="" overlap.="" overlap="" parameter="" part="" plot="" points="" populations="" possible.="" predicted="" predicts="" predominant="" principal="" processes="" pure="" putting="" q="" quantum="" r-="" r.="" r:="" r="10" radiation-dominated="" radiative="" range="" rather="" reasons="" refer="" relative="" represent="" represented="" representing="" results="" right="" rotational="" roughly="" rules="" s="" same="" schematically="" see="" seem="" seen="" selection="" several="" shall="" shown="" sight="" similar="" situations="" so="" solid="" solution.="" solution="" solve="" some="" spectra="" spectrum.="" spectrum="" stage="" state="" steady-state="" still="" strong.="" strong="" such="" supply="" t.="" t="" take="" temperature="" temperatures="" terms="" than="" that="" the="" themselves="" then="" theoretical="" there="" these="" thesemodels="" this="" three="" thus="" to="" too="" top="" turn="" turns="" two="" u="" unable="" under="" unique="" upper="" us="" using="" v="" value="" values="" variation="" various="" versus="" vertical="" vj="" way="" we="" weak="" well="" what="" whatever="" when="" where="" whereas="" which="" will="" with="" wonders="" words="" would="" x="" yield="">
' I
* 0
t C
• 1-1
• 1-1
l — 1
• 1-1
1— (
r >
* * I o o t 00 (O _«-.m
" 0
O >
)_i C3J
n ^• r-( cCo0)
C3U 4Jcd
>-l CUa
aB)ij4cJa>^i 0)
M-l • i-l TISO3
•4-* -U
- C
0>) 0) oI
overlap of the intervals is small. For T = 400°K.n is found to
5 - 3 2- 3
be = 10 cm , while at T = 800°K it is - 2 x 10 cm . At lower
T we need more molecules to supply the missing excitation energy.
Similar situations are encountered for some other spectra of
comets Burnhatn (19601), Ikeya (19631), Bennett (.197011), and
Kohoutek (1973X11), which we are studying. The,densities fall in
4 6 - 3
the range 10 - 10 cm and the temperatures are ill-defined,
covering a range of several hundred degrees. Here also it is felt
that if very accurate observations obtained by photoelectric
photometry were available, one would be in a better position to
make the adjustment of the parameters and to improve the model of
the cometary atmosphere. On the other hand, if the same molecules
contribute to the excitation of the lower rotational levels of CH
and CN for example, which seems likely, then the values for the
densities and temperatures that come out from the analysis of the
emissions of these (as well as of other) radicals in one. given
comet spectrum should obviouslyagree. This condition will have to
be borne in mind in future studies.
We can take advantage of the fact that we are able here to
calculate steady-state populations with radiative and collisional
terms and at the same time to compute pure fluorescence populations
as well as Boltzmann populations, in order to test the validity
of a linear approximation such as that described in the discussion
of CN. In other words, referring to eq. (2) we have the means of
knowing x (corresponding to a given density n of exciting molecules)
•Q -p
as well as x and x , hence we can deduce a. If eq. (2) had any
general meaning, the same value should of course be obtained for a
when using the populations of all the levels. This has been done
for a number of values of n corresponding to 6000°K) . This can ,be attributed to an
underpopulation of the upper v" levels with respect to the lower
v" levels, because the Av = +1 sequence is produced to a considerable
extent by transitions from the upper v" levels, while the Av =-1
sequence is formed mainly from the lower v" levels. No explanation
has yet been given for this anomaly. An attempt by Gebel to explain
this anomaly by considering pure vibration transitions, which can
be shown to be very weak anyway, has failed as can be seen in
Figure 11. I should like to point out in this context that a
determination of the variation of the transition moment with
internuclear distance for the Swan system would be most welcome for
the relative f-values of the various bands are important data that
come into the interpretation of these C? emissions.
There is also the question of the presence of the Phillips
system. A few bands of this system near 8000 A have been detected
for the first time by O'Dell (1971) in Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969IX) and
it should be interesting to observe them again in various comets
to derive the singlet/triplet ratio for this might give some
information concerning the production mechanism of C? .
As far as the rotational lines of the Swan bands are concerned,
a number of anomalies have been found. For instance, in a detailed
study of dozens of lines in several high-dispersion spectra
Woszczyk (1970) has found that seventy percent of the lines could
be interpreted qualitatively by the resonance-fluorescence process,
but that the intensities of the remaining lines remained unexplained.
The study of the C,, emissions has yielded important information,
121 3
namely estimates of the C/ C isotopic ratio in three comets;
Ikeya (19631) (Stawikowski and Greenstein, 1964), Tago-Sato-Kosaka
(1969IX) (Owen 1973),and Kohoutek (1973X11) (Banks et al 1974,
Kikuchi and Okazaki, 1975). The isotopic shift for the shortwardo
degraded (1,0) Swan band amounts to +8 A, so that the isotopic band
head falls well outside that of the main band. Photoelectric scans
of this region near 4737 A have been obtained for the first time on
Comet Kohoutek (1973X11) by Danks , Lambert and myself with the
McDonald 107-inch reflector and the Tull coude scanner. The scans
reproduced in Figure 12 have a resolution comparable with that of
the previous photographic observations (=0.4-0.5 A). Unfortunately,
12 13 the C C (1,0) band is blended with NH^ emissions. In the hope
0.5 1.0 r(a.uj 1.5 2.0
Fig.1 1 - Calculated (solid lines) and observed band sequences flux
ratios for various comets (taken from Gebel 1970).
C2(l-0) 4737.08 A
NH2 o
4738 A
4738.8 A
I3C(K)) o
^4745 A ^4748 A
NH2 o
^4752 A
base line for scan 803
Fig.12 - Photoelectric scans of Comet Kohoutek (1973X11) at a
0 121 3
resolution of 0.4 A. The C C + NH- blend is seen at
4745 A.
of separating these emissions we have used a higher resolution
(= 0.15 A), which is illustrated in Figure 13 where we see that the
NH_ contribution is made of four lines. Two of these are separated
12 13
from the C C band, but the other two are still badly blended with
this band. Thus the relative intensities of the NH_ lines must be
estimated by comparison with the laboratory spectrum and by correcting
these intensities for the effect of the solar absorption lines in
an approximate way. In this way we can subtract the contribution of
NH_ to the blend. An example of the comparison between observed and
synthesized spectra is shown in Figure 14. Once we know how much
12 13
C C contributes to the blend, we derive the isotopic ratio by
relating the intensity of this blend to that of the main band head.
Care must be exercised in this analysis because it has been found
that the overall strength of NH~ is variable. The values obtained
121 3
for the C/ C ratio in the comets quoted above agree within the
observational errors with the terrestrial ratio of about 90. In
order to be really significant this isotopic ratio should be
determined in many comets, using high-resolution spectra as far as
possible. This unfortunately eliminates a large number of comets,
which are too faint. Nevertheless, the importance of this ratio
lies in the fact that it is related to the problem of the origin
of the comets and that it can tell us something about 'the conditions
that prevailed in the regions where these bodies were formed.
The C_ radical in comets affords another embarrassing example.
I should just like to report briefly here on the work of Sauval
(Uccle Observatory) who is studying the excitation of the A 4050
band of the II - I electronic transition in Comet Ikeya (19631).
Computations have been made under the simplified model assumptions
for the C3 and some others) connected with the
intrinsic radiation of molecules in the cometary atmosphere.
The apparent intensity of these components may be weak (1), normal (2) or
strong (3). In some exceptional cases continuum or emission bands may be
absent (0). Consequently, the classification maybe as follows:
i Continuum Emission Bands Apparent Intensity
CO EO absent
Cl El weak
C2 E2 normal
C3 E3 strong
In most cometary spectra the CN (0,0) band is dominant, in others the
Swan bands of C2 (mostly the Av = +1); this may be expressed by the following
c — cyanogen bands dominant,
s — Swan bands dominant.
The presence of the sodium doublet Dl 2 observed sometimes in cometary
spectra at the heliocentric distance r < 1 AU may be denoted by the symbol n.
Metallic lines are observed exceptionally, for instance in the spectra of Sungrazing
comets. Such spectra may be denoted by the symbol M.
The shape of the cometary spectra depends, of course, on the comet's heliocentric
distance and this distance must therefore be an inseparable component
of the classification of the cometary spectra. The comet's heliocentric distance
is to be added (with the sufficient accuracy of 0.1 AU) to the spectral type of
cometary spectrum. The heliocentric distance r < 0.1 AU, for instance for
Sun-grazing comets, may be denoted as 0. 0.
The following examples illustrate the proposed classification:
C3Elc(l. 7) Comet Kohoutek 1970 HI. Very strong continuum, weak
emission bands, CN (0. 0) dominating. Heliocentric distance
r = 1. 7AU [1].
C3E2c(0. 6) Comet Arend-Roland 1957 III. Strong continuum, normal
intensity of emission bands, CN (0. 0) dominating; r = 0. 6
AU [2].
C2E2c(l. 8) Comet 1942 IV. Normal intensity of continuum and emission
bands, CN (0. 0) dominating; r = 1. 8 AU [ 3 ].
ClE2s(l. 2) Comet Dceya-Everhart 1966 IV. Weak continuum, normal
intensity of emission bands, Swan band C2 (Av = +1) dominating;
r = 1.2 AU [41.
ClE3n(l. 0) Comet Mrkos 1955 III. Weak continuum, strong emission
bands, of which CN (0. 0) dominates, Na-emission (D, 2)
present; r = 1. 0 AU [5].
C2EO(2. 7) Comet Kohoutek 1970 III. Continuous spectrum only, emission
bands absent; r = 2. 7 AU [ 6 ].
C3M (0. 0) Comet Dceya-Seki 1965 VIII. Very bright continuum with
many metallic emission lines (iron, nickel, chromium, and
also D-lines of natrium and K and H lines of ionized calcium);
r < 0. 1 AU [ 7 ].
The proposed classification may be very important not only for the short description
of the cometary spectrum but it may also be very useful for communicating
the shape of a cometary spectrum by means of the international astronomical
telegraphic code.
Bouska J. , Mrkos A., Publ. Astr. Inst. Univ. Prague No. 65 = Acta Univ.
Carol. Prague 12, No. 1, 65 (1971).
Bouska J. , Hermann-Otavsky K. , Bull. Astr. Inst. Czech. 9, 79 (1958).
Swings P. , Haser L., Atlas of Representative Cometary Spectra, Plate XXa-5.
Liege (1956).
Bouska J. , Bull. Astr. Inst. Czech. 19, 179 (1968).
Bouska J. , Astronom. Nachr. 284, 161 (1958).
Kohoutek L. , I. A. U. Circ. No. 2256 (1970).
Marsden B. G. , Sky Telescope 30, 332 (1965).
Frederick H. Mies
The ground
2 7r3/2 state of OH consists of 2 A-doubled levels which are separated by
about 1666 MHz. The upper (parity = +1) and lower (parity - -1) levels each have eight
hyperfine sublevels which consist of a three-fold degenerate F= 1 and five-fold degenerate
F=2 energy state, and transitions between these levels give rise to the OH-18-cm radiowave
spectrum. Of the four possible transitions the F=2 -> 2 and F=l -> 1 transitions are most
intense and are the source of the 1667 MHz and 1665 MHz signals observed from comet
Kohoutek (Biraud, et al (1973), Turner (1973)). The peak antenna temperature ATb/Tb
for these lines are approximately proportional to the ratio i = (N+
-N~)/(N++N~) where
are the total concentrations of2
7r3/2, J = 3/2 molecules in the indicated parity state. In
the optically thin, collisionless atmosphere of a comet these populations are determined
predominantly by the fluorescent scattering of solar u.v. radiation by 12 absorption lines of
the OH(A2
<- -="" 12="" 2ir="" a="" absorption="" and="" anthnverted="" are="" at="" back="" background="" be="" because="" by="" can="" cascade="" comet="" depending="" distribution="" doppler="" either="" emission="" flux="" franhaufer="" function="" galactic="" ground="" heliocentric="" i="" in="" infrared="" int9="" inverted="" ir="" is="" large="" levels="" molecules="" o="" of="" on="" only="" or="" pumped="" radio="" rapidly="" ratio="" relative="" seen="" sensitive="" set="" shift="" signals="" solar="" spectrum="" state.="" state="" states="" steady="" stimulated="" temperature="" tfa="" the="" then="" these="" to="" transition.="" transitions="" velocity="" vh="" wavelengths.="" whether="" which="" x2=""> o.
Biraud, Bourgois, Crovisier, Fillit, Gerard, and Kazes (1974) have published a beautiful
paper in which they propose this mechanism, calculate i as a function of Vh, and indeed find
excellent agreement with their observations of comet Kohoutek. Similar calculations were
made by Mies (1974) for Vh = ± 41 Km/sec, and both studies are in quantitative agreement.
There is little doubt that optical pumping is predominantly responsible for the OH-18-cm
signal. However, both sets of calculations have ignored the effects of the hyperfine levels
by using averaged rate constants for the parity states. We shall study the role of the hyperfine
levels in this paper. As we shall see their dominant effect is to produce a small degree of
linear polarization of both the radio wave and the fluorescent signals, and otherwise they
have very little influence on the resultant spectra.
The incident solar radiation is unidirectional and defines a useful axis of quantization
for the magnetic quantum number-F < Mp < +F associated with a given parity and F. The
fluorescent pumping rate out of the 16 hyperfine levels of the ground state is dependent on
these quantum numbers, and a total of 576
2 TT vibrational-rotational-hyperfine levels are
either pumped directly, or reached by intermediate cascade. However, if the incident solar
radiation is unpolarized then the pumping rates only depend on the magnitude of MF, and
not the sign of Mp, and the resultant ground state probability distribution p±
(F,Mp) generally
will be aligned, but cannot be oriented. Thus any radiation processes observed at an angle
relative to the incident axis may be linearly polarized in the sun-comet-earth plane, but,
since p*(F,MF) = p±
(F,-MF), the radiation cannot be circularly polarized.
The ultimate determination of p±
(F,MF) can be reduced to a simple seven-fold multiplication
of a (164x164) stochastic matrix. The resultant distributions for Vh = ±41 Km/sec.
are summarized in Table 1. Also tabulated is the average of the quantity 3MF - F(F+1) for
each parity and F state. This is proportional to the induced magnetic quadrupole moment
and is a measure of the degree of alignment. (For a microcanonical distribution of Mp.-states,
this quantity is zero and the radiowave signal is unpolarized.) The ratio i is calculated to be
-0.463 and +0.451 for V. = -41 and +41 Km/sec, respectively. This is almost identical to
the values -0.465 and -0.453 obtained in previous calculations using absorption rates averaged
and summed over initial and final hyperfine states.
The calculated properties of the OH-18-cm signals from comet Kohoutek on 29 November
1973 and 25 January 1974 are presented in Table 2. As predicted, the signals were observed
(Biraud, et al (1974)) first in absorption and then in emission on these respective dates.
Unsuccessful attempts were made to observe circular polarization of the radiation, which is
consistent with our theoretical predictions that only linear polarization should be present.
However, the measurements are only accurate to about 20 per cent and we cannot be sure
that circular polarization is completely absent.
The maximum linear polarization Pmax of the radiowave signals occurs at the angle
= 90° • Pmax for the absorption of the 2 -»• 2 and 1 -> 1 lines on 29 November 1973 is
-15 per cent and -10 per cent respectively while the comparable emission lines in January
1974 only have maximum polarizations of-3.5 per cent and -0.9 per cent. However, the
actual angle of observation from the earth was 135.5° in November and 112.1° in January
and the expected polarizations are reduced to -6.7 per cent and -4.7 per cent in November
and -3.0 per cent and -0.8 per cent in January. Obviously such small polarizations are beyond
present detection techniques, and we must conclude that the influence of the non-equilibrium
hyperfine distributions predicted in Table 1 cannot easily be observed.
The ratio of the 1667 to 1665 MHz total line intensities is also influenced by the nonequilibrium
distribution of hyperfine populations, but the values 1.854 and 1.805 for November
and January respectively deviate only slightly from the maximum theoretical ratio of
1.802 predicted for an equilibrium population, and are certainly beyond detectability. This
is also true of the polarization of the u.v. fluorescence spectrum. The largest degree of
polarization is about 5.0 per cent, which could conceivably be detected. However, even an
equilibrated, unaligned distribution of hyperfine levels will result in linearly polarized scattered
light, and the non-equilibrium effects only change the degree of polarization by at
most about 1.5 per cent.
The calculations we have made of the fluorescent pumping model are based on the
following four assumptions:
(1) The fluorescent pumping rate, and the infrared cascading rates are fast compared
to any other processes such as collisions or infrared pumping which can influence
the population of the -doubled levels of the ground state.
(2) The incident u.v. radiation is unpolarized.
(3) The OH gas is optically thin to the solar radiation.
(4) The OH gas is not exposed to any magnetic or electronic fields. The observations
pretty well substantiate assumption (1) since any other mechanism for the inversion
or anti-inversion of the -doubled levels would not be dependent on the heliocentric
velocity of the comet. The quantitative agreement we have obtained previously
with the observed fluorescent spectrum of OH from comet Kohoutek (Mies (1974))
suggests that assumption (3) is satisfied. However, a valid quantitative test of all
the assumptions could best be obtained by accurate measurement of the polarization of the
radiowave signals. Substantial deviations from the predictions are expected if any of the
assumptions are violated.
Biraud, F., Bourgois, G., Crovisier, J., Fillit, R., Gerard, E. and Kazes, I., 1973, IAD Circular No. 2607, December 10.
Biraud, F., Bourgois, G., Crovisier, J., Fillit, R., Gerard, E. and Kazes, I., 1974, Astron, and Astrophys. 34, 163.
Mies, F. H., 1974, Ap. J. 191, L145.
Turner, B. E., 1973, IAU Circular No. 2610, December 18.
_ o
JS §
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. U.
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— —
04 r-- — o c
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i i
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N76-2108 6
M. Krauss
The A3II - X3Z transition of NH is a common feature of cometary spectra.
Since the NH molecule is likely to be formed by photodissociation of molecules
such as ammonia or hydrazine, identifying the final states of the photolysis
would shed light on the identity of the parent. Stief and DeCarlo— noted that
the photolysis of ammonia at 123.6 nm results in emission at 324.0 nm in the
c*JI - a*A system. They suggested that in the absence of collisions in the coma,
the NH(a*A) should accumulate if ammonia is the source of NH radicals. The
absence of the singlet system in this view would suggest another parent molecule
than ammonia as the source of the NH radical. However, the pumping rate of the
UV transitions in a comet is also very small. This note will show that the
transition rate for the aJA - X3Z transition is sufficiently fast to deplete
any a*A concentration formed in the original photolysis process.
This analysis focused on experimental spectra obtained by Lane and Stocktonobserving
the comet Kohoutek. The fluorescence pumping of the NH molecule is
calculated for November 29, 1973 and January 25, 1974 using the model of radiative
equilibrium which assumes no collisions— . Lane and Stockton observed the usual
strong 336 nm triplet system but also noted a peak near 325.8 nm which can be
assigned to the c1
!! - a*A band system. The radiative equilibrium model will be
used to examine this possible assignment.
Radiative Transition Probability (a*A - X3E~)
Since this transition is a singlet-triplet intercombination, the largest -contribution
to the transition probability is likely to be a spin-orbit induced
electric-dipole transition, a1^ - X3
Ij, where the subscript represents the fi
value. These states can be expanded,
(1) (3n2)
states and the iK^i) and ^(^2) states. The one-electron transition moment
integral for both interactions is formally the same, <3o 1="" itt="" r="">. For valence
states the orbitals do not vary greatly among the states and they will be assumed
to be in variant for these valence states. The transition moment integral will
be determined empirically from the known transition probability for the A3H -X3
transition— since the square of the integral is proportional to the probability
divided by the cube of the transition energy.
The mixing coefficients in eq. 1 and 2 are also determined empirically.
Diagonal spin-orbit matrix elements have been calculated for NH both empirically
and by ab initio methods— . It will be assumed here that off-diagonal matrix
elements can be calculated with the same hamiltonian. Accepting the value of
73 cm for spin-orbit constant used by Lefebvre-Brion and Moser, the constants a.. ,
-3 -3 ' -3
a., and b1 are estimated to be -1.2-10 , 0.8-10 , and 3.0-10 , respectively.
Since the spin-orbit induced mixing coefficients are of the order of 10 ,
the transition probability for the intra-multiplet transition will be about 10
of the usual electric-dipole allowed transition. In the present case even with
the much smaller energy difference between the *A and
3Z states, the transition
probability is found to be 5 S . In order to gauge the significance of this
value an estimate of the pumping rate is obtained for the comet Kohoutek in the
next section.
Calculation of the Fluorescence Pumping
Dixon— has determined accurate line positions and assignments for the
A-X transition. The radiative equilibrium equations were solved considering
only the N" = 0 and 1 rotational states. Solar fluxes were estimated from the
unpublished preliminary edition of the Kitt Peak Solar Atlas normalized to the
mean intensities tabulated by Allen— . There are three important lines that
excite the N" = 0 level, the 1^(0), Q21(0), and ^jCO). There are strong
Fraunhofer lines at the wavelengths which pump the first two on November 29,
1973. As a result the predicted fluorescent spectra on November 29, 1973 is a
composite of lines pumped from both the N" = 0 and 1 states, while on January 25,
1974, the spectrum is dominated by lines pumped from N" = 0. The radiative
equilibrium maintains significant population in only the N" = 0 and 1 rotational
states of the X3I ground electronic state with the relative populations for
N" = 0 equal to 0.7 on November 29 and 0.9 on January 25.
There is semi-quantitative agreement on the relative intensities of the
fluorescent spectra for both observing days. Quantitative disagreements between
the calculated and observed spectra can be attributed to uncertainties in the
evaluation of the solar flux and the inability to resolve a number of blends.
Fluorescent pumping from cold X^Z ground state is certainly the preponderant
source for the observed fluorescence. For November 29 the total fluorescent rate
-3 -1 -3 -1
is only about 1.2-10 S while on January 25 it is about 3.6-10 S . The
V" = 0 to V" = 1 vibrational transition is estimated to be pumped at a rate of
-4 -1
2-10 S by the solar flux near 3y. The electronic pumping in the A-X system
is quite weak and the possibility of vibrational pumping should be considered
if a quantitative spectrum was required.
The pumping rate in the c^-a^ system will be of the same order of magnitude
as found for the A-X system. The electronic transition probabilities are comparable
for the A-X and c-a systems— while the solar flux is diminishing as the singlet
transition is at shorter wavelength. Lane has noted a peak at about 325.8 nm
which can be assigned to the P_(0) transition in the c-a system using the line
list reported by Pearse— . The radiative equilibrium model would predict that
rotationally cold a^A would exhibit a very simple fluorescence spectra with
predominant peaks 325.8 nm and 326.2 nm. The P-(l) peak at 326.2 nm should have
ah intensity about 1/3 of the peak at 325.8 nm. Since the 325.8 nm peak is weak,
the P,(l) peak, if present, would be barely above the noise and the present data
cannot be used to confirm the assignment of the c-a system.
Photochemical dissociation of NH_ is known to produce NH in the singlet state
with high quantum yield. The radiative transition probability for the a*A - X3Z
system is estimated to.be 5 S . The transition probability for the b1! - X3Z
system would be comparable. There is no evidence in the NH spectra of the wide
distribution in V and J expected in the initial photochemical dissociation event.
The NH is apparently quite cold as expected from the radiation equilibrium model.
All the NH would then radiate to the X3E ground electronic state unless another
mechanism were found to excite the molecule. The spin-orbit induced electric-
dipole transition probability is 10 larger than the fluorescence pumping. Such a
great discrepancy far exceeds the likely errors in estimating inter-multiplet
transition probabilities. The photochemical origin of the NH radical is not to
be uncovered by examining the fluorescence spectra.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; The author was encouraged by Dr. A. L. Lane and Dr. B. Donn to
consider this analysis. He thanks Dr. C. Arpigny for correcting an earlier
version of this note.
1. L. J. StiefandV. J. DeCarlo, (1965), Nature 205_, 889.
2. A. L. Lane and A. N. Stockton, to be published.
3. C. Arpigny, (1965), Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 3, 351.
4. W. H. Smith, (1969), J. Chem. Phys. 51, 520.
5. H. Lefebvre-Brion and C. M. Moser, (1967), J. Chem. Phys. _46_, 819.
6. R. N. Dixon, (1959), Can. J. Phys. 37, 1171.
7. C. W. Allen, (1973), "Astrophysical Quantities (London, Athlone Press),
3rd edition.
8. R. W. B. Pearse, (1933), Proc. Roy. Soc. A143, 112.
F. Biraud, G. Bourgois, J. CrovisLer, R. Fillit, E. Gerard and I. Kazes
The main lines of OH at 18 cm wavelength were observed in Comet Kohoutek
(1973f) from December 1973 through February 1974 with the Nancay radio telescope.
They were detected in absorption in early December and reappeared in
emission around mid-January. In a preliminary approach these results are
interpreted in terms of U. V. pumping by the sum when the Fraunhofer spectrum
is taken into account.
"See Astron. and Astrophys. 34, 163(1974) for the complete text.
W. F. Heubner: What was the full width at half amplitude ?
E. Gerard: Four kilometers per second; plus or minus one. (OH obs. at
18 cm. )
Voice: Would you tell more about Turner's observations that were made at
the same time ?
E. Gerard; Yes.
Voice: Could you compare the column densities?
E. Gerard; The problem is that he made a different interpretation, right,
because he didn't assume there was some kind of maser going on there. " So, he
ended up with a very high column density. It was around 1014
per centimeters
squared. Now, I will bet you it is off by almost two orders of magnitude, when
we see what the column densities are that Arpigny has been talking about.
If you take Turner's numbers and interpret them in terms of the maser
mechanism the column density averaged over the Green Bank beam is 1.4 1012
which is just okay: We find for the first period 3. 3 1012
and for the second 4.1
The problem is that we have been fighting hard to make purely radio astronomy
measurements of the OH cloud without mixing up with the optical people.
We try to, reconcile it afterwards and it fits all right.
D. J. Malaise: Referring to your last slide, comparison of the computation
based on the fluorescence process and your observation, it was striking how
nice it fitted, but you mentioned that this signal disappeared just before peri-_
helion, and I take it that really the signal should have been there. Its absence
is real, bars are small, correct?
E. Gerard: Yes.
D. J. Malaise: So, of course, it might be a shrinking of the OH region
with the higher dilution, but anyhow, it means that the total amount of OH just
got down.
E. Gerard: Yes. Definitely.
D. J. Malaise: OH disappeared in the head in some way. So, this is a
very important point of—
DISCUSSION (Continued)
M. Dubin: On the same point as Malaise, I have some of the information
from the Page and others' measurement of Lyman alpha versus time, the total
hydrogen. And they observed what appears to be an increase in the hydrogen
emission in the period from the 3rd of December through about December 15th,
and then a major decrease.
Now, supposedly there is a relationship with the hydroxyl density and it is
rather important to find out if in addition to the masering, whether there is a
change in the total hydroxyl in the comet.
E. Gerard: So, you are saying it went down around the 16th, or sometime
like that?
M. Dubin: Yes.
E. Gerard: The H signal?
M. Dubin; Yes. Lyman alpha.
Voice: We have an increase and a decrease following it, and it is not a monotonic
function with radial distance, which appears to be confirmed in your measurements
in your last slide.
E. Gerard: Provided you believe in the maser gain stuff.
_ ^ ^^ « ^^
76 «21. 08?
M. K.Wallisand R.S. B.Ong
It has long been recognized that collisional
cooling and recombination processes are likely to be
important in the inner cometary coma, in a 10 km radius
region for the larger comets (Biermann & Trefftz 1964)
Cherednichenko (1970) laid stress on dissociative
recombination processes, as possibly playing a role in
the production of observed ions and radicals. Oppenheimer,
in his spirited contribution to this conference,
emphasized that a variety of ion-molecule interactions
occur relatively rapidly and probably take part in the
production of known cometary radicals.
In this paper, we focus our attention on the ionelectron
plasma in comets and examine in the first place
the cooling processes which result from its interactions
with the neutral coma. For the plasma is generally
very energetic (1-lOOeV) and must be cooled if it is to
reach moderate densities and promote efficient particleparticle
interactions. For example, solar wind electrons
have 10-15eV energy, they experience some adiabatic
heating (factor 2 or 3) in passing through the coma,they
may gain around lOeV in passing through a collisionfree,
resistive shock and perhaps suffer additional
heating via plasma turbulence effects. Photo-ionization
processes may release other energetic electrons — He
584A photons could give electrons with about lOeV
(Biermann & Trefftz 1964), although most have less than 5eV.
New cometary ions produced at 10 -10 km in the far
coma probably gain most of the streaming energy of the
solar wind, through being accelerated in the E and J3
fields up to perhaps several thousand eV (Wallis 1973a).
How quickly these ions are lost from the incoming solar
wind plasma largely determines the ion pressure.
Cooling processes have general relevance for plasma
behaviour in comets, in describing the overall plasma
flow through the coma and in cometary plasma formation.
Specific problems that have received attention and
require a careful description of the cooling rate are
that the visible ion structures cannot consist of hot
and therefore low density plasma; that cool molecularion
plasma is rapidly destroyed by dissociative
recombination; and that energetic photo-electrons
would exert a high pressure in the inner coma and prevent
penetration by the solar wind. We develop a continuous
description of the cooling effects in order to look at
such problems.
In this preliminary examination, we shall consider
a cometary coma composed predominantly of H^O and its
decomposition products (Wallis 1973b). For specific
estimates, we use a comet of the size of comet Bennett
29 1970 II, with a production rate Q = 10 H^O molecules
-1 -1
ster s at 0.7a.u. heliocentric distance. The coma
density depends a little on assumptions about the
expansion velocity V; this factor is relatively
unimportant, but for concreteness and consistency, we
suppose V increases with distance due to photodissociative
heating (Wallis 1974), so that the density
at radius R is
at R>3xl04km
N = _Q_ where S B (1)
WJlcl e
v 9u -1 •} u
y 10 cm
a at R = 10 -10 km.
Descriptions of electron cooling are given in planet
ionosphere studies (.Henry & McElroy 1968, Sawada et al.
1972, Olivero et al. 1972), energy loss rates in 0, CO, H?0
etc. being computed on a continuous slowing-down
approximation. Data for e-OH collisions are incomplete*
and we suppose it comparable to CO above 7eV, while
similar to H~0 with rotational transitions dominant at
lower energies (Shimizu 1974). lonization data for
H?0, OH and 0 have been summarized by Wallis (1973b).
Solar wind protons and energetic cometary ions are
lost from the plasma primarily in charge exchange
processes with neutral gas, having cross-sections
a = l-3xlO~15cm2 at 103-104eV.
Electrons are cooled in a variety of processes at
rates varying with energy as shown in Fig.l. The
functions shown are a continuous approximation to the
discrete energy losses actually occurring which is useful
in calculations (Olivero et al.1972). The approximation
exaggerates the width of the 'holes' in the CO cooling
* But see I.V. Sushanin 1973 Problemi kosmich. fiziki _8, 88
(eV cm3
10 15 20
E (eV)
Fig. 1. Cooling rates for inelastic collisions of
electrons with energy e in molecular gases, on the
continuous slowing-down approximation. The theoretical
cooling rate via rotational excitations of OH is similar
to that of H20 Csection to the left), but both are
uncertain to a factor 3. The structured,low energy
part of the CO curve is due to vibrational excitations.
function, where this becomes small or even zero. But
after making allowance for the redistribution of
energy between the electrons , which has to be done
anyway, the inaccuracy due to the continuous
approximation becomes small. For electron collisions
with HpO, rotational excitations dominate below 5eV
and as each energy jump is small, the continuous
approximation is good even for single electrons.
The cooling rate , calculated on the rigid rotor
approximation for electrons of energy e exceeding
A.e = 0.025eV has the form (personal communication from
M. Shimizu)
de/dt =
= -ae'^N, a - 5xlO~8eV3/2cm3s~1.
Above 5eV, electronic excitations and ionizations become
important (.Fig.l) and the cooling rate increases
steeply in 6-20eV as
de/dt = -a'(e-3eV)2N, a' = 2xlO~9 eV~1cm3s~1. (3)
The time for cooling to the minimum energy Ae depends
little on the initial energy if above lOeV:
'-1 " 3xlO-'N C.V1'
For electrons in CO, the cooling function is
significantly structured (Fig.l), particularly because
of the sharply-peaked vibrational excitations below
5eV. It is more meaningful to calculate the average
cooling rate over a Boltzmann distribution, which turns
out to be approximately linear above ^eV:
deVdt = -blN , b = 1-1.5xlO~8
. (5)
Expression (5) is only applicable if thermalization
processes are rapid enough. The thermalization rate
due to Coulomb collisions is
-1 -3/9 - s 3/93- 1
tc = cne
d/ , c = 8x10
3 eVd' cm s , (.6)
which has to exceed the cooling rate of (5) :
t ~
1 > bN or n/N > be3/2/c. (7)
In practice, condition (.7) is not. fulfilled for 5eV
electrons at densities found in the inner coma (Table 1).
Plasma instabilities will therefore play a role in
thermalization. For a highly anisotropic velocity
distribution, the thermalization rate is a fraction of
the plasma frequency (Davidson 1972)
— 1 — 3/9— 1
t = O.lco - dn2, d = 10cm s . (8)
~ pe '
For the densities of Table 1, t^ exceeds bN by more
than a factor 10. A more detailed treatment would
modify (8) to include the damping effect of electronmolecule
collisions, but this is estimated to be
significant only inside 10 km radius. The conclusion
is that the anisotropy in electron energies will
generate plasma turbulence, which produces some
thermalization and limits the growth of anisotropy:
(-•— 1
O '
| 53 H
-J- I
^ .1 CM m
• i-H
1 1 <*>
o 6
i ^ °
°- ^
f r 3 ^ ' •^i r-\
v 1
x e in O
I o |
— ^— 'o 'co
H » A ' ^
.a £ § rt \ • 4.
§ ' • IT! i
V, 0 ^
> C
O 1
r-« I I ni
rC| -t-
•H ffi
t) -H
^ 3
r*^ J-t
+ 1
ffi X
K J"
• CN +1
ffi C
ffi o
+ vH
>-K ^
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O -
vH >
1 0)
Q) V
CO 10
^ o
<4h 11="" a="" c="" cd="" j="" o="" s3t-="" s="">
0 rH
^1 .
0 O
"4 ' 4
CO >
s-x ^^ C1O
C 6o
2 e0
+ > H (U .x /
^— \ .X
D \
e. N- ^ y— N
•0-CMXH• •H
•i-X•i •H
00vXHO •O
r-LOo0- ooo
vOM H 0 X CD r- vH • jCMCD
o o •H vH X X
» J
r- c-
0 r^
O 0 O LO CO CO CM •*-* LO CO • • rH CM
- L
O 0 rH rH
c a * 2 ni -n ed •F^ TO y s s § •>. ft °
O >>r
0 Q
J 4-
« "
S M 2
I 0 C o 150
S ^ 5
S g
" *
* S o
I 1 ^
P -
s c
o £
£ a S -
S £ .
S H -
• C
u C
^ iH •*i3
• J
^ ra
fc § O
. !^( "^ "
^ 2 S t
a -
2 S -
» -
o -
S °
S c
o rt H ^ -H 2; ^ nJ • ^H -±J Vtt I I .30 0 >> S fn £- /— ^ 4J *^ LJ 3 ^ B « 8 ^ £ c ^ » .2 hn 0 t- ® T3 C T3 OT ^ 0 rH ft
• *
* +—* •*
J > C ?
» . .
2 .
2 c
® -
s ^ 1
3 8
2 « 5 S o 3 ,2 ^
O "
0 «
M ^ '
O > O C
D ^
here in how rapidly the plasma can cool and condense.
There is no flow solution yet available for this
strongly interacting and strongly cooled plasma flow,
so we shall in making definite estimates assume that
the plasma velocity in the incoming flow sunwards of
the comet is
u = R/Tf, Tf = 103s, (15)
T.p being an empirical flow time scale which fits in
with the outer flow solutions in the 1-5x10 km region
CWallis 1973a,b). The assumption (15) is not
critically important: if in^error, the distance scale
that we derive is simply distorted.
The cometary ions are rather energetic: they take
up most of the streaming energy of the decelerating
flow and have gyration velocities of the order of the
flow velocity v.,. = R.../T at the place where they become
ions. They are lost primarily through charge exchange ,
so their distribution function gCvs,.) satisfies
dg _ dg Qo f -\ c \
dt " ~
U dR ~ ~ VR2
This equation neglects increases in ion energies due to
continuing adiabatic compression. The solution to (16)
using (15) and taking V as constant is
-J- J_ ** i **
The number is reduced by a factor e by the
position R = H . and a further factor e by
R = 0.7 £.. Numerically t, . is 3x10 km for initial
ions of GOOknx/s velocity and H . = 2x10 km for the 50km/s
ions formed at 5x10 km. The solar wind protons have
thermal speeds of the order of 50-100km/s, so the
- , . 4 corresponding disappearance scale is £ = 2-2.5x10 km.
The electrons in the inflowing plasma also cool
rapidly due to various ionization and excitation processes
We suppose the cooling rates of (2) and (5) are
4 5 representative in the mainly 0 and OH coma in 10 -10 km.
The electron energy is perhaps e =50eV at Rn = 10 km
and decreases as
7/en = exp - S,
2CR~2 - R n ~
2 > > e" > 6eV, CIS) U " U
according to (.5) with CIS), the scale radius being
= {^
bTf Qyv} ' " 2xl0km. C19)
The mean energy reaches 6eV at R,, - 1.5x10 km and would
be leV at 10 km by formula (18), but even faster
cooling according to expression (2) is appropriate:
UeV) 3
- e 3
* ffi aTf
- R^ 2
). (20 )
The electrons become fully cooled, it follows, at the
2 + (6eV)3'
24V/3QaTf}~^ - l.OxlO'Vm. (21)
So in the absence of heating mechanisms , such as plasma
turbulence transferring energy from the ions, the
electrons cool explosively fast between positions I —
If plasma is to flow from the coma out laterally
into tail rays, it is clear that the same scale radii
are important. For example, suppose that flow occurs
at constant radius and speed (the pressure gradient
balancing the effective friction).
We replace d/dt in (.16) by RT d/ds and obtain
g ^ exp - iAi
With flow distance s-sn = irR/2 , we see that most of
the ions would be lost if R < Si.. Similarly, the
electrons would be strongly cooled if the lateral flow
takes place at R.^.A . Coincidentally , these ion and
electron scales are very similar in magnitude.
Solar plasma plus accumulated cometary ions and
electrons is affected very strongly as it flows into
u i|
the coma from 2x10 to 10 km (this value for the comet
29 -1 -1
with Q = 10 H20 molecules ster s . . The scale
distance ^ Q . ) The electrons are rapidly cooled and
all but some 10% of the ions undergo charge exchange.
This behaviour is not sensitive to our assumption (15)
for the flow velocity, since it occurs explosively
quickly. We conclude that this 1-2x10 km region is
effectively a transition region over which the outer
plasma carrying the energy and ion flux of the solar
wind changes continuously to plasma created and
energised by the solar radiation. The purely
cometary ionospheric plasma, flowing outwards with the
expanding gas coma, would have stagnation pressure only
10% or less of that of the solar wind at the transition
position—it can hardly affect the flow there.
Although a stagnation region must occur in the plasma
flow at some smaller radius, there will be no
"tangential discontinuity" between plasmas of different
nature or velocity.
An important characteristic of the ionospheric
plasma is that the photo-electrons can cool rapidly to
thermal energies before recombining. Rotational
excitations of H90 or OH are effective in the case
considered. However, if the coma consisted for example
of pure CO, the cooling mechanism would be more complex
(section 2), with plasma turbulence trying to thermalize
an anisotropic distribution of electron energies. The
corresponding plasma pressure and density might be higher
and significantly affect the transition flow. But
in the H?0 comet, the conclusion is clear, that the
pressure of the ionospheric plasma is unimportant.
We have assumed a model coma heated by photodissociations
of H_0, this model having a higher
expansion velocity and temperature and larger ionospheric
stagnation pressure. If there is no such heating, the
plasma pressure would be lower. Shimizu (197U) has
questioned the reality of the heating in the H?0 coma,
on the grounds that rotational excitations rapidly remove
the energy of the H-atoms. Indeed, the energy transfer
from l-2eV H-atoms to the rotational mode appears to be
comparable to the elastic transfer to translational energy
(a is higher by a factor 10, but the energy transferred
is about 0.025eV rather than 0.2-0.4eV). This
indicates that part of the photo-dissociation energy is
available for heating and increasing the expansion
velocity 'Of the coma. The conclusion that the coma
temperature is very low (.Shimizu 1974) depends on the
achievement of thermodynamic equilibrium between the
rotational levels of H-0, and is inapplicable at the
8 — 3 relevant coma densities (Table 2) of 10 cm , or less.
The plasma interaction with the coma gas imposes
strong limits on the place of origin of cometary ions
which are to form tail rays. For plasma moving at
around lOkm/s velocity within the £., £ =2x10 km scale
is frictionally decelerated, strongly cooled and liable
to recombination long before it can flow away. It
appears impossible for plasma to emerge from inside
10 km radius to form tail rays and streamers. In
the transition region at 1.5-2.5km radius, the plasma
can be cooled to give increased density and still flow
away before recombination occurs. As such plasma
expands adiabatically into tail rays, the recombination
rate per unit mass changes as
pa * pT'k * p-ktY-D^ (22)
decreasing with p for k ~ j CTable 1). Recombination
decreases in importance, despite the adiabatic cooling.
This confirms assumptions of the earlier analysis
of a tail ray CWallis 1967) as a jet of plasma-, initially
cold but not undergoing recombination, ejected into the
solar wind plasma where it is conductively heated and
frictionally accelerated. The particular transport
coefficients assumed were based on the transverse
instabilities of velocity anisotropics in an unmagnetised
plasma, on which much work has been done recently
(Davidson 1972). As the magnetic fluctuations were found
to exceed the expected intensity of any large-scale field,
the unmagnetised ion-ion instability is indeed
appropriate, but the postulated electron-ion instability
may be eliminated by electron gyro-radius effects. The
order-of-magnitude linear growth rate is, however,
unchanged. Moreover, the demonstration that the nonlinear
process limiting the instability growth is ion
trapping CDavidson 1972), confirms the earlier assumption
CWallis 1967) equating the growth rate to an effective
collision or "bounce" frequency. So we consider that the
earlier results need little modification. They imply,
we recall, that there was substantial extra mass over and
above the observed CO* in the tail rays examined - this
might well be C*, 0* or OH+.
Values of the CO* density in the coma at 10 km
_ 3
radius have been given by Arpigny (.1965) as 400cm in
comet Bester Cat l.Oa.u.) and 600-lOOOcm in comet
Humason (2.6a.u). These are the same order as the
ionospheric density (.Table 2), although with the lower
ionization rate at 2.6a.u., the CO production rate would
29 -1-1
have to be higher than 10 ster s . Alternatively the
transport effects of ions being swept in by the solar
wind flow can enable higher densities to be reached. It
is noteworthy that 'envelope1 and jet structures were
observed in comet Bennett at 1-3x10 km ahead of the
nucleus (Wallis 1973b). The appearance of structures
at this position corresponds well with the present
argument that cooling is important in allowing
condensation of the plasma swept in with the solar wind.
However, the mechanism for producing structures rather
than continuous flow is not yet explained.
When ion-electron recombination is the dominant
loss process, a recombination instability exists
(D'Angelo 1967) if the coefficient a ^ T varies rapidly,
- k (Y -1) + 2 < - 1 . (23)
If electron energies were as high as thermal energies
0.25eV at 10 km CTable 2), the index may be as high as
k = 2 (Leu et al. • 1973), and the plasma might thus be
unstable to compressional waves along the magnetic field
Cy =3) . However, the energy transfer due to rotational
excitations would exceed that due to recombinations by a
6 x 10"8 e"^ N/3 x 10~7 z^n,
approximately 500 at 10 km (.Table 2). The recombination
instability might still operate far out in the coma and
perhaps lead to the formation of 'knots' and other irregularities
in tail rays. But some other process must underlie the
formation of envelopes, probably a combination of
dynamical with ionization and cooling effects.
M.K. Wallis acknowledges financial support from the
U.K.A.E.A. Culham Laboratory and R.S.B.Ong acknowledges
a U.K. Science Research Council Visiting Fellowship and
Grant AF-AFOSR-72-2224.
P.M. Banks, G.Kockarts 1973 ' Aeronoroy', Section 10.7,
New York.
L. Biermann, E. Trefftz 1964 Zs. f. Astrophysik 5_9 1.
V.I. Cherednichenko 1970 Problem! kosmich. f iziki 5_, 95.
N. D'Angelo 1967 Phys.Fluids 10 719.
R.C. Davidson 1972 'Methods in non-linear plasma theory',
chapters 4 and 9, Acad.Press.
R.J.W. Henry, M.B. McElroy 1968 in 'Atmospheres of Venus
and Mars' p.251, ed. J.C. Brandt & M.B. McElroy, Gordon & Breach,
M.T. Leu, M.A. Biondi, R. Johnson 1973 Phys. Rev. A 1_ 292.
P.H. Metzger, G.R. Cook 1964 J.Chem.Phys. 4_1 642 .
J.J. Olivero, R.W. Stagat, A.E.S. Green 1972 J.Geophys.Res.
22 4797.
T. Sawada, D.L. Sellin , A.E.S. Green 1972 J.Geophys.Res.
TT_ 4819.
T. Sawada, D.J. Strickland, A.E.S. Green 1972 J.Geophys.Res.
77 4812.
H.U. Schmidt 1974 This conference.
M. Shimizu 1974 This conference..
L.M. Shul'man 1972 'Dinamika kometnikh atmosfer', Ch.III
Naukovo Dumka, Kiev.
M.K. Wallis 1967 Planet. Space Sci. ^5_ 137.
1973a Planet. Space Sci. 2JL 1647.
1973b Astron.Astrophys. 2_9 29.
1974 Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. 166 181
K. Wantanabe, A.S. Jursa 1964 J.Chem.Phys. 41 1650.
1 '.•
H. Keller; The outflow velocity used by Wallis is ~ 3-4km-1
(for H2O,
OH..) on the argument of heating by dissociative excess energies whereas
some observations show only ~lkm s"1
(that means no heating of the neutral
component). Observations are necessary.
H. U. Schmidt: There may be a misunderstanding. In my discussion I
assumed a negligible contribution to the temperature from the electrons, so
that the pressure on the contact surface comes from the expansion of the remaining
ions with 1 or 3 km/sec. I think your calculations are extremely valuable
for another purpose, too, i.e., the electrical conductivity which can be obtained
is important in the same context.
M. K. Wallis; Well, I agree that I've ignored things like electron conductivity.
One can take the view that conductivity is high along the field
lines. I would rather take the view that the plasma is rather turbulent and the
conductivity on the field lines is not going to be that much different from conductivity
across the field lines. I agree this is speculation and that it is something
that needs to be looked into at some stage.
When you use conservation procedures like this, then you've got to be on
your guard against that. But the ion pressure, I thought I understood you to say
earlier that the momentum contribution of the outflowing ions, was unimportant.
It was more the magnetic stresses which were bigger in effecting the pressure.
I don't have an outside and inside. There were two models. One is
flowing in, straight in to the comet and the other one is looking at the plasma
density in the inner region when you don't have any addition of plasma flow in
It's just from the photoelectron plasma.
Now, these two regions have to be matched, of course, and you will have
some ion pressure. But I'm cooling my electrons down so fast that I'm going
to recombine the ions. .
Now, it may be if you add that in it doesn't — that you get a bigger contribution.
I'm not clear on that. We'll have to see.
John C. Brandt and Edward D. Rothe
I. Introduction
Type I or ionic comet tails on the average make an angle of a few
degrees at the nucleus with the prolonged radius vector in the direction
opposite to the comet's orbital motion. This fact was explained by
Biermann (1951) as the aberration angle caused by the comet's motion
in the outflowing solar wind plasma, and, as is well known, led to the
discovery of the solar wind itself. Mathematically, the direction of
the tail T is given by the vector equation
T = w - V (1)
—» —»
where w is the solar wind velocity and V is the comet's orbital velocity.
Equation (1) or simplified forms of it have been used extensively to
derive properties of the solar wind (Belton and Brandt 1966; Brandt
1967; Brandt, Harrington and Roosen 1973). The solar wind properties
derived from ionic comet tails agree with directly determined properties
in all cases where comparison is possible and, hence, the validity of
equation (1) has been established. If the solar wind determines the
gross shape of the entire plasma tail, what is this shape and how can
it be calculated?
There are at least three conceptually distinct approaches to
calculating the shapes on ionic comet tails.
(1) The Mechanical or Bessel-Bredichin Theory. The details of
this approach first treated by Bessel (1836) are widely known. A
constant acceleration is assumed to act on the tail material, and in
the calculations, this is included by using a reduced solar gravity.
Bredichin defined Type I comet tails as syndynes with extra repulsive
force (1 - |j) » 18. Unfortunately, syndynes are tangent to the prolonged
radius vector at the nucleus which is contrary to the observations. The
tail curvature given by a syndyne with (1 - p.) « 18 is probably not
correct either and we return to this point below.
(2) The Smoke Theory. Here, the force on the tail material is
given by a momentum transfer depending on the relative velocity of the
solar wind with respect^to the tail material (see Belton 1965, Appendix 1)
Hence, if r' is the velocity of the tail material, we would need to
include a force of the form
F (w - ?') . (2)
and calculate the speed of the tail material f at all points. Our
understanding of the solar wind interaction with plasma tails is
insufficient to permit accurate calculation of the forces required on
the smoke theory,, This difficulty obviously applies to an entire class
of theories requiring specific forces. Fortunately, knowledge of
specific forces may not be necessary.
(3) Wind-Sock Theory. Here we do not need the forces accelerating
the material along the tail. The magnetic field along the tail is used
to channel the tail plasma and the location of the magnetic field lines
in the tail is determined by the local momentum field in the solar wind.
The magnetic field acts as a transparent wind sock. This viewpoint
implies that the field lines are trapped in the cometary plasma around
the nucleus long enough for them effectively to be fastened to the comet's
head. The first explicit statement of this concept known to us was by
Alfven (1957) who wrote:
"The tail should no more be considered as gas moving
freely in space. Instead the tail is a real part of the
0 comet, fastened to the head by magnetic field lines."
II. Theory
The gross shape of an ionic comet tail on the wind-sock theory
assuming constant solar wind speed can be calculated by applying the
—* —» —*
equation T = w - v pointwise along the tail. The,basic geometry in
the plane of the comet's orbit is shown in Figure 1. By projecting the
components of solar wind velocity into the cometocentric coordinate
system, we obtain the basic equation for the wind-sock theory, viz.,
, -V sin y - w sin Q1 + w , cos & cos i'/cos b dy _ r , a
w cos a - V cos Y + w sin Oi cos i /cos b
Many of the quantities used are illustrated in Figure 1. In addition,
w and w, are the radial and azimuthai'components of the solar wind
velocity. The angles i' and b are the inclination of the orbit
with respect to the solar equator and the heliographic latitude,
respectively. If necessary, this equation could easily be generalized
to three dimensions; in this case, the direction cosines at each point
(dx, dy, dz) would be similarly determined.
A simple analytical result can be obtained on the basis of some
reasonable approximations. For a comet away from the sun (i.e., non-sungrazers)
and near perihelion, a « 1 and w » cos Y, respectively, are good
approximations. Then, equation (3) can be written
. -V sin Y - w at + w, cos i'/cos b
dx ~ w ' '
Equation (4) can be used to evaluate the coefficients in a Taylor's
series. If we let
-y = A+Bx +Cx2
+ ... , (5)
we find
A = 0
fv sin v - w.cos i'/cos b~l
_ £
L w w
- . ~ V v '-v coos Y Jj
If we write
X = x/r
Y = y/r
where r is the comet's heliocentric distance, our final equation becomes
-Y=BX +f x2
+ ... (8)
for X ^ 0.3, the cubic term is 1.3% or less compared to the sum of the
first two terms.
The Taylor's series solution can be obtained without the approximations
used to write equation (4) and is
r o /WA
i'\ /w
Y cos i7
2 4- ( 0 ) V I ^ 4- u r-ic ' 1
r \ cos b / \ cos b r /
(w - V cos Y)
-Y=BX+ —
v ' > ^^ '- =^-+... (9)
(w - V cos Y) J
For most cases, the term in brackets in equation (9) is close to 1 and
equation (9) reduces to equation (8). In doubtful cases, equation (9)
provides a check on the applicability of the simple solution.
Our approximate (but rather accurate solution) for steady solar
wind conditions depends only on the quantity B which is the tangent of
the aberration angle at the nucleus used in the earlier work. The
calculated tails are nearly straight near the head, but show curvature
well away from the head. The curvature arises from the geometrical
divergence of the radial direction in a spherical coordinate system.
III. Applications
First, we briefly reexamine the historical question of Bredichin's
identification of the Type I tails with syndynes from the mechanical
theory for (1 - jj.) « 18. We have checked back to some of Bredichin's
(1884) original work in which the observations (for the Great Comet of
1882) were given. They show little or no tail curvature and we have no
difficulty fitting the wind-sock theory with modern solar wind parameters
(Figure 2). Bredichin's fit with (1 - |_i) « 18 would not be bad in an
rms sense, even though the aberration angle at the nucleus was in
error on the average by w 5 and the curvature was too large. Visual
observations of very bright comets in the 19th century may be a valuable
untapped source of solar wind data.
The wind-sock theory can also be applied to the geomagnetic tail
(Figure 3). Behannon's (1970) observations gave an aberration angle
of 3.1 and this is closely approximated by the solar wind parameters
chosen. Figure 3 shows that observations would be required at tenths
of A.U. from Earth to detect the effects of the tail curvature; such
observations are unlikely in the near.future. A comparison of an
accurate computer integration of equation (3) with the Taylor's Series
result of equation (8) is also shown.
Figure 4 shows a photograph of Comet Kohoutek taken at the Joint
Observatory for Cometary Research (JOCR) on January 19, 1974. We would
anticipate no difficulty in explaining the gross shape of the main ion
tail on the basis of steady solar wind conditions. However, it is
important to note that our model may require comparison with averages
^ *~
o uQ
co ac
^^^ 2 LU
•» ^ ^
•.'«'.' i
- <
_• „• CM
. ?- 0 o'
O (O CO O)
M tN CM l>«
Alfven, H. 1957, Tellus. 9, 92.
Behannon, K. W. 1970, J. Geophys. Res.. 75^ 743.
Belton, M. J. S. 1965, A. J., 70, 451.
Belton, M. J. S., and Brandt, J. C. 1966, A£. J. Suppl.. 13, 125 (No. 117),
Bessel, W. 1836, A.N., 13, 185.
Biermann, L. 1951, £s. £_. .Ajg., 29j 274.
Brandt, J. C. 1967, Ap. J., 147., 201.
Brandt, J. C., Harrington, R. S., and Roosen, R. G. 1973, Aj>. J., 184, 27.
Bredichin, Th. 1884, Ann. Moscou Obs.. !£, 7.
B. Jambor; If I understand you correctly your Bredikhin approach to the
problem fails because you do not get enough curvature in the tail; I would be
curious to know what a more precise approach like the Finson-Probstein, not
relying on approximations of series expansion, would yield.
J. C. Brandt; Yes. You know, I took that solely because for years that
has been the definition of a Type 1 tail. These Type 1 and Type 2 appear in
s papers, and I was curious as to how this got started.
D. J. Malaise: The windsock model has the nice feature that you can
compute the shape of the tail. Has it not the drawback that you have to drop the
assumption that the tail lies in the orbital plane of the comet. Even small departures
from the orbital plane makes the computation of the true direction of
the tail quite indeterminate in some projection situations.
J. C. Brandt; Now clearly, you can create such a comet. The Comet
Mrkos was one such thing. It was at 90 degrees inclination, and that's going to be
a problem. But with any care at all, it's not a problem.
K. Jockers: Your windsock model is the model of a tail which can withstand
any tension along its axis but has to be in lateral momentum equilibrium.
The small curvature of the tails is caused by a diverging but stationary solar
wind flow field. How can this model be applied to an evidently non-stationary
situation as on Jan. 20?
J. C. Brandt; I think, if you stop and think about it, that you can make
qualitative statements about what happened.
K. Jockers; You know, that windsock has to respond to the changing
non-stationary situation and that is completely different than that line you have
J. C. Brandt; It is not necessarily completely different from the line,
but it may be. But if you know how to calculate that, why don't you let me know
and we'll do it.
! N76-21089
Zdenek Sekanina
It is almost generally accepted that the essentially structureless and often significantly
curved tails of comets are composed of sunlight-scattering solid particles of
various sizes, ejected from the comet's nucleus by evaporating gases. Much less
agreement has so far been achieved as to the character, composition, and size distribution
of the particles.
The original version of the theory of cometary tails (Section II) followed the pattern
of comparing a simple theoretical model with comet drawings based on visual observations,
while modern versions (Sections IH through VIII) utilize small-scale photographs
of comets instead. Other techniques, complementing the photographic study of
dust tails, include spectroscope broad-band photoelectric photometry, colorimetry,
infrared photometry, and polarimetry. Major problems for these other techniques are
the large extent of a cometary tail and its low surface brightness, which drops rapidly
with increasing distance from the nucleus. Consequently, such observations often
refer only to the brightest part of a tail, adjacent to the nucleus and/or coma, rather
than to the tail as a whole.
Since the philosophy, covering the advantages as well as the limitations, of the
various techniques employed is discussed in other review papers at this Colloquium,
we shall avoid describing it here. We shall refer, however, to the results obtained by
any technique in which the data are relevant to the theory of dust tails.
The birth of the mechanical theory dates back to the 1835 apparition of periodic
Comet Halley. The theory's fundamentals were worked out by Bessel (1836) in his
attempt to explain the comet's observed structure. He derived equations of motion
for particles ejected from a cometary nucleus and driven away from the sun by a repulsive
force. This force, believed by Bessel to be caused by ether, was assumed to vary
in inverse proportion to the square of heliocentric distance. It was not until more than
60 years later that the repulsive force was identified as solar radiation pressure
(Arrhenius 1900; Schwarzschild 1901); this interpretation is now generally accepted.
Meanwhile, the mechanical theory was being improved by Bredikhin (Jaegermann
1903). He replaced Bessel' s approximate equations of particle motion (expressed in
terms of a power expansion, with the time elapsed since ejection used as the variable)
by precise formulas for hyperbolic motion. The two, now very common terms describing
dust tails — syndyne (or syndyname) and synchrone (or isochrone) — are also due to
A syndyne is defined as the locus of particles leaving a cometary nucleus continuously
and subject to radiation pressure of a particular magnitude. Each syndyne
is thus determined by the acceleration 1 - [i exerted by radiation pressure on the particles.
When expressed in units of the solar gravitational attraction, 1 - ja is related
to the particle's radius a (cm) and its density p (g cm ) as follows:
0.585X 10~4Q
where Q is the scattering efficiency of the particle for radiation pressure.
A synchrone is defined as the locus of particles subject to radiation pressure of
all magnitudes and ejected from the nucleus at the same moment. Each synchrone is
therefore determined by the instance of ejection, or by its "age" T, i.e., by the time
elapsed between ejection and observation.
The shape of a synchrone or a syndyne also depends slightly on the initial (ejection)
velocity of the particles. However, since ejection velocities are relatively low (only
a fraction of 1 km sec ), the synchrones and syndynes used in modern methods usually
refer to an assumed zero ejection velocity, and the effect of the actual velocity is taken
care of in a different way. On the assumption of a zero velocity of ejection, synchrones
and syndynes can be calculated from the orbital elements of the comet once the values
of T and 1 - |jt are specified.
Bredikhin considered most tails to be syndynes. He determined 1 - \j. for a rather
large number of comets and eventually organized his results into a classification of
cometary tails. His type I tails are now identified with the plasma tails, and type II
(and type HI) tails, with the dust tails.
The mechanical theory was originally intended to cover all comet tails. However,
the theory completely failed to explain the complicated structure of type I tails on
comet photographs and was eventually replaced by Biermann's (1951) hypothesis of
interaction between the comet plasma and the solar wind.
By the 1960s, serious doubts were expressed as to the validity of the mechanical
theory even for type II tails: Most dust tails appeared to match neither a synchrone
nor a syndyne; the tails were often found to point approximately midway between the
prolonged radius vector and the orbit behind the comet; a dark band, observed to part
tails of several comets into two branches, and described often as a "shadow of the
was much of a mystery, as was the occasional appearance of sunward-oriented
tails; and the "synchronic" bands did not behave as they were supposed to according to
the theory. Thus, the mechanical theory appeared to face a very bleak future.
Eight years ago, Finson and Probstein (1966) published their preliminary model
of dust comets. The motion of dust particles in the tail was treated as a hypersonic,
collision-free, source flow. The particles, assumed to be subject to radiation
pressure of a constant magnitude (1 - p = const), were allowed to leave the nucleus
isotropically and continuously, though at variable rates. The emission process was
described as the radial acceleration of dust outward from the nucleus by drag forces
of the expanding gas in the circumnuclear region, where the dust and gas can be considered
a. two-phase, "dusty-gas" continuum and the problem can be solved by a fluiddynamics
approach. The ejection velocity of the dust particles is thus described as
the terminal velocity from the point of view of fluid dynamics, but it becomes the
initial velocity from the viewpoint of tail dynamics after the interaction between gas
and dust has terminated. In their 1966 paper, Finson and Probstein approximated the
ejection velocity by a Maxwellian distribution.
Their improved model (Finson and Probstein 1968a) has become the most powerful
method of analyzing the dust tails of comets. It differs from the earlier version in
tv/o ways: It relaxes the postulation of a constant 1 - jj, thus accounting for a particlesize
distribution; and it replaces the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution in particle
ejection velocities by a functional dependence of velocity on particle size and
density, following Probstein's (1968) fluid-dynamics approach. In this model, the
terminal velocity of dust particles also depends on the ratio of the mass-flow rate of
dust to the mass-flow rate of gas, on the nuclear radius, and on the properties of the
With the three parametric functions — the size-density distribution of particles,
their emission rate as a function of time, and their ejection velocity — established, the
Finson-Probstein model determines the distribution of the surface density of particles
in the tail, that is, the theoretical photometric profile of the tail.
In practice, the crucial — and the most intricate — part of the Finson-Probstein
method is to reach the best possible agreement between the observed photometric
profile of the comet's tail and a theoretical surface-density distribution by means of
varying the three parametric functions by trial and error (Fig. 1). For a particular
combination of these three functions, the corresponding surface-density distribution
can be obtained either by calculating contributions from particles of various sizes
ejected at times held constant and then integrating the results over all ejection times
(synchrone approach) or by calculating contributions from particles of constant dimensions
ejected at various times and then integrating over all particle sizes (syndyne
M(IO km)
412 3
NUCLEUS ....-6
N(IO km)
Fig. 1. Comparison of observed isophotes (dotted curves) with the theoretical
density distribution (solid curves) for a photograph of Comet Bennett 1970 II taken on
March 18, 1970. The numbers at individual pairs of curves indicate the logarithm of
the relative surface density; M is the direction of the radius vector projected on the
photographic plane; N is perpendicular to M in the direction of increasing right
ascension (to the right). From Sekanina and Miller (1973).
In its full complexity, the Finson-Probstein model has so far been applied only to
Comets Arend-Roland 1957 HI (Finson and Probstein 1968b), Bennett 1970 II (Sekanina
and Miller 1973), and, except for the absolute rate of the dust output, Seki-Lines
1962 HI (Jambor 1973).
Some of the results found by Finson and Probstein for Arend-Roland and by
Sekanina and Miller for Bennett are rather similar. The mass-flow rate of dust comes
7 -1
out to be of the order of 10 g sec ; the ratio of the mass-flow rate of dust to that of
gas is about 1 for Arend-Roland and near 0.5 for Bennett. The corresponding production
rate of the gas is of the same order of magnitude as that obtained by independent
methods and suggests evaporation controlled by water snow. For Comet Bennett,
direct measurements of the H and OH clouds around the nucleus give the production rate,
which is in excellent agreement with the Sekanina-Miller result (Keller and Lillie 1974).
Sekanina and Miller also solved for the radius of the nucleus of Comet Bennett and
obtained 2.6 km.
The results for the particle sizes of the three comets differ. The optically important
particle diameter (defined as the root-mean-square value of the particle-size
distribution), at an assumed density of 1 g cm , is 2.1 \an. for Comet Bennett, 5.6 (am
for Arend-Roland, and 14 jam for Seki-Lines- Since Finson and Probstein used the
scattering efficiency for radiation pressure Q =1, whereas Sekanina and Miller
assumed Q = 1. 5, the discrepancy between Arend-Roland and Bennett is actually even
more substantial than indicated by the above figures. Indeed, Finson and Probstein
terminated the 1 - p. distribution at 0. 55, while Sekanina and Miller found a fairly
significant fraction of particles to have 1 - p » 1. Jambor used a different type of
distribution function, but its sharp peak at 1 - p = 0.005 demonstrates the abundance
in Seki-Lines of very large particles, consistently reflected in the optically important
As a whole, the Finson-Probstein method appears to give very reliable, astrophysically
significant information about the dust and gas released from cometary nuclei.
The practical application of the model, however, requires utmost caution and care.
Since pure dust comets are rare, it is imperative that on photographs taken for dusttail
studies, the plasma tail be suppressed as much as possible. This can rather
successfully be done by using red sensitive plates (such as 103aE, 103aF, or the new
098-02) combined with appropriate filters that cut off the shorter wavelengths (such as
a Schott RG1). A few inconveniences inherent in the problem cannot be removed by
this method, primarily those concerning the size-density distribution. First of all,
no way exists to separate the.particle size from its density and from the scattering
efficiency for radiation pressure. Furthermore, the 1 - p distribution is essentially
indeterminate for 1 - p.— 0, i.e., for very large particles. These particles do
not contribute appreciably to the photometric profile of regular dust tails. This
indeterminacy may have a significant effect on the estimate of the mass-output rate of
dust from the comet, but not on the optically important size. By contrast, the upper
end of the 1 - p distribution is well established from the fit. Unfortunately, as long as
no information is available on the optical properties of dust particles from independent
studies, the sizes of the smallest particles are also poorly determined, not only
because of the effect of density, but also because at 1 - [i> 1, the scattering efficiency
Q varies rather considerably within very narrow limits of particle sizes, the characrp
ter of variations being a strong function of the particles' composition. And finally, the
mass-flow rates of dust and gas are linearly proportional to the adopted Q and
inversely proportional to the reflectivity of the dust particles; the nuclear radius is
also inversely proportional to the adopted particle reflectivity.
A noteworthy controversy developed after Osterbrock (1958) published the results
of his photographic observations of two comets with perihelia near 4 a. u., Baade
1955 VI and Haro-Chavira 1956 I. A careful analysis of the orientations of their
tail axes resulted in Osterbrock's conclusion that the nearly straight, structureless
tails pointed approximately midway between the prolonged radius vector and the orbit
behind the comet. This allegedly peculiar property of the tails was considered
incompatible with the mechanical theory, and substantial modifications were proposed,
the least vulnerable of them having been Belton's (1965, 1966) concept of the type n
tails as a mixture of electrically charged dust particles and electrons whose motions
were controlled by interplanetary plasma.
The importance of Osterbrock1
s discovery was emphasized by Roemer's (1962)
remark that the "characteristic" tails displayed by Baade and Haro-Chavira are rather
common among comets of large perihelion distances, and by Belton's (1965) finding
that all type II tails show essentially the same orientation property regardless of heliocentric
Noticing the general similarity between the straight tails of distant comets and the
theoretical synchrones, I recently undertook a study of the two comets, using a synchrone
approach (considered but rejected in the past'.) rather than the traditional syndyne
approach (Sekanina 1973a). Application of the synchrone approach by no means implies
that the tails of the distant comets are assumed to have been formed by ejection at a
unique instant, since that approach can also be used advantageously to study the time
span of continuous emission. My study showed that the tail dynamics were perfectly
consistent with the mechanical theory, so that no additional forces — other than
solar gravitational attraction and solar radiation pressure — need be considered to
explain the strongly nonradial orientation of the tails. The calculations showed that
the material ejected into the tail of Comet Baade was released from the nucleus essentially
continuously from some 1500 to 200 days before perihelion, and the material
ejected into the tail of Comet Haro-Chavira, from about 2000 to 300 days before perihelion
(Fig. 2). The "age" of the tails is thus of the order of 1500 days, and the corresponding
emission distances range between 5 and 15 a. u. from the sun'. A slight
curvature of the tails, noticed by Osterbrock, is due to the distribution of emission in
time, with earlier emissions reaching farther away from the nucleus. It is believed
that the activity continued even after the apparent cutoff time (i. e. , 200 to 300 days
before perihelion), though perhaps at a lower level, but that particles from the more
recent emissions were still confined to the coma.
Analysis of the visible lengths of the two tails indicated that particles emitted
from the comets must have been subjected to extremely low accelerations, not exceeding
1% of the solar gravitational attraction, and that therefore they were rather heavy
particles, at least 0. 01 cm in size. The implied significant deficit or, perhaps, total
o o it*
0 0
ro C
M = Q
• r
•+->C3OCO3>rH !§0$aO
rt (U
a ° CD ,—i PI 0. 50)s
- 3 8 g1> •S a > co I I O ° rM CD « s I II ft o
™ « h ,U
01a) CMiOO.8
• vCOOO10Gt 0a§) CO . -aooo
5 IT5oIS0-ao
1 J
O 319N
lack of particles smaller than =0. 01 cm in size contradicts all known comet-related
particle-size distributions, except for the distribution of grains of solid hydrate of
methane, studied in the laboratory by Delsemme and Wenger (1970). It should be
pointed out that our lines of evidence cannot actually distinguish solid-hydrate grains
from pure water-snow or frost grains of the same size-density distribution, and that
the solid hydrates are preferred primarily for the reasons given by Delsemme and
his collaborators (Delsemme and Miller 1970, 1971a, b; Delsemme and Wenger 1970).
Since the dissociation of solid hydrates is determined by the evaporation of the icy
lattice, the vaporization lifetimes of water-frost and solid-hydrate grains are practically
identical; they were shown to be virtually infinite at heliocentric distances over
4 a. u. and can be rather long (for high-reflectivity grains) even at distances near
2 a. u. from the sun.
Examination of tail-orientation data of all comets with perihelia beyond 2.2 a. u.
(Sekanina 1974a) largely confirms the conclusions from the study of Comets Baade and
Haro-Chavira. The tail age, however, appears to be correlated with the perihelion
distance, becoming shorter for comets with perihelia between 2.2 and ~3 a.u. (Fig. 3).
This effect is attributed to an increase in the vaporization rate of water snow at heliocentric
distances below 3 a. u., and therefore to a higher disintegration rate of icy
grains or grains of solid hydrates.
The dynamical evidence thus appears to point unambiguously to the conclusion that
the "characteristic" tails of the distant comets are indeed composed of water-frost or
solid-hydrate grains. A small body of available spectroscopic evidence is also consistent
with this hypothesis: Large-q comets — with the notable exception of Comet
o °
2 5 8
1 J
O 3H9N
i—i 10COsCQ
J .sCD O£OCow5
f-!J8Oi boD
en010oo) C
Cfl • p* aObC2IQs.
TS3f- s I I.S -e i! CD T3CMIOOT3I,QCDCDa
i—.2i 0)s•c,c, C^D
•r-§ICD •Ot
5 -
s ft O CO
Humason 1962 VEH — have continua much stronger than molecular emissions, and in
some comets, emissions are missing entirely. Obviously, the light of distant comets
is mostly due to reflection of solar light. Spectrophotometric evidence, though inconclusive,
possibly suggests that the grains might be "dirty, " i.e., contaminated by
impurities of fine dust. The concept of such dirty grains would explain the observed
discrepancy between the size distribution of solid material in comet tails at large
heliocentric distances and that at moderate to small distances: Micron and submicron
dust particles bound to icy grains far from the sun are set free at moderate heliocentric
distances when the grains start disintegrating by evaporation. Recent observations of
Comet Kohoutek 1973f at nearly 2 a. u. from the sun by Rieke and Lee (1974) give some
support to this hypothesis.
The proposed icy-tail hypothesis is also reasonably compatible with some other
observed properties of the distant comets, such as the following: nearly parallelsided
tails, a sharply bounded envelope around the nuclear condensation, a high correlation
between the appearance of the "characteristic" tail and the large perihelion distance,
and occasional fan activity (Roemer 1962). However, an important implication
of the hypothesis is that substances considerably more volatile than water snow are
also required to be present in cometary nuclei in appreciable amounts in order to
supply the necessary momentum to lift the icy grains of the inferred sizes into the tail
at large distances from the sun.
It is appropriate to note here that the presence of icy grains in the coma at moderate
heliocentric distances had been anticipated by Delsemme and Miller (1971a).
They showed that the brightness gradient of a photometric profile of the continuum.in
the coma, which progressively increases with distance from the nucleus to very large
values [such as observed by O'Dell (1961) for Comet 1960 II], implies the existence of
a halo of decaying icy grains. At distances comparable-to the earth—sun distance, the
vaporization lifetime of such grains is rather short; they evaporate completely while
they are still within the coma.
A rather peculiar feature was detected both visually and photographically in the
tails of quite a few comets. It can generally be described as a dark gap or band extending
from the nucleus essentially along the tail's axis far into the tail, thus giving the
impression that the tail is divided into two branches. The feature is often nicknamed
the "shadow of the nucleus" in the literature, although such an interpretation is
physically entirely unacceptable.
Brief examination of the reported appearances of split tails suggests that they
were observed only in comets with small perihelion distances and, as a rule, after
perihelion. The feature seems to be associated with dust tails, although a few cases
of split plasma tails are not completely ruled out. Among the comets displaying a
split tail, the best known are 1858 VI, 1882 n, 1910 I, 1962 HI, and 1973f.
Until recently, the cause of a split tail had not been clear. Jambor's (1973) study
of Comet Seki-Lines 1962 in gave a very straightforward and simple answer: The
synchrones, corresponding in this case to particle emissions some 11 to 16 hours
after perihelion, were missing - practically no dust was produced during the 5 hours.
The split tail is thus understood, but the cause for the missing synchrones must be •
explained. Jambor considered the possibility of complete evaporation of small particles
and a reduction in size of the large ones due to intense solar heating. While not denying
the presence of particle evaporation at such small heliocentric distances (Section
VIII), we note that it is not selective, unless we are willing to accept that the particles
emitted during the 5 hours were completely different in composition from those emitted
at other times, notably earlier. In other words, this interpretation fails to explain
why the particles that had been emitted before the critical interval of the 5 hours — and
therefore were exposed to solar heating for a longer period of time — did not evaporate,
too. In fact, the dust emission rate, derived from the presence of particles in the
tail, shows a sharp peak right at perihelion, 11 hours before the sudden drop in the
production commenced.
My guess is that the inferred drop in the rate of particle release from the
nucleus of Seki-Lines is real. Subsequent to a sharp peak in the production rate of the
dust (which itself must presumably have been triggered by an outburst in the nucleus),
the sudden drop in the dust output should be associated with a rapid decrease in the
vaporization flux from the comet's surface. The implied sink in the impinging energy
is apparently caused by a high opacity for solar radiation of the dusty atmosphere,
oversaturated by particles from the preceding flareup. Now, as the vaporization flux
from the surface drops, an imbalance arises in the atmosphere between the high escape
rate of the particles into space and the very low input rate of fresh dust from the underexposed
nucleus. Consequently, the atmosphere is rapidly cleared out of the excess
of dust particles, its opacity therefore drops, and the vaporization flux and production
of dust from the nucleus increase to restore the equilibrium levels again.
A self-regulation mechanism of this type, turned on by a precipitous growth in the
production rate of dust, might also have been operative in Comet Bennett. Although
no shadow of the nucleus was reported for this comet, Sekanina and Miller (1973) found
that a steep continuous increase in the emission rate of dust culminated in a sudden
drop by a factor of 2, between 17 and 10 days before perihelion. On the other hand,
Finson and Probstein (1968b), who detected an outburst in Arend-Roland about 6 days
before perihelion, found no evidence for any subsequent drop much below the preexplosion
level of the dust emission flux.
Significant lagging of early emissions behind the radius vector, combined with a
special sun-earth—comet configuration, can account for an occasional appearance,
primarily after perihelion, of a flat, sunward, "anomalous" tail (antitail). Physically
and dynamically, there is nothing anomalous about these tails. However, they contain
only large particles (usually in the range 0.01 to 0.1 cm in size — see below), whose
low velocities relative to the nucleus prevent them from getting dispersed far away
from the comet even after long flight times. These particles are comparable in size
to meteoroids that produce radio meteors.
A great deal of information on anomalous tails can be learned from the distribution
and structural details of synchrones. Actually, analysis of a synchrone diagram is
sufficient for the understanding of the nature and basic properties of the anomalous
tails (Sekanina 1974b).
An example of a synchrone diagram for Comet Arend-Roland is exhibited in Fig. 4,
in which the projection of synchrones (and syndynes) onto the sky is complemented by
their projection in the orbit plane of the comet unforeshortened by perspective. The
arrow pointing to the earth's position on the right-hand side indicates that, to a terrestrial
observer, all synchrones older than about 30 days project in the general direction
of the sun, while the younger ones project in the other direction. This, indeed, is the
picture shown on the left-hand side. A direct comparison of the latter diagram with
photographs taken at approximately the same time reveals that the main body of the
anomalous tail was formed by preperihelion emissions only. From diagrams similar
to the one shown on the left of Fig. 4, Finson and Probstein (1968b) estimated that the
antitail of this comet was made up of material emitted 5 to 9 weeks before perihelion.
The left panel of Fig. 4 indicates a considerable pileup of very old synchrones, as
well as some crowding of very young ones. This effect is largely due to projection,
but, as demonstrated by the orbit-plane view, real variations in the density of synchrones
do occur — in particular, old synchrones indeed tend to pile up on top of each other.
Also, they actually turn to the sunward side, so that the term "sunward" does not
necessarily refer only to the tail's projected property. The pileup of synchrones
toward the earliest ejection times readily explains another peculiarity of the sunward
tail: its sharp edge on the side toward the radius vector and its fuzzy edge on the outer
In contrast to the crowding of synchrones of extreme ages, synchrones of intermediate
age (i.e., those in Fig. 4 pointing essentially toward the earth) are greatly
thinned out by projection. This is why the tail in the sky looks as if it is split into,
main and sunward branches.
'7- 30
, . TO SUN
Fig. 4. A synchrone/syndyne diagram for the dust tail of Comet Arend-Roland
1957 III on April 28.0 UT, 1957, as projected onto the plane of sky (left) and as viewed
in the orbit plane (right). Solid curves are synchrones, defined by their age (in days);
dashed curves are syndynes, defined by the acceleration ratio of radiation pressure to
solar gravity, 1 - p.
The exceptionally narrow width of the sunward spike of Comet Arend-Roland
during the earth's passage through the comet's nodal line indicates an ejection velocity
normal to the orbit plane of less than 3 m sec . Although the outward component of
the ejection velocity should have been somewhat greater, it could not amount to more
than a few percent of the relative velocity acquired by the particles from their acceleration
by radiation pressure.
Finally, we note from Fig. 4 that the visible portion of the anomalous tail consists
of particles significantly heavier than those in the main tail, with particle size increasing
toward both the sharp edge and the nucleus. Whereas the optically important
particles of the regular tail of Comet Arend-Roland, according to Finson and Probstein
(1968b), were about 6 pm in diameter (at an assumed density of 1 g cm" ), the anomalous
tail contained particles of submillimeter and perhaps even millimeter size.
The behavior of the anomalous tail of Arend-Roland is rather representative of
this type of tail in general. The conditions under which antitails can be observed from
the earth can be formulated as follows:
(1) The earth must be in or at least fairly near the orbit plane of the comet to
allow the edgewise or near-edgewise perspective. The "in" condition is absolutely
necessary for the appearance of the narrow ray. If only the "near" condition is satisfied,
the anomalous tail cannot point exactly sunward. For a comet of arbitrary
inclination, this condition can be satisfied only for several days twice a year, but for
a low-inclination comet, the near condition can hold for quite an extensive period of
(2) The earth (or, more precisely, its projected position onto the comet's orbit
plane) must be located either within the sector defined by the prolonged radius vector
and the synchrone of the earliest detectable emission (position E in Fig. 5) or within
the sector defined by the above two directions turned 180° (E0). In the former case,
the tail points in the general direction of the earth, the earth's atmosphere actually
being bombarded by the comet's debris; and in the latter, it points away from the earth.
If the earth is very near the prolonged radius vector (E_) or very near the sunward
direction (E .), the comet is likely to display only a sunward tail, since the very young
emissions — the only ones that project away from the sun, as seen from the earth — may
not yet be well developed into a regular tail and their actual length is drastically
shortened by projection.
(3) The preceding point also implies that the probability of seeing an anomalous
tail from the earth increases statistically with the sector angle, which is identical to
the lag angle of the apparent-onset synchrone. Since the lag angle increases with the
true anomaly of the time of observation, the probability of seeing an anomalous tail is
very small before perihelion but enhances considerably after perihelion.
(4) Finally, it is, of course, essential that a reasonably high level of dustemission
activity, particularly in the range of heavy particles, have been reached by
the comet a sufficiently long time before perihelion.
Except for point (4), the conditions are geometrical in character. Consequently,
if there are indications that the last point is likely to be satisfied (a "dusty" comet),
the appearance of the anomalous tail can be rather straightforwardly predicted
(Sekanina 1974b).
Fig. 5. Visibility conditions for an anomalous tail. Dust particles fill a flat
sector between the synchrone Sn (drawn schematically as a straight line) of the earliest
detectable dust emission and the radius vector RV. When the earth is in the general
area of E or E , the comet displays, in projection onto the sky, a regular tail as well
as a sunward tail. When the earth is near E~ or E., the comet may display only a
sunward tail. When the earth is around E or Eg, the sunward tail may become difficult
to detect. No sunward tail can be seen when the earth is in the general area of
E7 orE8 .
Historically, the term anomalous tail was not always used to describe the type
of phenomena we deal with here. Harding (1824) and Olbers (1824) were probably the
first to use the term, but Bredikhin (Jaegermann 1903) distinguished two types of
anomalous tails. The tails of interest to us were called pseudo-anomalous by him; he
considered "genuine" anomalous tails to be composed of heavy particles, moving toward
the sun. and subjected to no repulsive force. He concluded that such particle formations
must move ahead of the comet and inside its orbit. Interpreting the descriptions of
some of the reported sunward extensions as genuine anomalous tails, Bredikhin derived
particle-ejection velocities of the order of 1 km sec . For heavy particles subjected
to no repulsive acceleration, such velocities are at least 2 orders of magnitude too high.
There is no way to escape the conclusion that Bredikhin's assumptions were, in this
respect, incorrect. It appears that his genuine anomalous tails can readily be identified
either with gas jets or with unidirectional emissions of fine dust particles that
have ejection velocities comparable to the thermal velocity of sublimating gases but
that are subjected to substantial repulsive accelerations due to radiation pressure.
By contrast, anomalous tails as we define them behave in complete agreement with
the equations of motion of relativety heavy particles. Yet it is the initial ejection
velocity, and not the repulsive force, that can be neglected at only a minor loss of
accuracy. These antitails are rather massive formations and might pose a real hazard
for space missions to comets. Fortunately, since their dynamics are now well understood,
it is not difficult, in principle, to avoid such a hazard. An antitail is essentially
a two-dimensional formation located in the comet's orbit plane, so spacecraft are safe
when kept away from the orbit plane. Hazards from the antitail could also be avoided
when spacecraft are guided slightly ahead of the comet and inside its trajectory. Pinally,
the known short-period comets, to which early space missions are planned, currently
appear not to display anomalous tails (Section VII).
The geometrical visibility conditions for anomalous tails were used to list the
cometsithat should have displayed a sunward tail around the time of the earth's passage
through the orbit plane (Sekanina, unpublished). A computer program executing the
conditions has been applied to an updated card file of the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
(courtesy of B. G. Marsden), starting with the comets of 1737. Excluded were comets
observed at elongations exceeding 135° and distances larger than 2 a.u. from the sun.
Forty-six comets with revolution periods exceeding 200 years were found to have
had favorable visibility conditions (satisfied within, or not more than 5 days outside,
the period of observation), when dust production was allowed to commence at 2 a. u.
from the sun on the incoming branch of the orbit. When this condition was relaxed to
4 a. u., the number of eligible comets increased to 69. An extensive search of the
literature revealed, however, that a sunward tail was actually observed only in the
following eight comets: 1823 (Harding 1824; Olbers 1824; von Biela 1824; Hansen
1824), 1844 IE (Waterston 1845; Maclear 1845), 1895 IV (Fric'and Fric 1896), 1937 IV
(Jeffers and Adams 1938; Van Biesbroeck 1938), 1954 VIII (Van Biesbroeck 1957;
Waterfield 1954; KresSk and VozSrovS 1954), 1957 III (many observations; see, e.g.,
Whipple 1957a, b; Lars son-Leander 1957) 1961 V (several observations; see, e. g. ,
Porter 1962) and 1969 IX (Miller et al. 1971).
In all eight cases, the earth passed through the nodal line after the comet's
perihelion, the time lag being 4 to 54 days. Comets 1957 III and 1961 V were the only ones
whose tails pointed at the critical time in the general direction of the earth; the others
were directed away.
Five of the eight comets - 1823, 1844 III, 1957 HI, 1961 V, and 1969 IX - exhibited a
double-tail appearance with the antitail no brighter than the main tail. In the case
of 1954 VIE, only a sunward tail was observed by Van Biesbroeck and Waterfield, but
a "faint prolongation" away from the sun, in addition to the brighter antitail, was
reported by Kresdk and Voza'rova'. The other two comets, 1895 IV and 1937 IV,
displayed only a sunward tail. Three of the eight events were affected by unfavorable
circumstances: The moon interfered in the case of 1844 III, while 1954 VIII and 1961 V
were not discovered until about 2 days after the earth's passage through the node.
Comet 1961 V was also at a very small angular distance from the sun.
The presence of the antitail is correlated, to some extent, with orbital evidence.
Except for 1937 IV, all the comets had perihelion distances less than 0.7 a. u. Four
seem to have come from the Oort (1950) cloud (1895 IV, 1937 IV, 1954 Vffl, and
1957 m), while 1969 IX is a "fairly new" comet in the Oort-Schmidt (1951) terminology.
The original orbit of 1823 is indeterminate, whereas 1844 HI and 1961 V appear to be
the only two "old" comets (in the Oort-Schmidt sense). Comet Kohoutek 1973f was not
among the candidates, because the antitail conditions were not satisfied during the
earth's passage through the nodal line on December 10, 1973. The "near" condition
was not examined at all.
Of the candidates for which no antitails were reported, at least two dozen were
observed extensively enough during the critical period around the nodal passage that
we can be reasonably sure that the absence of the antitail indeed indicates insufficient
or no production of heavy particles from these comets at large distances Among
others, this group covers two sun grazers (1843 I and 1963 V) plus Comets 1840 IV,
1853 H, 1858 VI, 1861 II, 1881 III, 1931 III, 1941 II, 1959 IV, 1963 I, and 1963 IIL
Many of them have revolution periods in the general range of several hundred to several
thousand years, which appears to suggest that antitails, by and large, are not displayed
by old comets. Observations during the critical periods for at least a dozen comets
were severely affected by moonlight, and the rest of the condidates were poorly
observed for other reasons.
A similar list of candidates was produced for short-period comets (with revolution
periods shorter than 200 years). The list shows that if the short-period comets were
currently emitting large amounts of heavy particles, anomalous tails should have been
plentiful. With an assumed onset of dust production at 2 a. u. before perihelion, 20
more-than-one-apparition and 3 one-apparition comets should have displayed anomalous
tails, 8 of the 20 on two or more occasions. If the condition is relaxed to 4 a.u., the
figures become 28, 6, and 17, respectively. If, on the other hand, the condition is
severed and dust production is assumed to commence at perihelion, 11 more-than-oneapparition
comets should have displayed anomalous tails — 2 of them on two occasions —
and no one-apparition comets.
Since most short-period comets have low inclinations, excellent prospects exist,
statistically, for favorable visibility conditions for detecting antitails outside the
critical times of nodal passages as well (the "near" condition in Section VI). As with
the nearly parabolic comets, such configurations were not examined.
An extensive search in the literature for observations of anti'tails of short-period
comets gave a completely negative result. Well-established associations of meteor
streams with many short-period comets appear difficult to reconcile with the absence
of anomalous tails. While it is possible that an element of proper timing is all that is
responsible for the contradiction, more work remains to be done on this problem.
The antitail of Comet Kohoutek, the first thatrwas predicted (Sekanina 1973b), is
currently under intensive study. A number of ground-based observations, including
the first infrared measurements of an antitail (Ney 1974), were complemented by
remarkable observations from outer space (Gibson 1974). At least two preliminary
models have so far been proposed (Gary and O'Dell 1974; Sekanina 1974c).
My working model, based on the Finson-Probstein theory for the case of small
emission velocities, has been fitted to semiquantitative descriptions of the antitail by
various observers, including the Skylab HE astronauts. The model shows that the main
body of the antitail was made up entirely of material shed by the comet before perihelion.
The particles ranged mostly between 0.1 and 1 mm in size, and their differential
mass distribution, m dm, was tentatively approximated by s =* 1.4. This value
of the population index s is substantially lower than the commonly accepted 8^2,
derived from various radio-meteor studies, and implies a rather strong relative
excess of heavy particles, in which practically all the mass of the antitail was concentrated.
The excess of large particles has been interpreted as an indication of a severe
_,_ »
evaporation effect. Indeed, a cloud of particles of specific composition, ejected from
a cometary nucleus and later undergoing evaporation as a result of exposure to intense
solar heating, will have its particle-size distribution substantially modified. Because
evaporation reduces the radii of the particles in such a cloud by the same amount, Aa,
independent of their dimensions, particles with original radii, a, smaller than Aa do, of
course, sublimate out completely. Larger particles, whose original size distribution
was governed by a law of the type a da (u = const), are reduced in size to b = a - Aa,
and the logarithmic slope t of their postexposure distribution varies with b and is
related to its preexposiire equivalent u by
Since t = 3s - 2, the observed (i. e. , postperihelion and, therefore, postexposure)
particle -size distribution in the antitail has t =* 2.2 for b = 0. 1 to 1 mm. Taking,
further, a population index of 2 < s~ ,< 7/3 and, hence, 4 ^< u < 5 for the original
(preexposure) particle distribution, we find 0.8^ Aa/b^ 1.3. Thus, a rough assessment
of the evaporation effect suggests that the total loss in radius of the particles in
the antitail of Comet Kohoutek appears to be comparable to typical postexposure
particle sizes, i.e., some 0. 1 to 1 mm.
This approximate result has now been checked by Sekanina et al. (1975). From
the progressively increasing gradient of the radial photometric profiles of the antitail,
it is found that t is, indeed, variable and fits Eq. (2). After substituting from Eq. (1),
Eq. (2) can be written in the form
where Q is a constant determined by u and Aa. The plot of 1/t versus 1 - jj, reproduced
here in Fig. 6, gives 1/u and Q as the ordinate at 1 - |j = 0 and the slope of the
fitted straight line, respectively. The numerical results of Sekanina et al. put the
evaporation loss in particle diameter at about 0. 12 mm and give u =* 4. 8, i.e., the
original population index of the particle mass distribution SQ =*2. 3. The derived
evaporation loss rate implies an apparent latent heat of vaporization of the particle
material (defined as the product of the actual latent heat and of the fourth root of the
ratio between the particles' emissivity for reradiation and their absorptivity for solar
radiation) of about 46 kcal mole , very close to the estimate of the preliminary study
(Sekanina 1974c). However, an uncertainty remains in the above determinations
because the effect of evaporation on the particles' motions, i. e., the change in the
magnitude of radiation pressure, has not been taken into account. The improved
model of the antitail therefore requires a study of non-Keplerian motions of dust
particles (variable 1 - [i).
While dust tails are usually structureless, this was certainly not the case with
such comets as 1858 VJ, 1901 J, 1910 I, 1957 V, and 1965 VDI. Well-developed systems
of several nearly parallel bright bands, streaking across the broad, strongly
curved "background" tail, are particularly clearly seen on the photographs of 1910 I
and 1957 V (Lampland 1912; McClure and Liller 1958).
Bredikhin (Jaegermann 1903) noticed that the bands essentially coincide in orientation
with synchrones and concluded that they are the result of discrete ejections
--* . -
into the tail of a large number of dust particles of various sizes. The bands became
known generally as "synchronic" bands.
CoaD O
t C
o "
odo, Nf
H O O p
l C
• r-CO 1OO4 tM3'w
• rHCD
7 1 (negative attraction).
Although calculations of this type have just commenced, we can present, in Fig. 7,
the first positive (though very preliminary) result of analysis of one of the synchronic
bands in the tail of Comet Mrkos 1957 V. The orientation of band No. 3 (Vsekhsvyatsky
1959) is compared in the figure with the best matching nonvaporization synchrone (of
age 8 days) and with a much more nearly coinciding vaporization synchrone (age 12
days), the latter corresponding to particles with a vaporization rate controlled by the law
Z = A exp [1.80X L(l -vF)J , (4)
-17 -2 -1
where A = 10 g cm sec and the apparent latent heat of vaporization L = 30 kcal
mole .
The first results of our dynamical experimenting with vaporizing
particles have proved rather successful. However, since vaporization
implies a gradual loss of luminosity on account of the decreasing scattering
0.05 -
"I 1 1 1 1 1"
.-ill / ^ 1.2 DAYS
16' _.(nonvaporizing).
= 2 ^x/ // ' .••"''
/ y/(0.07I.I.63)-' NSYNDYNE
/ 157(0.070', 1.29)
/ //(P.069J.06)
/ /• \
:' ./// \SYNDYN
:•,->// ^^=°-
1957 AUG. 14.2 UT
j I i i i i
0 0.05
Fig. 7, Motions of vaporizing dust particles in the tail of Comet Mrkos 1957 V.
The orientation of the observed "synchronic" band #3 (thick line) on a plate exposed
by A. McClure (Vsekhsvyatsky 1959) is compared with a synchrone, 12 days old, of
vaporizing dust particles (thin solid curve) of apparent latent heat of vaporization of
30 kcal mole . The projection is in the orbit plane. The +£ axis points away from
the sun, and the +77 axis, behind the comet. The five open circles indicate the locations
of particles of specified repulsive accelerations 1 - jj at the times of ejection (first
figure in parentheses) and observation (second figure). Note that the observed extent
of the band corresponds to a very narrow interval of 1 - ji at ejection (of about 0.003).
Note also that the synchrone of the vaporizing particles is concave toward the prolonged
radius vector, while the synchrones of nonvaporizing particles (dashed curves) are
convex. A few syndynes of nonvaporizing particles (dotted curves) are also plotted.
(or reflecting) power of the particles, the interpretation of the synchronic
bands in terms of vaporizing particles is problematic from the photometric
viewpoint: a synchronic band is much brighter than the ambient "background"
tail, while the space between the band and the nucleus is usually almost
nonluminous, as though the band emanated from "nothing". To explain both
the dynamical and photometric effects, we are in need of a mechanism that
would provide an increase in the acceleration (i.e., a drop in the particle
size) as well as an increase in the brightness (i.e., an increase in the
total scattering or reflecting surface) of the particles in the bands. The
mechanism that does just that is fragmentation. Simple calculation shows
that fragmentation of a particle into N fragments of equal size would increase
the 1-y of the fragments as well as their total scattering surface, compared
to the corresponding figures for the parent particle, by a factor of N1
i.e., in proportion to the ratio between the linear dimensions of the parent
and those of a fragment.
In practice, of course, the fragments have a certain size distribution;
the limiting values of 1-u of the fragments define the length of 'the band.
The position of the band in the tail at any particular moment depends on
three quantities, namely, the time of ejection of the parent particles, their
size and the time of fragmentation. However, since the band's position is
defined only by two parameters, the three quantities cannot all be unequivocally
determined from the band's single observation. The orientation of the band
(i.e., its slope dn/dC in Fig. 9), however, is primarily a function of the
time of fragmentation, which thus can be fixed fairly precisely. As an example,
we list in Table I six sets of parameters of the synchronic band No. 3 in
Fig. 9, all of which fit equally well (perfectly) its observed position.
Note that while the time of fragmentation comes out indeed practically the
same in each of the six cases of Table I, the time of ejection is highly
correlated with (1-u) , the 1-u value of the parent particles. Only an
p 3r
upper limit can be established for (l-y)par from the obvious condition that
the dimensions of the parent particle must be larger than those of any of
its fragments. Of course, this also sets a limit on the time of ejection.
In the case of the synchronic band No. 3 (1-u) r < 0.75, and the ejection
miist have taken place earlier than 3.6 days after perihelion (i.e., -before
August 5.0 UT, 1957; by contrast the fragmentation occurred on about
August 9.1 UT).
Since the range of the particle sizes of the fragments, assessed from
the range of their 1-u values, is rather narrow, the number of fragments
per parent particle does not significantly depend on their size-distribution
law. However, it does depend crucially on the variations, with the particle
size, in the scattering efficiency for radiation pressure, which are practically
unknown, because neither the composition nor the shape of the fragments are
known. It is therefore believed that only order-of-magnitude estimates can
be given for the number of fragments per parent particle, such as those listed
in Table I.
The outlined hypothesis of particle fragmentation in cometary tails
adopts that a particular synchronic band is composed of fragments, whose parent
particles had a certain 1-u acceleration, were simultaneously ejected from the
nucleus and later, also at the same time, crumbled into fragments. If the
first condition is relaxed to allow a multiple-peak distribution of sizes of
H -H
Q) •*
ft 0
• •
O 1
<4- co="" l="" m="" o="">
CJ 'a
•H O
4J -H
CO 01 1
I i Jj
01 CX
co S
ex o
J^ m M i c^
C r^
If \.^
m -4"
o m • • • I i
• - cr> -*
o + rH r^ v
rH 1
O in rH
*3~ r^ r** C3
O 0\ • I 1
• CM r^ ^ 10
o + rH . <»• m
vO 1
cu >> co d
rH 00 CJ >> JJ CU
o c co co /— v co B
•H rH O) TJ CO 4J 00
rH CfljJ'H C rHTJ >*• B <4- -h="" 00="" 04="" cou-="" f="" l="" o="" ov-="" rh="" u-l="" u=""> H -H TJ (0. >4-i O
•W 4JCC U 4J *JC *-* P OlH
M c o co vj o u-i 4-1
CX M C C CX 4-1 4-1 U-i a) CO
CO 4-1 T-l CU CO C O -Q CX
C cu S) 'c' C C B 3- 3 4J
cx co u-i c cuc a
U-I 4J O O -H U-I U-I U-I CO
o CU-HTJ P o o cu SP
B B C cua i u- i oo-Hc u
3. CO^-'C O SO- CUO CU C 4JC X
I-H -H 00 00 cd CO
rH O H < < & W
the parent particles, the result is a system of practically parallel
synchronic bands. Such a property of band systems has actually been observed
in the tails of a few comets. It permits to improve the determinacy of the
three -fragmentation parameters and so does the identification of the same
synchronic bands on photographs taken on two or more consecutive days.
One can also think of multiple fragmentation of cometary particles.
Mathematically this case is tractable with the same ease as the problem of
simple fragmentation, and I have a computer program handling the corresponding
particle dynamics. At present, however, there does not seem to be any clear
observational evidence for multiple fragmentation of particles in the cometary
Incidental to the problem of the motions of particles subject to
vaporization and/or fragmentation is that the term syndyne becomes ambiguous
or meaningless and should not be used unless it is redefined.
The preceding sections have demonstrated that the explanation of all the major
features observed in the dust tails of comets is within' the reach of the mechanical
theory, in spite of the fact that the original ideas of Bessel and Bredikhin required
considerable revisions. We wish to stress, however, that while we claim that no additional
forces — other than solar gravitational attraction and solar radiation pressure —
need be considered to explain the observed motions of dust particles in cometary tails
(after their lifting into the coma by molecular drag), we do not deny that the particles
are also subject to other, though much smaller, forces. Credence should be given at
this point to at least two studies that appear to show a potential presence of detectable
forces in the dust tails ignored by the mechanical theory. Belton (1965, 1966) noted that
in comets where both prominent plasma and dust tails are present, their orientations
near the nucleus appear to coincide, thus perhaps suggesting that an important interaction
may occur between the dust and plasma in certain cases. Along a different line of
reasoning, Harwit and Vanysek (1971) suggested that an alignment of the angularmomentum
axes of dust grains may result in cometary tails from bombardment by
solar protons and in cometary heads from the drag by outgoing gas from the nucleus.
An indication of such a phenomenon was indeed detected by Clarke (1971) in his polarization
measurements of Bennett 1970 n.
Unfortunately, many fundamental properties of the dust tails are still known with
only a rather unsatisfactory precision, the uncertainties in particle size and composition
being perhaps the most severe. In spite of the accomplishments of the Finson- .
Probstein method, we do not know what the particles are made of. Numerous investigations
were undertaken in the past to attack the problem from another direction, often
by comparing the distribution of energy in the continuous spectrum of a comet's head
or tail with theoretical curves for light scattering by small particles based on the Mie
theory (e.g., Liller I960; Remy-Battiau 1964). O'Dell (1974) compared the results of
three different methods of particle-size determination applied to Comet Bennett, yet
he found an uncertainty of at least a half an order of magnitude in the value of the
minimum particle size.
Infrared observations represent another line of attack. Maas et al. (1970) found
that the infrared radiation from Comet Bennett indicated effective temperatures significantly
higher than the expected blackbody temperature in the 2- to 20-|jm region and
i •
that a strong emission feature existed near 10 |jm, which was interpreted as due to
silicate grains. Extending his multichannel photometry between 0.55 and 18 jam to
Comets 1973f, 1974b, and P/Encke, Ney (1974) recently confirmed the excessive
temperature [detected also by Becklin and Westphal (1966) in Comet Ikeya-Seki
1965 VDI] as well as the silicate signature. He was also able to set a lower limit
(from the absence of Rayleigh scattering) and an upper limit (from the opacity of
silicate material) to the average particle size: 0.2 and 2 pm, respectively. However,
the antitail of 1973f showed neither excessive temperatures nor any silicate signature,
and Ney concluded — in complete agreement with my independent finding
(Sekanina 1974c) — that the antitail particles must have been definitely larger than 10
in diameter.
The field where infrared data would be of invaluable assistance to the theory is
the study of the tails of distant comets. Present infrared techniques may not yet be
sensitive enough to pick up the faint images of the comets at large heliocentric distances,
but Rieke and Lee's (1974) observations, in the wavelength range 10 to 20 |jm,
of Comet Kohoutek at distances of almost 2 a. u. hold out hopes for the future.
Further progress in the study of icy grains in the tails also depends on better knowledge
of the optical properties of snows. At present, laboratory data on water snow are
rather fragmentary, and those on other snows of interest — such as solid hydrates —
are virtually nonexistent.
More work is needed on the anomalous tails of short-period comets, as well as on
the apparent absence of a correlation between them and meteor streams. We would
consider the possibility of predicting future favorable visibility conditions for antitails
of short-period comets to facilitate a reasonably efficient observational program, if
interest is expressed in pursuing such a search. In any case, we plan to make routine
predictions of expected antitail appearances for bright, nearly parabolic comets.
The nature and properties of vaporizing dust particles in cometary tails probably
constitute the most intricate problem ahead. Work is in progress on the antitail of
Kohoutek 1973f and on the synchronic bands in Mrkos 1957 V — the two instances where
the presence of vaporizing particles now appears to show up rather convincingly. A
comparative study of the antitails of Comets Kohoutek and Arend-Roland is intended for
the near future. The two best comets for a systematic study of the synchronic bands —
in addition to 1957 V — are 1965 Vm and 1910 I. Concerning the latter, a discrepancy
exists between Orlov's (1945) and Vsekhsvyatsky's (1959) comparison fits of the
synchronic bands, and this needs clarification.
A purely mechanical approach is also used by Jambor (1974) to point out that there
might be problems in reconciling existing models of the zodiacal cloud with the mechanism
of dust contribution from short-period comets, in terms of both the amount of dust that
can be supplied and particle sizes. A more comprehensive study is clearly necessary.
This work was supported by Grant NCR 09-015-159 from the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
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P. M. Millman; In reference to Dr. Sekanina's suggestion that the tensile
strength of the dust in comet tails may break down at certain sizes in their
evaporization, it should be noted that evidence from various types of observation
of the interplanetary medium suggests that there is a tendency for micrometeoroids
to break into certain preferred sizes in various size regimes.
Z. Sekanina: I'm of course glad to hear that.
E. Gerard; Did you study what the effect of the rotation of the nucleus
may be if you have anisotropic dust emission and could this affect the dust tail
curvature ?
Z. Sekanina; I don't want to go into details, but the basically correct
answer is that it would not affect the curvature.
D. A. Mendis; A modification of the mechanical theory could be produced
by the charging of the grains. With small grains in the typical environment
of the tail it is not difficult to charge them to large potentials and if magnetic
fields in the tail are of the order of 100—lOOOj it may be possible to explain
the helical features seen in the dust tail of comet Ikeya-Seki.
Z. Sekanina: This is, of course, one of the objections that has been
raised in the past. My reply to that is, if you come up with a quantitative picture
and you get better agreement than I get with other sources, I am going to
accept it. So far, nobody has come up with a sufficiently precise quantitative
B. Jambor; I am anxious to see the applicability of the "vaporizing
particle" variation of the Finson-Probstein theory shown by Dr. Sekanina to
Comet Ikeya-Seki. In this case the features appear only far away in the tail in
the zone where particles of 1-n >1 are found, showing that only small particles
are involved, the larger ones do not seem to vaporize. Vaporization and reduction
of radius should be accompanied by charging and therefore plasma effects
are to be expected. If no such effects are observed, one should almost necessarily
ask: "why?"
Z. Sekanina; Yes. There is a complete lack of sufficiently precise
theory that explain the observations by including other forces. If this problem
were overcome, I would be willing to accept such a theory but so far, nothing
great has happened.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
W. F. Huebner: What is the significance of the value of 0.585 for the
density? Is this an effective value, or are you assuming spherical particles?
Z. Sekanina; This number is only a mathematical exercise. We generally
work with 1 minus mu, and if we want to talk about particle radii, we
have to assume the density. Of course, in the case of vaporization we are very
lucky because what we actually get is the change in the size multiplied by the
density, so that a only problem would arise only if the density of the particle
changes. I use QRp =1 everywhere in the calculation and I use latent heat of
vaporization=30 Kcal/mole.
W. F. Huebner; If the dust particles vaporize under the effect of solar
radiation, then the released atoms may get ionized, either by radiation or by
charge exchange. The Los Alamos Vela satellite group can look at the ionic
charge-to-.mass ratio, e.g., they have detected various isotopes of iron coining
from the solar abundances. Is there any possibility of looking for released
eometary ions in the Vela satellite data; what date might be the most appropriate
to look for?
Z. Sekanina: The dates would be specific for various comets.
H. Keller: The orbital positions of satellites were checked by M. Dryer at
NOAA Boulder to determine whether they were favorable for detection of eometary
ion in Kohoutek. They were not. '
Does Comet Ikeya-Seki also show evaporation of dust?
The observations of the fast increase in the tail length of Kohoutek after perihelion
by the astronauts on Skylab may support the evaporation of particles,
since large values of 1-iu (>10) were necessary as explanation (not taking evaporation
into account).
Z. Sekanina: Yes. I haven't done the quantitative analysis but I know that
this may be the case.
E. Griin; I do not agree with Dr. Sekanina's statement that the probability
of detecting particles by in-situ dust experiments is very low. Trajectories
of dust particles can always be found — by varying the emission time and the
size of particles — such that these particles are at the same place in space as
the in-situ detector during its penetration through the orbital plane of the comet.
The probability of detection is really dependent on how abundant these particles
are. Our group will continue looking for more evidence of dust-particles released
from comets using our dust detector on Helios A.
DISCUSSION (Continued)
Z. Sekanina; I haven't done a quantitative analysis but I think it's a good
idea to try this experiment.
B. J. Jambor
The origin of the Zodiacal cloud has been attributed to an influx of cometary
debris which maintains a stable meteoritic complex (Whipple, 1955). Objections
to a cometary origin of the Zodiacal cloud were presented by Harwit (1963) without
denting the cometary theory (Whipple, 1967). Since then, the Finson-Probstein
theory of dust production has been applied successfully to dusty comets. As a
consequence size distributions of dust particles have been deduced for Arend
Roland, 1957 III, (Finson and Probstein, 1968), Seki-Lines, 1962 III, (Jambor,
1973), Bennett, 1970 II, (Sekanina and Miller, 1973) and Kohoutek, 1973 f.
(Jambor unpublished). Only careful consideration of the size distribution of
the dust from periodic comets can resolve the problem of the origin of the
Zodiacal cloud.. The following reexamines the production and history of the dust
released from periodic comets using the Finson-Probstein theory and compares
it to the size distribution of dust deduced from the above mentioned comets.
History of the Dust Released by Comets
Practically none of the dust released by new comets with near parabolic orbits
stays in the inner parts of the solar system. The dust acquires hyperbolic orbits
and is lost. Of the periodic comets with period less than 200 years we know that
some are responsible for regular meteor showers. One can calculate the minimum
size a dust grain released with zero initial velocity by an elliptical comet
must have to have a non-parabolic or non-hyperbolic orbit and thus stay in the
solar system. It can be shown that the eccentricity of the dust grain is
e . =
-' ''V. c /6 Pd
where the expression between brackets is the_£nird moment of the distribution
f unc t i on:
oo /(Pdd)3 g(odd) d(Pdd) .
The mass contribution is not very sensitive to the smaller particles but weighted
V 945
.4 -
.2 -
10 12 14 16 18
Figure 1 - A zeroth order logarithmic distribution (Z.O.L.D) with modal
size a = 1 ym and scatter parameter a = 0.7.
towards the lower part of the distribution where larger particles are found.
It is, therefore, not correct to base mass injection rates on calculations
based on visual estimates of absolute magnitude. In the first place, the separation
between emission and continuum must be done carefully, since bright
comets can have low dust content. Secondly, considering the dust continuum only,
a size distribution must be carefully calculated taking into account the dynamics
of the particles, as revealed by the shape of the tail, which delineates
the maximum and minimum sizes, together with the brightness distribution.
On the basis of such size distributions which determine the true ratio of large
to small particles produced by the comet, mass production can be obtained. One
can, therefore, not deduce a necessarily large mass injection from a bright
visual display, nor can one estimate the previous brightness of a comet like
Encke from the relics found in meteor streams. The presence of large particles
detected as meteors coming from Encke does not necessarily mean an abundance of
large particles high enough to replenish the Zodiacal cloud by itself.
We can eliminate all of the bright new comets from the ranks of the contributors
to the Zodiacal cloud. Among the periodic comets, all particles of size much
smaller than 10 ^m are lost also. This leaves only the large particles
as possible candidates. The situation at the present time does not allow us to
draw any definite conclusions about the extent of the contribution of periodic
comets. The amount of large particles released by Encke is not known. Only
a careful analysis of the dust content of this comet can give the answer.
Everhart, E (1974). The Evolution of Comet Orbits, These proceedings.
Finson, M. L. and Probstein, R. F. (1968). A Theory of Dust Comets,
Ap. J., 154. 327.
Giese, R. H. , (1973). Space Research XIII, 1165-1171, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin.
Harwit, M. (1963). Origins of the Zodiacal Dust Cloud. J.G.R., 68. 2171-2180.
Jambor, B.J. (1973). The Split Tail of Comet Seki-Lines. Ap. J. 185. 727-734.
James, J. F., and Smeethe, M. J. (1970), Nature 227. 588-589.
Kerker, M. (1969). The Scattering of Light. Academic Press, N.Y., 351.
Sekanina, Z. and Miller, F.D. (1973). Comet Bennett 1970 II. Science 179. 565-567.
Whipple, F. L. (1955). Ap. J. 121. 750.
Whipple, F. L. (1967). On Maintaining the Meteoritic Complex. In "The Zodiacal
Light and the Interplanetary Medium". (J. L. Weinberg ed) 409-425.
' N76-21091
H.-J. Hoffmann, H. Fechtig, E. Gr'un and J. Kissel
The HEOS 2 satellite was launched into a highly eccentric orbit
around the earth on January 31, 1972 and re-entered the earth's
atmosphere after a successful mission on August 2, 1974. Due to
the orbit (apogee: 24O OOO km, perigee: 3OO - 5OOO km) the
satellite spent most of the time in the interplanetary region
where the influence of the earth's gravitation field is negligible
with regard to its effect on interplanetary dust
The micrometeoroid experiment on board measured the mass and the
speed of dust particles by the plasma produced during their
impact on the sensor. The field of view was a cone with a
semi-angle of 60°. The detector was mounted with the axis
of symmetry parallel to the spin axis of the spacecraft.
By an active reorientation system the viewing direction of
the detector could be turned in any direction perpendicular
to the earth-sun line. A detailed description of the detector
has been given earlier (Dietzel et al., 1973} (Hoffmann et al.,
About 54 days before the end of the mission the earth and hence
the satellite passed through the orbital plane of comet Kohoutek.
Prior to this event a study of the orbital mechanics
of the earth, the comet and its dust showed that it should
be possible within the given attitude constraints
of the spacecraft to encounter dust released from the comet.
Particles, ejected from a comet which moves on a parabolic
orbit, can be detected by an earth orbiting satellite only
during the transit of the earth through the orbital plane
of the comet, provided that the comet's node is on or within
the earth orbit. In the latter case merely particles with
orbits further outwards are able to encounter the earth.
This applies to particles subject to the repulsive force
of radiation pressure after being released from the comet
nucleus. With B denoting the ratio of the force of radiation
pressure to that of gravity, particles with an appropriate
8 > O can encounter the earth orbit. Due to the radiation
pressure the particles lag behind the comet and can only
be detected if the comet passes its node before the transit
of the earth through the orbital plane of the comet. Thus,
in principle, solely particles with a, specific value of
£ = 3 and a specific heliocentric release distance r = r_
are able to encounter the earth.
During the emission process the outstreaming gas from the
comet nucleus adds a velocity distribution to the initial
speed of the particles given by the comet's speed at the
release time. This effect will permit particles from a
certain range of heliocentric distances around rR and
with values of 6 around 8 to encounter the earth. As
demonstrated in figure 1, in the case of comet Kohoutek,
JUN.7 (1974)
Fig. 1: Trajectory of dust particle (B =1) released from
comet Kohoutek at a heliocentric distance of
r_. = 4.3 AU passing the earth close to the comet's
line of nodes and velocity diagram during encounte]
(to the left).
particles with 3^1 released at a heliocentric distance
re «* 4.3 AU could encounter the earth. Their heliocentric
speed at the release point is approximately 20 km/sec.
With 8 = 1 the net force acting on the particle is zero,
so their speed remains constant and they move on a straight
line tangentially to the comet's orbit. Close to their
ascending node they are overtaken by the earth. Their geocentric
speed is 19 km/sec with the apparent radiant 43
away from the earth's apex towards the sun; hence the best
viewing direction of the detector within the given attitude
constraints is towards the earth's apex. The particles then
would encounter the detector at an angle of incidence of
approximately 40 which is well within the detector's field
of view.
During the transit of the earth through the orbital plane
of the comet, the rate of particles with speeds of
approximately 19 km/sec should increase compared to the.,,
normal rate before and after the transit while viewing
towards the earth's apex for particles with $ #*» 1. Since
the inclination of the comet's orbit is fairly low
(i = 14.3°) it would be possible to detect these particles
for a time-period of approximately two months around the
Due to refurbishing of telemetry stations the detector could
not be reorientated before May 16, 1974. At that time the rates
were already significantly increased, but the remaining period
until the mission end was sufficient to observe the decrease
of the rate towards the "normal" value. The normal rates were
taken from the two periods in 1972 from day 9O-14O and in 1973
from day 29-214 when the detector also was viewing towards the
earth's apex.
In figure 2a and 2b the average particle rate is shown as a
function of the particle speed and mass, respectively, presenting
the data from the transit period (period T) on the right
and those under normal conditions (period N) on the left part
of the figures. The rates refer to the randomly distributed
particles with known speed from the interplanetary region
(Hoffmann et al., 1975) and the appropriate effective measuring
time T taking into account the data coverage.
As demonstrated in figure 2a the rates of particles with speeds
less than 15 km/sec are equal within the statistical error
for both periods, whereas during period T a significant excess
of particles is observed in the speed interval from 15-2O km/sec
where the cometary particles were expected. Accordingly, in
figure 2b during period T the mass distribution raises in the
-13 —11
mass range from 10 to 1O g over the normal mass distribution
(background). In figure 2c both criteria established in
figure 2a and 2b have been combined, showing the history
HEOS 2 EXP. S 215
I \ I
1972 DAY: 90-UO
, 1973 DAY: 29-2U
T EFF :97 d
450 m/sec.
This project was supported by the "Bundesministerium fur
Forschung und Technologic". We also acknowledge the excellent
cooperation with ESTEC and ESOC.
Alexander W.M., Arthur G.W., Bohn J.L. and Smith J.C. (1973)
"Four Years of Dust Particle Measurements in Cislunar
and Selenocentric Space from Lunar Explorer 35 and
OGO 3". Space Research XIII, Akademieverlag Berlin,
Bigg E.K. and Thompson W,J. (1969) "Daytime Photograph of a
Group of Meteor Trails". Nature 222, 156
Dietzel H., Eichhorn G., Fechtig H., Griin E., Hoffmann H.-J.
and Kissel J. (1973) "The HEOS 2 and Helios
Micrometeoroid Experiments". J. of Phys. E:
Sci. Instrum 6, 209
Finson M.L; and Probstein R.F. (1968) "A Theory of Dust Comets.
II Results for Comet Arend-Roland". Astrophys. J.
154, 353
Hemenway C.L. (1973) "Collections of Cosmic Dust" paper
presented at "Whipple Memorial Symposium",
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Hoffmann H.-J., Fechtig H., Grxin E. and Kissel J. (1975)
"First Results of the Micrometeoroid Experiment
S-215 on the HEOS 2 Satellite". Planet. Space
Sci. 23, 215
Sekanina Z. (1975) "Progress in Our Understanding of Cometary
Dust Tails".Proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 25
Sekanina Z. and Miller F.D. (1973) "Comet Bennett 1970 II".
Science 179, 565
Whipple F.L. and Hawkins G.S. (1959) "Meteors". Handbuch der
Physik, Vol. 52, ed. S. Flvigge, Springer-Verlag
Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg, 519
N76-2109 3
D. E. Brownlee, F. Horz, D. A. Tomandl and P. W. Hodge
This paper presents physical properties of interplanetary dust
determined by in-situ techniques. It is probable that, like millimeter-sized
meteoroids (Jacchia, et al. 1967), most interplanetary
dust is cometary matter. Although a cometary origin for interplanetary
dust is widely accepted (Whipple 1967) (Millman, 1972) there is
currently no unambiguous proof of this hypothesis. The results
presented here must be interpreted accordingly. It must also be
remembered that even if interplanetary particles are cometary, they
might possibly be altered in the interplanetary medium by collisions
and by thermal effects during close perihelion passages, so the
dust particles may not be representative of unaltered cometary
Over the past 5 years it has become possible to make relatively
direct measurements of some physical properties of interplanetary
dust. Morphological analysis of micrometeorite craters found on
lunar rocks and returned spacecraft experiments has provided an
opportunity to measure the properties on an unbiased sample of interplanetary
particles, and the collection.of genuine micrometeorites in
the stratosphere has made it possible to do detailed laboratory
investigation on them.
The hypervelocity (>3 km s ) impact of an interplanetary dust
grain onto a surface results in the almost total vaporization of the
particle and in the production of a crater. Through laboratory simulation
experiments and the analysis of craters on lunar rocks, criteria
have been developed that enable reliable identification of such impact
sites (Hartung et al., 1972). Laboratory calibration experiments
(Vedder and Mandeville, 1974) make it possible to correlate crater
morphological parameters with certain physical properties of the
impacting projectiles.
a.) Shape and Density
Vedder and Mandeville's (1974) calibrations demonstrate that the
circularities and depth/diameter ratios of micron-sized micrometeorite
craters are determined in part by the shapes and densities of impacting
meteoroids. By measurement of circularities and depth/diameter ratios
for a large number of lunar microcraters, it was concluded that micronsized
meteoroids are roughly equidimensional and they have densities
compatible with stony meteorites (Brownlee et al., 1973)(Horz et al.,
1975). The high degree of circularity of lunar craters is strong
evidence that grossly nonspherical shapes like platelets and rods are
practically non-existent in the interplanetary medium. The measured
depth/diameter ratios indicate meteoroid densities greater than 1 g cm
and less than 7 g cm . Strict interpretation of the data implies a
mean meteoroid density between 2 and 4 g cm . Recent measurements of
depths of craters on small lunar glass spherules by Smith et al. (1974)
indicate three groupings of depth/diameter ratios corresponding to
-3 -3 -3
projectile densities of 8 g cm , 3 g cm and 1-2 g cm . These measurements
disagree with our measurements in that an abundance of particles as
dense as metallic iron are reported. The existence of dense particles is
currently a matter of dispute, but both groups agree that particles of ex-
treme low density (<1 -o="" 0.001="" 0.5="" 0="" 1-0="" 10="" 110pm="" 1951="" 1971="" 1973="" 1975="" 1="" 20="" 20um.="" 2="" 2pm="" 30n="" 30ym="" 34="" 3="" 4-1="" 4="" 4j="" 50="" 5o="" 6="" 964="" 965="" 966="" a="" abundances="" aggregate="" agreement="" air.="" air="" aircraft.="" al.="" all="" aluminum="" ambient="" amounts="" an="" analyses="" analysis="" analyzed="" and="" apparently="" are="" area="" as="" ason="" at="" atmosphere="" average="" averages="" b.="" b="" balloon="" be="" because="" been="" both="" bulk="" but="" by="" c3="" can="" case="" cd="" chemistry="" chondritic="" circles="" cl="" clean="" close="" cm="" co="" collected="" collection="" collections="" cometary="" common="" composition="" concept="" conditions="" considerably="" construed="" contain="" contained="" contains="" contaminant="" contradiction="" cover="" cr="" crater.="" crater="" craters="" crosses="" cumulatively="" densities="" deposition="" detectable="" diameter="" diameters="" different="" direct="" disregarding="" do="" dominant="" e="" each="" echtig="" elemental="" energy="" enormous="" entry="" essentially="" estimated="" et="" evidence="" examined="" exist.="" experiment="" experiments="" extraterrestrial="" extreir.ely="" fact="" fe-ni="" fe="" figure="" filled="" five="" flights="" floor.="" fluffy="" flux="" for="" found="" from="" g="" given="" grain="" grains.="" group.="" had="" has="" have="" high="" hipple="" however="" hundreds="" identical="" igure="" iii.="" impact="" impacted="" impacting="" impactor="" in="" independent="" indicate="" indicates="" inertial="" inside="" interplanetary="" into="" iron="" is="" isi="" it="" iv="" j="" km="" known="" lack="" large="" larger="" lining="" lloyin="" lloym="" long-duration="" low="" loym="" lu="" lunar="" m.0="" m="" magnitude="" majority="" mass="" measurements="" metal="" metallic="" metals="" meteorite="" meteorites="" meteoroid="" meteoroids.="" meteoroids="" mg.="" mg="" micrometeorite="" micrometeorites="" micron-sized="" microprobe="" mineral="" minor="" mm="" mn="" more="" mounds="" mounted="" must="" nasa="" nearly="" ni="" no="" normal="" normally="" not="" o.i="" o="" observation="" of="" oil-coated="" on="" one="" only="" onto="" open="" or="" order="" our="" oxide="" particle="" particles.="" particles="" particulate="" poor="" primarily="" probe="" processes="" produced="" projectiles="" q="" qualitatively="" range="" rare="" ratios="" reported="" represent="" residue.="" residue="" respectively="" result="" retention="" rownlee="" run="" runs="" s228="" sampled="" sampler="" samples="" sampling="" seems="" separate="" showed="" shown="" si="" significant="" silicate="" silicates.="" silicates="" similar="" simulation="" size="" sizes="" skylab="" small="" smaller="" so="" somewhat="" spots="" squares="" stratosphere.="" stratospheric="" stream="" successful="" suitable="" sulfide="" sulfur="" surface="" surfaces.="" survive="" survived="" targets="" technique="" than="" that="" the="" their="" then="" there="" this="" those="" ti="" to="" totally="" traditional="" two="" types="" u-2="" u-l="" um="" upon="" vaporized="" velocity="" volumes="" voluminous="" was="" we="" were="" whatever="" where="" which="" with="" x="">5yrn are with iron sulfides with some
Ni or are particles with abundances of Fe, Si, Mg, Ca, Ni and
S consistent with chondritic meteorites. We have collected
and analyzed 50 chrondritic particles and 26 iron-sulfur-nickel (FSN)
particles. The measured stratospheric flux of both types is 4 x 10 part,
m s for diameters >_ 6pm.
The particles are analyzed qualitatively using energy dispersive
X-ray techniques in the SEM. The FSN particle compositions are consistent
with troilite (or pyrrhotite) containing 1-5% Ni. These particles
(see Figure 4) contain no other detectable elements and the Ni has
never been found to be higher than 5%. The chondritic particles
agree remarkably well with chondritic meteorites (Figure 3), with Mg,
Si, and Fe relative abundances usually within a factor of 2 of chondritic
values. Most of these particles contain sulfur at approximately the
5 wt % level, and Ca and Ni at the 1% level, but no higher. With long
integration times minor amounts of Cr and Mn usually also can be
detected. In the optical microscope the particles are very black,
suggesting the existence of an appreciable carbon content. We do not
see particles with near-chondritic compositions that have anomalously
high abundances of non-cosmically abundant elements, (i.e. Al, Ca, Na,
K, Cu, Ti, etc.).
One particle has been ground in half, polished and analyzed
quantitatively with standard microprobe techniques. This particle,
because of its spherical shape, its depletion of sulfur and the
existence of small magnetite grains,similar to those seen in meteorite
fusion crusts (Blanchard and Cunningham, 1974), is believed to be a
meteor ablation droplet. Considering the fact that the particle is
only 12pm in diameter, the agreement with chondritic abundances is
remarkable (see Table I).
That a large fraction of the collected particles have chondritic
abundance patterns is very strong evidence that the particles are bonafide
microraeteorites and not contamination artifacts. A close match
• MSEC HllC/ s
»$ 5»t MS: 9>EV/C M
>»:$••• Mi: MH/CM
• ttfSIC MIC/S
U2-5AI2 U2-5A OS
me /s
244SC C
3 »IC /' S
9«EV/C H
Figure 3 Energy dispersive X-ray spectra of 4 chondritic micrometeorites
collected at 20 km altitude, compared \vith representative
spectra of the Murchison and Allende carbonaceous chondrites.
Each spectrum is a plot of the number of detected X-ray photons
vs. photon energy (Kev). The line marked "coating" is Pd.
The gold line is coincident with Sulfur and makes the UZ-5A
sulfur peaks appear ^25% higher than they should be. The
small peak near 10 Kev in the U2-A particles is a gold L line.
Figure A SEM picture of U2-5B (3), a iron-sulfur-nickel micrometeorite
collected with a U2 aircraft at 20 Km. This particle is a single
crystal which makes it unique among the collected FSN particles.
Most of the FSN particles are spheres. The iron:nickel ratio is
11:1 weight percent. Scale bar •» lym.
Mlcroprobe analysis of the 12p diameter spherical micfometeorite
VM II A-4 — a probable meteor ablation debris.
VMII A-4 C3 Chondrite Average
< .027
< .15
(Mason Handbook)
total 97.25
The partition of Fe between FeO and Fe00 is based on the optical
microscope estimate that. ^20% of the polished section is magnetite.
The low total may be due to the presence of carbon. Carbon is present
in the fusion crusts of some carbonaceous chondrites.
with chondritic abundances for Fe, Mg, Si, S, Ca and Ni is a highly
diagnostic identification criterion. We know of no single natural
or man-made material from the earth or from the moon with similar
abundances. Over 50% of the FSN particles are spheres and it is
possible that they are meteor ablation debris. Only 10% of the
chondritic particles are spheres. The non-spherical chondritic
particles have structural textures and sulfur abundances that suggest
that they are particles which have not been thermally altered bypassage
through the atmosphere. Except for the spheres, all of the
chondritic particles are aggregates of very small grains. Typical
grain sizes are in the range 1000 A - 10,000 A (Figures 5-8). There
appears to be a filling material between many of the grains and the major
visible difference from particle to particle appears to be in the
abundance of the filling material. The particles with very little filling
between grains have porosities which would give the particles bulk
densities on the order of 1 g cm . Typical particles have sufficient
filling material to give bulk densities on the order of 2 g cm or
As a stereotype interplanetary dust particle,for optical scattering
calculations, we suggest a model meteoroid which is roughly spherical and
has a density of 2 g cm . The model particle has chondritic elemental
abundances. Like C 1 chondrites the model also contains a high content
£• 4%) of finely dispersed carbon which has a dominating effect on optical
Both particle collections and roicrocrater analyses indicate that
micron-sized interplanetary particles have densities greater than 1 g cm
Figure 6 Chondritic micrometeorite U2-5A (35). Scale bar = lvm.
Figure 7 Chondritic micrometeorite U2-5A (29). This particle has an
aggregate structure but contains a large amount of inter-grain
filling material resulting in a rather low porosity. Seal
bar = lym.
Figure 8 Chondritic micrometeorite U2-5B (24). This particle contains
a moderate amount of filling material and the structure is rather
typical of the chondritic micrometeorites. Scale bar - lym.
Consideration of both data sources suggests that typical particles have
-3 -3
densities between 1 g cm and 4 g cm . Although the collection data
might be affected by selection effects, the crater data is not. The
laboratory calibrations very closely simulate the actual impact conditions
on lunar rocks and it is believed that the density lower limit derived
from crater data is quite reliable. These results indicate that the
widely-accepted hypothesis that interplanetary grains have extremely low
densities is incorrect. If a cometary origin of micrometeoroids as well
as the reported mean densities of 0.3 g cm for the somewhat larger
cometary meteors are correct, then our results indicate a structure of
cometary matter such that high porosity does not exist in particles smaller
than about 50ym.
Our observations indicate that the majority of interplanetary dust
grains are rather equidimensional aggregates of sub-micron grains with
bulk elemental abundances very similar to primitive meteorites. Analysis
of meteor spectra (Millman, 1972) (Harvey, 1973), measurement of ion
enrichment in the mesosphere during some meteor showers (Goldberg and
Aikin, 1973) and the characterization of the micrometeoritic component in
lunar soils (Anders et al., 1973) also indicate that the majority of small
interplanetary particles have abundances similar to primitive chondritic
meteorites. In addition, our results indicate that a smaller but
significant fraction of interplanetary particles are iron sulfides which
contain a few percent nickel. It is significant that both FSN-like particles
and fine grained aggregate particles with chondritic compositions could
be produced by crushing primitive meteorites to a 10pm particle size.
Iron sulfides with a few percent Ni are common in C2 and C3 meteorites and
the matrix of all carbonaceous chondrites is similar to the chondritic
particles. Analyses of Sum square areas on polished surfaces of Orgueil
(Cl), Murchison (CM2) and Allende (CV3) show abundance dispersions very
similar to those observed in the 50 chondritic particles collected from
the stratosphere.
The similarity between interplanetary dust and meteorites is probably
not a consequence of a common origin but rather a result of their both
being accretional aggregates of small particles which condensed from a
gas of cosmic composition. It is generally accepted that primitive
meteorites are aggregates of particles which formed in the solar nebula
within 5 AU of the sun. If the particles analyzed in this study are
cometary then it is possible that they formed at much greater distances
from the sun, either by accretion of condensates from the solar nebula
or by accretion of pre-existing interstellar grains. It may be feasable
to investigate these possibilities by detailed investigations of chondritic
micrometeorites. Primitive meteorites contain a variety of inclusions
(chondrules, calcium aluminum inclusions, olivine, glass, etc.1) some
of which may have been produced only in the inner parts of the solar
nebulae and would not be expected to be incorporated in bodies formed
further out. Searches for meteoritic-like inclusions plus comparitive mineralogical
(via electron and X-ray diffraction techniques) and morphological studies
of micrometeorites may be capable of determining whether or not micrometeorite
and meteorite parent bodies formed in the same region of the
solar system.
Preliminary investigation of grain shapes in interplanetary dust
indicates that they are not similar to common grain shapes in carbonaceous
chondrites. The constituent grains in micrometeorites are fairly equidimensional
while grains in most carbonaceous chondrites are typically
platelet shaped. The only mineralogical information obtained to date,
for an unablated particle, is an X-ray diffraction pattern obtained for
the largest particle collected. The pattern shows the definite existence
of magnetite. Magnetite is a low temperature mineral, in meteorites, and
is only found in abundance in type 1 carbonaceous chondrites.
Existing microanalysis techniques are very powerful. It is anticipated
that further SEM and transmission electron microscope studies on micrometeorites
will result in a rather detailed knowledge of their mineralogy
and structure. This information is potentially capable of providing
rather fundamental insights into the processes that formed cometary bodies.
Anders, E., Ganapathy, R., KrHherblihl, U., and Morgan, J.W. 1973,
Meteoritic Material on the Moon, The Moon, 8, 3.
Blanchard, M.B., and Cunningham, G.G. 1974, Meteor Ablation Studies: Olivine,
J. Geophys. Res., 79, 3973.
Brownlee, D.E., Hodge, P.W. and Bucher, W. 1973, The Physical Nature of
Interplanetary Dust as Inferred by Particles Collected at 35 km, in
Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids, IAU Colloquium 13.,
ed., C.L. Hemenway, P.M. Millman and A.F. Cook, (NASA SP-319), p. 291.
Brownlee, D.E., Horz, F., Vedder, J.F., Gault, D.E. and Hartung, J.B. 1973,
Some physical properties of micrometeoroids, Proc. Fourth tunar^Sci.
Conf., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Suppl. 4, Vol. 3, 3197.
Brownlee, D.E., Tomandl, D.A., Hodge, P.W., and Horz, F. 1975, Elemental
abundances in interplanetary dust, Nature, (in press).
Fechtig, H., Centner, W., Hartung, J.B., Nagel, K., Neukum, G., Schneider,
E., and Storzer, D. 1975, Microcraters on Lunar Samples, Proc. of
the Soviet-American Conference on Cosmochemistry of the Moon and the
Planets, in press.
Goldberg, R.A. and Aikin, A.C. 1973, Comet Enche: meteor metallic ion
identification by mass spectrometer, Science, 180, 294.
Hartung, J.B., Horz, F., and Gault, D.E. 1972, Lunar microcraters and
interplanetary dust, Proc. Third Lunar Sci. Conf., Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, Suppl. 3, Vol. 3, (MIT Press), 2735.
Harvey, G.A. 1973, Elemental abundance for meteors by spectroscopy, J.
Geophys. Res., 78, 3913.
Horz, F., Brownlee, D.E., Fechcig, H., Hartung, J.B., Morrison, D.A., Neukum,
G., Schneider, E., and Vedder, J.F. 1975, Lunar Microcraters, implications
for the microneteoroid complex. Planet. Space Sci., in press.
Jacchia, L.G., Verninani, F., and Briggs, R.E. 1967, An analysis of the
atmospheric trajectories of 413 precisely reduced photographic meteors,
Smithsonian Contr. to Astrophysics, 10.
Mason, B. 19.71, Handbook of elemental Abundances in Meteorites, (Gordon
and Breach, New York).
Millman, P.M. 1972, Cometary meteoroids, in Nobel Symposium 21: From
Plasma to planet, ed. A. Elvius, (Wiley) p. 157.
Smith, D., Adams, N.G., and Khan, H.A. 1974, Flux and composition of
micrometeoroids in the diameter range l-10ym. Nature, 252, 101.
Vedder, J.F. and Mandeville, J.-C. 1974, Microcraters formed in glass by
projectiles of various densities, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 3247.
Whipple, F.L. 1951, The theory of micrometeorites, Part II: In a
hetrothermal atmosphere, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 37, 19.
Whipple, F.L. 1967, On maintaining the meteoritic complex, in The Zodiacal
Light and Interplanetary Medium, ed. J.L. Weinberg, NASA SP-150.
F. L. Whipple; My only comment is that the classical diameter of interstellar
grains is 2000A!
S. Auer; How could you collect a highly porous and fragile looking particle
without destroying it?
D. Brownlee; It was collected from an aircraft at a small relative velocity
S. Auer; What is your argument that this particle has an extraterrestrial
D. Brownlee; The only argument is the similarity between its composition
and the composition of carbonaceous chondrites. Terrestrial particles should
have a different composition.
D. K. Yeomans
Several recent studies have been undertaken to optimize mission strategies and
to select appropriate instrumentation for in situ studies of short period comets
(Farquhar et al, 1974; Bender, 1974; Newburn, 1973; Meissinger, 1972;
Roberts, 1971). Although some studies have contrasted the physical characteristics
of several proposed target comets, few have comprehensively studied
the orbital history and ephemeris uncertainties of target comets. In general,
the navigational accuracy of cometary flyby probes is almost entirely dependent
upon the target comet's position uncertainty at the time of intercept. Although
cometary error analyses are necessary for realistic mission planning, such
analyses cannot be conducted in the standard fashion. Comets are affected by
nongravitational forces (Marsden et al, 1973), they occasionally exhibit
slight discontinuities in their orbital motions, and at least one comet (Biela)
has completely disintegrated (Marsden and Sekanina, 1971). Each comet is an
individual. Comets have steadfastly resisted recent attempts at classification.
Hence, it seems clear that, for each comet of interest in mission planning, a
separate in-depth error analysis study must be undertaken to realisticly determine
the target comet's ephemeris uncertainty at the time of intercept. Such
studies should consider a number of criteria in order to assure accurate ephemerides
for prospective cometary targets. Using the 1980 apparition of comet Encke as
an example, these criteria are outlined below.
1. The target comet should have good observability during the apparition of the
proposed intercept.
Ground based observations made prior to an intercept of a comet are
critically important for reducing cometary ephemeris uncertainties. How-
ever, for many cometary mission opportunities, recovery of the target comet
prior to spacecraft launch is not necessary. Provided the target comet is
recovered early enough, spacecraft thrusters are fully capable of removing
a priori cometary ephemeris errors with midcourse maneuvers. Fortunately,
for target comets that are recovered approximately three months prior to
intercept, ephemeris corrections up to 0.3 days can be removed with midcourse
maneuvers (Farquhar, 1975). For well observed short period comets, modern
ephemeris predictions have never required a correction of this size. Naturally,
the recovery of a comet, particularly an erratic comet, prior to launch would
minimize spacecraft energy expenditures.
At a particular time, a comet's uncertainty in position can be represented by
an error ellipsoid whose semi-major axes ( a , a , o ) are directed in a
radial Sun-comet direction (r), normal to the orbit plane (n = r x v) and
transverse to the orbit plane (T = n x r). In the absence of observations, the
error ellipsoid will evolve dynamically. In general, the a priori error
ellipsoid component o will reach a maximum value for a true anomaly ( v)
of + 90 degrees, when the radial velocity is a maximum. The transverse
velocity is a maximum at perihelion ( v - 0 ) so that the a priori transverse
component ( c ) is a maximum there. Hence, an ideal observing schedule
would include observations made at a phase ang?>e of 90 when the comet's
v = + 90°, as well as observations made at phase angles of 0 , 180 when the
comet is at perihelion (v = 0°). In a sense, this ideal observing schedule would
allow a direct "view" of the largest radial and transverse error components.
In addition to observations made at optimum phase angles, the observer-comet
distance (range) at the time of the observation is important in reducing a
comet's ephemeris uncertainty. For a particular angular position error, the
linear position error perpendicular to the line-of-sight is directly proportional
to the range. Also, as the range decreases, the relative parallactic displace-
ment increases; in general, the accuracy of a cometary orbit will be
enhanced if the relative Earth-comet motion is large.
Figure 1 clearly shows the excellent observability of comet Encke during its
1980 apparition. Comet Encke will be easily visible to Earth based observers
for approximately four months prior to perihelion. From July through October
(positions 1 - 4 on figure 1), the comet's range decreases from 2.4 to 0.3 A. U.
The minimum range is 0.28 A. U. on October 29, 1980 when the relative Earthcomet
motion is large. The late October observations are made at a
phase angle nearv90 . Since the true anomaly at this time is approximately
-90 , the radial component of the comet's error ellipsoid is aligned nearly
perpendicular to the line-of-sight. Hence the late October and early November
observations are critical for minimizing the radial position error of comet
Encke in 1980.
2. The target comet should have a good observational history.
Accurate orbit determination is dependent upon the number, quality and
distribution of observations. The most accurate orbits are computed using
consistent observations spread uniformly over a large range of a comet's
true anomaly. An accurate determination of a comet's mean motion and
nongravitational parameters requires a linkage of at least three apparitions.
The resultant "observed minus computed" residuals in the'right ascension
and declination provide an indication of an orbit's accuracy. In general, the
time intervals used in orbit determination are long enough to accurately
determine the nongravitational parameters and short enough so that the
unmodeled time dependence in the nongravitational accelerations cannot
degrade the residuals. An orbit is considered successful only if there are
no systematic trends in the residuals. Although the mean of the absolute
values of the residuals is usually somewhat higher for the right ascension,
they are close enough so that the measurement errors in right ascension and
. U
l (
O u
. u
O c
o e
] z
i O O o. a. a.
o f» r
-»- Wco^>0s) a>H
rt ioo
Q t-
O ^ U)
declination can be considered equal. These residuals are primarily due to
position errors in the comparison stars, deviations of the comet's center of
light from its center of mass, and modeling errors in the nongravitational
accelerations. For twentieth century observations of periodic comets, the
means of the absolute values of the residuals range from one to four arc
Among short period comets, the observational history of comet Encke is
unexcelled. Since 1819, comet Encke has only been missed at one apparition
(1944). It is the only short period comet passing within the Earth's orbit
that has been seen at aphelion (Roemer, 1972). Marsden and Sekanina
(1974) have analyzed the orbital motion of comet Encke from its discovery in
1786 until 1971. Differential corrections were generally made over 13 year
intervals and, for recent apparitions, the means of the absolute values of the
residuals were in the range 1.5-3 arc seconds.
A statistical covariance error analysis was undertaken to determine the evolution
of comet Encke's error ellipsoid during the 1980 apparition. The computer
program took into account planetary perturbations and considered the errors
inherent in the values for the nongravitational parameters and initial conditions.
The partial derivatives utilized in the conditional equations matrices and the
state transition matrices were computed numerically.
Marsden and Sekanina (1974) have shown that five apparitions of comet Encke can
be linked before the secular decrease in the nongravitational parameters begins
to degrade the residuals. For the present analysis, the 5 returns to perihelion
(1967-1980) are represented by forty actual observations from August 2, 1967
through October 24, 1973 and by 28 additional, postulated observations from
October 24, 1973 through November 16, 1980. One observation was processed at
each of the 1978 and 1979 opposition dates and the 1980 recovery of the comet was
assumed to occur on July 9. The postulated observation schedule was determined
after considering the relative Sun-Earth-comet positions, the available hours of
dark observing time as well as the apparent nuclear and total magnitudes for
various dates.
The error analysis was initialized in 1967 and the initial a priori 8x8 covariance
matrix was essentially infinite. Each set of observations was batch processed
and the updated covariance was propagated forward in time via the state transition
matrix to the date of each observation. The time history of the comet's
error ellipsoid is presented in Table 1. The first column represents the dates in 1980
Table 1
Error Ellipse Components for Comet Encke (1980)
July 9
Aug. 8
Sept. 7
Oct. 7
Nov. 6
Dec. 6
Jan. 5
A priori errors*
(in km)
1980 observations
(in km)
A (a.u.) r
9 (deg.)
Comet recovered
true anomaly = -90°
on Nov. 15
last comet observation
perihelion on Dec. 6.6
true anomaly = +90°
on Dec. 27
*A priori, one-sigma errors (km) in the radial, normal and transverse directions. Last observation processed was
mid-September, 1979.
**Evolution of one-sigma errors (km) if one ground based observation is processed at 10 day intervals from July 9
to November 16. Measurement noise = 3 arc seconds.
on which one simulated ground based observation was made. The next six columns
represent the l-<7 -="" .="" 0="" 0t3183cq="" 1-="" 1-a="" 155="" 16="" 186="" 1937-1973="" 1967-1979.="" 1978="" 1979="" 1980.="" 1980="" 1="" 2-12="" 2-6="" 249="" 2="" 359="" 3="" 416="" 5-day="" 5="" 660="" 6="" 6th="" 7="" 989="" 990="" 9="" _="" a.="" a="" able="" absence="" activity="" actual="" agree="" aligned="" all="" although="" an="" analysis.="" analysis="" analyze="" and="" angle="" any="" apparition="" apparitions="" appropriate="" arc="" are="" as="" ascension="" assumed="" assumes="" assumptions.="" at="" attempt="" based="" be="" becomes="" been="" being="" between="" boain="" both="" by="" bynes="" c-="" c="" can="" carried="" case="" cases="" check="" checks="" cn="" cncnrh="" cncocni="" cnrhcn="" cocg="" column="" columns="" comet="" comets.="" comparable="" compare="" component="" components="" conditional="" consistent="" contribute="" coocncrh-="" correction="" corrections.="" covariance="" cr="3" cross="" current="" d="" december="" declination.="" define="" defined="" degrees.="" denotes="" determinations="" determined="" diagonal.="" differential="" direction="" distance="" distances="" due="" during="" dynamically="" each="" earth-comet="" earth="" effect="" effort="" elements="" ellipsoid.="" encke.="" encke="" entries="" ephemeris="" equal="" equation="" error="" errors.="" errors="" evolve="" ewj="" example="" exclusion="" f="" fact="" few="" final="" first="" five="" for="" forward="" from="" further="" g="" give="" given="" good="" ground="" h10="" h="" has="" have="" headed="" high="" higher="" however="" hypothesized="" i-="" i0cd="" i="" if="" importance="" in="" interval.="" interval="" intervals="" is="" it="" its="" july="" km.="" km="" less="" line="" linear="" m="" made.="" made="" magnitudes="" marsden="" matrix="" mean="" most="" motion="" multiply="" n="" negligible="" nongravitational="" nonzero="" normal="" november="" nuclear="" o="" observation="" observational="" observations.="" observations="" observed="" obtain="" obtained="" october="" of="" on="" one="" only="" opposition="" or="" orbit.="" orbit="" orbital="" orbits="" osi="" other="" out="" outlined="" over="" p="" parameters="" part="" particular="" passage="" past="" perihelion="" period="" plane="" position="" preceeding="" predicted="" present="" primarily="" principal="" priori="" processing="" product="" propagation="" proximity="" prudent="" q="" r="" radial="" recovery="" reduced="" reduces="" reduction="" reflect="" relatively="" represent="" represents="" residuals="" respect="" results="" right="" rigorous="" s="" same="" second="" seconds.="" seconds="" section="" seems="" sekanina="" separate="" short="" simplified="" simulated="" somewhat="" statistical="" strongly="" sun-comet="" sun-earth-comet="" t="" table="" tables="" taking="" than="" that="" the="" their="" themselves="" these="" this="" those="" thus="" time="" times="" to="" transverse="" two="" u.="" uncertainty.="" uncorrelated.="" underlying="" underscore="" undertaken="" unit="" upon="" used="" using="" value="" various="" vectors="" was="" weighting="" wf="" which="" while="" with="" within="" x="" y="">SOj.
1-5 t". 1&•a^
en* COcnCO
CMo" C3csn00
cnScnowininain" 1—t-COCOrH
CvJ c-icnCDrH
CO* CMaooCOenincn^COCOcnrHCMCMcCOcncncnCOCO•^in; cn
CMinrHCO0t-rH* cnmrHienCD"*
CD" omooen
COcnocnenCMCMomcnoCOenOSt>t-CML—(M* cino0n
inin*cnmicncoc- CMmrHcnenCOrHcnCOCOcoto
' CoOCOcn05
to" cnrHcnCO
Hcncnmt-i enti-HrHcnoocnCO^_inin
C§OCI CrHoO1^«>00CMOcnst>0OS00CMcnCO
fl S
w r. o Ss1I•3o
C ^
> C
o 0
H Q ^ b
2 < ^•u
- C en d en i> S -g rH ^ rHt—
•^ »
m & en 3 rH rg s I" St
4 > cn o
M £ CO -+J 8s
ir-§rH0COTf rHoCOcnoCOCOCOoo00en0COCOooo00COoCOCOCOrH
f^ ^ «- i^
o i t « r^ 0) o>
Z u oi r- o> r» in
§ 18 I 5 I 5 r- •- O O CO i- tCM
25• o
= o
(E 9 |fl (0 0> o
?• r-
r- •- O O CO i- «-
u u
u u
uj g r
> o io
.j c
CD Hi ^
tr « G 3 -
a o G 3 -
4460 4470 4480 4490
t—ASCENDING NODE (8-28-80)
FIG. 2 - Spacecraft Velocity Relative to
P/Encke (Flyby Velocity)
4570 -
ANGLE, deg
4470 4480 4490
t— ASCENDING NODE (8-28-80)
FIG. 3 - Crossing-Angle vs. Launch Date and
R(AU) at Intercept
(3) the encounter geometry which determines the regions of the comet
traversed by the spacecraft (the crossing-angle is eero at 0.53 AU), and
(4) launch vehicle delivery characteristics and budgetary considertions
(spacecraft orbits for cometary intercepts smaller than ~ 0.53 AU
require the very expensive Titan-Centaur launch vehicle whereas
intercepts at R ~ .53 AU can be achieved using the relatively less
expensive Atlas-Centaur launch vehicle). The nominal values
of specific mission parameters such as heliocentric distance at the
time of intercept (R), earth-comet distance at intercept (A), relative
flyby velocity, etc. are shown in Table I. The achievable miss distances
(impact parameters, to the atomic physicists) will be discussed later.
The spacecraft trajectories with respect to the sun-comet line are
shown in Fig. 4. The crossing-geometries at closest approach are quite
different for the perihelion intercept (P+2), where the crossing -angle
is in the range 70° - 90°, and for the P-15 and P-30 intercepts where
the crossing-angle is < 20 . Also, the trajectory at P+2 has a curious
'fish-hook1 shape which allows two bow-shock crossings and two traversals
of the coma. However, a separate probe would be required for making
measurements in the tail. The tail-probe could be launched on the
same rocket with the coma-probe and would follow a trajectory similar
to that of the coma probe but displaced tail-ward from the nucleus
by as much as several tens of thousands of kilometers. The crossing
of the tail at high angles suggests that filaments will be traversed
in times short compared with temporal variations in the comet's activity
so that spatial-temporal effects could be separated. The geometry at
closest approach for such an intercept is shown in Fig. 5. The opportunity
for simultaneous correlative measurements during cometary
FIG. 5 - Crossing Geometry on the Perihelion
PS l> PS
* Q 0
* P < S5
^v pq /^ O <
\ CO CO J l-i
CN \ < O
^x ^ S >H S S
tDW&wmSS& o
OfH^S-^^HX-'WC O
-^- < ^x CO _} K rH
BJ P < 0 PH H S
• S M s ^ «> <1 04="" c="" id="" qj="" r="" rl="" s="">H
rH •«-•
« «
5 •*
^d) " SH
M "
« £ *J 3
M-l "
at r*
« 7,
•3 -^
1 S
ft c^ J— 1
* *
encounter and also in the interplanetary cruise mode is obvious. On
the other hand, during either the P-15 or P-30 intercept missions both
coma and tail would be traversed by a single spacecraft. The thermal
environment (insolation) is less severe at these greater heliocentric
distances, but the comet's activity is reduced and the relative spacecraft
velocity is larger, affording less measurement time.
The targeting strategy is affected to some extent by the need to
pass on the sunward side of the nucleus to ensure good quality images
(Fig. 6). The spacecraft may be targeted on the nucleus (case B) for
the P-15 and P-30 intercepts, but it should be targeted sunward of the
nucleus in the P+2 mission (case C). If the estimated impact hazard
from dust particles were to demonstrate the existence of an 'exclusionzone'
which the spacecraft should not enter, the targeting strategy
would be as shown in case A.
Median miss distances were determined from the three-standarddeviation
(3-a) error ellipses by calculating the probability density
lying between R and R + dR, i.e. P(R)dR in Fig. 6. The starting point
was the set of a-priori ephemeris errors (Yeomans ) which are unusually
small because the non-gravitational effects on Encke's motion (particularly
A.) are quite small (Fig. 7). The a-priori ephemeris errors for 1980
were improved by assuming ground-based observations prior to launch
and before intercept. The (3-a) targeting error ellipses were then
calculated and the median miss distances were determined for various
combinations of targeting strategies, and for the absence or presence
of on-board navigation (Table II). The median miss distances (3-cr)
were found to be ~100 Km with successful on-board navigation
and ~ 500 Km without it, assuming no exclusion zone.
ZONE OF RADIUS R£z . Re» 0.34;0.53; O.8 AU
P(R)d R
3 0.17 Km. Other estimates can be derived from the observed1
2 12
near-aphelion values of pR which range from 0.7 to 0.2. Extreme estimates
for the albedo (0.6-0.03) yield 0.6 ^ R ~ 4.8 Km, while nominal albedos
of ~ 0.1 -* 0.2 yield R ~ 2 Km. For the purpose of assessing the quality
of images returned by the imaging experiment we take as our fourth model
R = 1 Km. (5)
Marsden's recommended nuclear magnitude law was adopted, which implicitly
assumes an asteroidal phase law for the nuclear albedo, i.e.
N = 16.0 + 5 logA + 5 logR + .03 3, (6)
where (3 is the phase angle (sun-nucleus-observer). The dust distrii
bution'was modelled after-Finson-Probstein but an upper limit cutoff of
~ 1 cm diameter in the size distribution was introduced based upon the
maximum gas flow rates at perihelion. The baseline physical activity
model is summarized in Table III.
Neutral mass spectrometers of the electron-impact-ionizer class can
be divided into two types depending on whether the molecules to be studied
are allowed to impact on surfaces in the ionizer region. In the so-called
'fly-through mass spectrometer1 the gas streams through the ionizing region
and on into the analyzing region without experiencing wall collisions which
(at the relatively high impact velocities ~ 8 Km/sec) could dissociate and
modify the neutral parent molecules. In the so-called 'stagnation
£__ ww) JH5O
ft \Sj0j1—^o;gQw 1 C£O5w
OVI oooS
VI WHH ^ • EH CO H-1 CO55
. . Q O CO
t^ o
o <: .="" 0="" 4="" 55="" co="" em="" en="" i="" o="" os="" qd="" rh=""> H OS < S O O O l> CO • J O h J -C O
J 0 <
m E-
< j
- -)- <; pq
B + Q <3 -="" 3="" 8="" g="" i="" ih="" o="" s="" w=""> ^ tJ O J co O O iJ H sj m in c*» ptn p5 i/^ c*Q + + O CO sT + IH co S o c o w 01 X J Is* tD • O 55
H 0
0 rH C
* . .
° I
l V
A O O O O i-
3 ^
3 ^J ^^ "
5 S S S O
S 5
5 E
H Qf 0
• 0 • • •
C^QOS55i— i O0mCQHHiS5555i— i pn555s0PwP005i— i
Q^i— i OSCO
mass spectrometer1, the neutral gases ram into a chamber, collide with
walls (becoming thermalized in the process), and eventually effuse out
of an orifice. The density in the chamber is higher than the external
density by the ratio V /V , 1 or by ~ 20 -» 65 for the missions cono
(_* t n 6 irmd Jsidered
here and the instrumental sensitivity is enhanced accordingly.
However some of the parent molecules are likely to dissociate on impacting
the wall surfaces since their kinetic energies exceed their
bond dissociation limits. Furthermore, it is impossible to separate the
ion signals due to parent molecules from those due to outgassing of the
spacecraft materials or from dissociated fragments resulting from wall
collisions. The fly-through mass spectrometer does not experience these
problems but it has lower sensitivity. The state-of-the-art sensitivity
(E) for a Nier-type instrument is ~ 1 ion count/sec per 1000 neutral
parent molecules/cm (A.O. Nier, private communication). The instantaneous
counting rate (dN/dt) on a particular mass peak would be
- -
where n. is the local number density for the ith parent molecular
species. If the fraction of time spent on the ith mass peak is G(7»),
the duty cycle, and the spacecraft velocity relative to the comet is
Vc , then the counting rate per unit kilometer of flight path is:
dN _ dN dt_ _
dl dt dl " V
The fly-by geometry during close approach is shown in Fig. 10. The
integrated number of ion counts in going from L- to L_ can be written
(combining eqn. 8 and eqn. 3)
+D V/2/v T R2
] 2 2 -1 221/ 2
1r = , 2 °— - ci(L2
2) WW+D
+D )
M_ /f|
— = UH.L, -i-ij „
V V m
2 Q(R)exp[~C2(L2
J a2
- °»2>
) i
NL,R ' F(D'
R> V Tl' V*
This calculation was carried out for the various combinations of physical
data shown in Table IV, resulting in a total of 48 possible cases.
The initial value of L.. for each case was 32,000 Km. The integration
was performed until the error in the number of ion counts (N ) equalled
AD/D. An 'x' was plotted in the center of the first interval, and the
procedure was begun again at L_ . The first measurement to fall below
— 1/2
10% statistical error (72 N ) is marked with. .a vertical line, and the
error of the measurement at closest approach is given (Fig. 11). The
curves shown in Fig. 11 are for intercepts at R = 0.34 AU, 0.53 AU, and
0.80 AU reading from top to bottom. These curves show what can be reasonably
expected for measurements of H20 assuming no exclusion zone,
improvement of targeting using on-board navigation, a duty cycle of 1007o
and a lifetime for H»0 of 20 hours at 1 AU. The absence of on-board
navigation and introduction of an exclusion zone would increase the miss
Fig. 10 - Flyby Geometry at Encounter
VT TI =7E4 km
LOG D (km)
FIG. 11 - Neutral Mass Spectrometer
Results: H_O
0.34 AU
Cl: QR 0 1.26E8
1% Q 1.26E6
C2: TJ_ = 7E4 sec 1.23E-4
TI = 3.5E3 sec 2.46E-3
D (Km) : R = 0, with OBN 95
in ctCi
REZ = 0, without OBN 510
R = 400 Km, with OBN 471
R,,,, = 400 Km, without OBN 865
0.53 AU
0.80 AU
distances to ~ 1000 Km. If the densities were to fall well below the
point source model within 1000 Km of the nucleus, i.e. within a hypothetical
icy halo, the existence of same could be verified in the
former cases. On the perihelion encounter, the curvature of the
density profiles at large distances would also be measureable and
the lifetime (scale-length) of H-O could be determined.
The expected measurements of H_0 at 170 duty cycle (or of a trace
molecule with 1% abundance relative to H_0 and a 1007o duty cycle measurement)
are shown in Fig. 12. This "best case" assumes that on-board
navigation is available and that there is no exclusion zone. The
flyby distances are then ~ 100 Km but only the perihelion intercept
gives reasonable assurance of measuring the trace molecules before
entering a hyopthetical icy halo.
From this study, we conclude that the density profiles of H.O can
be measured with high precision over a significant range of distances
within the coma on all three missions, but that only the perihelion
encounter will enable a determination of the lifetime of the H?0
molecule. Measurements of trace molecules with 1% abundance relative
to H^0 will be possible only on the perihelion encounter. These results
are based on best estimates of real instrumental sensitivities, well
modelled flyby distances, and a reasonable physical activity model for
Comet Encke. They show that the neutral mass spectrometer science
return is best at perihelion, as intuitively expected.
A detailed study of the quality of television images of the nucleus
has been carried out by T. Thorpe (JPL) for the Encke Panel. The baseline
d L
i%QH 2 o
VT T, = 7E4 km
LOG D ( km)
FIG. 12 - Neutral Mass Spectrometer
Results: Trace Molecules
model already discussed was used together with the sensitivity data
for the Mariner 10 vidicon camera to estimate exposure times, smear
rates, linear dimensions of one picture element (pixel) for various
frames, number of pictures returned, and the time in days-beforeencounter
for the first resolution of the nucleus. The assumed nuclear
brightness law (eqn. 6) affects the apparent nuclear brightness, as seen
by the spacecraft, through the heliocentric distance (as R ), through
the nucleus-spacecraft distance (A), and through the phase angle (|3).
The phase angle is nearly equal to ninety degrees for the intercepts at
0.8 AU and 0.53 AU but can be chosen to be nearly zero degrees for the
perihelion encounter (see Fig» 4 and Fig. 6)» Thus the apparent nuclear
brightness is nearly 2.7 magnitudes brighter for the perihelion encounter
on the basis of the phase angle alone. The R factor makes the magnitude
at 0.34 AU another 1.86 magnitudes brighter than at 0.8 AU, for an
overall apparent brightness improvement of 4.56 magnitudes, or a factor
of 66. Shorter exposure times may be used on the perihelion encounter,
leading to reduced image smear from spacecraft motion during the exposure.
Also, the smear is further reduced at perihelion because the
spacecraft relative velocity is smaller by a factor of three (8.6/26).
Thus image smear introduced by spacecraft motion is reduced by a factor
of nearly 200 on the perihelion encounter compared with the 0.8 AU encounter.
This also means that for a fixed exposure time, the smear
on the perihelion encounter images would be three times smaller but
the signal-to-noise ratio would be 66 times greater than on the 0.8 AU
encounter. The results of the imaging study are shown in Table V.
> p
3 [V]
a<; o H 5»—H0TrMe>M5
Cs] Ed
. i 2
M H H <
P-i O 0 M^> o < 3 35j hJ O O E— '
i-i <
o >li
S^~^ t^ H <
P-i o O M£> O -rf s 2
! 0
J f— 1 O t~* M < H O PM M O >H
S-*^ ^61Pi
P- <^£5°HWi cyuCO 00 v
O v
m C
cyu0] CO C
m C
cyu01 CM —
1 •
3 C
l C
1 -
C 0
y C
Al I— 1
r^i— i
CTo\ i— 1 COOi 1— 1
- i—